Ja Morant Lawsuit

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Circuit Fileroom credit/debit card payment form Date: April 13, 2023 Case ID: T-3712-22 Certified documents ($5.00 each): $0.00 Number pages at 50¢ per page: 109 $54.50 Subtotal: $54.50 Convenience fee: 3.50% $1.91 Total Charge: $56.41 authorize the amount shown above to be charged on my credit/debit card account. Signature Printed name Take this form to room 228 for processing. Thank you. ELECTRONICALLY FILED 2023 Ape 12 7:42 PM (CLERK OF COURT = CIRCUIT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF SHELBY COUNTY, TENNESSEE FOR THE THIRTIETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT AT MEMPHIS JOSHUA ISAIAH HOLLOWAY, Plaintiff, vs. Case No, CT-3712-22 Div. ‘TEMETRIUS JAMEL “JA” MORANT And DAVONTE PACK, individually and severally, Defendants. ‘TEMETRIUS JAMEL “JA” MORANT, Counter-Plaintiff, JOSHUA ISAIAH HOLLOWAY, Counter-Defendant, (COUNTER-COMPLAINT OF DEFENDANT / COUNTER-PLAINTIFF TEMETRIUS JAMEL “JA” MORANT. Defendant Temetrius Jamel “Ja” Morant, assuming the role of Counter-Plaintff, by and ‘through counsel of record, submits this Counter-Complaint contemporancously with his separately-filed Answer fo the Amended Complaint of Plaintiff Counter-Defendant Joshua Isaiah Holloway, stating as follows: PARTIES, JURISDICTION, AND VENUE 1. Mr. Morant isa resident of Shelby County, Tennessee, 2. Upon information and belief, Counter-Defendant is, and was at all times relevant to this ation, a resident of Shelby County, Tennessee. 3. This Court has jurisdiction over the subject matter of this action under Tennessee Code Annotated § 16-10-101 because it is a court of general jurisdiction and this Counter Complaint concerns a counterdefendant who resides in Shelby County, Tennessee. 4. Venue is proper before this Court under Tennessee Code Annotated § 204-01 ‘because this action arose in Shelby County, Tennessee EACTUAL BACKGROUND, 5. Ben hefore he first suited up forthe Memphis Grizalies, Mr. Morant started cstablishing his character and reputation a a positive influence in his adopted hometown.” 6. tis important to Mr. Morant to invest in the Memphis community 7. Since joining the Memphis Grizalies, Me. Morant often has hosted pickup basketball games at his family home 8. He occasionally invite talented, local basketball players to join him for these games. "See, e.g, Nathan Chester, Cornerstones with Character: Jaren Jackson, Jr, Ja Moran, and Menohis_ Dred jon: Grizaly Bear Blues (May 26, 2020), 5/26/21269064omerstones-with-character-jaren- jackson-ir-and-ia-morant-uphold-e-memphis-tradition-rizzlies-nba (htts://oerma.ce/MCWS- ‘9CCN} 9. ForMr. Morant, hosting local basketball players at his family home isan extension of is investment in Memphis, which tarts with basketball but goes far beyond the court? A. Mr. Marant hosts Counter-Defendant at is familv home, 10. On July 26,2022, Mr, Morant invited Counter-Defendant to play basketball at his family home. 11, Counter-Defendant understood Mr. Morant’s purpose; he acknowledged that Mr. “Morant “was doing some amazing things, and I was just impressed... I'm playing against an all- star, you know?” 12. At some point, though, the game got heated, as pickup games between passionate players often do. 'B. Counter-Defendant starts a fizht and threatens to use a gun, 13. Counter-Defendant, apparently frustrated, threw the ball st Mr. Morant and ‘intentionally hit him in the face. Jn the face with a basketball hurts; fora professional point guard like Mr. Morant, an injury to the eyes or nose could be career ending” 15, To make matters worse, Counter-Defendant then balled up his fists and walked ageressively toward Mr. Morant as ifto attack him. OAD Sar Bova, Be Like: 12 Dee of Kindness Recap, Choon) "(Dee 17,202), “tl -OAAY) les Revel How Je Mora Seed Foc ny Spots torts sea so#8S-DMEA 16, Mr. Morant, just 22 years old himself atthe time, hit Counter-Defendant once in self-defense, attempting to protect both his person and his career. 17. Ms. Morant and Counter-Defendant immediately were separated by others; witnesses estimate that the enti jon lasted ten seconds, 18. Mr. Morant remained at the court while Counter-Defendant was escorted out by Mr. Morant’s father. 19. As he was leaving, however, Counter-Defendant yelled that he would retum to [Mr. Morant’s] house up lke a firework show,” which witnesses and Mr. Morant understood to bea threat to usea gun. 20. After Mr. Morant received a subsequent threat on Snapchat that appeared to be from CCounter-Defendant, Mr. Morant nd hi ly reported Counter-Defendan’s violent conduct and threats tothe poice* . Countsr-Defendant lest the palise, 21. After being eseorted fom Mr. Morants family home, Cou police that Mr. Morant hit him multiple times, that someone else kicked Cou ‘multiple times, acting in self-defense after Counter-Defendant face with a basketball, balled up < See Snapchat post, atached as Exhibit. The Snapchat post was made by inals are the same as Counter-Defendant's. As of January 9, Snapchat username was "Oficial JHI.” (See PL.'s Resp. Ist Set Interop) 23, Probably these false allegations were meant to make up for th fact that Counte- Defeadant, and not Mr. Moran, started a ight and threatened to use a gun. 24, Infact ia this very lawsuit, Counter-Defendant has admitted that he lied about Mr. “Moran's hitting him multiple imes and also ied about someone kicking him 25. Inhis original complaint, fled on September 9, 2022, Counter-Defendant sai that he was punched by Mr, Moran and kicked by a third person while lying on the ground, (Comp. 912627) 26, But last month Counter-Defendant changed his story: In his Amended Complaint, filed on March 28,2023, Counter-Defendant now claims that “one or both” of the defendants— ‘Mr, Morant or someone elso—punched him while he was lying onthe ground and says nothing at all about enyone kicking him, (Am. Compl. 132.) 27, None ofthat stopped Counter Defendant fom telling tes to police after the basketball game or fiom repeating those les when he first filed this lawsuit. D. 28, Six months after Counter-Defendant lied to the police, TMZ. published a story in January 2023 that repeated Counter-Defendant 29, How TMZ leamed about the basketball game and Counter-Defend unclear: At the request of Counter-Defendant and his mother, this lawsuit was sealed September—four months before the TMZ. story was published. (See Plaintiffs’ Sept. 9, 2022, Motion to Seal Complaint) Ja Mor ‘TMZ (lan. 3, 30, If Counter-Defendant leaked his lies to TMZ, then he has not only lied but also violated a Court Onder. (See Sept. 15, 2022, Order Granting Motion to Seal Complaint and Documents Filed with the Clerk) 31, Two months after the TMZ story while this case was sill sealed, The Washington ‘Post published a second story sbout the incident that repeated Counter-Defendant’s lies.* 32, According to the story’s author, The Post was told about Counter-Defendant’s les ‘by “a person familiar with the lawsuit, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because it was under eal” 33, The person who spoke with The Pos, like the person who spoke with TMZ, violated a Court Order. 34, National media repeated and amplified the lies of Counter-Defendant 35. The Post story, for example, reported that of the eight affidavits included in police ‘reports about the incident—which, again, were under seal—“faJone of them mentioned & gun.” 36. Bul, infact, one afidavit stated plainly that Mr. Morant did nor retrieve or brandish agun, 37. The remaining seven affidavits all said that Counter-Defendant, and not Mr. ‘Morant,threstened to use a gun 38 Not one witness corroborated Counter-Defendant’s false statements. © gh Hesley-Clany, NBA Star te Morant Accused n Foie Report of Parching Ten ‘Making Threats, Wash. Post, Mar. 1, 2023, sports/2023/03/01 i-morant-runch-teer od F. More confidential information s leaked to national media in violation of Court Orders and Tennessee laws 39, On March 28, 2023, the seal in this case was partially lifted by agreement ofall parties. (See Onder Conditionally Granting Motion to Lift Seal.) 40, But the Court's Order preserved the confidentiality of certain information, expressly stating that an Agreed Protective Order issued the month before “remains in full force and effect.” (ld. at 3.) 41. The Agreed Protective Order states that “Protected Information shall be used only in and for the purposes of this litigation in accordance withthe terms of this Orde.” (Feb. 10, 2023, Agreed Protective Order 42.) 42. Itapplies to the lawyers in this case as well as the partis, also stating that “counsel ‘of record for the party requesting Protected Information is responsible for employing reasonable measures to contol, cor th this Order, duplication of, access to, and distribution of copies 416) 43. Yet one week afte th seal inthis case was patsy Tited, The Post published another story on April 6, 2023. 44. The April 6 story again tracked Counter-Defendant 45. It also contained additional confidential information—tis time unredacted video footage of Counter-Defendant from the Shelby County Sheriff's Office—whose disclosure expressly is bared by statute as well as by Orders ofthis Court See Tenn. Code Ann. § 10-7- 5 Gus Garcia-Roberts & Molly Hens! Trouble Went Unchecked by Auth ,,Jn Memphis, Ja Morant’s Summer of Wash. Post (Apr. 6, 2023), [htpsfdperma.ce/4VD6-XFRB}, '504(0\(1)(E) (barring from public inspection “[ajay photographic or video depiction of the minor vietim’). 46. In fact, because of the statutory restrictions, Counter-Defendant obtained the footage from the Sheriff's Office only after his lawyer signed an Agreed Confidentiality Order. (See Jan, 13, 2023, Agreed Order on Petition for Waiver of Confident (ld. 44) 48, ory by TMZ and the first story by The Post, whoever provided the footage embedded in The Post's story of April 6 violated a Court Order. 49, That person also violated Tennessee law. G. Counter-Defendant’s lies spread, 50, The repetition and amplification of Counter-Defendant’s lies spread like wildfire, S1, Just this past weekend, the leaked embedded video from The Post's story of April 6 showed up on TikTok.* 52. Last month, one Post reporter falsely tweeted that Mr. Morant had pointed @ gun at ‘Counter-Defendant 53, The tweet, which was posted on March 1, 2023, went live within months of the ‘announcement of Mr. Mor ike, within weeks of Mr. Moran's second consecutive appearan Star Game, and 9 care Dante ils tat), THT hp. 8, 2023) video(7219370275521957162 (hte ‘within hours of the launch of Mr. Morant’s latest brand deal as the new face of Coca-Cola's Powerade 54, Other media repeated this lie and Counter-Defendant’ lies in tandem. 35. For example, the Twitter account @TheNBACentral, with over one million followers, posted the following: “Ja Morant he accused of allegedly beating up a 17-year- ‘old boy and pointing a gun at him, per @mollyhe 56. That tweet subsequently aequired over 3.1 million views; over 22,600 likes; 4,716 ‘quote tweets; and 1,976 retweets."" ST. Sportsmanor published an article with this statement: ‘The Washington Post reported that Ja [Moran after punching him “12-13” times during the fight nted a gun at & teenager 58. The Spun, owned by Spor 1ed, reported that “Molly Hensley-Claney of the Washington Post reported on Wednesday that Morant had been accused of two new distressing encounters. One of the encounters included him allegedly beating up a 17-year-old boy and may ‘have even pointed a gun a him." © See NBACentral (@TheNBACentral), Twiter (Mar. 1, 2023, 1:34 PM CST), atached as Rizvi, Shocking Revelations Come to Light Year-Old Boy With a Gun After Allegedly Punching 59, The lies spread just as quickly in social and news media across Mr. Morant’s adopted hometown." H 60. Counter-Defendant’s lies about Mr. Morant, which have been repented and ‘amplified by the media, have harmed Mr. Morant and put his put {mage in jeopardy 61. One ocal commentator noted that “{Mr. Morant)'s grown more circumspect in his interactions withthe media, and that now seems unlikely to change any time soon.”"* 62. They also have affected—and offended—Mr. Morant's adopted hometown and state. 63. Onclocal radio show host in Memphis pointed out that The Post sent emails to local ‘media promoting its story." ‘64, Another asked whether The Post should have writen about Mr. Morant a ll: [Slome ofthis is just a jx ‘that Ja got into a dispute 1 Washington Post story that Jag Morant and it makes them look click '4 See, e.g, Chris Herrington, The Crucial Par ofthe Grizzlies’ (Regular) Season Starts larch 2, 2023), htps/dailsmemphian.com/article34S41/, attached as Exhibit 5 (noting newly reported event in the Washington Posts story about Morant on Wednesday not actually @ new incident”), oi ‘The Geoff Calkins Show: Should the Washington Post Have Writen About Ja Morant?, 909 FM ESPN (Mt 22025), ot 1-11-48, eebived oma calkinss "pat 1231-1282, 65. These inci © not isolated, a illustrated by more than 16 news reports, articles, and memes attached as collective Exhibit 6, many of which eastgate or ridicule Mr. Morant. 66. Before Counter-Defendant lied and before he or someone else leaked his lest the ‘media, Mr, Morant was a strong prospect for one of six AI-NBA guard spots." 67, That selection would be personally significant for Mr. Morant, because it would ‘rigger a “super max” clause in his contrat worth millions of 68, Ihalso would be significant for the Memphis Griza ‘Mr, Moraat achieves an AIl-NBA First Team selection, he will be only the second player in franchise history, after Mare Gasol, todo it 69, Local commentators wonder whether the recent coverage of Mr. Morant reduces his chances, asking, disadvantage?” 70. Counter-Defendant it put off some AII-NBA voters, creating a kind of tiebreaker ‘media also potentially jeopardize Mr. Morants relationships with future sponsors, with some of ‘whom he has presently unconsummated deals in progress. 71, All ofthis damage started with and stems from Counter-Defendant’s is. EIRST CAUSE OF ACTION: SLANDER 72. Mr. Morant incorporates and reassers the allegations in the preceding paragraphs as ifthose allegations were restated here verbatim, "8 See Herringion, supra, note 14 and accompanying text. 73, Mr. Morant is a private individual, 74, Counter-Defendant’ made slanderous statements 10 police that Mr. Morant repeatedly punched him and brandished a gun at him, 75, These statements were false, and Counter-Defendant had actual knowledge oftheir falsehood or had reckless disregard for the trth 76, Because.of Counter-Defendant's actions or the actions of those acting on his behalf, these statements have reached national audiences through the media 77, These false statements have damaged Mr. Morant 78. Because of Counter-Defendant’s false statements, Mr. Morant has suffered impairment ofthe character and reputation that he has worked for years to buildin the Memphis ‘community 79, Because of Counter-Defendant’s false statements, Mr, Morant has been subjected 1 castigaton and ridicule and suffered personal humiliation 80, Because of Counter-Defendant’s false statements, Mr. Morant has grown more circumspect in his interactions with the media, 81. Counter-Defendant is conseque to Mr, Morant for the false statement. 82. For these injuries, Mr. Morant is entitled to recover compensatory damages from ‘Counter-Defendant SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION: ‘BATTERY 83. Mr. Morant incorporates and reassers the allegations in the preceding paragraphs as if those allegations were restated here verbatim, 84. Counter-Defendant intentionally hit Mr. Morant in the face with a basketball. 85. Counter-Defendan’s offensive that it infringed ona reasonable sense of personal dignity ordinarily respected ins cv society 86. Counter Defendant is consequently lable to Mr, Morant fr battery. 87. Mr. Moran is ented to recover damages from Counter Defendant on account of the battery. ‘THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION: ‘ASSAULT 18, Mr. Moran incorporates and reaserts the allegations in the preceding paragrephs 1 f thos allegations were restated here verbatim. $9, After CounterDefendant threw the bal at Mr. Moran and intentionally hit him in the face, Counter-Defendant then balled up hs fists and walked agaressvely toward Me. Morant 1s ft attack im 90. Counter-Defendant’s body language and actions were intended to create an spprehension of harm or fea in Mr. Moran 91. Counter-Defendant dd in fact, through his body language and actions, create an spprehension of harm or fear in Mr, Morent that Counter-Defendant wes about to strike Mr Moat. 92. Counter-Defendant had the present ability to carry out that threat. 93. Counter-Defendant is conseques Mr. Morant for assault 94, Mr. Morant is entitled to recover damages from Counter-Defendant on account of CONCLUSION WHEREFORE, on the basis of the allegations and claims inthis Counter-Complaint, Me. “Morant prays for the following relief |. An award of compensatory damages; ‘An award of prejudgment and post-judgment ‘damages that this Court ultimately determines on the amount of any ted; and All other and further relieto which Mr. Morant may be entitled as a matter of Taw or equity. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, Counsel for Temetrius Jamel “Ja Morant CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ‘The undersigned certifies that on the 12th day of April 2023, a true and exact copy ofthe foregoing document was served via electronic mailto: Rebecca Adelman, Esq. Lesley Floyd, Esq. ADELMAN LAW FIRM, PLLC (647 South Main Street ‘Memphis, TN 38103 7.901.529.9313 rebecca(@adelmanfirm.com Counsel for Plaimafis S, Keenan Carter onze 1 CE 37) -02 EXHIBIT 1 rd roe) EXHIBIT 2 y @ statin @ Home Ht oor 7 Relevant paople B Nesooes Ore: A ooksrs B © b What's happening EXHIBIT 3 ‘Y¥23,890PM Shaking Reine Cone a Lit ht Mot a ec Trang 87.0 Boy Wi # Qn At Alga Pe = Q HOME UFC NBA FOOTBALL GOXING WWE NFL TENNIS WEB STORIES Shocking Revelations Come to Light As Ja Morant Is Accused of Threatening a 17-Year-Old Boy With a Gun After Allegedly iat Him D vemoramestien ser 425 nBasketbal NBA Reng “ oo eos tm sorenanorcontanen sheng meabrs cone Digtherenannt arise tmaage ‘I ypectibopmapnater. 8 ‘013.8284 shcoy Raton Com LA Maree eset Teg 7-Ye Oe oy Wan Gn Aa ep Pa HOME UFC NBA FOOTBALL BOXING WWE NFL TENNIS WEB STORIES Q ‘multiple occasions. The world will admit that he tends to let emotions get the better of him, including his fans. However, Ja is stil one ofthe best players in the league. Moreover, the 23-year- ld is also the face ofthe Grizzlies franchise right now. Guru wv @0:Gury_ Follow Ja Morant has been sued for allegedly attacking a minor at a basketball game in his Tennessee home in July, per @TMZ. 9:22 AM. Jan 3, 2023 @ Read the fll conversation on Twitter 24K -@ Reply Share Read 119 replies ‘Awhile ago, some shocking revelations emerged about Ja's physical altercation with a 17-year-old boy. Many claimed that the victim even fle a lowsult against the NBA player. For those who don't know, Ja punched the young boy after a basketball game between the pair went horribly wrong Ja Morant’s off-the-court antics land him in trouble once again er eager cmt thang ain ee at ssoaninscomidct avenge tye cttbopwtheginatr. 28 {Yits,806°M Soong Roan Cone Lip Ae a Mone esd! Testing #17 Yo Bo Wi Gin Aa Ap HOME UFC NBA FOOTBALL BOXING WWE NFL TENNIS WEBSTORIES Q ‘accident. However, as recent reports suggest, itlooks tke Ja may have 3 of trouble if these rumors are true Ja Morant has been accused of allegedly beating up a 17-year-old boy and pointing a gun at him, per @mollyhe teenager told detectives from the Shelby County Sheriff's Office thé after the fight, Morant went into his house and re-emerged with a gun visible in the waistband... htips:/A.co/1TX9TxCQw pic.twitter. com/ZgGkyb6Hel. — NBACentral (@TheNBACentral) March 1, 2023. The Washington Post reported that Ja pointed a gun atthe teenager after punching him 12-13" times during the fight. As per Molly Hensley-Clancy, Ja “re-emerged with a gun visible in the waistband of his pants and his hand on the weapon" when he was coming out of his house, tis not confirmed whether these reports are true and we do not know if Ja will address them soon, However, it will be heartbreaking for fans to find out that his career could be at stake ifthe crimes he's accused of are proven to be tue. The 17-year-old boy's identity has not been disclosed. itis understandable considering his age and the fact thatthe case is in the mide of an investigation, Ja is undoubtedly a talented player and fans would be hoping that these are just rumors. The Grizzlies are performing well on the court, and they would certainly need Ja to go all the way. Previous Post Next Post “Everything Is Earned” —LeBron James Shaquille O'Neal Fake Pregnancy Test: Joins Hands With Sony and PlayStation _Shaq's Strange Endorsement Deal That to Design Limited Edition Console and —_—_Will Leave NBA Fans Speechless, Controllers ox hom spenarercrcomitacensnsrg-nlbon-cnebighasjacumnssrcussatedannge tT easteywnegintse. 96 ‘Srekng Rawat Cone Lipase Monet ease oy Ga Ata Aogety Pec, NBA FOOTBALL 80) Wes STORIES Q Related Posts PsskeL “Everything ls Eamed"— LeBron Stephen Curylnury Status: enreateoroes \Yims,8080 Sosy Raton Cona LA a Marr est Teiing #7 Ye oy Wh «Gun Ae ep ae HOME UFC NBA FOOTBALL BOXING WWE NFL TENNIS WES STORIES Q “Kobe and Gigi rash Photos” Seize NBA Fane’ Attention ae ‘Vanessa Bryant Seti Sul for $28.5 Millon ~ ADARSH PARAML O18 = ADARSHPARAM ONLI V0 Who Is Joey Cruz, Former LA Deputy Who Was Caught With Kobe and Gianna Bryant's Helicopter Crash Photos? PRICHARD EKA OPH 1 207 Discussion about this post © comments | Facto Comments Pan Sorby Ole Search. a Noiwysorsanacomiteconstuoing mutans conte ight sccm reoingstTyesot betel {vim 808M Shing Reo Come lo A a Mara a Acad Tieng #7. Ot By Wa Ga Aer egy Pat HOME UFC NBA FOOTBALL BOXING WWE NFL TENNIS WEG STORIES Q ‘ipensoorsnanaconiteces stock mettoreconeinighany mers oaetedninga tT eecisioitvegunater. 08 EXHIBIT 4 ana ase aA Wr ends To The Dating Js Moe New The Sn Was Tego The Sere Woks ay NBA World Reacts To The Disturbing Ja Morant News T2VIMACHLIN «tune 3.2022 Moront off the court these past of people taking. fer Memphis Grizlies supers gations have emerged that have o| ssbeen accused of ‘up 17-year-old boy ok place between his, toppeors that more hey’re sing from Moront- reol oF Fans are toking to Twit alleged, Some are f (in the NBA ond hos rapidly turned the Memphis Crizlies into a taps onto the court Jo Macontis one of the best young to force to be reckoned with whenever hy ox reson cininroey sate veké eto tedeitine mere EXHIBIT 5 203.611 Heng The pre nl (gl non rs oe Mem Loa Sat, ust Fens Nor] Day Me Herrington: The crucial part of the Grizzlies’ (regular) season starts now (Chris Herrington eiemain combair uss a0, Heir Te cpt a Gero upd son arrow Mangia, pes, Buses & Feed News| Daye Cchris Herrington covers the Memphis Grizzlies and writes ebout Memphis culture, food, and civic life. He lives in the Vollintine-Evergreen neighborhood of Midtown with (fe, two kids, ‘and twa dogs. ‘The Memphis Grizzlies have 21 games left in this NBA regular season, and the ger to the final day. Western Conference playoff race is so tight that intrigue cou! But the heart of the Grizzlies’ remaining schedule starts right now. (Over the span of 10 games in 18 days, the Grizzlfes will play nine teams in the playoff hunt, eight of those nine in the Western Conference and five of those eight on national television. Grizzlies podcast: March playoff picture Six of these next 10 will come on the road, where the Grizzlies are 12-18, tied with the likes of Minnesota and Portland for the sixth-best road record in the West, typically not a marker of playoff success to come. ‘Short-sample snapshots are never conclusive, but with head coach Taylor Jenkins recently talking about his team finding the best version of itself soon and also about settling on a playoff rotation, this stretch could be particu! At some point in this stretch, and likely soon, the Grizzlies will welcome back starting, center Steven Adams. With ne other notable injuries at the moment (crosses fingers) the team will have the opportunity to put its starting lineup together for most of this stretch, against playoff-evel competition, (On the season, the lineup of Ja Morant, Desmond Bane, Dillon Brooks, Jaren Jackson Jr. and Adams has joined up for only 11 games and 128 minutes. There's an opportunity to double that sample in the month of March, and to settle on a bench pecking order and playoff'style rotation behind and around that group. neato onset) a 1,638 Henn Ther pt te Ghz ep ene ts ron Magi Ls, Spe, Boonen Feed News| Day Ms ‘The Grizalies should want to put their real team on the floor this month, and perform. not like a team holding onto the West's second seed but like a team that is the West's second seed. If they can do that, the Grizzlies have a chance to test-drive their playoff ations and wrap up seeding ahead of the season's final few games, giving them a chance to book a Ie rest on the eve of the playofis. ‘Some of the looming issues as perhaps the most important stretch of the (regular) season arrives: Ja Morant's off-court distraction and AlI-NBA bid ‘This is not intended to downplay much less dismiss the latest report about Morant’s, off-court behavior, but I think its highly relevant that the one newly reported event in the Washington Post's story about Morant on Wednesday is not actually a new incident. ‘The altercation at a pickup basketball game last summer and another of sorts after a Grizalies game against the Pacer reported, ate roughly si a Wolfchase Galleria security guard that also happened last summer, in January, both of which had already been to the incident newly revealed: A verbal altercation with Grizzlies’ dominant third quarter beats Rockets. snaps road losing streak ings (no legal charges or NBA suspensions) that each risked becoming something more serious. And. ‘These incidents are all of a piece: unnecessary but relatively sm: ‘Morant’s too big of a deal now to warrant such risks. ‘The postgame incident is the most recent of these, the one that drew the most public admonishment and, if certainly no apology from Morant, at least a declaration that he desired less drama going forward. ‘The new revelation of the past incident at Wolfchase - as reported, the most minor of the three - does not run counter to this need for change. If it had happened last week, it would have. The test for Morant was to clean up the unnecessary drama around him mos iesimenotion mire, a 18223, 811PM Henn The spr le Gee op ster dr ron Mei Lt ps, Buena ews] Oy Ms since that postgame incident in January. He couldn't change the past, even if some of it was yet to be known. The test was and is to change the present and future Morant went for a 20-7-7 in only three quarters of play against Houston on. Wednesday, after this latest story came out. He went 39-10-10 to beat the Los Angeles Lakers the night before, (On the court, he seems fine, Off the court, he’s grown more circumspect in his interactions with the media, and that now seems unlikely to change any time soon. It also likely has no bearing on the team's fortunes. ‘Ja Morant involved in mall altercation last summer ‘But there's a chance the off-court drama could impact Morant’s personal basketball fortunes quite literally: Will it put off some All-NBA voters, creating a kind of Liebreaker disadvantage? ‘An AIl-NBA designation matters for Morant contract extension that will be worth nearly $40 ‘iggering a “super max" clause in his A couple of weeks ago, I suggested that Morant was nearly a sure thing for one of the |-NBA guard spots and that a strong finish for him and his team would put him ine for a first-team, something only Marc Gasol has accomplished in franchise history. 1 chink those two things are likely, but perhaps I was a bit presumptuous. (One notable national NBA podcast this week took a look at All-NBA and neither host had Morant on their teams, favoring instead the sextet of Luka Doncic, Damian Lillard, Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, Stephen Curry, Tyrese Haliburten and Donovan Mitchell Grizzlies Insider: For Memphis, ‘the real test is on the road’ mo tymonphin como ant say estPu Yong Ta cca Cae epd sue srs ow Meng LS, Bn 8 FeO Me “The ongoing NBA player rankings for the web site The Ringer ranks Morant as the 14th best player in the league right now, or seventh among guards, behind Doncie, sed and Mitchell Curry, Gilgeous-Alexander, Devin Booker, ‘And neither of these lists include Milwaukee's Jrue Holiday or Sacramento's De‘Aaron, Fox, having great seasons for teams near the top of each conference. Whew. 1 things. Three of those players (Lillard, Gilgeous-Alexander, Hi chink Morant makes the cut among the broader electorate that decides these ton) ate on teams in serious danger of missing the postseason, while two others (Curry, Booker) have played fewer than 40 games. Morant has perhaps not been the best guard in the league, but with an average of 27- 6 combination of production, availability and team success. in more than SO games for the West's second-best team, he might have the best think Morant makes it, but he might want to finish strong and erase all doubts, Steven Adams’ return and the frontcourt trickle-down Earl road trip. While he was understandably non-com this week, asked Jenkins ifthe team was expecting to get Adams back on this , Jenkins did allow that he was “targeting” an Adams return for the latter part of the trip. That would mean within the team’s weekend double-di in Los Angeles. ‘What happens to the frontcourt rotation when Adams is back? Ja Morant partners with Powerade focnew commercial (Over the past couple of seasons, ostensible third-string center Xavier Tillman Sr. has oscillated from out of the mix completely to starting whenever Adams is unavailable or deemed a matchup li ow dabei conic a 3223,8419H Henna Thea pr le Gras (upd pnsn tr row Mama Los pes, Sunt Fan Nowe Oy an has been so good this time around that he’s complicated that decision, as Jenkins has allowed whenever the ‘That seems to be the most ly outcome again, but subject has come up of late. iman faced what might be the NBA’s three best centers in three straight games at the end of February: Philly’s Joel Embiid, Denver’s Nikola Jokic and the Lakers’ Anthony Davis. ‘There were stretches where all three exposed the 6-8 ‘Tillman never stopped scrapping and played well against the toughest possible Iman's lack of size, but matchups. He had 12 rebounds against the Sixers, went 12-7-4 on perfect 6-6 shooting against the Nuggets and tied his career high with 18 points (along with 11 the Lakers. rebounds) ag But Tillman’s strong play preceded those three under-the-sp\ month of February, Tillman averaged 26 minutes and the Griz opposition by 10 points per 100 possessions with him on the floor. That was the light games. For the s outscored the team's second-best mark on the month, behind Jackson and ahead of Bane and ‘Morant. And yet. ‘Memphis artists create 191 Collabs for exclusive Grizzlies merchandise It’s going to be hard for the Grizzlies to play Tillman in a rotation with Adams and Jackson starting, It’s going to be harder to do so in a ro Brandon Clarke. sion that also includes Tillman essentially replicates some of what Adams provides: setting picks and tothe rim, or handling the ball and moving it from the top of the key. Throwing, around his wide body in the paint. Does the team need two of those i ing the same mix? How the Grizzlies have fared this season with each potential combination of their five frontcourt players, which includes second-year forward Santi Aldama, (From stats site Cleaning the Glass, which filters out “garbage time.") oa ayer commis at 112m0.611 Pengo The ml pnt tte Cine (wu eson enon Mangi Lc Spr Buse Fd News| ale ‘Pairing Net rating Aldama- = | Because the Grizzlies are not comfortable playing Adams with Clarke or jon spot when Adams is st actually Aldama who's probably most assured a rot Itthen becomes a Clarke vs. Tillman question. Who plays better with Jackson? And, probably less important in the playoffs, who plays better with Aldama? (Those Aldama-Jackson numbers? Eye-popping, yes, but a very small samp] Grizzlies demolish conference-leading Nuggets ‘The evidence so far suggests a split decision: Jackson has been better with Clarke than. with Tillman, while Aldama has been better with Tillman than with Clarke. Maybe Clarke vs. Tillman is a real playoff-rotation question for the Grizzlies, but season reps and offensive upside (not to mention organizational investment) suggests Clarke will have the first shot at that role, and Tillman will return to his “break in case {205,571 Honngon Te cue pat Grane (ou ato sas rom Meme, Spt, Bas & Fos New| ‘of emergency” role as the fifth big man, one that could well find him in the postseason mix for a third straight season. ‘Are the Desmond Bane and Dillon Brooks breakouts at Houston repeatable? ‘The Gri (wo starting wings did things against Houston on Wednesday night that they hadn’t done in a good while. Bane scored 30 points on 12-17 shooting, including 6-9 from 3-point range. Ja Morant's triple-double nqwers Grizzlies over Lakers Itwas Bane'’s first 30-point game since his mid-November toe injury, something he'd done four times in the nine games before that injury. Brooks scored 16 points on 5-10 shooting, including 4-8 from the 3-point line. It was Brooks’ first time cracking the 15-point mark in more than a month, and first time making four or more 3s in a game since December. ‘Something to believe in? Bane’s been very good. For him i's just been a question of| capacity, maintaining effectiveness as shot attempts and minutes grow in a game. His 30 against Houston came in only 29 minutes and on only 17 shots, so not really a test of those concerns. It also came against the league-worst Houston rather than against a real NBA team. The question remains. Brooks’ slump, even by his low standards, has no healt! maybe there's a crack of than 38% from 3 on nearly six attempts a game, but has kept his overall field-goal -empts to less than 11 per game. This latter conservatism is good as Brooks has remained dreadful inside the arc. lated explanation. But ht here. Over his past six games, Brooks has shot better, ‘LeBron James out for Tuesday's Grizzlies game oxismonpin cml) an Shoot less, shoot better, go all out on defense. That's been the hard-to-perfect recipe for Brooks. Amid his slump, he's finally done the first, averaging only 10 field goal shooting Pu Hensler Te tte Gra reps enon ar Mempi ol, Spe Suen Fed Nw Oy Ms attempts in his past 15 games. Maybe he’s also finding a better 3-poi groove at the right time. ‘The Grizzlies might need heavy minutes and good production from both Bane and Brooks down the stretch and especially into the playoffs because .. Does the wing problem remain unsolved? Before Saturday's game against Denver, I asked Jenkins about how much room there re Williams to ‘was for young players such as David Roddy of ll work their way. {into the regular rotation this season. Roddy had been so impressive against Philly a couple of nights before that I wondered about him, in particular, pressing John Konchar fora spot. “Obviously, we've got to settle into our rotations pretty soon here with 24 games left,” said Jenkins. Grizzlies undates: Return target foc Adams, Aldama’s swag, Kennard's belt “We're really excited about the move with Luke [Kennard], what he's given us in the first two games... I thought (Roddy) and (Konchar) did a phenomenal job the other night. They were great sparks for us with the aggressiveness that they played with. 1 think Ziaire and Jake (LaRavia) have been taking full advantage of their opportunities, with the Hustle. So, i's going to be @ competition, but that competition is going to have to reveal itself pretty quickly here so that we can try to get a feel for a 10-man rotation, nine-man rotation, so that down the stretch (our playoff rotation) is something that we need to get some reps in.” Jenkins ked specifically about the team quickly finding the best version of itself. Translation: Time's running out for change. esaareten omic a 22.6119 Hannpon Tr ptt eGo (per mts aro Mampi ol ems, Buta Fans Nn Dy Me Konchar got the 10th man minutes rather than Roddy, and that has continued. Come playoff time, it feels like the default could be neither, with backup point guard Tyus Jones, Kennard and Clarke as the core bench players. A ninth man? Aldama has the best case, but with playoff hoops trending smaller, a fourth wing than a fourth big used more think Aldama’s play this season pushes back at that, as does his necessity alongside ‘Adams and his at ‘way into the mix, his physicality and defensive versatility standing out relative to Kennard and Konchar. lity to shi But the: ight is really on Kennard’s shoulders to soak up heavy minutes as the team’s third wing, and through five games as a Grizzly, the results have been a predictably mixed bag, Grizzlies Insider: Scheduling positions Memphis well for No. 2-seed He's also averaged six points a low-volume shooting and middling-at-best defense sapping some of the value his spacing provides It’s hard to imagine that anything, minus an injury, over the next 21 games would dislodge Kennard from his spot as a first wing off the bench in the initial playoff jon, But it would be nice if the dress rehearsal that begins now yielded some better performances. ores Chris Herrington on demand Ea as they're published, pasion coitatt) sa EXHIBIT 6 sonar rane Jest undo Pag Ten Sang OH ie Grizzlies’ Ja Morant Accused of Punching Teen, Brandishing Gun Grizzlies pa ‘male and pointing a gun at the teenager, as relayed by r guard Ja Morant has been accused of punching a 17-year-old 12 frend, Details are sketchy, though the incident reportedly involved Merant both punching the Doy, who told police that he was punched about @ dozen umes Morant and his friend eventually were pulled off the teenager, when Morant returned to show he had a gun in hs waistband, the teen told police Subscribe to Hoops Wire! Morant, 23, ¢ averaging 27.2 points and is considered the foce ofthe Grizzlies {and the team’s greatest hope forthe Future. Neither the Grizzes nor NBA have hag an opportunity to respond to The Westington Fost story, 3s both the team ‘and league are said to be gathering inf uations, 8 league investigation is likely to ensue. a5 not been previously reported, the head that Ja Morant "threatened! him during Last summer, in an encounter that 3 pol 1 parking let, leaving him alarmed enough that he filed 3 ber of Morant’s group shoved the police. No arrests were made, records show: Noa MEDIA Ja Morant Accused Of Pointing A Gun At 17-Year-Old Boy And Beating Him Up ‘ORLANDO SILVA 2v0URS Aco Mempnis by and po Ja Moran cou be facing big consequences after being accuses of hting an underage thi summer, Moran ad people close to him have been acevsed of tvestening reviously unreported patice records and reemerged with 3 Ja Morant Has Been Called Out For Acting Tough in The NBA ny people have ree to hata for 4 ans of a andi ends have become make him come this sense and avd ge ‘Thanks or folowing us. Werealy appreciate your suppor, ps tnaonawant seiaores avast poring gna aistoyanttanng a anor sneer en tng gn Tot Ja Morant accused of punching a teen, pointing a gun at him By Eras Pobeas. 1 2872 terse pce en peng gn ae Tabata esa ne 0762 pant nites cpg eenporg guna IGENIUS News Ja Morant Arrest And Suspension Of Threatening Boy With A Gun: Scandal And Controversy By ibisha Neupane * March 2 2023 senile en naraauagensn sans cotoeny yan «2000 Jn ez fat ed Sperm Teng 8) WA Gan j Ja Morant scandal and controversy explained audience is curious to follow the most recent update about the case. Ja Morant is a we |-known basketball player who has played for the Memphis Grizzlies in the National Basketball Association since 2019. Before starting his professional career, he played college basketball at Murray State University. He got chosen as a starter for his first NBA All-Star Game in 2022. Following that, Morant got recognized as the NBA's Most Improved Player at the end of the season in 2022, In the same year, Morant got selected to the All-NBA Team for the first time. The player is all well-known for his electrifying dunks, high-flying layups, and highlight-reel passes. You may want to read: is Anne Curtis Parents Divorced? What | 7 Happened Between James Emest Curtis Smith and Carmen Ojales NBA Player: Arrest And Suspension Of Threatening Boy With A Gun After conducting a detailed investigation into the allegations against Ja Morant, law enforcement officials decided not to ps rents corpora anomn sana arses » nt ete egy Hin charge Morant with any criminal offenses concerning the incident. No arrests have been made, Morant was not arrested after the complaint was filed or detained after a full investigation It was reported that no clear evidence was found against him to charge him with violence. Ja Morant was sued for allegedly attacking a minor at a basketbal game. (Image Source: Twitten) A player for the Memphis Grizzlies repeatedly hit a 17-year-old boy in the head around 12 to 13 times The teenager told detectives from the Shelby County Sheriff's Office that after hitting him several times, the player had gone into his House and then came back out with a visible gun in the waistband of is pants. sea new toni aga Trang HOA an Morant has claimed that he acted in self-defense during the incident and alleged that the teenager was the aggressor. After accusing a teenager, it was published that a mall security chief was also indicted in a parking lot. It was reported that Morant had not been charged or arrested concerning either of the incidents The case got later dismissed due to a lack of evidence against him, indicating insufficient proof to support the allegations against him, You may want to read: Meet Neal Estano Wife Marcie Fraser Where Is He Going After Leaving WNYT? Family And Net Worth Ja Morant Scandal And Controversy The professional basketball got accused of violent or threatenitrs behavior in two reports, one was with the mall security, and thd other was with a teenager The teenager's mother reported a file against him, and the player and his friend were accused of violence. In July 2022, an incident occurred where it got alleged that Ja Morant pointed a gun at a teenager and struck him repeatedly in the head. es ioc cajomaret are augers anny a Morant al .gedly hit a teenager “12 or 13 times” after a pickup game in self-defense, (Image Source: SBNation.com) The incident was brought to light when the victim’s mother fi 1 report, prompting an investigation into the matter. Many fans and analysts wondered if he would face disciplinary action from the NBA, as the leaque has strict rules regarding player conduct. But the player continued playing with the NBA team, and Morant signed a five-year extension with the Grizzlies in July 2022. sans tae at eae ieee egy WA Additionally, the professional basketball player has made history by becoming the first player in Memphis Grizzlies’ franchise history to record at least 25 points, ten rebounds, and 15 assists in a single game On February 2, Morant was recognized as a reserve guard for the second time for the Western Conference in the NBA All-Star Game. You may want to read: Where Is Marty Walsh Going After Leaving Biden Administration? New Job And Career Earning #Ja Morant Pinas corpora uapenen scan cco sa azn Ja frac et bs Suan Tseng ey ANA Gn Bibisha Neupane Bibisha is a graduate who loves to be updated with new trends and styles. She has been a part of the team from the very beginning. She is a passionate writer following her to be a journalist someday. Her love for fashion landed her a passion to write about celebs as a freelancer. y Similar Posts Dr Nelson Nagoor Buffalo Bills Kim Pegula Suspended And Fined $5000 Death Rumours: Terry For Negligence For His Pegula Wife Ballted With cance tt rt et pening Wn Treatment Of A Cancer Cardiac Arrest- Health Patient Update 8y Manish Chitrakar + ByDeeya Dahal + February 8, 2023 November 23,2022 ‘ABOUT QUICK LINKS RECENT NEWS TRENDING TOPICS ‘About Us our Actress Contact Us Accessi Actor — Sitemap Statement Reality Tv Star Basketball Privacy Policy Fact Checking pyr Boxing Careers Businessman Advertise © 2023 Ger Knix Everyday Period Kit sone ca ey Ja Morant is said to have flashed the gun and hit a teenager after a pickup game her Bags & More bing allegations veen Yes Morant andl the Memphis Grizz superstar pointed a gu deme aretnasiohnetanestnegunanl ca eni’stea gemip-ae 2 Viegins Saints. atlas fae tans he gun and tere ae pep pe US oy hes $228 $895 Handcrafted Leather Goods ‘The Washington Post reported on Wednesday thatthe teenager not only accused Morant of hitting him atleast 12 times, cesuting in “large lump" on. bis head... but the 23-year-old went Waistband —with your hand on your gun. his home and retuened with a gun in Nis ‘The boy told Detective J's father: teathen yelled at him..told him to go back inside When Morant was questioned about the incigent, police mentioned the boy's Claims of having a gun on display, but didnot specifically ask if he had a gun. ‘The outlet notes that Morant and his attorneys have not disputed the allegation. tives he did indeed punch the 12d it was in self-defense ater he was hit withthe ball bis eyes: "The ball was the fist shot for me os van nessa massa teneetasaste gun anth atnage ars pce gone sa, astm arash asa ne gn ah ange aes ap eS Toy Noms ‘As we previously reported, Moran filed a police report of his own a few weeks later. bl iming the teenager had threatened to ‘come back and light up this orks" and he feared for his safety. Police investigated the alle 10 prosecutors on Ort. 4. lismissed the charges due {or several weeks. before bringing the case ‘month later, prosecutors say prosecutors of evidence. The lawsuit i ongoing Source : www tmzcam sa ast Jalota ase gn ont rage ate 2 pep ga US Tay Hew Viegins Saints & Angels, psy nemje cane aciohamlaiesibegunansietenieratrs pepsin! sam es8 ew "NS Wr Rasen To The ttn 8 Mara wn Te Sp Wat Teng The So Wo Tey NBA World Reacts To The Disturbing Ja Morant News ‘TEV MACHLIN +421, 2023 Things haven't exactly been going great for Memphis Grizzlies superstar Ja Movant off the court these past fee months. Some disturbing new allagotions have emerged that hove o lot of people taking, has been accused of 1p 0 17-yeor-old boy ‘Molly Hensley-Clancy ofthe Washi ‘two new distressing encounters. One ofthe encounters included him allegedly bet ‘ond may have even pointed a gun ot him. ton Post reported on Wednesday that Mor ‘Moront was previously investigeted for his role in on alleged confrontation that took place between his 19 Pacers. Nathing caine of that incident, But it appears that more 9 ue. ‘nvestigations could soon be cor Fans are taking to Twi alleged Some ore: shock over the worrying behavior that they'e seeing from Morant «aa ot that he's potentially throwing his career awoy. 40 Morantis one of the best young talents inthe NBA and has ropidly umned the Memphis Grzlies inte 0 force to be reckoned with whanever he steps onto the court. ‘Morant hosnt been charged or therwise punished for having a role in any of the incidents it stoys that way. ‘Morant has the potentiol to be the best ployer of his generation. It would be @ shame if silly off the Feld stuf kept that from becoming rea suman conor sonatas onan et ee 1 & cern! nT “rat a been ace ge y e # 2 8 a 8 & Profle © Moe oom on tte conn acanrtnn CC SONS 1 Reactions to Ja Morant Accused Pointing Gun at 17 Year Old Boy and Threatening Mal Security Go Viral Ja Morant, the Memphis Grizzlies point guard, was recently ay ar erty tt Seer embroiled in two separate allegations of misconduct. The allegations have many on social media labeling the young star as a wannabe “thug”, but more needs to be learned about what exactly happened before people pass judgement. In this article we'll go over all that is known about these accusations. Details About the Ja Morant Finish Line Store Incident Involving His Mother and Mall Security The first incident occurred at a mall where Morant’s mother allegedly had a dispute with an employee at a Finish Line store. According to the source, upon arrival, Morant and the ith him were told to leave by the head of people that came security, and they refused. This led to a “verbal confrontation” between Morant and the guard which escalated to one of Morant’s associates pushing the security guard in the head. According to the police report, Morant then said “let me find out what time he gets off,” making the guard feel “threatened”. No arrests were made as a result of the altercation. Details About the Allegations Involving Ja Morant Allegedly Pointing Gun at 17 Year Old Kid The second incident occurred during a pickup basketball game at Morant’s home in Memphis in July 2022. A 17-year- old boy filed a police report claiming that Morant punched him multiple times then pointed a gun at his head. He and sues son his mother iater filed a lawsuit against Morant and another person alleged to have attacked him. Morant’s agent denied all allegations of wrongdoing, and according to him, the jent was purely self-defense. After being fully investigated by law enforcement, ne charges were filed and in the existence of the suit is under seal. reno jeornatcte ein ya ty ant rene aC go swan sao ass oar Acie ing Gu 1 Yer Os Bay hd Tb Mal Sito Vl rc These allegations have not been proven in court and, as of the current time, there is no information available regarding any legal action taken against Ja Morant. It is important to remember that just because these incidents have not been proven in court, it does not necessarily mean that Morant is innocent. It is possible that the allegations against him are true, and that he is yet to be held accountable for his actions. Nevertheless, it is also important to keep in mind that these only allegations and should be treated as such. 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The incident with the teenage boy, Tanner said, aa wh any crime Gaming y Dasammmn 9 stan © spons be = wet ay 5209 ‘ff Business, Economics... AAR® has great benefis top you It. Take £0 etc © AARAREP oft ana get 0 5 YEAR membersip fous S85 tetevision y epsanaaorg signup @ Celebrity v s+ More opie ran is BiPsoKO 12> Sony Best» rikawe 0 2 6 a9 11203 425 ica Jo Me haber amined ashy eens mee Pac ans ete © come ; ay aie sromece epee Home « amentonce 9 @ Popular ‘Arpt Bantragan Br thinks hes Mario Stanfield abrorwnAcns A caning 7 © sports . al Economies a. v sa BIOS 7 i showing vs Hous oe on 22-38 sh D reievsion v 22shooting from 3, and 14-14 from the FT Line in 37 celery ABSOLUTELY Stung Oa sss Moe Tops © everynere on the cour 7 points 6 from the FT Line {6 rebounds on 22:38 shooting, 13-2 rom 3, and 14.14 ea wet omiroconmerniybckw cine Pas ben aries a Simm 45078 Rapa Tate sn raced ange Song up aya pong waa pa Se ’ a ww @ Home #t ¢ 8 a 8 A Profle © More What's happening anes am @° 2 @ a JAMORANT ACCUSED OF CEU U) 20,8 e & SOw 35k bike © comment - SPORTSMANOR HOME UFC NBA FOOTBALL BOXING WWE NFL TENNIS WEB STORIES Q Shocking Revelations Come to Light As Ja Morant Is Accused of Threatening a 17-Year-Old Boy Witha Gun After Allegedly Punching Him ée~ ps saan contesnuwe sce matin cane losgh one-one sounded vin, Sct Pt smn ere Cone LA 8 Asal Tetig #17 Ye Boy Wi nA Agcy Pare HOME UFC NBA FOOTBALL BOXING WWE NFL TENNIS WED STORIES Q multiple occasions. The world will admit that he tends fo let emotions get the better of him, including his fans. However, Ja is stil one ofthe best players in the league. Moreover, the 23-year- 0d is also the face of the Grizzlies franchise right now. ure y @DIGuru, Follow Ja Morant has been sued for allegedly attacking a minor at a basketball game in his Tennessee home in July, per @TMZ. 922 AM Jan 3, 2023 ® = Read the full conversation on Twitter @ 24K Reply 2, Share Read 119 ceplies ‘Awhile ago, some shocking revelations emerged about Ja's physical altercal ‘boy. Many claimed thatthe victim even fle a lawsuit against the NBA player knew, Ja punched the young boy after a basketball game between the pair went horbly wrong Ja Morant's off-the-court antics land him in trouble once again pu hn senarercmitacem saci berscone igasyementmamiecclimalnng et seu-ttoybaguoates 28 ‘vim 9cePM _Snecirg Rear Come At a Mrs canal Tang 8 17Ye8-h oy Wi a Gin Aa Age Pr HOME UFC NBA FOOTBALL BOXING WWE NFL TENNIS WEB STORIES Q defense and that it was an accident. However, as recent reports suggest, i looks ke Ja may have landed himself in quite a ot of rouble if these rumors are true. Ja Morant has been accused of allegedly beating up a 17-year-old boy and pointing a gun at him, per @mollyhe 8 from the Shelby County Sheriff's Office fo his house and re-emerged with a gun in the waistband https:/A.co/1tTX9T«CQw pic.twitter. com/ZgGkyb6Hel. The teenager told detect —~ NBACentral (@TheNBACentral) March 1, 2023. ts and his hand on the weapon” when he was coming out of his house. Itis not confirmed whether these reports are rue and we do not know if Ja will address them soon. However, wll be heartbreaking for fans to find out that his caraer could be a stake if the crimes. he's accused of are proven to be true. The 17-year-old boy's identity has no! been disclosed. It is understandable considering his age and the fact that the case is in the middle ofan investigation, ‘Ja is undoubtedly a talented player and fans would be hoping that ese are just rumors. The Grizzlies are performing well on the court, and they would certainly need Ja to go all the way. “Everything Is Earned” - LeBron James Shaquille O'Noal Fake Pregnancy Test: Joins Hands With Sony and PlayStation __Shaq's Strange Endorsement Deal That, to Design Limited Edition Console and Will Leave NBA Fans Speechless Controllers oss sasnaner conse cenedesteritracanessighae pete anastlednng-T ayaa sunate tec Raat Care A Jo Ms seat Tt 37-84 Boy Wha Gs Abr Aa Pcs NBA FOOTBALL BOXING WWE Ni INS WEB STORIES. Q aN Related Posts “Evanythings Eame= LeBron Stephen Curry ir Statue: ames Jons Hand With Sony _-Paive News for Golden State nd PlayStation o Desig Werors Fans About Cur United Eton Coneole and ‘Return Date ‘When Was Stephen Curry Born?“ 123 88M Shoctng Rarans Comets get Ass Ma i ana Tang 1 ea Boy Wi 2 am At age Part HOME UFC NBA FOOTBALL BOXING WWE NFL TENNIS WEB STORIES Qa Is Anthony Davis Paying Tonight Who Was Ara Zobayan, the Pilot ‘Against tho Thunder? Los ‘of Kobe Bryant's Helicopter? “Angeles Lakers ve Oklahoma eens mat Vanessa Bryant Sets Sul for City Thunder Injury Report, $528.85 Mion Expert Picks, Predictions, ADAH PARAM Expected Roster, and More Detais | March 1 2023, % AORRSH PARAM Os Who is Joey Cruz, Former LA Deputy Who Was Caught Wit Kobe and Ginna Bryant's Helicopter Crash Photos? RICHARD EKKA, Lon WORE Discussion about this post 0 comments Sorby ol ‘Add a comment, estos anmentsPuah os enw oman comaemsstociganitancconeiospiasemortasmincol titres sersbopieginete St ‘Yi@.806°U ——_SheckngReeton Conn Lith Js Moors Ac. sta ne Pins HONE UFC NBA FOOTBALL BOXING WWE NFL TENNIS WEB STORIES Q

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