WHAP "Shower Curtain" Review 2022: Requirements For Period 1

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WHAP “Shower Curtain” Review 2022

Label each period with appropriate title and dates. In each period you will insert a world map which will have detailed
information labeled appropriate to its period. You will also Create/Draw the required charts in the sections, so plan
ahead--this is a lot of information!


Period 1 - Units 0-2 DUE: 4/22 Period 3 - Units 5 & 6 DUE: 4/28

Period 2 - Units 3 & 4 DUE: 4/25 Period 4 - Units 7-9 DUE: 4/29

Requirements for Period 1

● Create/Draw a small chart showing the major religions/philosophies developed during this period. Include the
date, region, holy texts, and holy people of the religion.
Hinduism Islam
Buddhism Judaism
Confucianism Christianity

● For each of the civilizations below Create an INSPECT chart.

Song Medieval Europe

Delhi sultanates Mongols
Seljuk Empire Mali
Aztec The Caliphates

● Trade Routes
○ insert a map showing the trade routes
■ Silk Road
■ Trans-Saharan
■ Indian Ocean
■ include the trading cities of Timbuktu and Venice
○ Create/Draw a small chart describing what was traded across them. Include luxury goods, technologies,
diseases, foods, pack animals, religion, monetary systems, how things were moved, etc.

● Create/Draw a visual showing the following technological and cultural transfers.

Across the Mongol empires
Between Greco-Islamic knowledge to western Europe

● Insert a map showing each of these following states and empires. Include a chart for showing:
government/administrative systems, technological advances, rise and fall.
Mesoamerica: Aztec, Inca
North American: Chaco, Cahokia
East Asia: Song
Eurasia: Mongols
South Asia: Delhi Sultanates
Europe: Medieval Europe

● Insert a map or diagram showing the spread of each of the following. Describe how each influenced governments,
social structures, and gender roles.
Buddhism in East Asia
Hinduism and Buddhism in Southeast Asia
Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa and Asia
● Create/Draw a section on agricultural advances and explain their significance.
Chinampa field systems
Horse Collar
Three field rotation
Swamp draining

● Create a small chart with who, when, where, why, impacts on the following forms of labor/governmental
Free peasant agriculture
Nomadic pastoralism
Coerced or unfree labor
Military Obligations

Required information for Period 2

● For each of the civilizations below create an INSPECT chart. Insert a map showing each empire at its height.

Safavid Ming
Mughal Tokugawa Japan
Ottoman Russia

● For each maritime empire create an INSPECT chart. Insert a map showing each maritime empire at its height.
Portuguese French
Spanish British

● Trade routes and exploration

○ Insert a map showing the following explorers routes:
■ Voyages of Christopher Columbus
■ Voyages of Diaz
■ Voyages of Zheng He
■ Voyages of Magellan
■ Voyages of da Gama
■ Triangle Trade
○ Create a chart for the explorers above explaining:
■ What was being searched for
■ What was found/traded
■ How it influenced life in the time period
■ Examples include: new fishing areas in the Americas, trade routes, land, gold, silver, diseases,
foods, etc.
○ Insert a map showing the Columbian Exchange and what goods were exchanged.

● Insert an image of each of the following types of ship and explain how they influenced trade.

● Define each of the following terms and insert a picture/symbol representing them.
Joint-Stock Companies

● Show the continued expansion of religions

Sufism in Afro-Eurasia
Sunni-Shi’a split and continued spread
Protestant and Catholic Reformations and spread outside Europe
New Buddhist schools of thought in Northeast and Southeast Asia

● Show the average temperatures of the period, highlighting the Little Ice Age.

● Create a chart describing the changing labor systems of the time period.
Slavery: Chattel Slavery
Indentured Servitude
Encomienda, Hacienda, Mit’a systems in Spanish colonies

● Create/Draw social pyramids for the following.

South America
Europe, especially France and England
Mughal Empire
Feudal Japan

● Choose 3 examples from the list below to show areas of internal/external challenges to power.

○ Pueblo Revolts ○ Maratha conflict with Mughals

○ Fronde ○ Ana Nzinga’s resistance
○ Maroon societies ○ Metacom’s War (King Philip’s War)
○ Cossack revolts ○ North American Slave Resistance

Required information for Period 3

● Create a small chart showing Enlightenment ideas and include who, major idea(s), major work, what (if any)
major revolution and/or document he/she influenced.

● Insert a map, showing the regions that experienced Revolutions and create a small chart that includes the dates of
the revolution, the leaders, and the outcomes.

American Revolution
French Revolution
Haitian Revolution
Latin American Revolutions

● Insert a map, showing the regions that experienced rebellions and create a small chart that includes the dates of
the rebellions, the leaders, and the outcomes.
Sepoy Rebellion of 1857
Boxer Rebellion
Xhosa Cattle Killing

● Create/Draw a small graphic showing what made Great Britain "special" so that it industrialized early.

● Insert a picture of each new development in transportation and communication and give a brief explanation of
how it made life easier.

Steam Engines
● Insert a map, showing the spread of the Industrial Revolution around the world. Show not only the locations
impacted but WHEN that impact occurred.

● Create/Draw an image that summarizes the impact of each of the following on the Industrial Revolution.
Coal, Iron, Timber locations.
Demographic changes/Urbanization
Changes to Agricultural Production

● Show where each of the following were extracted/produced, then show the trade routes to where they were used.

Cotton Meat
Rubber Diamonds
Palm Oil Opium
Sugar Copper

● Discuss who these people/groups were and what their impact on economics was.
Adam Smith
Karl Marx
Labor Unions
Middle Class
Industrial Working Class

● Create/Draw INSPECT charts for the following empires

Qing China
Ottoman Empire
Meiji Japan

● Map the result of European Colonization of Africa, Asia, and Latin America (only changes from the last map).
Briefly discuss the mindset behind the European desire for colonies.

● Insert a map showing major world migrations within the time periods they happened.
Italians in Argentina
Indians in East/Southern Africa, Caribbean, Southeast Asia

● Create/Draw a small chart comparing and contrasting the Chinese Exclusion Act and White Australia policy.

Required information for Period 4

● Create INSPECT charts for the following countries:
United States

● Insert a map, showing the following countries in the current time period.
USSR – outline modern Russia
United States
Germany – post-WWII boundaries
§ Berlin
§ Iron Curtain
● Create/Draw a chart showing the details of the following global conflicts. Details should include dates, countries
involved, casualties vs participants, outcomes, and 2 other details of why it was so important.
World War I
World War II
The Cold War

● Discuss the impact of each of the following innovations or interactions with the environment.
Radio Communication
Cellular Communication
Green Revolution
Energy: Petroleum, Nuclear, Solar, Wind, Hydro
Deforestation, desertification, greenhouse gases/pollution

● Create/Draw a chart showing incidences of these diseases from 1900-1940, 1940-1980, 1980-present

Malaria, TB, Cholera HIV/Aids

Influenza (with 1918 as a separate data Diabetes
point) Heart Disease
Ebola Alzheimer’s Disease

● Insert a map of the following colonies that gained independence and Create/Draw a chart with dates, former
colonizers, and new government structures.

India Vietnam
The Gold Coast Angola
French West Africa Kenya

● New borders and conflicts: Label these on the map along with how they were impacted by their new
borders/ethnic conflict.
Israel/Middle East

● Genocides - Label the following genocides on the map with numbers killed.
Armenians in Turkey
Cambodians in the 1970s
Tutsi in Rwanda in the 1990s
The Holocaust

● Superpowers and Alliances - Insert a map showing:

Outline the Warsaw Pact Nations and NATO Countries
Mark proxy wars in Latin America, Africa, and Asia

● Create/Draw a chart with a list of countries in each of the following.

League of Nations – founding nations
United Nations – all current members of Security Council

● Create/Draw a small chart explaining the importance of the following people.

Gandhi Bob Marley
Vladimir Lenin Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
Nelson Mandela

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