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Drug Abuse In High School and College

Written By Ifedayo
What are drugs? Well drugs can come in many different shapes and forms, it can be
supplied in a plant or chemical form.There’s also drugs that can be prescribed to you or
another person to benefit your health. Abusing these medications can be as lethal as a
regular drug. These plant based or chemical based drugs cause the person who may be
taking in this subsistence a high. The feeling of this high is told as something as an out
of your body experience that you wish you could form words but it's easier to experience
yourself but it always comes with a price. The price of a lifetime no matter how easy you
may think it is to get off of this subsistence you always will be trapped back into the
Drugs have made their way into what is considered the normal of society, it has
become so known especially on social media and with people known as celebrities
publicly putting it all around. Many people nowadays find their comfort in the different
types of chemicals and plants to receive that high feeling. In my generation alone it has
made a name and popularity in highschool or college. The most popular drugs being
taken in by students of high school or college is marijuana and nicotine.

Students go through their elementary school years participating in red ribbon week
and saying no to a various collection of drugs that was taught can be very harmful to
your body. When you get older and actually get around the products it becomes
something you're used to hearing your friends do or even experiencing it happen right in
front of your eyes. The main reason some students fall into this lifestyle is because a
peer or family member may do this around them. The curiosity of how it may feel or help
you cope with many different problems mentally allows the mind to wonder and finally
fall for the trap. Peer Pressure, this is caused when someone very close to you
pressures you into trying something for the first time.

A promise that you can easily get off of this drug if you don't like it, they said that one
time won't hurt you but it soon turns into a daily routine in your life. In High School or
College students who started smoking at very young ages can even say they saw a
friend or someone close to them do it and wanted to try it to fit in with the crowd. There
are other reasons also to just want to try it, such as there are many kids who do it to
escape the feeling of their overwhelming sadness that they feel is so unbearable to
The overload of happiness or just not caring causes them to fall for this to be the main
source of stress relief or a coping mechanism. There are some drugs that allow you to
focus that are very popular in college. Students who major in harder career paths are
bound to never get enough sleep due to an overload of work needing to be finished or
studying to go over late at night. Soon coffee is your first option but it never becomes
enough to stay awake late hours so they turn to the only other reliable source, which
would be pills prescribed to people who may need them but sold to others for income.

Nicotine has become the bestfriend of any age, the way a person cannot physically
function without this device.They soon start to spend more and more money on the
electric device to satisfy the craving for nicotine. Money is a big factor when it comes to
the selling process. It can be sold by other students or people who do not go to school.
They make a living out of something that can be sold for easy, things that people can
get addicted to allowing the constant loyal “customers” for these dealers.

The easy lifestyle itself becomes addicting to the person who may sell and they start to
experiment with the drugs causing them to be more dangerous than already to the
person consuming them. They start to advance in how the substance is presented, for
example there’s a version of marijuana that instead of eating you can in fact consume it
in a form of candy or regular food. The name for it is edibles and has also made its way
into the public, many people consume this drug infused treat if they don’t want to smoke
due to some cons of after the smoke.
Some of the cons after smoking could be the long term of your lips starting to darken
and lose their natural pink color, another could be the smell after smoking sticks with
you if the product you buy is strong in smell. There’s some students in highschool who
don’t want to smell like marijuana in the possibility they can easily get spotted by
assistant principals or any adult in the building. Older people kind of lose that fear and
may just prefer not to smoke but enjoy the feeling received without having to inhale
Drug abuse has become a serious problem with high school students and college
students, maybe their reason isn’t because they wanted to fit in with the crowd or to
help cope with any problems they may be going through. The abuse insured is
something that can easily take your life from you for good. The feeling that makes you
feel out of this world will only bring you to a shorter time to live, and that doesn’t just
mean death but to miss out on living because of a substance that you feel is needed in
order to go about life.

I hope with this information I have provided you can allow you to hear the importance of
where I stand. You must understand the risks you are taking with your life when you
sign the contract of a lifetime.

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