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In order to create a 3D map of the environment, spatial mapping or 3D reconstruction is

widely used. It has been highly useful for realistic blending of the virtual and the real
world along with motion planning and collision avoidance.

To create 3D maps of what is seen, the surroundings are continuously scanned by the
ZED. The new elements in the scene are captured and the data is transmitted to the
device which in turn updates the map. A quick reconstruction of 3D maps of large
outdoor and indoor areas can be reconstructed since the camera has a higher range
when compared to the conventional RGB-D sensors. The World Frame, a fixed reference
coordinate frame is used for saving the mapping data. In case the Area file and Area
Memory is enabled during initial stages, maps can be loaded again and again and it
always appears in the same locations.

There are particularly two types of spatial maps which are either a fused point cloud or a
Mesh. Mesh is generally a set of watertight triangles defined by faces and vertices and
generally represents geometry of scene by surface. On the other hand, a fused point
cloud represents the geometry of scene by using coloured 3D points. A number of
spacial mapping parameters are also used such as mapping resolution, mapping range,
mesh filtering and mesh texturing.

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