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By CALVIN STUDZINSKI of leher Crepits Cover Art by: Kim Sokol Mlustratioy Layout Artist: Editor: Andrea J. Studzinski _ Agrand debt of thanks is owed to a great many people. Without their help, this roleplaying game would not exist %& First, to my parents, who let me game in their base- ‘ ‘ment for many years, supported my gaming hobby, convinced me that publishing my game was worth- while, and did not laugh when asked for RPG books when Lwas 10, thank you. __ & To my friends, who supported and encouraged me through the long process of making this game, thank you. __ To everyone who play-tested Age of Aether over m the long years of development, thank you, ___-& To the following backers, who provided me with the resources needed to turn this game from con- cept to reality, thank you, High and Mighty Aristocrats: Allison Davis, Brian- na Stevens, Erin Ahifinger, Greg Hildner, Melanie P. ‘Studzinski, Philip Haubrich, Thomas M. Colwell, Tony Califano, William Nicholas Thomas, A Wealthy and Sociable Noble: Nick Craft Prominent Members of Society: Alison Laybourn, Aunt Carol, Aunt Linda, Joe & Kelly Craft, Mom & Dad Studzinski, Sean & Sarah Whitsitt yminent Members of the Gentry: A. W. Mortis, Amber Beasley, Andrew Hunter, Aunt Susan, Bruce Coulson, Debby Mink, Elliot Marroquin, Kathy Jack- son, Michael Feldhusen, Michael Holzhausen, Morgan. ‘Lefever, Nancy J Sam Hing, Sean Pennington, Stephen. Sargeant Author, Designer, and Project Manager: Calvin Studzinski leather Catt, Kaela Croft, Ken McCuen, Kim Sokol, ‘Melissa Hudson, Priscilla Kim, Steve Ellis, Rebecca Bean fathan D. Paoletta Copyright © 2008 Calvin Studzinski Age of Hither a registered trademark of Calvin Studzinski Intrepid Pioneers: Anthony Zanini, Asia Kessing- ex, Carly Greene, Cavan and ‘Theresa Rider, Chandler Norris, Chase MacLeod, Christina Patterson, Conor: ‘Owens, Dennis & Kammy Chinnock, Kably, Karl Hild- net, Luna Kanashi, Michael “Sugartitz” Clewlow, Joe Russell, Tim “Alamias’ Cox, Tuffin, Zach Rademan, Respectable Citizens: BlindGeek, Christian Caron, Claire L. Fishback, Corey Papastathis, Dan Fritz, Eishne, Erzmagus, Ettibebs, Liz Chaver, John ‘johnkz- in’ Rudd, Kevin Hannah, Mark R. Lesniewski, Matt Cannella, Matteo Signorini, Michael Waters, Morgan Hennings, Neal5x5, Patrice Mermoud, Randy W., Ra- phael Bressel, Ratt, Sarah McLaughlin, Steve Locke, THE Donnie, Thomas Burke, Tristyn Bunney, Xody, Ye Olde F., Hard-Working Members of the Proletariat: A Scruffy Hamster, George H., Noralie, Thomas R. Tyler Thomas A Free Adventurer: Guy Larke b And finaly, to my wife, who was the soul of kind- ness, compassion, support, and understanding during these last few hectic years, who kept me sane when I was about to give up, and who never stopped appreciating me, I thank you. - Laanh you oll” : TABLE oF ConTENTS | Business at Usual Bepter 5: ltloenturing Hatt ano Heatine 67 & Movement ann Terrain, 70 ae. hase ol her 11 ___Ismnsves B a 8 nen Conla a Waar is 4 Rove-Pravinc Game? u Waar You Witt Nero u Gorin Hurr 94 Pe aates res 2B PLAVERS AND CHARACTERS: 12 = ‘Tue Game Master 13, VERVIEW 98 aE, Ie Wanvenoratte ae Serrincs 14 ‘Tne Scnoots oF Magic 100 Rote or tHe Game Group 4 ‘Spee List 102 ¥ erator enon alee ciara foo Fina Remarks 4 Puysiomancy 109 ye Bee ri . 2 Cranes Cection sane 9 % 1) SeLect Your SLors 7 ConjuRATION 130 2) Cnoose your Race 18, Bastreevore Gentes 2 i 3 Gear and Resources _ 1 4) Assion your ArrriBUTES: 22 foney in AGr or ABTHER 136 Bes} aancoe Your Maer 2 ce DOE ra 10 fi saiuca vote sates SS eae iw 7) Spenp your Resources: 26 ‘Weapons 156 ir ansane Tecoma pe OO hesredcranes 2 Ec une Aree Fa eS 28 Meus and Whales ona 23 are 181 Doctor 30 Venicies 182 ENcinerr 31 Chase Scenes 183, GUNSLINGER 32 LARGER VEHICLES AND SERVICES 184 ‘HUNTER 33 Saupte Mounts ano DrarrAnimats 185 Reto babe t cammatesmaice iss Spy 35 SawpLe VeHIcLes 187 SWASHBUCKLER 36 Tuer 37 to jes andl eloersavies Wanuace 38 w 39 oe Nov-Praven Characters 191 the Geme 40 Creators 207 : Gun me DG 42 Comal 210 —Ghiancixe rie Rous 44 See a ze Focus Ponts 45 gpier 4: Skill and Qualities 47 i é stiuis 49 a 22 Quaumes 35 Durtes oF 4 Ga Misren 221 Assers 88 RUNVING 4 GAME SEssiON 222 Flaws 88 Curating & Caupatcn 225 Focus Points 233 Rewarns 234 Coxctusion 237 Cuaracter Sueer ‘enri and Jean-Luc stood outside an ornate iit iti re tat once teen painted in gaudy colors, but whose brant facade had dulled under years of rain until it had become a dim, grey wall, like the rest of the buildings in Greyleaf. Several women stood on the covered porch wearing shockingly bright outfits, seemingly trying to make up for the colorlessness of their surroundings. Perhaps even more shocking. ‘was the fact that so much color had been crammed. into such a small amount of cloth. “Are you sure this is the right place?” Jean-Luc asked his brother In reply, Henri pointed to the sign hanging over the door. Neither of the two could read the sign’s writing, ut the bright red silhouette of a woman in half a dress unmistakable “The Scarlet Lady. This is where Beinen told us to nd you trust Beinen?” Jean-Luc asked. Henri shrugged. “Why not? He ix a brother. “No, Henri, we are brothers. Our comrades back home the slaves who fought and died alongside us for freedom ‘are our brothers. Beinen is just a man in the same peity street gang as us.” Henri shifted uncomfortably. “And now that our home is occupied again? We have no more brothers back there. Regardless, this is a job that pays, and we need the money.” Jean-Luc sighed. It was true: money had been tight lately. It was hard for a pair of foreign orcs to find work in an unfriendly city. The last pieces of copper earned. busting rioters had just about run out. “It’s either this, or we go back to sta Luc’s thoughts. Rather than reply, Jean-Luc walked up the steps to the door. Henri followed. Hello there, handsome,” a buxom woman with far too much elbow and entirely too much ankle exposed crooned. “Need some company? Sorry. Not tonight,” Henri replied brusquely. Jean Luc elbowed his bnother, then asked, his language jalter ing slightly as he tried to remember the strange foreign words. ‘Tam looking for aspefistic,spessific, girl with crim: isson hair and eyes the color of an open sky viewed from the pow, pow? ‘Prow,” Henri murmured under his breath. The prow of a free airship,” Jean-Luc finished, smit- ing weakly 'ing,” Henri said, echoing Jean BUSINESS AS USUAL “Well, then,” the busom woman replied, “Let's get you inside and see if we can't find what you're looking jor.” Grabbing JeancLuc by the hand, she led him into the Inalding. Henri followed, fuming at the prospect of doing business in a brothel. Inside, all was warm lights, bright colors, and soft flesh. It seemed as though someone had bought a stan- dard tavern or inn and then populated it with all of the loase women in Greyleaf “Mama!” the buxom woman called. A beautiful elven woman, dressed in a fine white petti coat and a cream-colored waistcoat, descended the stairs. “Yes?” “These men are looking fora girl with the red hair and shy-blue eyes.” The elf called Mama nodded. “I know just the one. Gentlemen, ifyou'll follow me, please?” Mama grceful- tp turned and walked off. Slightly astonished that an ‘ne would call him a gentleman, Jean Luc followed, his brother leading the way. The graceful elf maiden led the two ores down the stairs into the cellar. Sashaying to a specific cask, Mama turned the tap and the front of the barrel hinged out ‘wards, revealing a tunnel just large enough to scuttle through. “Enjoy your stay, gentlemen.” Jean-Luc ducked below the barrel and entered a small, dark space cleverly concealed inside the stacked wine casks. With a faint hiss, a match flared, revealing a small, dark-clad man seated behind another cask set on its end to serve as a table. He lit his pipe, then Blew a smoke ring over the brothers. Jean-Luc supposed that the gloom sas supposed to unnerve him, but all ores could see perfectly well in the dark. The man was short, even for a human, and he wore a carnival mask concealing ‘most of his face below his wide-brimmed hat. Jean-Luc could see the man’s small, well-trimmed beard, and his jes glittering in the pipe light. "So. You've the two Beinen sent me.” Jean-Luc and Henri nodded. “That’sa shame. [could hace used him Why couldn't he come himself again?” “Hle was stabbed. Here.” Henri pointed to his thigh. “When?” the man asked. “Rit,” Henri replied “Why'd he recommend you twa?” “We carried him back to the docks,” Henri hissed. “You. going to give us more questions, or we talking business?” “T needed to confirm that you were who you said you were,” the man snarled, “How do you two know each other?” “We are brothers. We come from Lecarde Isle, we fougit inthe sas eo nd agains the insasion. We toflee from the Royalists and wound up here.” Hen ri’s patience was running out. “What does this have to do with...” "So you don't mind robbing royalty?” the dark man interrupted. Henri was taken aback by the suddenness of the ques- tion, “No...” ‘The man puffed his pipe. “You were in the revolution. suppose you can use those weapons you've got hidden on yourselves?” Jean-Luc’s hand went to the machete hidden under is coat. His sword was concealed in kis room, it being illegal to wear it on the streets. With his machete, he hhad killed his first mea, the overseer on his plantation. With the overseer’s old cavalry sword, he had killed many more. “Ves,” Henri replied. His dagger had killed the ‘man who sought to cry out when Jean-Luc had split the cnverseer’s heal open. “So, are you willing to get your blades bloody for a thousand schillings apiece?” Jean-Luc’ eves practically bugged out of his head. A thousand schillings could feed and clothe kim and his brother for fice years. Longer, if they were stingy. How: ever, he had seen a lot of death in the revolution, and had killed too many people already. “Ld rather not have to kill anyone.” “If everyone's sensible and behaves themselves, no one has to die," the man said. “But if someone pulls pistol, Texpect you to ut him down. "How long wil it take?” Henri asked. things go welt, about twenty minutes. The actual pear where you earn your fray will be over ina flash, Add a few hours of travel and stakeout time.” “When?” "Do you accept?” Henvi looked at Jean-Luc, who nodded. The claws of Irunger were crawling around his stomach. Turning back to the small man, Henri said, “We accept. What do we do?” ‘The dark man smiled. “We've stealing the royal seal of Raylen.” Jean-Luc looked blank, “What isa royal seal?” “Its a gold instrument that you press into wax to mark a document as official, Its part of Raylen’s crown jewels Henri scofed. “Crown jewels are hept in a castle in the capital, far away. We won't be allowed within a hun: dred meiers of the palace.” Jean-Luc shared his brother's skepticism. Both of the ores's coats were threadbare and shuny with wear, and their trousers patched at the knees. Noone in their right mind would allow such people near anything royal “We've not going to a myal party, stupid,” the dark rman shot back. “Tensions dre rising back in the capitol. War will come soon. Heck, there probably already would be fighting if Raylen’s best general had not taken their best army to conquer this city. Everyone wants the Gow:

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