Vanilla Socks - Dec 23 2019

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Vanilla Socks 
Suzanne Sjögren 



Recommended Yarns: B ​ ugbear Woolens Gemstone Sock Yarn 75% superwash merino, 
25% nylon, 463 yards (401 meters) / 100 grams. 
Needles Size:​ 1/ 2.25 mm, your choice of dpns, two circulars, or one long circular to work 
in the rnd. Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge. 
Notions:​ Stitch markers (optional), cable needle (optional), tapestry needle. 
Gauge: ​ 32 sts, 44 rnds = 4 inches (10 cm) over St st in the rnd. 
Size:​ Women's small (medium, large), to fit 7 (8, 9) inches/18 (20, 23) cm foot 
circumference; foot length is adjustable. Socks shown measure 9". 
Stitch Glossary 
k - knit. 
p - purl. 
s1 - with the working yarn in back, insert the right needle into the next stitch as if to purl 
and transfer the stitch from the left needle to the right. 
k2tog - knit 2 stitches together. 
p2tog - purl 2 stitches together. 
ssk - slip 2 stitches knitwise, then knit slipped stitches together. 

Cast on 
CO 56 (64, 72) sts using a stretchy cast on, for example german twisted cast on, and begin 
working in the round using a preferred method of small diameter knitting. 

Work cuff in 2x2 rib (k2, p2) for 16 rnds. (1.50 inch/3.8 cm) from cast on edge) End at the 
beg of rnd.  

Work in stockinette stitch in the rnd, in the desired size until the socks measure 7 (8, 9) 
inches/18 (20, 23) cm total from the cast on edge, or until desired length.   

Heel Flap with Slip Stitch 

The heel flap is worked back and forth just on the heel sts. Slip heel sts onto needle shaft 
[the first 28, 32, 36 sts are the heel sts]. The remaining sts will not be worked during the 
heel flap or heel turn. 
With RS facing, work back and forth as follows: 
Row 1:​ *Sl 1 purlwise, k1. Repeat from * to end. 
Row 2:​ Sl 1 purlwise, p to end. 
Repeat these 2 rows until 28 (32, 36) rows are complete.  

Suzanne Sjögren - 
+46 704568832 
December 16, 2019 

Heel Flap with Eye of Partridge Stitch: 

The heel flap is worked back and forth just on the heel sts. Slip heel sts onto needle shaft. 
[the first 28, 32, 36 sts are the heel sts]. The remaining sts will not be worked during the 
heel flap or heel turn. 
With RS facing, work back and forth as follows: 
Row 1:​ *Sl 1 purlwise, k1. Repeat from * to end. 
Row 2: S ​ l 1 purlwise, p to end. 
Row 3: ​ Sl 1, *Sl1, k1. Repeat from *. End k2. 
Row 4:​ Repeat Rw 2. 
Repeat these 4 rows until 28 (32, 36) rows are complete. 

Heel Turn 
Note: Sl 1 = slip 1 purlwise 
Row 1:​ (RS) Sl 1, K 16 (18, 20), ssk, k1. Turn. 
Row 2: (​ WS) Sl 1, p 7 (7, 7), p2tog, p1. Turn. 
Row 3: (​ RS) Sl 1, k 8 (8, 8), ssk, k1. Turn. 
Row 4: (​ WS) Sl 1, p 9 (9, 9), p2tog, p1. Turn.  
Row 5: (​ RS) Sl 1, k 10 (10, 10), ssk, k1. Turn. 
Row 6: (​ WS) Sl 1, p 11 (11, 11), p2tog, p1. Turn.  
Row 7: (​ RS) Sl 1, k 12 (12, 12), ssk, k1. Turn. 
Row 8: (​ WS) Sl 1, p 13 (13, 13), p2tog, p1. Turn.  
Row 9: (​ RS) Sl 1, k 14 (14, 14), ssk, k1. Turn. 
Row 10:​ (WS) Sl 1, p 15 (15, 15), p2tog, p1. Turn. (18 sts rem for size Small) 
Stop here for size Small 
Row 11: (​ RS) Sl 1, k 16, ssk, k1. Turn. 
Row 12: (​ WS) Sl 1, p 17, p2tog, p1. Turn. (20 sts rem for size Medium) 
Stop here for size Medium 
Row 13: (​ RS) Sl 1, k 18, ssk, k1. Turn. 
Row 14: (​ WS) Sl 1, p 19, p2tog, p1. Turn. (22 sts rem for size Large) 

Traditional Heel Gusset 

Work across heel stitches, pick up 14 (16, 18) sts along the side of the heel. 
Pick up a stitch from the row below the first instep st to prevent a hole (total 15 (17, 19). 
Work across instep sts. 
Pick up a st from the row below the first heel st to prevent a hole. Pick up 14 (16, 18) sts 
along the side of the heel (total 15 (17, 19). Work remainder of heel sts. 
Work across instep sts. This is the new beg of rnd.

Suzanne Sjögren - 
+46 704568832 
December 16, 2019 

Traditional Gusset - Shape Gusset 

Rnd 1​: (Dec Rnd) 
Heel: K1, ssk, knit to 3 sts from end. K2tog, k1. 
Instep: Work even. 
Rnd 2​: Work even. 
Repeat Rnds 1 and 2 until there are 56 (64, 72) sts rem. 

Traditional Gusset - Shape Gusset - High Instep 

Rnd 1​: (Dec Rnd) 
Heel: K1, ssk, knit to 3 sts from end. K2tog, k1. 
Instep: Work even. 
Rnd 2​: Work even. 
Rnd 3​: Work even. 
Repeat Rnds 1 -3 until there are 56 (64, 72) sts rem. 

Continue working in stockinette stitch until foot measures 1.5 (1.75, 2) inches/3.8 (4.45, 5) 
cm shorter than the desired length. 

Shape Toe 
Rnd 1 (decrease rnd): 
Sole: K1, ssk, work to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. 
Instep: K1, ssk, work to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1. 
Rnd 2 (plain rnd): Work even. 
Repeat Rnds 1 and 2 until 36 (40, 44) total sts rem.  
Work decrease rnd only until 16 sts rem. [8 instep sts, 8 sole sts] 

Holding needle 1 and needle 2 together, graft sts using Kitchener Stitch. 
Weave in ends. 
Work second sock 

Suzanne Sjögren - 
+46 704568832 
December 16, 2019 

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