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Chapter 10
Ventilatory Management of

Ventilatory Management of Obstructive Airway Disease

Obstructive Airway Disease
John Marini

and oxygenation, thereby averting progressive ventilatory

Special Challenges of Patients with Severe Airflow
failure or respiratory arrest, or both. Unfortunately, these
Increased Work of Breathing benefits are not cost free—mechanical ventilation is
Dynamic Hyperinflation (Air Trapping) expensive, uncomfortable, and inherently hazardous; few
Increased Minute Ventilation Requirement would dispute the desirability of avoiding the need for its
Reduced Mechanical Efficiency implementation or of accelerating the process of its with-
Problems and Hazards of Ventilation with Positive drawal. Although deceptively simple in concept, the man-
Pressure agement of patients with airflow obstruction who require
Interactions of Pressure-Targeted Modes with Auto-PEEP mechanical support is a rather complex clinical undertak-
Principles of Managing the Ventilated Patient with ing. To manage respiratory failure effectively in patients
Severe Airflow Obstruction with severe airflow obstruction, it is important to under-
Practical Management of the Ventilated Patient stand their distinctive problems. Patients with severe
Intubation airflow obstruction can be characterized by a number
Initial Support
Machine Settings
of salient clinical features. Paramount among these are
Support Phase Management increased work of breathing and compromise of the ven-
PEEP and CPAP in Severe Airflow Obstruction tilatory pump that must contend with it. Such patients are
Newer Modes of Ventilation in Airflow Obstruction also distinguished by their susceptibility to the hazards of
Weaning (“Liberation”) Phase machine support.
Predicting Readiness for Spontaneous Breathing
Weaning Approaches
Periextubation Phase
Increased Work of Breathing
The mechanical breathing workload during passive venti-
lation can be quantified as the product of mean inflation
pressure and minute ventilation. The mean inflation pres-
Positive pressure ventilators have been in widespread sure (Pm) is approximated in a modification of the equa-
clinical use for more than 4 decades. Our understanding tion of motion of the respiratory system:
of respiratory muscle function and ventilatory failure has
Pm = R (flow) + Vt/2C + PEEPi
undergone major revision over that period, helping to gear
equipment and treatment strategies more effectively to In this equation R = resistance; Vt is tidal volume; C is
patient requirements. Some of the more important respiratory system compliance; and PEEPi is auto-PEEP,
advances in this area concern the interactions of patients the positive end-expiratory alveolar pressure in excess of
with obstructive pulmonary disease (airflow obstruction set PEEP because of dynamic hyperinflation (Fig. 10-1).
[AO]) with the mechanical ventilator. Others concern Increased resistance to airflow is responsible (directly or
physiologic principles important in withdrawing machine indirectly) for many of the physiologic disturbances that
support from ventilator-dependent patients, many of typify this disease. Flow resistance, an important determi-
whom have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) nant of Pm, is increased by structural and functional nar-
or asthma. With these advances in mind, the purpose of rowing of the airway. Structural changes include a reduced
this chapter is to provide an updated physiologic back- number of airway channels, as well as narrowed cross-
ground for understanding mechanical ventilation in sectional airway caliber. In this already narrowed system
patients with AO, as well as to review selected aspects of of tubes, the additional reduction of airway caliber caused
this problem that are frequently overlooked and, though by mucosal edema, functional compression, increased
noteworthy, may be unfamiliar to many practitioners. bronchomotor tone, or secretion accumulation noticeably
increases the work of breathing because resistance relates
linearly to the airway length but inversely to the fourth
SPECIAL CHALLENGES OF PATIENTS WITH power of airway radius. For similar reasons, resistance
SEVERE AIRFLOW OBSTRUCTION within these critically narrowed airways is highly volume
By assuming a major portion of the ventilatory workload, dependent, so loss of lung volume is accompanied by loss
mechanical ventilation affords the opportunity to rest the of elastic recoil tension, reduction of cross-sectional area,
respiratory muscles while maintaining pH homeostasis and major increases in the frictional workload.1,2


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Figure 10-1. Depiction of the elements of the inspiratory

equation of motion and their associated work of breathing.
Stippled area is resistive work, and striped areas represent the
elastic work associated with tidal volume and auto–positive
end-expiratory pressure, respectively. 15

Figure 10-2. The auto–positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)

Although each factor just enumerated contributes to effect. Auto-PEEP is the positive flow driving the difference
airflow obstruction, functional compression of the airway between alveolar and airway opening pressures at end
during exhalation is of overriding importance in many expiration. As depicted here, it can vary widely from site to
patients with components of emphysema or vigorous site within the lung.
expiratory effort. Loss of elastic recoil encourages collapse
of these narrowed bronchi as their transluminal dis-
tending pressure gradients decline (or reverse) during incurring increased elastic work per liter of ventilation
the course of exhalation. In most patients who require (see Fig. 10-1). Furthermore, at these higher volumes the
mechanical ventilatory support, dynamic airway collapse lung approaches its elastic limit as the recoil tension of
occurs even during tidal breathing, so the average expira- the distended rib cage becomes expiratory rather than
tory resistance is often several times higher during the inspiratory in nature. Finally, hyperinflation tends to
exhalation phase than during the inspiratory phase of convert more of the well-perfused (“zone 3”) lung into
ventilation. This compressive mechanism underlies the less well perfused tissue, thereby increasing ventilatory
phenomenon of air trapping and such hyperinflation- deadspace and the minute ventilation requirement.
related consequences as loss of inspiratory power and Generally, resistance in patients with chronic airflow
reduced compliance of the respiratory system. obstruction and many of those with severe asthma con-
centrates within small airways.1 Yet for certain asthmatic
Dynamic Hyperinflation (Air Trapping) patients, the central airways and larynx contribute to
Expiration is normally a passive process that uses elastic resistance, accounting for the helpfulness of helium-
energy stored during inflation to drive expiratory airflow. oxygen (heliox) mixtures in some (but not all) patients
If the energy potential developed during inflation is insuf- during exacer-bated asthma.10 According to some reports,
ficient to return the system to a relaxed equilibrium heliox helps to reduce air trapping in patients with COPD
before the next inspiration begins, flow continues through- as well. Although there is some concern regarding the
out expiration and alveolar pressure remains positive at generalizability and accuracy of such observations, several
end-expiration, exceeding the clinician-selected PEEP mechanisms can be evoked, even if the primary site of
value (Fig. 10-2).3-7 This positive distending pressure expiratory obstruction is too peripheral for helium to
within the alveoli increases the driving pressure for expi- reduce resistance there. These include reduced inspiratory
ratory airflow and increases lung volume, thereby help- turbulence, faster expiratory flow in non–flow-limited
ing to overcome airflow resistance. Unfortunately, such channels and increased wave speed, modestly decreased
hyperinflation also places the expiratory musculature CO2 production caused by these aforementioned factors
at a mechanical disadvantage. Furthermore, because this and improved comfort, and perhaps less gas trapping and
end-expiratory alveolar pressure (auto-PEEP, or intrinsic less compromise of respiratory muscle efficiency.
PEEP, PEEPi) is expiratory in nature, it must first be coun- Of note, dynamically positive end-expiratory alveolar
terbalanced by positive pressure applied to the central pressure can also exist without hyperinflation, provided
airway or by negative pleural pressure before inspiration that airway collapse does not occur. In these instances
can begin.8,9 Thus PEEPi adds to the other components of expiratory muscle contraction increases pleural pressure,
the equation of motion to elevate the mean inflation pres- alveolar pressure, and the speed of expiratory airflow,
sure and inspiratory work of breathing. The process of air obviating the need for hyperinflation to complete exhala-
trapping contributes to an increase in the respiratory work tion in the allotted time. Such mechanisms are employed
of breathing in at least two other ways. Hyperinflation by normal subjects during heavy exercise or when faced
drives the respiratory system upward toward the least with major expiratory loads. Indeed, many uncoached
compliant portion of the pressure volume relationship, and untrained normal subjects expire to positions below


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the equilibrium point of the chest when exposed to PEEP.
In this way the respiratory muscles can begin contraction

Ventilatory Management of Obstructive Airway Disease

from a mechanically advantageous position, and the expi-
ratory muscles can share in the ventilatory burden. Using
this strategy, PEEP actually provides a boost to inspira-
tion, experienced early in the cycle when the expiratory
muscles relax. This “work-sharing” strategy, although
effective for a normal individual, cannot be implemented
by patients who experience dynamic airway collapse
during tidal breathing. Because forceful expiratory efforts
succeed not only in raising alveolar pressure but also in
intensifying dynamic airway collapse, flow rate is deter-
mined strictly by lung volume and is not accelerated by
expiratory muscle activity.
When dynamic collapse occurs during tidal respiration Figure 10-3. The hemodynamic impact of auto-PEEP in a
passively ventilated patient with severe airflow obstruction.
and breathing requirements are high, there is little alter-
A 40-second disconnection of the ventilator was associated
native to hyperinflation or CO2 retention, or both. At the with rising blood pressure and cardiac output despite a falling
chosen level of minute ventilation, maintenance of the pulmonary artery wedge pressure.
lower lung volume may be either too energy costly or
physically impossible. For this reason, many patients with
severe obstruction do not or cannot decrease their lung
45 cm H2O
volumes when recumbent. Such considerations may help
to explain the extreme dyspnea experienced by most

Airway Pressure
patients with severe airflow obstruction on assuming hori-
zontal positions. For the same recumbent angle, the lateral
position allows more decompression than does the supine
position.11 The distribution of gas trapping varies region-
ally throughout the lung depending on the local mechani-
cal properties of the airways. Therefore at the end of 5
the expiratory cycle some regions are continuously gas 120 mm Hg PPmax
trapped, some remain patent, and some have sealed much
earlier in the expiratory cycle (see Fig. 10-2). The end-
Arterial Pressure

expiratory value of auto-PEEP detected at the airway PPmin

opening may not reflect the intensity of gas trapping.12
During volume-controlled ventilation, plateau pressure
tracks hyperinflation more reliably.
In some patients, especially those who passively receive
ventilatory support, the problems presented by air trap-
ping and dynamic hyperinflation are as much cardiovas-
cular as pulmonary in nature. A relatively high fraction of 2 seconds
the positive alveolar pressure is transmitted to the pleural Figure 10-4. Marked respiratory variation of systemic arterial
space, where it impedes venous return and confuses inter- blood pressure, indicative of the relative variation in cardiac
pretation of hemodynamic pressure measurements (Fig. loading conditions associated with dynamic hyperinflation.
10-3). Lung distention also adds to pulmonary vascular PP, pulse pressure. (From Michard F, Teboul J-L: Using heart-
lung interactions to assess fluid responsiveness during
resistance, exacerbating the tendency of patients with cor
mechanical ventilation. Crit Care 2000;4:282-289.)
pulmonale toward low cardiac output and hypotension.
Marked respiratory variation of systolic and pulse pres-
sures during passive inflation indicates phasically adverse tion requirement act as a linear cofactor in the work of
cardiac loading and strongly implies the possibility of breathing equation already discussed, but the high minute
dynamic hyperinflation (Fig. 10-4). ventilation requirement itself increases most components
of inspiratory pressure: flow, elastance (the reciprocal
Increased Minute Ventilation of compliance), tidal volume, and auto-PEEP. It is not
Requirement surprising, therefore, that enormous increases in the
Ventilation-perfusion mismatching is widespread in oxygen consumption rate of the ventilatory muscles have
patients with severe airflow obstruction, reducing the effi- been observed in patients with obstructive lung disease.
ciency of carbon dioxide elimination.1 It is not uncommon During exacerbations, the oxygen consumed by ventila-
for the resting minute ventilation requirement to exceed tion and metabolic demands associated with heightened
12 L per minute (twice the normal value) in patients with vigilance, agitation, or anxiety may double the total body
asthma or extensive emphysema and preserved chemical oxygen consumption observed during fully supported
drives to breathe. Not only do such increases in ventila- breathing.


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Reduced Mechanical Efficiency the upstream driver of venous return. Blood pressure
routinely falls, and cardiac output falls disproportionately

In patients with exacerbated COPD or decompensated

asthma, the oxygen consumption dedicated to the ventila- to oxygen demand. Measured central vascular pressures
tory task is disproportionate to the amount of mechanical (CVP and wedge) are misleadingly high and do not reflect
work actually performed. The muscles of the hyperinflated intravascular filling and preload adequacy.5 Marked respi-
ventilatory system are inefficiently aligned, force-length ratory variation of systolic and pulse pressures with
relationships of the shortened end-inspiratory fibers are the ventilatory cycle (“paradox”) is a hemodynamic
suboptimal, and normally efficient coordination among marker of relative hypovolemia caused by such mecha-
the various muscles of the ventilatory group is often nisms (see Fig. 10-4). Depending on choice of tidal volume,
disrupted.12,13 The energy cost of breathing, therefore, is backup frequency, and set (and auto) PEEP, the afterload
greatly increased for the pressure and mechanical work to right ventricular ejection may rise with any further
actually generated by the breathing effort. lung expansion, whereas the tendency for alveolar dead-
space creation is accentuated. Consequently, great care
must be taken not to ventilate excessively and to provide
PROBLEMS AND HAZARDS OF adequate intravenous fluid support during this period.
VENTILATION WITH POSITIVE PRESSURE This advice pertains especially to patients with AO who
Patients with AO who require mechanical ventilation require cardiac resuscitation.
present special challenges to the clinician for yet another
reason: an unusual predisposition to its adverse conse- Interactions of Pressure-Targeted Modes
quences that are only loosely related to the airflow resis- with Auto-PEEP
tance. For reasons that are not entirely clear, patients with Pressure-targeted modes of ventilation, exemplified by
COPD have been reported to have an increased incidence pressure control and pressure support, have become
of gastrointestinal ulceration and bleeding, especially increasingly popular to employ in the care of intubated
during stress periods. This tendency is accentuated to an patients, as well as those receiving noninvasive ventilation
important degree by poor nutrition, stress, and the thera- by facemask. Because the development of auto-PEEP
peutic use of high-dose corticosteroids. In modern inten- reduces the pressure difference between airway opening
sive care unit practice, the incidence of ulceration has and alveolus that drives inspiration, it has a powerful
been greatly attenuated by the use of proton pump inhibi- influence on ventilation efficacy (Fig. 10-5). As already
tors and other means of acid suppression. described, auto-PEEP varies not only with airway mechan-
Even when able to cough with maximal force, patients ics but also with the pattern of breathing and minute
with severe airflow obstruction have difficulty in clearing ventilation. For a fixed value of applied airway pressure,
contaminated secretions from the central and peripheral inspiratory tidal volume in patients with airflow obstruc-
airways, predisposing to bronchial and lung infections. tion will be more sensitive to the frequency and the inspi-
This tendency is accentuated when the airway is intubated ratory time fraction (an expression of the I : E ratio) than
or when noninvasive ventilation is provided with poorly are normal subjects or those with restrictive disease14 (Fig.
humidified gas mixtures. These interventions accentuate 10-6). Faster breathing frequencies, for example, allow
the impediment to coughing efficiency and assist entry of auto-PEEP to build, and this auto-PEEP must first be
contaminated secretions from the upper airway. In con-
junction with mucus plugging, air trapping, and the
tendency toward parenchymal infections, markedly inho-
mogeneous ventilation predisposes the ventilated patient
with severe airflow obstruction to the varied forms
of barotrauma—pneumomediastinum, subcutaneous

emphysema, and tension pneumothorax. Because the

lungs cannot collapse, even a small pneumothorax in a PA
ventilated patient with severe airflow obstruction can PEEP
rapidly develop a tension component, leading to ventila- 0
tory and circulatory compromise. Time
The hemodynamic sensitivity to positive pressure ven-
tilation of patients with airflow obstruction arises for
several reasons. The overexpanded lungs press outward on
the chest wall, raising intrapleural pressure. When breath-

ing efforts are silenced, as they are immediately after 0

sedation and intubation, mean intrathoracic pressure
abruptly changes from modestly negative to markedly
positive. Increased pleural pressure raises the right atrial
backpressure to venous return. Simultaneously, increased
Figure 10-5. Interaction of alveolar (red line) and applied
peripheral vascular capacitance (caused in part by drug airway (fine line) pressures in a patient ventilated with
effects and the loss of muscular tone) and reduced periph- pressure-targeted ventilation. Auto-PEEP diminishes the
eral vascular tone limit the rise in mean systemic pressure, driving pressure of the subsequent ventilatory cycle.


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Figure 10-6. Relative

12 sensitivity of patients with

Ventilatory Management of Obstructive Airway Disease

Airflow Obstruction Restrictive
airflow obstruction to the
16 settings of frequency and

Minute Ventilation (L/min)

inspiratory time fraction
Minute Ventilation (L/min)

for a fixed pressure target

8 in pressure-controlled
ventilation. This sensitivity
is induced primarily by
6 Obstructive the impact of these
Restriction 8 settings on auto-PEEP.

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 12 24 36 48 60
Inspiratory Duty Cycle Frequency (1/min)

ti (n) Figure 10-7. Theoretical behavior of

tidal volume in response to pressure
f ⫽ 17.5 support by mask ventilation in a
2 patient experiencing auto-PEEP. At a
certain critical value of mask leak, there
is wide cycle-to-cycle variation in tidal
Inspiratory Time

volume despite unchanging levels of

pressure support and patient effort.
Near “chaotic” behavior is a
consequence of auto-PEEP. (From
1 Hotchkiss JR, Adams AB, Dries DJ, et al:
Dynamic behavior during noninvasive
ventilation. Chaotic support? Am J Resp
0.5 Crit Care Med 2001;163:374-378.)

50 100 150 200 250
Mask Resistance

counterbalanced for inspiratory airflow to begin. If the but clinical data are lacking on these issues at this
patient is passive or the amount of inspiratory muscle time.
force remains constant, delivered tidal volume falls as the
auto-PEEP builds.
This auto-PEEP/driving pressure interaction may result PRINCIPLES OF MANAGING THE
in an intriguing phenomenon resembling chaotic respira- VENTILATED PATIENT WITH SEVERE
tion during noninvasive ventilation with a leaky mask AIRFLOW OBSTRUCTION
interface.13 The coupled PEEPi and VT form a “feed Most patients hospitalized with exacerbations of asthma
forward” system in which a building auto-PEEP of one or COPD can be managed effectively by regimens that
cycle adversely influences the tidal volume of the next incorporate aggressive secretion clearance techniques,
one. But this smaller tidal volume also reduces the auto- antibiotics, corticosteroids, intensified bronchodilators,
PEEP of that restricted cycle, which allows the breath that hydration, cardiovascular support, and supplemental
follows it—the third in the cycle—to have a larger effec- oxygen. Noninvasive ventilation is often helpful as a tem-
tive driving pressure and tidal volume, and the cycling porizing measure for those with disease of mild-moderate
continues. This may account for some of the wide vari- severity, especially when cough is adequate to clear airway
ability in breathing rhythm often observed in these secretions and the patient is fully alert and accepting of
patients.15 If the mask leak volume is a function of the a full face mask.17-22 Only a minority of such patients
I : E ratio, it can be shown mathematically and experimen- treated in this way need translaryngeal intubation
tally that fractal and chaotic tidal volume delivery and institution of mechanical ventilatory support. When
may occur, even when the patient’s effort and mechanics mechanical ventilation is required, however, the rationale
remain unchanged (Fig. 10-7).16 The consequences for underlying certain key management principles can easily
comfort and sleep efficiency are likely to be significant, be understood against a background of the physiologic


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derangements already described. These principles are (1) tidal volume at the low end of the recommended
provide adequate support for muscle rest at adequate range (6 to 8 mL per kilogram of ideal body weight) is

PaO2 and pH; (2) do not overventilate; (3) minimize the probably best. The question of optimal flow setting is of
minute ventilation requirement; (4) minimize risk of no small importance: auto-PEEP and mean alveolar
barotrauma; (5) maintain adequate bronchial hygiene; pressure are reduced by selection of relatively rapid
(6) prevent panic reactions; (7) establish appropriate flow settings when minute ventilation is high. Overall
nutrition. ventilation-perfusion matching may improve as well.
Higher peak dynamic airway pressures are not entirely
Principle 1: Provide adequate support to rest the ventila-
without risk, however; units served by low resistance
tory muscles, while avoiding hypoxemia and profound
pathways are in jeopardy from overdistention. For the
same inspiratory time, a constant (“square”) flow wave-
Poised on the edge of decompensation, the ventilatory form often serves better than a decelerating one. The risk
muscles must be rested adequately before withdrawal of of barotrauma can also be minimized by maintaining the
machine support can be considered. Rest may allow lungs free of infection and the airways clear of
recovery of the energy reserves and restore the balance secretions.
between ventilatory capability and demand. Indeed,
Principle 5: Maintain effective bronchial hygiene.
benefits may accrue to muscle rest, even when it occurs
intermittently on a chronic basis. Sufficient oxygen and Secretion retention may dramatically increase airflow
mechanical support must be provided to achieve this goal resistance and effectively seal off banks of alveoli, pre-
and to avoid significant hypoxemia (arterial oxygen satu- venting their participation in ventilation. Thickened central
ration <85%) and acidemia (pH < 7.2)—derangements airway secretions are a particular risk during mechanical
that increase pulmonary vascular resistance; stimulate ventilation, whether invasive or noninvasive (Fig. 10-8).24
vigorous breathing; and inhibit mental, cardiac, and Apart from raising the end-inspiratory pressure, the result-
skeletal muscle functions. ing dynamic hyperinflation can detrimentally affect car-
diovascular function, work of breathing, and ventilatory
Principle 2: Do not overventilate.
capability. In addition to effective suctioning, bronchodila-
Although it is important to provide adequate ventila- tors, adequate hydration, corticosteroids, mucolytics and
tion, overventilation is detrimental on several counts. infection control, frequent repositioning, mobilization,
Rapid reduction in the alveolar CO2 tension tends to and physiotherapy are fundamental to secretion manage-
cause bronchoconstriction and impair neuromuscular and ment. Tracheotomies not only reduce resistance and
cardiovascular function. Furthermore, excess ventilation provide improved access to the lower airway but also limit
exacerbates dynamic hyperinflation and auto-PEEP, the direct connection between the pharynx and trachea
whereas moderate PaCO2 elevations are generally well established by tracheal intubation.
tolerated.23 Generally it is a mistake to depress the PaCO2
Principle 6: Prevent panic reactions.
below the level that the patient chronically maintains.
Such a strategy may temporarily reset chemical drives, In patients susceptible to dynamic airway collapse, an
effectively increasing respiratory workload intensity. If abrupt need to augment ventilation often precipitates a
PaCO2 falls sufficiently, the patient will not maintain unas- downward spiral in which the capability of the patient is
sisted breathing without intolerable effort. overwhelmed by the imposed workload. Not only is
minute ventilation increased during such episodes, but
Principle 3: Minimize minute ventilation requirement.
the resulting increase of dynamic hyperinflation impairs
Because hyperinflation, mean inflation pressure, and muscle strength and endurance. Respiratory acidosis,
the adverse cardiovascular consequences of mechanical dyspnea, and anxiety result in an imbalance in the
ventilation are intimately linked to the minute ventilation demand/capability relationship that creates a need for
requirement, ventilatory deadspace and CO2 output must aggressive intervention. Anxiolytics, although hazardous
be minimized and metabolic acidosis avoided. to employ, may be extremely helpful in carefully selected
Principle 4: Minimize the risk of barotrauma.
Principle 7: Maintain appropriate nutrition and prevent
The predisposition of patients with severe airflow
obstruction to barotrauma must be combated by
intelligent choices for tidal volume, ventilation frequency, In stressed and often malnourished patients, the nature
PEEP, and machine settings of trigger sensitivity and flow. and quantity of nutritional support can make the differ-
Reduction of the minute ventilation requirement decreases ence between eventual compensation and continued
the mean or peak alveolar pressures, or both, reducing ventilatory insufficiency. Although reasonable caution is
the incidence of barotrauma. The relative contributions advisable, an adequate number of calories should be pro-
of mean alveolar pressure, PEEP, dynamic cycling vided, via the enteral route whenever possible. Care must
pressure, and peak static (plateau) ventilatory pressure to be taken to ensure that bowel motility is normal; patients
the risk of barotrauma are not clear. Based on epidemio- with AO frequently develop breathing discomfort because
logic evidence, however, peak inflation pressures should of abdominal distention within a compartment bounded
be kept below 40 cm H2O wherever possible. Selecting a by a hyperinflation-depressed diaphragm.


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A mounting load of secretions audibly retained within
the central airways generally indicates a patient too weak

Ventilatory Management of Obstructive Airway Disease

or breathless to expectorate and often portends an immi-
nent crisis. Hence when this sign arises in a compatible
clinical setting, most physicians consider it to be strong
evidence favoring intubation for secretion management
and ventilation support. Overt disorganization of the
breathing rhythm and gasping or ataxic respirations
strongly suggest approaching exhaustion.

Initial Support
Postintubation Problems
The first 24-hour period following tracheal intubation
and initiation of positive pressure ventilation is a highly
dynamic one for the patient with AO. Many of these indi-
viduals have depleted intravascular volume and impaired
cardiovascular reflexes—features that prepare them poorly
to compensate for the suddenly increased pleural pressure
and impediment to venous return that usually accompany
initiation of mechanical support. In this postintubation
Pre-Bronchoscopy—Constant Flow
phase there is an understandable but unfortunate ten-
Stutter-Step & Inverted Plateau
dency for the physician to intentionally overventilate the
C 33 11 4.8 1:4.4 18 533 9.18 patient, and many patients cough vigorously or fight
Circuit Type: Adult against the rhythm imposed by the machine.
Humidification Type: Headed exp tube 12:13 22 Nov 2004
CSTAT ( 49 ) cmH cmH O
O RSTAT ( 17 ) L/8 PPL 17
2 cm
One reason for the agitation that some patients experi-

Incomplete exhalation
ence is a sudden buildup of positive intrathoracic pressure
cmH O 40

30 through the process of dynamic hyperinflation. When

10 these intubated patients are deeply sedated and para-
lyzed, respiratory efforts cease and vasodilation occurs
0 4 8 12 16 20 24a
related to hypercapnia and sedative drugs. The consequent
V 20 rise of intrathoracic pressure, coupled with a fall in mean
L 0
systemic pressure, almost routinely depresses venous
EXP 80 return and cardiac output (see Fig. 10-3). Therefore the
physician is well advised to remain alert to the predictable
development of cardiovascular depression and hypoten-
Figure 10-8. A, Central airway mucus retained in a ventilated
patient with severe airflow obstruction. B, The resulting
sion following intubation or sedation and be prepared to
inverted plateau and stutter step deformations of the airway intervene to reduce ventilation or to support the circula-
pressure and flow tracings during controlled, volume-cycled tion at the initially selected level, or both. A catastrophic
ventilation. (From Zamanian M, Marini JJ: Pressure-flow error is to misinterpret the development of sudden hypo-
signatures of central-airway mucus plugging. Crit Care Med tension as the uncloaking of tension pneumothorax and
2006;34:223-226.) then to undertake needle puncture of the chest wall. In
such individuals it is also wise to remember the potential
PRACTICAL MANAGEMENT OF contribution of auto-PEEP to hypotension during CPR
THE VENTILATED PATIENT resuscitation attempts.
Shortly after intubation there may be agitation, cough-
Intubation ing, and retching related to tube insertion. When this
An understandable reluctance to initiate mechanical ven- interferes with comfort or ventilation, many lightly
tilation in patients with COPD or perennial asthma exists sedated patients benefit from 3 to 5 mL of 1% to 2%
because many such individuals are so chronically disabled lidocaine instilled through the endotracheal tube. Instilla-
as to be miserable or despondent at home—even when tion may be repeated one or two times, but care should
everything is going as well as possible from a physiologic be exercised, as lidocaine absorption easily occurs via the
viewpoint. The development of comfortable noninvasive lung. Fortunately, intolerance of tube placement gradually
systems, coupled with emerging experience, has given rise abates with sedation and the passage of time.
to the initial use of mask ventilation in those who are alert
and can tolerate it. However, the most severely affected Machine Settings
patients, especially those with copious or thick secretions, As a general rule, ventilation should be supported during
claustrophobia, anxiety, cardiovascular decompensation, this initial phase, but it is better to underventilate cau-
or somnolence, continue to require intubation to stabilize tiously than to overventilate the patient. One reasonable
their deteriorating conditions.25 approach is to use assisted mechanical ventilation,


Ch010-A04841.indd 183 9/13/2007 10:03:01 AM

delivered with a square wave profile, with the backup rate airways that remain open at end-expiration, which gener-
set to provide about two thirds of the estimated minute ally have shorter time constants and better mechanical

ventilation requirement. Although the flow setting is properties than those that seal earlier in the expiratory
adjusted empirically to coordinate the cycle lengths of the period at higher pressure (see Fig. 10-2).
patient and the ventilator, an initial peak flow setting of The flow tracing gives some indication of the underlying
approximately five to six times the minute ventilation presence of gas trapping but does not indicate its severity.
requirement usually suffices to meet expiratory time For example, a severely obstructed airway may be totally
requirements and minimize auto-PEEP without imposing occluded and therefore unable to transmit its high pres-
undue risks that attend extraordinarily high peak cycling sure to the pressure sensor located within the machine.
pressures. For increasing airflow carries a high pressure Similarly, a narrow airway may give rise to an almost
and work cost, a constant flow setting of about 60 L per imperceptible flow at end-expiration. Several features of
minute is usually appropriate. This yields an I : E ratio of the flow tracing are of value: High-frequency variations
1 : 4, which is considerably shorter than customary in a of the flow tracing suggest the presence of retained air-
patient with normal mechanics who breathes at this level way secretions or water in the external tubing. An abrupt
of minute ventilation. In patients with such severe airflow transition between the earliest part of expiration and
obstruction, increasing airflow carries a high pressure and what follows (“hockey sticking”) indicates a flow limita-
work cost, so a constant inspiratory flow is preferable to tion during tidal breathing and the potential value of
a decelerating one when flow-controlled, volume-cycled added PEEP if flow persists to the onset of the next
ventilation is in use. Pressure-targeted ventilation is a breathing cycle (Fig. 10-10). Quite recently, several signs
sensible choice only if it is monitored closely or adjusted have been reported that appear to be signatures of partial
automatically by the ventilator to maintain tidal volume central airway occlusion, as by mucus plugging (see Fig.
in response to changing airflow impedance. 10-8).24
The triggering threshold of the ventilator is set to be as
sensitive as possible, and the auto-PEEP level is estimated Support Phase Management
when feasible to do so. (This generally requires passive After the first hours of ventilatory support, rational man-
inflation to allow predictable occlusion of the circuit at agement focuses not only on reversal of the underlying
end-expiration.) If auto-PEEP exceeds 5 cm of water and
expiratory flow is limited during tidal breathing (which is
almost invariably the case during the initial phase), an ttot
uncomfortable patient who makes spontaneous breathing
efforts may benefit from the addition of a low level of ti te
end-expiratory pressure to counterbalance auto-PEEP
and reduce the breathing workload (Fig. 10-9). PEEP insp
levels in excess of 15 cm water may be necessary in some
instances to reestablish patency of some air channels. Flow limitation
causing linear decay
The plateau pressure is a better guide to the degree of
hyperinflation than is the measured level of auto-PEEP, Persistent

for reasons already given. First, most machines do not 0 flow at end
allow estimation of auto-PEEP in a patient who is spon-
taneously triggering the ventilator and varies the length
of the respiratory cycle. On the other hand, a plateau
pressure estimate is usually recordable during triggered, High-frequency ripple
as well as during controlled, volume-cycled breathing. Just
as importantly, the auto-PEEP estimated by central airway
occlusion is simply the volume-weighted average of those

No PEEP Added 5 cm H2O PEEP
10 Auto

0 O⫺ Trigger
⫺10 Auto-PEEP
Volume B
Figure 10-9. Work of breathing and ventilatory effort are Figure 10-10. A, Typical flow tracing of a patient
improved in patients with tidal flow limitation by the addition demonstrating flow limitation during tidal breathing. B, High-
of PEEP marginally less than the original value of auto-PEEP. frequency ripple suggests secretions or circuit fluid, whereas
Airway pressure (top) and intrapleural pressure (bottom). Palv, “hockey sticking” and linear flow decay during expiration
alveolar pressure; Pes, esophageal pressure. characterize flow limitation.


Ch010-A04841.indd 184 9/20/2007 3:00:28 PM

problems of infection, bronchospasm, secretion retention, 50 25 10
and cardiac insufficiency but also on replenishing spent Square Airway Pressure

Ventilatory Management of Obstructive Airway Disease

nutritional reserves and building endurance. It makes sense
to support ventilation fully in patients intubated for venti-
latory failure while fundamental pathologic processes and
precipitating causes are being addressed—at least for the
initial 24 to 48 hours. Because it is not known what inten-
sity of ventilatory effort is best for patients with AO to
undertake during the support phase of the illness, contro- 50 Flow
versy exists as to the optimal mode of ventilation. During 25
the support phase, the major objective should be to provide 10
sufficient breathing assistance to alleviate discomfort yet
not risk deconditioning of the ventilatory muscles. To this
end, it is reasonable to use volume- or pressure-targeted
assist-control (assisted mechanical ventilation) or syn-
chronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV). In
patients who are not deeply sedated and who breathe cha- Figure 10-11. Adjustment of the expiratory flow trigger
otically, the latter mode applied with pressure support suf- during pressure support can help to compensate for a slowly
ficient to replicate the tidal volume of the mandated breaths decelerating inspiratory flow profile that typifies patients with
may reduce the number of dyssynchronous “collisions” severe airflow obstruction. The appropriate adjustment in this
between the rhythms of patient and machine. Adequate schematic drawing might be from 25% to 50%.
sedation must be provided so as to assure comfort and
reduce the minute ventilation requirement as other funda- PEEPistat ⫽ 10 cm H2O
mental elements of ventilatory therapeutics are addressed
(e.g., antibiotics, corticosteroids, regulation of intravascu- #1 (COPD) #2 (Asthma)
lar volume, secretion extraction, cardiovascular support). PEEP 0 PEEP 8 PEEP 0 PEEP 8
Adequate oxygenation, ventilatory muscle rest, and Flow 0.5
restorative sleep deserve emphasis. Deep sedation and (L) 0
muscle relaxants, although occasionally necessary in
achieving therapeutic objectives early in the ventilatory 20 s
process, may prove detrimental when their use is pro-
longed unnecessarily. Not only does sedation present risks 0.6
of muscle deconditioning and even neuromyopathy, but
secretions tend to pool in dependent areas when breathing
efforts and coughs are suppressed. As a general rule, deep
sedation and paralysis should not be continued for longer Pao 10
than 40 to 72 hours after intubation. (cm H2O) 0
Apart from improving expiratory resistance and reduc-
ing the minute ventilation requirement, another interven- Pes
tion aimed at reducing mean alveolar pressure and 10
(cm H2O)
auto-PEEP is to modestly lengthen expiratory time (e.g.,
Figure 10-12. Differing responses of a flow-limited patient
by increasing inspiratory flow rate). Flow rate should ini-
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and a
tially be set at approximately four to five times the minute non–flow-limited patient with asthma to the application of
ventilation requirement when using a constant inspiratory PEEP. The rises of lung volume (V) and airway opening
flow profile. Extending the expiratory time further is pressure (Pao) in asthma and the absence of these features in
usually fruitless, unless minute ventilation is simultane- the patient with COPD are demonstrated. (From Ranieri VM,
ously reduced. Decelerating flow profiles are often poorly Giuliani R, Cinnella G, et al: Physiologic effects of positive
tolerated by the patient with severe airflow obstruction end-expiratory pressure in patients with chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease during acute ventilatory failure and
who makes spontaneous efforts because the latter half of
controlled mechanical ventilation. Am Rev Respir Dis
the inspiratory period may require higher flows than 1993;147:5-13.)
imposed by the tightly regulated and stereotyped flow
waveform of the ventilator. Adjustments to the flow that
triggers expiration can help manage this problem during benefit from the application of low levels of PEEP or
pressure-supported ventilation (Fig. 10-11). continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP).6,8,9 When
applied downstream of airways that collapse dynamically
PEEP and CPAP in Severe during the exhalation phase of tidal breathing, PEEP helps
Airflow Obstruction to improve the effective triggering responsiveness of the
The deliberate use of PEEP in patients with AO has his- machine without significantly increasing the alveolar
torically been considered undesirable, but there is now pressure or hyperinflation (Fig. 10-12). Most benefit is
ample reason to believe that most of these patients provided to patients who do not experience proportionate


Ch010-A04841.indd 185 9/13/2007 10:03:02 AM

increases of peak static or peak dynamic cycling pressures Of the newer modes of ventilation, five that have impli-
after PEEP application.9,26 When using a fixed level of cations for AO have garnered considerable attention

targeted pressure (pressure control or pressure support), and have been incorporated into some of the latest
tidal volume may increase after PEEP is applied. This equipment:
occurs because the added PEEP counterbalances auto-
PEEP to allow the applied inspiratory pressure to more High-Frequency Oscillation
effectively drive inspiratory flow. In effect, PEEP improves Designed for problems of edema and parenchymal disease,
the driving pressure for inspiratory flow. Applied PEEP high-frequency oscillation (HFO) offers no significant
may also help to keep airways more widely patent, and advantage over more conventional modes for patients
thereby improve secretion clearance. Finally, the appli- with AO and runs the risk of significantly increased gas
cation of the external PEEP may help to even the dis- trapping and attendant hemodynamic compromise.
tribution of ventilation among multiple units with
heterogeneous time constants (Fig. 10-13). Airway Pressure Release Ventilation and Bi-level
As with HFO, these modes were not intended for patients
Newer Modes of Ventilation in with lengthy expiratory time constants. Airway pressure
Airflow Obstruction release ventilation does not take full advantage of its
The majority of ventilatory support of AO is still currently release phase in patients with lengthy expiratory time
provided with modes of ventilation that are now decades constants and therefore ineffectively ventilates unless the
old—flow-controlled, volume-cycled ventilation (“assist- release frequency is high. The machine’s inspiratory phase
control”); pressure control (PCV); pressure support (PSV); pressure is generally higher than that encountered during
and SIMV. When combined with PEEP/CPAP and an conventional ventilation, introducing the problems associ-
attentive provider, these time-tested options suffice for ated with sustained hyperinflation in patients with rela-
the majority of patients. Increasingly, however, practition- tively flexible lungs.
ers have recognized the need to offload responsibility for
minute-by-minute and even intra-breath adjustment of Proportional Assist
settings for flow and pressure delivery in response to Proportional assist, a mode based on the equation of
changing conditions of mechanics or ventilatory demand. motion of the respiratory system that regulates delivered
Patients with dyspnea generally need faster rise of pres- pressure in proportion to externally sensed inspiratory
sure and flows to their target values, unimpeded inspira- flow and volume demands, effectively mimics the actions
tory flow, and precise termination of the ventilator’s of an auxiliary muscle in patients without gas trapping.27,28
inspiratory phase so as to avoid collisions between the Quite unlike pressure support, which targets the same pres-
patient’s and the ventilator’s cycling rhythms. Once set, sure for every breath, PAV is meant to provide help in pro-
however, a specified flow pattern regulates the ventilator’s portion to effort (Fig. 10-14). Unfortunately, a considerable
contribution, and once set, the pressure provided by the fraction of inspiratory muscle effort is spent in counterbal-
ventilator is capped at the targeted value. Time-cycled ancing auto-PEEP, an event that precedes the onset of
assist control (whether flow or pressure regulated) dis- inspiratory flow. Given the strong dependence of dynamic
regards the duty cycle rhythm variations of the patient’s hyperinflation on minute volume (VE) and the expiratory
own drive center. In either case the relative power con- time constant, PAV cannot easily fulfill its intended
tribution of the machine declines as effort increases and
rises as patient effort declines. Moment by moment intra-
cycle adjustment of flow or pressure is not an option with
these “traditional” modes of ventilation. Logic dictates
that better synchrony between patient and machine would
require continuously monitored feedback and flexibility

to adjust to the vagaries of patient need.


3 5 Figure 10-14. Comparison of pressure support (PSV) and

5 5
proportional assist (PAV) in response to muscular efforts of
7 7
varying intensity. The machine pressure mirrors the patient’s
muscular effort during PAV but not during PSV. (From Younes
Figure 10-13. PEEP evens the flow distribution by M: Proportional assist ventilation, a new approach to
counterbalancing auto-PEEP in flow-limited channels with ventilatory support. Theory. Am Rev Respir Dis 1992;145:
differing levels of gas trapping. 114-120.)


Ch010-A04841.indd 186 9/13/2007 10:03:02 AM

function in patients with severe OA and changing mechan- prises minute ventilation. As such, ASV is one step closer
ics or minute ventilation needs. Despite these theoretical to closed loop ventilation, in which clinical goals are set,

Ventilatory Management of Obstructive Airway Disease

disadvantages, PAV has shown at least equivalent comfort monitored, and accomplished automatically. Once the cli-
in patient trials, as well as no greater missed triggering nician has determined the PEEP, FiO2, and cycling triggers
events and greater tidal volume variability than pressure for pressure support, he or she must input the patient’s
support, both in invasive and noninvasive settings.29 That ideal body weight (from which the series deadspace is
said, however, no outcome advantage over PSV has yet estimated) and the fraction of estimated “normal” minute
been convincingly demonstrated in any setting. ventilation the machine should provide. It then varies the
mandatory breath number and the pressure targets of a
Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist pressure-regulated SIMV algorithm. All the while, the
Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA) is similar in machine tries to nudge the patient toward the ventilatory
concept to PAV in that it attempts to regulate the machine’s pattern optimum that should minimize deadspace, work
power support moment by moment by sensing inspiratory of breathing, and auto-PEEP.
effort from the patient.30 The difference is that the dia- In observational studies ASV appears to regulate tidal
phragmatic electromyogram (EMG) provides the signal, so volume and total breathing frequency effectively, without
the traffic from the phrenic nerve regulates the amplitude the need for clinician intervention. As with all advanced
of the pressure delivered, not the lung’s mechanical modes, however, its performance in severe stress settings
response. A thin, multielectrode esophageal catheter is has not been validated and no outcome benefit has yet
used to pick up the strength of the EMG signal, and failure been reported. As currently implemented, ASV lacks gas
to detect it has not been a major problem. The dynamic exchange feedback, does not calculate total physiologic
hyperinflation drawbacks of PAV in patients with airflow deadspace, does not account for adjustment to the ideal
obstruction are theoretically nullified by placing the optimum breathing pattern incurred by disease or defor-
“effort detector” closer to the respiratory drive control- mity, and requires the clinician to specify what percentage
ler—inspiratory efforts related to auto-PEEP are tracked of the ideal minute ventilation to shoot for. Nonetheless,
and supported well before inspiratory flow actually begins. it is a promising approach that modifies machine output
Inherent protective reflexes are believed to help the in response to changing need and may prove to reduce
patient avoid overdistention, even if the machine’s power the gas trapping that dysfunctional patterns of AO
boost factor is set inappropriately high. Despite its intui- engender.
tive appeal, NAVA is still too new to the clinical arena to
allow a firm advantage to be declared. Weaning (“Liberation”) Phase
Protracted ventilator dependence is perhaps the most
Adaptive Support Ventilation feared consequence of intubating patients with exacer-
Adaptive support ventilation (ASV) is a mode that regu- bated COPD and perennial asthma. Not only are breath-
lates machine output with pressure-targeted breaths deliv- ing workloads high, but the ability of the patient to sustain
ered at a variable frequency and with variable pressure in them is compromised by muscle weakness, hyperinflation,
accordance with breathing pattern feedback from the disadvantageous thoracic geometry, blunted ventilatory
patient (Fig. 10-15). Its intent is to minimize the work of drive, and abnormal cardiovascular function. Rational
breathing and auto-PEEP, and it does this by optimizing management of the weaning patient with airflow obstruc-
the tidal volume and frequency combination that com- tion includes provision of adequate rest and nutritional
support, enhancement of neuromuscular and cardiovascu-
lar function, and minimization of the breathing workload.
Adaptive Support Ventilation Maintenance of positive mental attitude can greatly speed
the weaning process.
Patients may fail to wean from mechanical ventilation
Inspiratory pressure Inspiratory pressure for a wide variety of reasons. Among these are hypox-
Measured tidal volume

Mandatory rate Mandatory rate emia, cardiac arrhythmias or cardiovascular instability,

and psychological dependence. However, imbalance
between ventilatory capability and demand is perhaps the
Target most common reason for failure to wean in patients with
ventilatory failure.31
Inspiratory pressure Inspiratory pressure

Mandatory rate Mandatory rate Predicting Readiness for

Spontaneous Breathing
In clinical practice a panel of indices has long been used to
Measured respiratory rate
predict the outcome of the weaning trial. Most individual
Figure 10-15. Regulation of ventilation by adaptive support. elements of these panels can be classified as indicators of
By changing the number of mandated pressure-controlled
breaths and by regulating the pressure support rendered to
either ventilatory capability or demand, but not both.
each triggered cycle, adaptive support aims to keep breathing Some capability indicators depend on patient effort as
frequency and tidal volume within acceptable physiologic well. Thus a maximal inspiratory pressure measure-
ranges (see text). ment exceeding 30 cm H2O and a minute ventilation


Ch010-A04841.indd 187 9/13/2007 10:03:02 AM

requirement of less than 10 L/minute are standard compo- The use of propofol as the sedative of choice in the
nents of the traditional predictive battery. Although minute hours prior to spontaneous breathing trials and weaning

ventilation has been criticized as unreliable, it is still a attempts has helped to avoid the common problem of
highly useful observation, particularly when referenced to benzodiazepine hangover. Dexmedetomidine (Precedex),
blood gas measurements. A high degree of variation of a sedative agent with relatively little hypnotic action, has
minute ventilation suggests some degree of ventilatory proved helpful in some cases in which calm alertness is
reserve.32 Because the product of minute ventilation and desired but difficult to otherwise achieve. When benzodi-
the average inspiratory pressure per breath are the main azepines are given for lengthy periods, lingering sedative
components of the breathing workload, minute ventilation effects can persist for up to a week after the last dose is
must not be disregarded, even when more integrative given. In well-selected cases, alertness-enhancing drugs
indices are in use, such as the frequency-to–tidal volume such as modafinil (Provigil) or atomoxetine (Strattera)
ratio (rapid shallow breathing index, RSBI).31 have been helpful.
Numerous other weaning outcome indices have been
suggested over the years, but none stands alone as infal- Specific Modes
lible, including the RSBI. The most successful of these Considerable effort has gone into the delineation of the
indicators reliably relate power requirement to the ability optimal weaning technique. It is generally true that the
of the patient to sustain it. Certain physiologic measure- majority of patients do not need a lengthy period of
ments such as the P0.1 (a measurable indicator of ventila- gradual machine withdrawal once the primary problems
tory drive) have predictive appeal but are not universally that brought the patient to medical attention have been
available and cannot be relied on in all cases. Because addressed. It is also true that a distinct subset of these
many factors may limit the patient’s ability to be removed patients with underlying airflow obstruction cannot toler-
from the ventilator, more than one single indicator is ate abrupt transitions to spontaneous breathing. More
usually necessary to observe. Alertness, degree of car- graded reloading is sometimes necessary because of fragile
diovascular compensation, clinical trajectory over the pre- cardiovascular status, neuromuscular weakness, or psy-
ceding days, oxygenation status, secretion load, upper chologic factors. Pressure support ventilation is generally
airway patency, coughing efficiency and psychologic well- to be preferred to SIMV, as the reloading process tends to
being are as important as any single predictive measure be less sudden and more predictable. Intermittent T-piece
based on mechanics and muscle strength. weaning makes little sense to employ in patients like this;
Repeated failure to wean is often explained by cardio- each transition to fully spontaneous breathing abruptly
vascular factors such as ischemia and diastolic dysfunc- imposes a full stress workload. All patients, however,
tion. Clues may appear in the form of cardiac dysrhythmias should be tested with low-level pressure support or T-
and an unfavorable excess of fluid intake over output. In piece breathing before any gradual withdrawal of support
part for such reasons, weaning protocols must be con- is undertaken, as the latter may not be necessary.34 Once
structed carefully; failure to meet weaning criteria must the patient is breathing on low level of pressure support
be considered a cue to undertake a careful review of all or from an oxygenated T-piece, observation should be
potential factors that prevent success, not necessarily an continued at least 30 minutes, but generally less than 2
indication to allow a bit more time with unchanging hours before decannulation of the airway is attempted.
therapy.33 During the attempt at spontaneous breathing, the patient
must be watched carefully and not allowed to fatigue
because recovery from that condition may require more
Weaning Approaches than a day to restore energy reserve.35
Preparations for ventilator withdrawal should include Periextubation Phase
ensuring adequate nocturnal rest with fully supported In intubated patients suspected of upper airway obstruc-
breathing, adequate nutrition, good circulatory reserve, tion, a cuff deflation test should be conducted before
avoidance of excessive intravascular volume and edema, decannulating the airway. This is performed by elevating
treatment of infection, appropriate body positioning, and PEEP to 10 to 20 cm H2O in advance of deflation. An
judicious sedation.31 Obstipation, urinary retention, audible leak should be heard if the glottic space is not
pleural effusions, gastric distention, musculoskeletal pain, prohibitively tight. In questionable cases, advance prepa-
severe anemia, and chemical imbalances must be avoided rations should be made for urgent intervention, should
or reversed. During the full support phase of ventilation, that prove necessary after tube extraction.
care must be taken not to allow sedatives to accumulate The postextubation phase should be as carefully
or secretions to collect within the airways. Withdrawal of managed as the ventilated one. The first 24 hours off the
sedatives should be attempted on a daily basis in an ventilator are often difficult and tenuous, but in successful
attempt to prevent oversedation, especially when the cases there should be progressive improvement. Cough-
sedating drug is continuously infused. The patient must ing, deep breathing, adequate oxygenation, avoidance of
not depend on high levels of PEEP for either oxygenation arrhythmias, adequate bronchodilation and airstream
or ventilatory comfort. It must be remembered that PEEP hydration, maintenance of a clear central airway, and a
and CPAP aid ventilation in patients with flow-limited mechanically efficient posture are crucial. Oral refeeding
auto-PEEP. must be undertaken with extreme caution because


Ch010-A04841.indd 188 9/13/2007 10:03:02 AM

swallowing difficulty in chronic dysfunction can persist dries oral secretions, and encourages displacement of oral
days to weeks postextubation in patients who have been secretions into the central airway. Therefore it is common

Ventilatory Management of Obstructive Airway Disease

ventilated for lengthy periods. Although CPAP and non- for patients who receive mask ventilation postextubation
invasive ventilation may be helpful in selected patients,36 to require reintubation for clearance of thickened airway
mask ventilation generally impedes secretion clearance, mucus.

■ By assuming a major portion of the ventilatory ■ Most patients hospitalized with exacerbations of asthma
workload, mechanical ventilation affords the opportunity or COPD can be managed effectively by regimens that
to rest the respiratory muscles while maintaining pH incorporate aggressive secretion clearance techniques,
homeostasis and oxygenation, thereby averting antibiotics, corticosteroids, intensified bronchodilators,
progressive ventilatory failure or respiratory arrest, hydration, cardiovascular support, and supplemental
or both. oxygen.
■ Increased resistance to airflow is responsible (directly or ■ The first 24-hour period following tracheal intubation
indirectly) for many of the physiologic disturbances that and initiation of positive pressure ventilation is a highly
typify AO. dynamic one for the patient with AO.
■ When dynamic collapse occurs during tidal respiration ■ The majority of ventilatory support of AO is still currently
and breathing requirements are high, there is little provided with modes of ventilation that are now
alternative to hyperinflation or CO2 retention, or both. decades old—flow-controlled, volume-cycled ventilation
■ Ventilation-perfusion mismatching is widespread in (“assist-control”); PCV; PSV; and SIMV.
patients with severe airflow obstruction, reducing the ■ The postextubation phase should be as carefully
efficiency of carbon dioxide elimination. managed as the ventilated one. The first 24 hours off
■ Pressure-targeted modes of ventilation, exemplified by the ventilator are often difficult and tenuous, but in
pressure control and pressure support, have become successful cases there should be progressive
increasingly popular in the care of intubated patients, improvement.
as well as those receiving noninvasive ventilation by

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