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Pritish Kumar Email: pritish.kr3@gmail.

Mobile: +91-9006897432
Motilal Nehru National Institute Of Technology Allahabad Prayagraj, India

Bachelor of Technology - Information Technology; GPA: 9.57/10 Dec 2020 - Present
Aklank Day Boarding Cum Residential School Kota, India

Class XII(The Central Board Of Secondary Education(CBSE)); 92.60% May 2017 - May2019
St. Joseph’s Convent Higher Secondary School Chittaranjan, India

Class X(The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE))); 93.80% May 2017
Indian Academy Of Sciences IIT MADRAS

Research Intern May 2022 - Present
◦ GUI DEVELOPMENT: Developed a Tkinter based Python GUI which focuses on the data entry by the users to
study the flow of fluid - the major element of this GUI facilitates the solving of higher order differential equations.
◦ Algorithm: It’s purpose is to give us the trajectory of the fluid in a given 3-Dimensional Plane.

• Off-Beat (May 2021 - June 2021):
◦ Either you choose what you want to become, or the world chooses it for you: Offbeat provides you with a
variety of career option ranging from big to small to unleash your underlying potential.
◦ Platform Community Aim: A community of like-minded who are wiling to pursue are pursuing career options in
these fields.
◦ Features: text-based chatting, in-app calling feature to connect individuals with each other,posts, regular status and
push notifications within same group.
◦ Technology Stack: Android Studio, Kotlin, XML, Firebase, Volley API(Http Library).
• Calorie-Heist(Dec 2021 - Jan 2022):
◦ A Healthy mind resides in a healthy body: Keeping this in mind this website keeps a track of nutritional calories
which an individual intakes on a daily basis.
◦ Features: Our website provides recommendations of diet on the basis of User’s Fitness level and a fitness tracker,
provides nutritional info of nutrients like fats, sodium, protein, cholesterol, fibers, sugar, and carbohydrates of any food
product. Maintenance of User Profile and multiple articles on the aforementioned topics.
◦ Technology Stack: MongoDb, ExpressJs, ReactJs, Nodejs.

Technical Skills
• Areas Of Interest: Data Structures, Algorithms, Web Development, Android Development, Machine Learning
• Languages Used: C, C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
• Framework Used: ReactJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS
• Databases Used: MongoDB, Firebase

Honors and Awards

• First Position in PITCHERS(oligopoly) - Dec 2021(Avishkar - MNNIT ALLAHABAD)

Positions of Responsibility
• Member: Literary Club - SAC (MNNIT ALLAHABAD) Oct 2021 - Present
• Member: Media House Of MNNIT(MHM) - SAC (MNNIT ALLAHABAD) Feb 2021 - Present
• Educator: Anokhi Pehel - MNNIT ALLAHABAD Mar 2021 - Apr 2022

• Hobbies: Gymming, Listening Music, Travelling, Sports, Cinematography, Writing answers on Quora, Public
• Languages: English, Hindi.

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