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post-synaptic membrane of myoneural junctions

1S1. Synaptic vesicles ase
Acetylcholinesterase activity Inue
membrane |alse
153 Direct contact with the presynapticthe muscle fiber Ivne
14 Many invaginations that penetrate
155. Receptor sites for transmitters. nue
euromuscular spindles are:

156. Encapsulated receptors |ne

157 Sensory receptors Irue
158 Visceral receptors fale
159 Synonymous with motor endplates
Able to respond to muscle stretching. nue
Neuromuscular spindles are receptors
Have extrafusal fibres Mse
161 intrafusal fibers Inue
162. Have encapsulated, sensory fibres n u
163. innervations from
Receive large, myelinated,
Are visible to the naked eye Fle
164 to the muscle. Inue
165 Are longitudinally situated with respect

1 . hcel1f directed
in the:
Afferent neurons of spinal reflex arcs are found
cord nwe
121. Dorsal horn of the spinal
Ventral horm ofthespinal cord
123 Autonomic ganglia_j
124. Visceral receptors ala
Dorsal root ganglia nne
are found:
In chemical synapses talse
126. Fusion of membranes
Synaptic cleft nue
127 Concentrations of mitochondria ful se
129 Synaptic vesicles. irue
found connecting:
Synapses may be
Axon to axon
Axon to dendrite Ime
Dendrite to dendrite Inue
134. Axon to perikaryon
nie i
muscle. | u e
135. Axon to

Synaptic vesicles are: flow Fuse

Transported to the
synapse by axonic
136. electrical synapses
Found in
137. in shape in inhibitory synapses n
More flattened ne
138. in excitatory synapses
More rounded in shape synapses.
and inhibitory False
139 in both excitatory
Identical in shape
only fase
Electrical synapses: c a n transmit
unidirectional impulses
141. Are polarized |we
similar to gap junctions
Have junctions
142. vesicles alse
Are rich in synaptic than chemical synapses
143. m o r e rapidly
Transfer impulses
144 Inue
Are built from
neuroglial components.
Myoneural junctions
Axons Inte
Dendrites fule
147. S y n a p t i c vesicles i n e

Mitochondria Inue
149 Subneural clefts irue

jnketsiah self
nidoa i t c t t r h Tdiby, akappiah,
Which of the following are derived from the
91. Ependyma mue embryonic neural tube?
92. Astrocytes Inue
93. Oligodendrocytes Irue
94. Microglia false
95. Neurons. Ine

96. Have densely staining elongated nuclei me
97. Are the only neuroglia with spherical nuclei False
98. Originate from
99. May be phagocytic we
100. Are found in both white and gray matter.
Neuroglia can:
101 Divide after birth Iue
102 Differentiate into neurons if necessary fal e
103. Develop from neurons fal
104. Change from one type of glial cell to another type I n e
105. Be found in the peripheral nervous system. Tnue

106. Are found in gray matter I e
107. Are found in white matter ( nue
108. Are smaller than astrocytes me
109. Have more processes than astrocytes False
110 Have longer processes than astrocytes falge

Every reflex arc includes:

111. A receptor Inue
112. Sensory neuron iw
113. Synapses inne
114. Motor neuron iwe
115. Effector Ime

Spinal reflex arcs are

116. Composed of a series of neurons linking receptors to effectors |mue
117. May be composed only of motor neurons Ine
118. Able to transmit impulses in one direction only Inue
119 Able incorporate a large number of inter-neurons i e
cells. [no
120. Helped in the transmission of impulses by neuroglial

© 2021 prof chrissie abaidoo jtetteh. Tdiby, akappiah, nddarko, caantwi, jnketsiah self directed
earmino and team baced lermina
Non-myelinated nerve fibres:
61. Are surrounded by a fold ofoligodendrocytes ofSchwann cell False
62. Are devoid of neuroglial coering Tne
63. Conduct impulses faster than myelinated nerves False
64. Have nodes of Ranvier False
65. Are very common in the gray matter of the central nervous system. Tue

Incisures of Schmidt-Lantermann are:

66. Found in non-myelinated nerves false
67. Only found in myelinated nerves Inue
68. Visible in osmicated preparations only
69. Found at nodes of Ranvier false
70. Formed by invaginations of the endoneurium. Tue

Neurokeratin is:
71. Seen in preparations stained with hematoxylin and eosin Inue
72. Seen in osmicated axons False
73. Seen in the form of a loose network In
74. An artifact of preparation Inue
of the myelin sheath. False
75. Formed by the deformation of proteins

Nodes of Ranvier:
76. Are only found in peripheral nerves false
central nervous Tu
77. Are found in axons of the in
and provide greater efficiency
78. Permit salutatory conduction
impulse conduction ne intercellular space False
between the axolemma
and the
79. Allow transfer ofions
80. Are bounded by paranodal
loops of Schwann cells. Te
Non-myelinated peripheral nerves:

81. Resemble smooth to Schwann cells
nuclei belonging
82. Have elongated similar diameter
fibres that are all of a
83. Contain a x o n s fdse
s o m e myelinated
84. Usually contain Inue
that are usually undulating.
85. Contain fibres

Neuroglial cells: conductivity Tau

characteristics of irritability and
86. Show
87. Are able to divide e neuroectoderm |me
the greater part hematoxylin and eosin Fal
88. Develop to
extensions that stain well with
89. Have
the a r e a of the
synaptic cleft. fuse
90. Are found in

caantwi, jnketsiah self

abaidoo jtetteh. Tdiby,
Copvright 2 0 2 1 profchrissie s
Multipolar neurons:
31. Are the most common type ofneuron
32. Have more than one axon alse
33. Have more than one dendrite
identified in sections stained with
haematoxylin and
34. Can easily be
eosin False nervous system. Fal s
neurons of the autonomic
35. Include the motor

Bipolar neurons are found in
36. Retina Te
37. Vestibular ganglia
38. Cochlear ganglia Tue alse
39. Dorsal root (spinal) ganglia
40. Olfactory nasal epithelium.

Unipolar neurons:
41. Lack p r o c e s s e s a l s e
42. Develop from bipolar als
fusion of processes
43. Show partial
44. Are found in spinal
ganglia Tnue
cranial ganglia. True
45. Are found in

of axons may be
formed by:
The myelin sheath
46. Fibrous astrocytes tals
47. Plasmatic astrocytes

48. Schwann cells True

49. Oligodendrocytes Tne
50. Microglia. Tue

Myelin is: complex Irue

complex tissue Inue
51. Lipoprotein wax-embedded

in normal Inu
52. Preserved in osmium tetroxide
after fixation
53. Preserved osmium tetroxide
Stained black with cell membranes
54. concentrically arranged
55. Composed of many

Schwann cells are:

nervous system
56. Found in the peripheral
central nervous system
57. Found in ale
58. A form
of peripheral

59. Enveloping one axon. folse

m o r e than
60. Able to

jnketsiah self directed
abaidoo jtetteh. Tdiby,
O 2021prof chrissie
team based learning
learming and

aduts have:
The epithelial cells of the choroid plexus in
1. Microvilli on theirfree surface ine
2 Tight junctions Faue
5. Relatively large numbers of mitochondria
4. Cilia ne
5. Many secretory droplets nue

Ependymal cells in adults: Ine

6. Line all the ventricles of the brain
7. Line the central canal ofthe spinal cord | u
8. Producecerebrospinal fiuid e
9. Have apical microvilli and cilia Tre
10.Are neurons alse

nerve tissue Ine
11. Regulate potassium concentration in
spherical, lightly staining nuclei Fale
13. Are bythe presenceof many processesi
which terminate on small blood vessels True
14. Have pedicles or end-feet,
15. Are joined to one another by gap junctions True

Nervous tissue:
irritability ne
16. Neurons are characterized by
17. Neurons lack processes faise
18. Dendrites are usually more
numerous than axons Iue
away from the perikarya iud
19. Axons are transmitters of impulses
nerve cells True
20. Axons are processes of

area of neurons u e
21. Increase the receptive
one synapse T n e
22. May have m o r e than
diameter more or less Fals
23. Are of constant nenrous system ue
Schwann cells in the peripheral
24. Are usually enveloped by
25. Contain neurotubules True

nerve cells
26. Are processes of dendrites Tue
27. Are usually longer than
28. May be myelinated I u e rdse
29. May surrounded
from the perikarya tnë
30. Are transmitters of impulses away
self d i r v t
nddarko, caantwi, jnketsiah
© 2021 prof chrissie s abaidoo jtetteh. Tdiby, akappiah,
leaming and team based learning
Consult your turtbooks r 6-boors uvd (wdu swhov f sms usysus, s b n
with H GE. This suothonwAl shou smu. apvsju of thm uht ysm)
the vtnsi musele ayprs, and thosa vonu, thn uh wuss unwmn YsU
MaRL Urough setth shoulng uumalus f ' n m s of epvah


Seif Assewment 6

Try answeríng the foilowing questisns indivdualy,

the peipheral neruus syses

(a Which f the fkwiny ters 1elate o
plerus Pamidal angin nyeiitan

Nens ae aiways shonesthan

1n 1m
aunal ttarngy TPUE/FAL:
ate prevvtt t facslnat
The nkITAnies A the azum
) L e eatures td a typual s e u n

Nerve e u bbuesS Can
naturauy be seen n
huge umbers throughout the central
nervous system, t.g. in the spinal cord. Consult
your textbooks, and sketch a
diagram of a regionls) containing nerve cells.

cnss ce!ls

Mst hores
sketch a
few of the cell bodies as they appear at high power:

Many nerve cell bodies lie outside the CNS, in the various
sensory and autonomic
ganglia. It is traditional wisdom that the
autonomio ganglia show a marked
diision of Location.

where do you find:

Sympathetie ganglia?
can be ownd just ventru ond laira
tha spina ord

Parasympathetic ganglia?
hey Can betuund in the wall at the brunchi and bronchioes

Copyright 2021 prof chrissie s albaidoo jtetteh. Tdiby, akappiah, nddarko, caantwi, jnketsiah self directed
learning and team based learning
is, and how it
often proves difficult to grasp just what the shape of
a neuron
wil appear in microscopio preparations. To aid your thinking about this,
answer the questions below.
your textbooks then try to

How Long can nerve axons be?

he length ot Xns Con TTUngefom one mullimeter (lmm)
about me meter Clm)
Now consider a single neuron, and its constituent parts

How can the light microscopic appearance of the cytoplasm of an H5E
neuron be desoribed? tuns
ihe Cyhoplasm ts isble appearan teun nch topi a m
dark pind. Gpla im abvel Sntheizes potean stuns h
pupie oten mlewes stun Pimk mPNA, RNA and A un m
What is "Níssl substance? rooncleic aad and
s basophilic materia L mposed T
Droens 1 44a eaofe wuth rogh endopiasmic reticwum
What does the presence of this component inply about the actiity of merm
the celluar actv of oF te
weuron? ihe missl Substun e ma uns
Sine t Synhastus prstens which low alng dendries
what is the functional signíficance of the axonal múerotubules?
and gudance
They help mauntun neron a polaruty.axm otaraeth
Lno snapseurmatim
tissue with osmium tetroxide?
Why is it necessary to stain nervous wthun the
Osmuwm Teoxide helps t preserve picks present
nerous Sue

In the longitudinal section you can se that the axons have an undulating
characteristie of nerve, and ís useful for
appearance. This feature is quite
identification purpoSes.
black, oval objects seen in the connective tissue
w h a t are the íntensely
Surounding nerves?
Nerve cell Bodies

Copyright 2021 prof chrissie s abaidoo jtetteh. Tdiby, akappiah, nddarko, caantwi, jnketsiah self directed
learning and team based leaming
Anatomy Table Conwference 14
Please submit your worksheets to the Instructor/Demonstrator at the end of the practical.
Signthe submission book when you submit your work.
Please read through these worksheets carefully and write all your answers on the
worksheets. Please use your textbooks, atlases and e-books. This is a
good opportunity
for interactive learning- Confer with
your neighbours!
Please maintain your small groups of 10/9/8/7. At the end of the table conference, write
your names individually and sign against your names on the last page.

Nervous Tissue

Septae of cOnnective tíssue within the nerve bundle are referred to as.gndeneunun

... ana the oconnective tissue sheath around a nerve bundle is the epi neunwm

From what you know of the human nervous system how long
can a nerve

The cell body of nerves contains the usual range of organelles indicative of
Apart from the enzymes and struotural proteins needed in the cell body, the rest
of the material producedl in the ucleus is eeded elsewhere e.g. neurotransmítters
are needed at the nerve terminals. The nerve axons and dendrites
possess very a
itte synthetio machinery and so the nerve has a problem because of its
specialisation of exttnsion of processes much of the oytoplasm is a long distanoe
from the cell body.

How is material moved from its site of synthesis to the site utilisation?
Axonal lransport
DOes it proceed in both directions? les
What ultrastructural features are
responsible for transport?
Microtubules Mo tor proteuns

Copyright © 2021 prof chrissie s abaidoo jtetteh. Tdiby, akappiah, nddarko, caantwi, jnketsiah self directed
learning and team based learning 1
fyeh f ye
requube ph sh mo e hh
he bun A Col qmepn-ft ae
2 e thpkim fhein ench othrl Am
le pecieale:
PnGham choe ly

naplule Me nimeei Smpsseo
hyslve i ih
eneta ndei-pftah h
p ; nlje
ece hs cndT i
eene4 on


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