A01724602 CoreAct1P

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Health and Society – PC2000

Core Activity – First Stage

Date: 29/1/2023
Full name: Marcelo Leal Saviñón
ID Number: A01724602
Health and Wellness Program
First stage: Assessing your current state of wellbeing and engaging in multicultural dialogue

Part 1. — Generation Global: Health & Wellbeing

1.1 – This section is completed through the Generation Global platform.
Instructions: Log into your Generation Global (https://generation.global/) account and complete the Health & Wellbeing learning
module assigned by your instructor (20-30 mins).
a. Once you complete the module, enter the written dialogue space attached to the topic and share one personal experience
you had about this issue (15 mins).
b. In the dialogue space, post one question and one response to peers who are not in your class (15 mins).

1.2 – This section is completed within this document by each student.

Instructions: With the help of a partner, complete the table below to calculate your dialogue score.

1 2 3
I can give good descriptions, details and explanations when
speaking about my community, my background or things that x 3
are important to me.
I’m able to explain my experiences to someone who is not
x 2
familiar with them.
I’m able to build upon what other people say to help people
x 3
I know how to show people that I’m really listening with body
x 3
I know how to show people that I’m actively listening to them
x 3
rather than just waiting to speak.
I can reflect upon what I’ve heard from other people in order to
x 2
work out what more I would like to know.
I can ask good questions based upon what I’ve heard, to deepen
x 3
my understanding.
I can ask open questions that encourage the speaker to develop
x 3
their explanations.
I can ask questions that look for deeper meaning and help me to
x 3
understand someone else’s perspective.
I’m able to explain how I feel about other peoples’ ideas and
x 2
I’m able to respond with empathy to other peoples’ ideas and
x 3

Health and Society – PC2000
Core Activity – First Stage
I’m able to disagree with someone’s views in a polite and
x 3
respectful way.
I’m able to reflect upon and explain what I’ve learned in talking
x 2
to others.
I can reflect upon and explain the similarities and differences
x 2
between my experiences and someone else’s.
I can identify and explain the way that my own skills and
x 3
attitudes are changed by what I hear.


Adapted from Essentials of Dialogue - Guidance and activities for teaching and practicing dialogue with young people (p. 20)
by the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. (2017).

1.3 – This section is completed within this document by each student.

Instructions: Following the calculation of your dialogue score, write a 500-word individual reflection OR a 3-minute video that answers
the questions below.
a. What was the most interesting thing that I learned? Why?
b. What ideas moved / inspired / surprised me? Why?
c. What questions remain unanswered?
d. In which ways did this lesson contribute to developing my multicultural competence?


Part 2.— Wellness Assessment

1.1 Instructions
Physical Wellbeing
Cardiovascular disorders:
Yes____ No x Specify: ______________________________________________________

Lung and respiratory disorders:

Yes____ No x Specify: ______________________________________________________

Skin disorders:
Yes____ No x Specify: ______________________________________________________

Disorders of the digestive system:

Yes____ No x Specify: ______________________________________________________

Diseases of the urinary system:

Yes____ No x Specify: ______________________________________________________

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

Yes____ No x Specify: ______________________________________________________

Infectious diseases: (For example, Chicken pox, rubeola, measles)

Yes____ No x Specify: ______________________________________________________

Health and Society – PC2000
Core Activity – First Stage
Endocrine, metabolic, and autoimmune disorders (for example, diabetes):
Yes____ No x Specify: _______________________________________________________

Diseases of the nervous system (for example, depression, ADHD, etc.):

Yes____ No x Specify: ______________________________________________________

Family History:

Father: Alive YES ____ No x

Diseases: __________________________________________________________________________

Mother: Alive YES x No____

Diseases: __None_____________________________________________________________

Brothers/Sisters: How many? 2 Alive x

Diseases: _____None___________________________________________________________________

Fill out the following table of two recurrent diseases in the family found on the information provided by the personal medical
history and interviews with parents. Don't forget to research reliable sources (.edu, .gob / .gov, .org, books, scientific journals,

Disease Symptoms Prevention Treatment

Alzheimer's Disorientation, Manage your blood Galantamine,

Change in mood and pressure, quit Rivastigmine and

frequenter confusion smoking and donepezil

maintain good


Lung Cancer Coughing, shortness Avoiding smoking, Surgery, Chemotherapy

of breath and maintain good and Radiation

coughing up blood health and avoid

secondhand smoke

Mental Wellbeing
Mental wellness is a state that involves how you perceive your own capabilities, the way you deal with difficult situations, your
ability to be productive, and the effectiveness with which you regulate your emotions. Practice some self-reflection and research on
reliable sources to answer the following questions as honest as possible.

A. Do you feel capable of identifying your emotions effectively and appropriately? Select one answer.
Health and Society – PC2000
Core Activity – First Stage
• I am almost always capable of correctly identifying the emotion I am feeling.
• Only sometimes I am able of correctly identifying the emotion I am feeling.
• I struggle a lot to correctly identify my emotions.

B. How satisfied are you with your life and current relationships? Select one answer.
• Very satisfied
• Fairly satisfied
• Not satisfied

C. Do you persistently feel stress, anxiety, or depression? Select all the answers that apply to your case.
• I do feel persistent stress.
• I do feel persistent anxiety.
• I do feel persistent depression.
• I don’t feel persistent stress, anxiety, nor depression.

D. Do you currently attend psychotherapy on a regular basis? Select one answer.

• Yes
• No

E. Use a numerical scale from 0 to 10 (where 0 is low and 10 is high) to assess your own level of mental well-being.

Social Wellbeing
Social wellbeing has to do with how your emotions affect your integration into society and how you accept the role you occupy in
it. Respond appropriately to the following questions to assess your social wellbeing.

A. Do you think you express your emotions appropriately? Highlight the sentence that corresponds to your answer.
• I consider myself capable of managing and expressing my emotions effectively.
• I consider myself not capable of managing and expressing my emotions effectively.

B. How do you think your emotions affect your school performance? Select an answer.
• My emotions positively affect my school performance.
• My emotions negatively affect my school performance.
• My emotions don’t have an effect on my school performance.

C. How do you think your emotions affect your integration with social groups and other people around you? (friends, family,
classmates, etc.) Select an answer.
• My emotions positively affect my integration with society.
• My emotions negatively affect my integration with society.
• My emotions don’t have an effect on my integration with society.

D. Use a numerical scale from 0 to 10 (where 0 is low and 10 is high) to assess your own level of social well-being.
Health and Society – PC2000
Core Activity – First Stage

Alzheimer's Association . (2023). ¿Qué es el alzheimer? Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia. Retrieved January 29, 2023, from

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2022, March 22). Cáncer de Pulmón. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved January
29, 2023, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/es-es/diseases-conditions/lung-cancer/symptoms-causes/syc-20374620

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