Dual-Language Learning

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Goldenberg, C., Hicks, J., & Lit, I. (2013). Dual language learners: Effective instruction in early
childhood. American Educator, 37(2), 26-29. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1013928

SUMMARY- In this article we are going to learn about dual language learning. It means that
children or students must learn two languages or multiple languages at the same time. They must
learn English as it is the universal language and can be used all around the globe. In many areas
there are multiple children or students present who are not able to speak English properly in
majority. It is important for those children to learn English fluently at the same time they must
also be fluent in their home language and cultural language. This article states that these students
must learn English and their cultural language at their early age (Goldenberg, et al., (2013).

EVALUATION- In this article the strengths and weaknesses of learning dual language at a time
is mentioned. The strength states that as children their adoption skills are better as compared to
the adult. So it is easier for them to learn dual language at a time than an adult. If children learn
dual languages a time then it would be good for their own development. The weakness of
learning dual language could be sometimes for a few younger children that it might cause some
difficulty in learning the secondary language, if they struggle with the grammatical concepts,
then it would affect their education in a negative way.

REFLECTION- As the topic was Dual Language Learning, this article comes in support and
sates all the important and related information. Dual language learning can be good for the
students and children as they can enhance their learning and advance their education with the
help which they would be able to communicate all around the globe (Goldenberg, et al., (2013).

Hur, J. H., Snyder, P., & Reichow, B. (2020). Systematic review of English early literacy
interventions for children who are dual language learners. Topics in Early Childhood Special
Education, 40(1), 6-23. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0271121419894623

SUMMARY- In this article we are going to learn how the children and students from different
language background can help each other in order to learn each others languages. For an example
few students who are fluent in English and some students who are fluent in other regional or
native language are brought together in the same classroom so that they would be able to learn
each others language. In this the responsible teachers are used to convey the message of effective
needs of learning dual language to the students (Reichow, et al., 2020).

EVALUATION- This article states strength of learning dual language as it encourages the
wisdom and weakness as education in the secondary language can be inconsistent (Reichow, et
al., 2020).Wisdom helps students and children in growing their career and education as they have
many opportunities on the basis of English language. However, some schools and academies are
not consistent in providing the appropriate knowledge which results as students are not able to
use language on daily basis and ends up not learning the language properly.

REFLECTION- As children are most likely to learn new and different things as they have good
adaptability. As the topic was Dual Language Learning, this article comes in support and sates
all the important and related information. Dual language learning can be good for the students
and children as they can enhance their learning and advance their education with the help which
they would be able to communicate all around the globe. As the children of different language
background comes together and help each other in learning dual language.

Palmer, D. K., Cervantes-Soon, C., & Dornier-Heiman, D. (2020). Bilingualism, biliteracy,

biculturalism, and critical consciousness for all: Proposing a fourth fundamental goal for two-
way dual language education. In Dual Language Education in the US (pp. 34-50). Routledge.

SUMMARY- This article is also based on Dual language learning and has a similar key points
that above two articles have. In this article we are going to discuss about the detailed scenario of
dual language learners. This article is the experimental analysis of the topic. This article clearly
mentions and states how learning two languages at a time can be good for a children as they
would be able to enhance their skills in English (Palmer, et al., 2020).

EVALUATION- The strength and weaknesses according to this topic is stated and discusses in
brie and detail. As children and students must learn English as their secondary language so that
they would be able to find any difficulty in communicating with the world. Although
monolingual instructions are only limited in learning a home language with the help of which the
children or students would be able to communicate only with the native people . According to
the research there were many students at a time for whom French was their primary language.
After that more research was required to know if there are some ore students with the different
primary language.

REFLECTION- On the basis of this article which states that why students or children must start
learning multiple or dual language at a time. As this article has detailed preview and information
about how many students do not have English as their primary and first language to learn. And
only they have their native or only one language to learn with the help of which they only would
be able to communicate with the native or regional people. However, if they choose English as
their primary language in dual learning language they would be able to enhance their skills
which will help them in their career growth (Palmer, et al., 2020).

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