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Online Learning Journal

Comprehension Activity Template

Name: Nick Zhang

Course/Block: French 8/ Block 1
Date: April 16th, 2020
Resource Link:

Part 3: True or False

True: There was once a Papa bear, a Mama bear, and a little bear.
False: Near the huge forest, there was a little kid called: John.
True: Goldilocks was a naughty little girl as she creeped into the three bears
house without permission.
False: She saw four bowls of porridge.
True: She drank the first bowl and said, “Ahh, it’s too hot!”
False: When drinking the fourth bowl she said, “Ahh, it’s too spicy!”
True: Little bears porridge was not too hot nor too cold to Goldilocks taste.
(Skip the chair stuff and the bed stuff because it’s like the bowl thing and takes
too much time)
False: Goldilocks then felt very energetic and ran around the house flailing her
arms like crazy.
True: When the bear family came back home, all three of the families found their
porridge finished, chairs sat on and beds slept in!
False: Finally, when the bear family found Goldilocks sleeping in little bears bed
and adopted her!
Online Learning Journal
Comprehension Activity Template

Name: Nick Zhang

Course/Block: French 8/ Block 1
Date: April 18th, 2020
Resource Link:

Part 4: In my Opinion
There is a chicken called Chicken little who lives in a normal house living a
normal life, when one day, while eating breakfast and reading the news, he reads
an article saying, “The Sky is Falling!” After reading this article, Chicken little e-
mails his one-thousand best friends and then runs outside to warn other animals.
He first comes across Pauline the hen and warns her about how the sky is
going to fall! Pauline asks how he knows this as he responds, “I read it from the
news!” Then, together they ran down the road towards the pond when they meet
Carine the duck. Carine asks, “What’s wrong?” Chicken little and Pauline warn her
about how the sky is falling and says they know about it from the internet and so
Carine believes its true! Together they then come across Louise the goose reading
poems to Roger the duck! Chicken little, Pauline the hen and Carine the duck all
informs Roger and Louise about the sky going to fall and that they know about
this because the internet said so. Then, all five animals find Gerard the Fox and
tell him about how the sky is falling! But Gerard tells them to follow him to his
house where it’s extremely safe!
The next morning when Chicken little wakes up, he finds out that Pauline,
Carine, Louise and Roger have all gone missing and Gerard too but Gerard actually
ate Chicken littles friends and has is satisfied with his big belly and is writing a new
article about stupid animals!

French Opinion:
Dans mon avis, cette histoire est très répétitif et est très utile juste comme,
Boucle d’or! Dans cette histoire, il y a petite repetitif des choses comme: LE CIEL
EST EN TRAINDE TOMBER! Ou Pourquoi as-tu si peur? Il y a egalement mots nous
appris avant comme renard ou poule.

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