Chose Any One, Upar Vala Is 360 Words, Neeche Vala 320)

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In an organisation like Etisalat while there lies a lot of areas which can be used for the

management of conflicts and finding it's resolutions. There also lies problems or challenges
to conflict resolutions and these challenges are well diversified, and also come with drastic
effects. Some of the challenges or barriers that come in play in conflict resolution include –

1. Defensive behaviour by the people:- when in the middle of any conflict people tend to put
on a defensive mode, which causes even more problem to the resolution and in turn
worsens the situation in hand and is considered as one of the biggest and toughest
challenges that can be faced by any business organisation with respect to conflict

2. Avoiding important topics and making them sound unimportant:- this is another barrier
to conflict management and must be dealt with utmost care and responsibility. It is very
important to accept and understand the importance of any topic of concern and to also
accept the fact that something which is not important for one person may play a very major
role for the other person and hence no topic must he regarded as unimportant.

3. Avoiding facts and jumping to conclusions:- while conflict management if people tend to
jump to conclusions, they end up fighting more and more. It is always important to listen to
both sides of the story and not assume things before-hand.

4. Not being a good listener:- people tend to state what they feel and then also start poking
others why they are wrong when they put forward their points, without even listening to
them carefully. This often leads to increased conflicts.

5. No empathy for fellow mates:- when people tend to lose the sense of empathy for others,
conflict management becomes more tough and tiring. So, it must be ensured that everyone
is equally empathetic to others.

6. Not staying calm and jumping to conclusions:- when resolving any conflict, it is very
important to ensure calmness as one can move forward to a resolution only when they are
in a calm phase and not raising their voices of making the situation worst.


There are numerous places in an organisation like Etisalat where conflicts can be managed
and their resolutions found. Conflict resolution also faces difficulties, and these difficulties
range widely in nature and can have serious consequences. 

1. One of the biggest and most difficult challenges that can be faced by any business
organisation with regard to conflict management is the tendency of people to act
defensively when in the midst of a conflict. This causes even more problems for the
resolution and subsequently worsens the situation in question.
2. Making vital things seem minor by avoiding them: This is another issue that hinders
effective dispute resolution and must be handled with the highest care and
responsibility. No topic should be viewed as trivial since it is crucial to embrace and
comprehend the significance of any issue at hand as well as the reality that what
may not seem significant to one person may be really significant to another.

3. Avoiding facts and drawing conclusions: When it comes to conflict resolution, those
who have a tendency to draw conclusions end up arguing more and more. It's crucial
to hear both sides of a story and avoid making assumptions up front.

4. Not paying close attention when others are speaking: People frequently express
their opinions without giving them a complete hearing before pointing out where
they are mistaken. Conflicts often get worse as a result of this.

5. Lack of empathy for co-workers: Conflict resolution becomes harder and more taxing
when people tend to lose their empathy for others. Therefore, it is important to
make sure that everyone has the same level of empathy.

6. Losing composure and making snap judgments: When settling any argument, it is
crucial to maintain composure since only when one is in a calm state and not raising
their voices or making the issue worse can one go ahead to a resolution.

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