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Nama : Imam Aldiansah Maulana

Class : 1-MB

NIM : 221211044

PAGE 103-104

Electronic Mail

1. E-mail (electronic mail) uses computers for communication. It has several impor-

tant advantages over phones and regular mail. The main advantage of e-mail is that it

takes very little time to send and receive messages. From your computer, you can

contact someone far away (or in the next office). Seconds later, they have your message.

If they are at their computer, you can get a response instantly, too. Another reason

people like to use e-mail is that for just a few cents you can send a message to someone

in another part of the world. You don't have to worry about the time difference or slow

mail delivery. Your message is sent immediately, and your friends or colleagues can

send a response at their convenience. Lastly, e-mail allows you to send a single message

to many people at the same time.

Main Idea : Advantages of using email

No Signal Words Examples

1 Several Importance advantages
2 The main Email takes very little time to send and
receive messages
3 Another Just a few cents you can send a message to
2. Communicating by e-mail is becoming increasingly popular for many reasons.

First, it is a popular way to send messages among people who do not like to use the

telephone. Second, it is useful for sending suggestions or requests. The person who

receives them has time to think about their response. Also, e-mail messages always

look the same, no matter who sends them. This means you don't have to worry about

the quality of your letter paper. Furthermore, e-mail messages are uniform. They give

no clues to the sender's age, gender, race, or physical condition. In addition, they do

not give away the sender's feelings or emotional condition.

Main Idea : The reason email is becoming popular

No Signal Words Examples

1 First A way to send messages among people
who dont like use the telephone
2 Second Useful for sending suggestions or requests

3. One advertising executive explained why he preferred not to use e-mail. He gave a variety of
reasons for why it was not useful for his business. The main reason was that he had no time to learn
to use the system. Aside from that fact, he disliked e-mail because he felt that it was too impersonal.
In addition, he said it was too fast and easy. He preferred a means of communication that
encouraged a more careful and thoughtful style of work. He felt, too, that you lose a lot of
information with e-mail. Since, you do not hear the sender's voice, you can tell nothing about them
as a person.

Main idea : Reason someone not to use email

No Signal Words Examples

1 A Variety It wasnt useful for advertising executive
2 The main reason He had no time to learn email system
3 In Addition He said it was too fast and too easy
PAGE 106-107

1. Franklin D. Roosevelt, the thirty-second president of the United States, served his country
for most of his life. He was the only president to be elected four times. He was born in Hyde
Park, New York, on January 30. 1882, and he began his studies at Harvard in 1903. In 1905,
he married Eleanor Roosevelt, a distant cousin, and they had six children. After serving in the
New York State Senate, Roosevelt worked in Washington as Secretary of the Navy until
1921. At that time, he became very ill with polio and lost the use of his legs. In 1928,
Roosevelt ran for governor of New York. After serving two terms as governor, he was elected
to the presidency in 1933. Roosevelt died in office on April 12, 1945.

Main Idea : Biography of Franklin D. Roosevelt

No Signal Words Events

1 January 30, 1882 Franklin D. Roosevelt born
2 1903 He began his studies at Harvard
3 1905 He married Eleanor Roosevelt
4 After Serving in the New York State Senate
5 1921 Roosevelt worked in Washington as
Secretary of the Navy
6 At that time He had polio and lost the use of his legs
7 In 1928 Roosevelt become governor of New York
8 After Serving two terms as governor
9 In 1933 He was elected to the presidency
10 April 12, 1945 Roosevelt was passed away.

2. Making orange juice concentrate from fresh oranges is done entirely by machines. First,
oranges are dumped onto a moving belt. They travel into a machine which washes them
with detergent. Next they are rolled into juicing machines, where seven hundred oranges
per minute are split and squeezed. Then the rinds (the skin of the oranges) are thrown out
the end of a long tube. At the same time, the juice goes through small holes in the bottom of
the tube. Next, the juice goes into another machine called the finisher. There, the seeds and
other tiny objects are removed. Last, the juice goes into large tanks, where most of the
water is removed.

Main idea : The steps of making orange juices

No Signal Words Step

1 First Oranges dumped into moving belt
2 Next Oranges rolled into juicing machines
3 Then The skin of the oranges are thrown out the
end of a long tube
4 At the same time The juice goes through small holes in the
bottom of the tube
5 Next The juice goes into finisher
6 Last The juice goes into large tanks
PAGE 114-115

1. Modern Versions of Familiar Machines

The latest kind of vending machine is nothing like the vending machines of thepast. Like the
old machines, the new ones are a quick and convenient way to buy food. But the new
machines have been improved in several important ways. The old machines worked with
coins that were sometimes "swallowed" without providing your food. The new machines,
however, work with plastic cards that can be used many times without error. The food
supplied by the old machines was usually not very good: stale pastries or tasteless
sandwiches. In contrast, the new machines sell all kinds of delicious meals. They may offer
fresh, oven-baked pizza, espresso coffee, or fresh pasta. In general, these new machines sell
more interesting and better-tasting food.

Main idea : The difference of Old Vending Machines and New Vending Machines

No Signal Words Examples

1 Like The new vending machines are quick and
convenient way to buy food
2 But The new machines have been improved in
several important ways
3 However Plastic card that can be used many times
without error
4 In Contrast The new machines sell all kinds of delicious

2. The so-called "portable" computers of just a few years ago were heavy machines. They
weighed about 15 pounds and were really designed to stay in one place. The idea of
traveling with an old "portable" was out of the question. It would not even fit under an
airline seat. Present-day laptop computers, however, are totally different. These "portables"
are really meant to be carried around. They are sometimes even called "notebooks." Unlike
the heavy monsters of the past, the laptop computers weigh only about five pounds. They
can fit easily into a briefcase. In spite of their size, though, they have much more memory
capacity than the older computers. Surprisingly, the laptops also have larger screens than
the older models.

Main idea : The differences between Laptop and Computers

No Signal Words Examples

1 However Laptop computers totally different
2 Unlike Laptop weigh only about five pounds
3. The next big technological change will be the shift from gasoline to electricpowered
automobiles. In some ways, the cars are quite similar. Like gasoline cars, the electric vehicles
provide convenient, private transportation. The interior of the two vehicles is much the
same. Steering, brakes, and wheels are not different. On the other hand, there is a major
difference. Unlike gasoline cars, the electric vehicle is totally silent. In contrast to the sound
of the ignition in a gasoline engine, the sound of starting an electric car is "click." There is no
engine sound, either, in the electric car.

Main Idea : The Difference and similiarity between electric vehicle and gasoline vehicle

No Signal words Examples

1 In some ways The Cars are quite similiar
2 Like Electric car provide convenient, and private
3 On the other hand There is a major difference
4 Unlike Electric vehicle is totally silent
5 In Contrast Sound if ignition electric car is click, not like
gasoline engine

PAGE 123

1. Doctors have noticed an increase in the number of children who are treated for ear
infections. This could mean that more children get infections than in the past. Such an
increase could be caused, in part, by an increased use of day care. In daycare centers, little
children can catch infections from each other.
Main idea : Ear infection on children
Cause : Children who still in day care center
Effect : infection from each other

2. A young child's untreated ear infection can lead to serious consequences. The infection can
spread to the throat and cause a general illness. It can also do permanent damage to a
child's hearing ability. Perhaps the least-known consequence of untreated ear infection
involves language development. Language learning depends on good hearing. Children with
frequent or untreated ear infections cannot hear well. The result is a delay in their ability to
speak and use language effectively.
Main idea : Consequences of ear infection
Cause : Children with frequent or untreated ear infections cant hear well
Effect : Delay in their ability to speak and use languange effectively
3. The greater numbers of reported ear infections could result from social and economic
factors. Parents may be more aware of the importance of treating the condition. Doctors
may have more time for such simple ailments, now that more dangerous diseases are
controlled by immunization. And there may be economic causes. Some doctors who are paid
for each visit might have an economic interest in paying attention to ear infections.
Economic factors may influence parents as well, since some health centers charge very little
for visits. Thus parents are encouraged to bring in their children more often for lesser
problems, such as ear infections.
Main Idea : The greater numbers of reported ear infections
Cause : Social economic condition from parents
Effect : Different treatment of Doctors

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