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Communism is the ideology use in the several countries that with dark history about it.

All this in
the beginning by philosopher name Karl marx wrote the book called das capital and manifesto.
So the book that he wrote about the politics,economy and social, The purpose are to make
peoples equal on social level so there no rich and poor, also for against capitalism cause
capitalism are make the poor suffering and the rich more better which is not fair to the poor.
Over time the book he wrote will become the ideology of the country in the future. The first
country that had a communist ideology was the Soviet Union.

Capitalism is the ideology that offers people to manage and to control their own resources , by
ensuring that the economy can run without the government intervening. Only rich people can
control their own land. Also when they gain profit from the land automatically the people who
owned the land got the profit. To manage the land the landlord needs laborers to take care of
the land. But the problem with that concept is that the laborers are treated very badly by the
landlord. The labores already worked very hard but they still got a small wage. That creates
social problems by making the poor suffer and the rich better, which is not fair to the poor.That is
the reason Karl Marx wrote in his book.

Because capitalists create social problems, That why several countries adopt the communist as
their ideology and they are really against capitalism. The country that had communist country
was the Soviet Union which had already collapsed today. It Was started by bolshevik an party
with the communist ideology on it coup to the government in that time was Russia lead by
Emperor Nicolas 2. The reason they coup cause Emperor Nicolas 2 doesn't really care much to
his own peoples. He only do activity just for having fun and friends with conglomerates which
make bolshevik hate it. But by the way Bolshevik coup the government with the cruel way by
genocides peoples who supported the government and even they slaughter Emperor Nicholas
2's family.

Overall communist it looks ideal even though the original ideology is too beautiful to be true.
Indeed, when communism was initiated, there was a shortage of communism that would
eliminate the power of the state over the people, instead it would result in the state becoming in
power in all areas that were regulated collectively and that would make the country become
authoritarian. That was really happen to fellow comunist countries that ever existences.

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