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Title : Appropriate intuitive thinking in answering an

issue in the local setting utilizing a map of

social networks


1. Execute intuitive thinking in answering an issue in the local setting.

2. Apply intuitive thinking using color coded map of networks of power relations
within particular community
3. Cite own experiences on the power of intuition

Directions: Read and comprehend the following statements writing True if it is
Intuitive Thinking and False if NOT. Write the answer on the blank
provided before each number. (10 points).

___________ 1. Thinking process that follow analytical procedures and steps.

___________ 2. John jump into the seat to help his sister fall into the seat.

___________ 3. Musika assisted an elderly woman after noticing difficulty in

traversing pedestrian lane.

___________ 4. Immediate understanding or knowing something without


___________ 5. Posting hate words to other people in the social media account.

___________ 6. Respect to humanity as moral compass of righteousness.

___________ 7. Throwing of garbage everywhere.

___________ 8. Giving of handshake gestures as sign of respect to people.

___________ 9. Disregarding traffic sign.

___________ 10. Procrastination


Directions: Find the alphabetical equivalent of each number and write into
the space provided (10 points).
1. ___ ___ ___ ___
19 23 15 20
2. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
16 5 19 20 12 5
3. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
19 15 1 18 1 14 1 12 25 19 9 19
4. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___
19 20 18 5 14 7 20 8 19
5. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ 19 20 18 1 20 5 7
9 3
6. __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
1 14 1 12 25 19 9 19
7. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
23 5 1 11 14 5 19 19 5 19
8. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
19 15 3 9 1 12
9. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
5 3 15 14 15 13 9 3
10. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
12 5 7 1 12


The power of intuition (Seshadri, 2019).

In moments of extreme clarity and present awareness, we may suddenly

get an answer to a burning question that has failed to come via the rational
thought process. Such intuitive perception bypasses the sensory nervous
system and the intermediary step of conscious thought. There is a lot we
don’t know about our interiority that lies beyond the mind, including the
power to intuit. Logic lives within the framework of the conscious thought
and is linked to the information gathered through the five senses, sourced
either directly or indirectly. Through logic, we cannot explain or explore the
sixth sense of intuition.

In 2019, Niranjan Seshadri of Mind and Soul elaborately discuss the power
of intuition is an article to understand intuition. Evolution of individual
consciousness passes through three steps — that of instinct, intellect, and
intuition. Our brain has an ‘ancient’ part called the hindbrain, and a
‘modern’ part called the forebrain. The former is related to instinctual
responses, and the latter is responsible for intellectual activities. Research
on the areas of the brain linked to intuitive perception is ongoing. An
instinctual reaction may follow a set pattern and has a physical,
physiological and psychological footprint. Intellect may or may not follow a
pattern and works on the mental layer of our being and not on the physical
and physiological ones. Intuition is beyond the boundaries of the material,
physiological and psychological layers.

Intuition is highly subjective, coming in a flash and disappearing just as

quickly. Intuitive observations cannot be consciously called upon or stored.
If our awareness is not in the present, we may not even register
information coming through the portal of intuition. More choiceless and
more present is our awareness, more accessible is this portal. Intellectual
observations develop over time, can be stored, studied and transferred via
oral or written form. Instinctual behavior comes through an impulse that is
triggered by something external, and it is a lower brain function. The mind
may not necessarily be involved.

The so-called ‘gut feeling’ is something that many of us may have

experienced more than once. The mind is quick to pounce on a ‘gut feeling’
and offer its analysis and commentary. We then start to weigh the pros and
cons, which requires the cognitive thinking process to takes over. The slow
ringer of logic keeps the intuitive faculty rudimentary.

The right milieu is needed for the spark of intuition to ignite the mind with
new insights. The mind of an average human being has a turbid quality
related to the constant movement of thoughts. These thoughts may be
essential for our daily interactions with the world, but they form a screen
which limits our perceptive ability. They are like low hanging clouds that
obscure the view of a blue sky, the sun, moon, and the stars. When the
movement of thoughts ceases, the mind takes on a transparent quality.

Since intuition comes from the inside and not through information derived
from the world through the five senses, it is reasonable to conclude that a
clear and empty mind is a requirement to receive such insights. There is no
defined pathway or coursework to enhance this potential ability of
extrasensory perception. Looking at the sheer complexity of the human
body and the near-magical quality of the mind, the body’s invisible
companion it is hard to believe that using the body and the mind for
deriving enjoyment through the five senses is all there is to life.

The waking state may be thought of as ‘densely encapsulated

consciousness.’ Density comes from the information contained in
thousands of thoughts which take up the mind’s energy. In our conscious
perception, information contained in thoughts is like a low hanging fruit on
a tree. We pick, taste and fill ourselves with streams of information. Every
thought has a ‘shell’ which serves as a finite boundary dividing its
constituent information from other thoughts. This ‘shell’ that encapsulates
information is perhaps reusable energy which is unrelated to the contents
that come into our conscious perception.

The thinking process is quite organized. All information that passes through
the mind, even stray bits and pieces come as discrete thoughts. Just as
passports may be required to cross borders between different countries,
information that comes in from the outside cannot enter the mind without
the aid of a separate shell of energy. That shell plus the information become
thoughts with which we interact. Every thought has a time and place
context, and this helps with the cataloging of information for later retrieval.

If we remove the limitations posed by this ‘encapsulated consciousness,’ we

may open up the field of the mind. With every thought we have a choice,
holding on or letting go. When we hold onto an idea, it contaminates our
awareness and creates localized pools of conditioning in which awareness
swirls. The more we entertain certain choices, the deeper are the grooves
they make in the mind. Like an antique gramophone player that renders
music using a needle that tracks grooves on rotating discs, through our
conditioning we play out the same life patterns day in and day out. Nothing
new or unique comes out of such living.

Intuition is virtually nonexistent in a mind that is highly conditioned. In

such a mind, the noise of conditioning drowns out the soft notes of
intuition. Letting go involves not succumbing to the temptation of choice.
Observation without choice breaks long-standing grooves of conditioning
which strengthen 'encapsulated consciousness.'
While logic driven intellect is like taking one step after another, intuition is
like spreading wings and effortlessly traveling great distances. Just like
wind aids a bird that spreads its wings as it soars higher into the sky,
choiceless awareness is the ‘wind’ that carries us on the ‘wings’ of intuition
into deeper reaches of our being. Being choiceless and aware is the
stepping stone to the freedom of an intuition guided existence

Mastering the Intuitive thinking (Thomas Oppong, 2018).

Intuitive thinking is an unconscious process for rapid action, judgment,

and decisions. Most decisions we make are automatic. Our brain develop
unconscious habits for handling situations over time. Our intuitions have
been finely honed over evolutionary history for making quick decisions
mostly in the social realm. Using intuition, we translate our experiences
into judgments, responses and actions. You rely on intuition when you
make decisions without concrete proof, scientific facts, psychological
evidence, or active reasoning.

Intuition helps us create expectations, connect the dots, flag

inconsistencies and warn us of potential problems. Albert Einstein has
been widely quoted as saying, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the
rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors
the servant and has forgotten the gift.” Intuition could be called “knowing
without knowing why”, “thinking with your heart” or “gut feeling”. It is this
unseen force that drives us. Your rational mind serves your intuition. Trust
your gut, but it pays to think. Take a dive but consider other possibilities.
Check your hunches.

Intuition, argues Gerd Gigerenzer, author of the book Gut Feelings: The
Intelligence of the Unconscious is less about suddenly “knowing” the right
answer and more about instinctively understanding what information is
unimportant and can thus be discarded. Important decisions like choosing
a partner, settling on a career and deciding whether you want to have
children or not are best made by our intuitive mind, informed by decision
models you have gathered overtime.

With true life-changing decisions, you rely heavily on intuition.

Unfortunately, if the models you have built overtime for making quick and
intuitive decisions are wrong, you are likely to suffer from unconscious
incompetence. That affects your choices and judgement in life and
business. Intuitive predictions left unchecked, tend to be overconfident and
overly extreme.

Don’t confuse desire with intuition. Intensely wanting something to happen

is not a reason to ignore commonsense intuition. People are prone to apply
causal thinking inappropriately, to situations that require logical
reasoning. But by learning, observing, and working to improve the details
that informs your intuitive thinking, you can make better gut decisions.
That sudden realization of a better approach to quick judgement can help
you become consciously competent to make better gut decisions. You can
work on noticing situations, recognizing patterns and discerning best
possible actions. You can get better at it. Override your intuition when it
misleads you.

Intuition is fallible. Your mind excels at holding onto inaccurate beliefs and
faulty biases. To get unstuck from a stubborn mindset, give yourself time
to form a different story or better still invoke your rational mind. Intuitive
people slow down enough to hear their inner voice. A key to harnessing
intuition is to observe patterns, aruges Professor Gary Klein, author of The
Power of Intuition: How to Use Your Gut to Make Better Decisions at Work.
Patterns include routines for responding, known as “action scripts,” he
says. Intuition helps us decide how to react, and analysis ensures our
intuition won’t mislead us. When you’re intuitive you naturally become
more observant and aware of your surroundings. As a result, you will tend
to make fewer mistakes, which improves your ability to make decisions
throughout the day.

Practicing Intuitive thinking

Signs and symbol in everyday life allows us to understand intuitive
thinking processes. Norms play a vital role in mastering intuitive thinking
due to pattern of practices perform as part of values, tradition and cultural
way of life. Some of intuitive thinking practices are already manifested as
part of our daily life such as, but not limited to the following:
1. Recognizing stoplight and pedestrian lane in avoiding transportation accident.
2. Giving respect to elders by saying ‘po’, ‘opo’ and performing hand bless
3. Home practices not arguing using high pitch voice tone to our parent and
elders as respect to authority.
4. Respecting environment through no littering practices.
5. Running due to dog fear as a defense mechanism
6. Respecting individual belief and religion
7. Respecting difference in some cultural practices such as celebrating fiesta,
birthday and belief to ‘aswang’, lucky charm and among others.
8. Non conformity to corruption and red tape in the government processes
9. Respect to human rights and right to life base on moral principle 10.Avoiding
use of illegal substance such as drugs because it is taboo.
11.Respect to women and children as part of vulnerable sector
12. Immediate response to people asking help
13. Sudden hesitation to some of transaction as probable danger especially in the
online based on gut feel.
14. Wearing of facemasks and face shield as health protective equipment in
avoiding health danger.
15.Saying of ‘excuse me’ before interfering in a meeting or you’re passing
16. Reporting accident to proper authority for immediate assistance.
17.Non conformity to racial, origin and gender discrimination
18.Social practices of the concepts ‘awa’ and ‘hiya’ as a means of righteousness in
community way of life.
19.Social practices of ‘pakikidamay’, ‘simpatya’, ‘bayanihan’ and ‘pakikisama’ to
people and community.
20. Respect to laws, rules and order implemented in the society as concept of
right and wrong.


Directions: Using the table below, list some of your intuitive thinking
experience at home, at school and in the community. Use extra paper if needed.

In the
At home At school


ACTIVITY 2 (Culminating Output)

Direction: Listen to some of your favorite music and identify some of the lyrics
you think best describe intuition and intuitive thinking experience.

Lyrics about intuition or

Title of song
intuitive thinking


Directions: Work with dreams and altered states (University of Minnesota)

1. Before you go to bed at night or lay down to rest during the day, put a
pen and paper next to you.
2. After you lay down, mentally ask your intuition for a dream or day
dream image that will benefit your life and the lives of those around
3. Repeat your request as often as possible before you drift off.
4. When you wake up, even if you don't remember anything specific, write
or draw whatever comes into your mind.
5. Look over and evaluate what you receive.
6. Write your dream in the box below.
I dreamt that…


We live comfortably in the world of rational thinking because

trust is easy – there’s a guaranteed predictability that we can rely
on. Intuitive thinking, so necessary when faced with the
unknown consequences of our actions, requires an inner trust,
which we are ill-prepared for.
It is important for all of us to understand the behavior of our
society using our heart and power of intuition.
Can you cite your own experiences using the power to tuit?


Directions: Identify the following statements according to best suited

responses. Encircle the letter of the correct answer. (10 points)

1. You notice that one of your classmate is bullied inside the classroom. To which
authority you will report FIRST the incident?
a. parent b. guidance c. church d. police office

2. While walking in the corridor, you saw a teacher approaching towards your
direction. What will be the best response you will do?
a. Go other b. Greet the c. Avoid the d. ignore direction teacher teacher
3. Group of children are throwing garbage in the street.
a. ignore b. join them c. stop them d. watch them

4. A fake news shared in your facebook account.

a. report b. share c. ignore d. like it

5. A bird accidentally trespasses your house.

a. caught and b. turnover to c. kill it d. play with it pet it authority

6. Your processing in a hurry your legal records as requirement but you observe
that the office have a long line.
a. bribe to b. intrude the c. submit to d. ignore shortcut line right process

7. While travelling, you witness an accident in the road but you don’t have proper
training to interfere.
a. take b. apply first c. report d. ignore picture aid

8. An earthquake occur while you’re at school.

a. Run b. panic c. post in d. duck, social media cover, hold

9. The government authority issued safety protocol about Covid pandemic.

a. keep b. ignore c. stay at d. eat with traveling home friends outside

10. Your tasked by your parent to buy medicine while still in pandemic? What will
you do?
a. Wear face shield b. ignore facemask and other health safety protocol c. disregard d.
stay at home

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