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Ae «The resistanes of a conductor varies Inversely as awe Sy rossAsecton ‘emperatur® p) Seasstonly pp ina etreuit containing R, Land C, power I )LOnty C)ROdly 0) AllAbove can take place In. No ay Only oxo 7: In any AC. elrcult always Ar eower is More Than Actual Power pow Power is Mare Than Apparent Power oe aor is More Than Reactive Power © Soueiye Power ls More Than Actual Power No. 78 Gwe Tbe tho magnotic potential difference across tho alr gap of 2 cm length in magnotic fleld of 200 ATi ovpj4at C)GAL DB) 10 AL (jo. 75: The magnetomotive force is - = votage Accoss The Two Ends Of Exciting Coil as ow Of An Electric Current pe {Gn OF All Currens Embraced By One Line Of Magnetic Field 5) The Passage Of Magnetic Field Through An Exciting Coil = GNo. 76: Akeeper Is used to ange The Direction Of Magnetic Lines : nplify Flux ie B Restore Lost Flux 5 Prowde A Closed Path For Flux ws 350% eS io. 77: With rise in temperature the resistance of semiconductors yee c aa iBbcseses ol a ue K a ht Tn Dans es Remains Constant 10 QNo. 78: The resistance of a coy oe meats ceo pper wire 200 m long is 21 Q. If its thickness (diameter) is 0.44 mm, Its %10-8Om 8) 1.4% 10-8.m 6Qm D)1.6X108Qm ‘No. 79: The total electric flux through any el 3 i josed surface surrot harges: rarge enclosed\”. The above stetervent ia assoclatod with ane ea Geeag me '» Square Law in Maxwells Second Law No. 2: Fourwires of sam oon material, tho sat ti th tdi me cross sectional area and the same length when sector hgarallel give a resistance of 0:25 Q. I the samo four wires aro connacted in series tho - #20 G30 D)4a No, $9, ONCE tieh othe ollowing etatomonts in corract? = rie jeans Flux inside Ar May rai Fan Ios Pi it eet : ui! Than lls Outside Surface The een ele Flux Inside The Exciting Ge Magnetic Flux | 19 Coll Is Greater Than Its Outside Surfa inside The Excting Gal fe Same As On ls Outside Surlace Ghia, 2 the Maye &2: 19 tho eat wt 8) of w lossy capacit sera pene SUN BESS AE Poe C. 48: A paper capacitor is usually available In the form of A) Tubes 8) Rolled Fol C) 0) Meshed Plates as: For which of the following paramotor variation, the capacitance of the capacitor romains unaffected ? Distance Between Plates ) Area OF The Plates C) Nature Of Dielectric 0) Thickness Of The Plates ~ QNo, 50: What will be the current passing through the ring shaped alr cored coll when number of turns, is 32007 area )2 84 O68 ie Smartlearning master ‘QNo. 51: A capacitor consists of A) Two Insulators Separated By A Conductor B) Two Conductors Separated By An Insulator C) Two Insilators Only 5) Two Conductors Only QNo. 52: The sparking between two olectrical contacts can ba reduced by Inserting a A) Capacitor in Parallel With Contacts 'S) Capacilor In Series With Each Contact C) Resistance In Line D) None Of The Above * aio. 53: © “Alight bulls draws 200 mA when the voltage actoss it is 240 V. Tho rosistance of the light bulb Is = A)400.a 8) 6000 6/8000 ) 10000 oe ‘QNo. 54: Pure inductive circult takes power from the A.C. line when E A) Applied Voltage Decreases But Current Increases ae 5) Applied Voltage Increases But Current Decreases % ob ‘C) Both Applied Voltage And Current increase ‘D) Both Applied Voltage And Current Decrease 2 ‘Qbo. 55: In'a capacitor tho oleetric chargo is storad In A) Metal Piates Se (Bue B) Dielectric 24 C) Both (3) And tb) |7 D) None Of The Above: QNo, 6: Which of the following materials has the highest value of dielectric constant? |) AjGiess B) Vacuum €) Ceramics DB) Oil . ONMo. 57: Which of the following statoment is true’? ‘Aj Ahe Qatrent In The Discharging Capacitor Grows Linearly ) The Current in The Dicharging Capacitor Grows Exponentially C) The Current in The Discharging Gapacitor Decays Exponentially ‘D) The Curent fa The Discharging Capacitor Decreases Constantly © Gio. 52: For which of the following materials the saturation value Is the highest? A) Ferromagnetic Materials 6) Paramagnelie Materials C) Dismagnetic Matertals 0) Fermtes ONo, 69; The stray ins af magnetic flux Is defined as A) A Line Vertical To The Flux Lines G) The Mean Length Of A fing Shaped Coil G) A Line Qf ttagnetic Flux In A Non uniform Field ©) A Line Of Magnetic Flux Which Dows Not Follow The Designed Path: QNo. 80; Which of the following statements Is Soret i A) Air Capacitors Have A Black Band To Indicate The Outside Foil 3) Electolyic Capacitor Must Be Connected In The Correct Foe G) Ceramic Capacitors Must Be Connected In The Correct ce ay D) Mica Capacitors Are Available In Capacitance Value Of 1 To 10 QNo. 61: Magnetic momont is a ‘A) Pole Strangth 8) Universal Constant ©) Scalar Quantity 0) Vector Quantity QNo. 62: Conductance Is reciprocal of : A) Resistance B) Inductance C) Reluctance _D) Capacitance QNo. €3: in a pure Inductive circuit A) The Gurrent Is in Phase Wilh The Voltage &) The Current Lags Behind The Voltage By 90° ©) The Current Leads The Voltage By 90° D) The Curent Can Lead Or Lag By 90° QNo. 64: Magnitude of current at resonance In RLG circuit ‘A) Depends Upon The Magnitude Of R 8) Depends Upon The Magnitude Of L C) Depends Upan The Magnitude Of C 0) Depends Upon The Magnitude OfR, Land G “QNo. 65: ‘The transient currents aro associated with the The power factor at resonance in RL © paraltel cirouttis: AyZero 8) 0.0BLagging C)O.8Leading 0) Unity QNo. $8: A cortain amount of currant flows through a ring shapod coil with ffxed number ‘of tums, How Goes the magnetic Induction B varies inside the coll if an iron coro is threadod into coll without dimensional change of call ? A) Decreases 8) Increases C) Remains Same ©) First Increases And Then Decreases Depending On The Depth Of fron insertion QNo. 67: inthe case of an unsymmetrical alternatin: A) Unsymmetrical Part Of The Wave Form 8) The Quarter Cycle C) The Half Cycle D) The Whole Cycle ig curront the average value must always be taken over Ho, 68: Which of the followin A) Paper Capacitor B) Ceramic Capacitor , ©) Silver Piated Mica Capacitor D) None Of The Above 19 Capacitors will have the least variation ? QNo. 69: Time constant of an Inductive circult f A) Increases With increase Of Indi A : B) Increases Yeah Te iate OF Inductance And Decrease OF Resielance ©) Increases With The Decreane Of Indu ©) increases With Decroase Oi ‘No, 70: Winen a dleloctile slab Is Introduced In a paraifel plato eapacitar, the potential difference batween plates will A)RemalnUncherged B)Decresss C) Ineroasa D) Became Zaro iclance And Decrease: Of Resistance I Inductunce And Increase Of Resistance ya eect) ore fron rod is rhe eat 6 ane ihest ibility OF The Iron Rod Yi en) 8 thant area te ion Red ’ cleA in i Pen neability Al The End Of The I 80 Ch pe Permeantty Almost in Non. Menvetzed State “No. 84; Which of the following expression Is correct for olectric fleld strength ? AE=Dle BE=D2 C)E=dd D)E= Nez ‘QNo. 85: Timo constant of a circult is the tlme in seconds taken after the application of voltage to each A) 25% Of Maximum Value 8) 50% Of Maximum Value ©) 63% OF Maximum Value 1D) 90% Of The Maximum Value 2) ) fene'o No. 86: The double energy transiont oceut in the A) Purely Inductive Circuit ec B)RI Circuit €)Re Circuit jor. ss BY Ric Circuit a Cox an Ke QNo, 87: The uniform magnetic field is ex A) The Field OF A Set Of Parallel Conductors | 8) The Field OF A Single Conductor C) The Field In Which AlllLines Of Magnetic Flux Are Parallel And Equidistant D) None OF The Above 7 QNo. 88: Which of the following material has nearly zoro temperature coeffictent of resistance?’ A)Mangahin 6) Porcelain C)Carbon 'D) Copper q ea co pure resistive circuit ‘A) Current Lags Behind The Voliage By 90° B) Current Leads The Voltage By 90° C) Current Can Lead Or Lag The Voltage By 90° / 1D) Current Is In Phase With The Voltage QNo, 90; Which of the following materials are diamagnetic ? A) Silver 8) Copper C) Silver And Copper. 0) Iron. QNo. 91: Electric prossuro Is also callod A)Resistance 8)Power C) Voltage —_D) Energy QNo. 82: Hysteresis loop In caso of magnetically hard materials Is more In shape as compared to magnotically soft materials. A) Circular B)Trlangular ©) Rectangular D) None Of The Above QNo. 93: a The fesistance of a parallel circult consisting of tho branches Is 12 ; what is the resistance of the otter?” Ims.{f the resistance of one branch is A)18Q 8)36Q C)48Q D)64Q ‘QNo, 94; The substances which have a largo number of froe electrons and offer a low resista re A) Insulators 8) Inductors C)SemiConductors 0) Conductors rere QNo. $6: Capacitance incraases with A) increase In Plate Area And Decrease In Distance Belveen The Plates 5) increase | Plate Area And Dislance Between The Plates C) Decrease In Plate Area And Value Of Applied Voltage 0} Reduction In Piate Araa And Distance Balween Tha Plates QNo, 96; Time constant of @ oupacitive ciroult ARMY PAIBLIC LPee Class incharge: Nadia Rashid SR.NO [Student Name eb say “[Namitulish | 8 Muddsar lftikhar | el | __| Usama Azhar 4 | Jehonthanthan Jerry whole my SCHOOL AND COLLEGE f Ai Retort Class/Section XIbA Mat be | Apt S- [MSarimMir ia PASBAN RWP sub:/fee Vor ber | [ere | ftey | 6- Zain ul Abidin Fz. | DaniyalZahid | | 8- M.Hashir Ali Se M.Rizwan Awwan __| | 20- Haris Bashir M.Saqib Hamza Qureshi M.Jubair M.Awais Malik Malik Abid Rauf _ S f = 7 Ismail Noman | | Wajid Rehman =e MKhalid Afridi (i “MAli Tahir A) Adamjes Paper Mills, tio: 83: How many ore the statns of USAT 59 6)48 0)45 0)42 jockey originatai! from: No, 84; The game of Hockey orig : AyPeksten B)England —C) Australia 0) Greed? no. 85: Which of ths following town of Balochistan jy oaibendin, 6) Nak Kunci C)Nustki 0) Mastung i tocated nearast to 18” BSrdar7 No, 86: Bonanza means: a euation Where Largo Profits Aro Made 8) Poor Performance C) Boneless Or Made Meat D) None Of Above £) All Of The Above QN0. 87: kdontify the mustclan who composed the National Anthem of Pakistel A) Nisas Bazrnt 8) Khalil Amed C) Suhail Rana 0) Abul Karim Ghagia QNo. 88: Pakistan's standard timo io. ahoad of Greenwich time: A)3Hours B)4 Hours C)SHours D) 6Hours QNo, 89; The famous Muistim Saint Baba Farld Gang Shakr Is burled at A)Jhang 8) Multan G)Pakpaltan 0D) Ket Mithan QNo. 90: Who Is the currant ehairman of NAB? ‘A) Dr, Mukhtar Ahmed B) Ahmed iqhal Ashraf C) Absar Alam D) Qamar Zaman Chaudhry QNo, 91: Wimbledon Tennis Grounds are In A) Australie B)France C) England ©) Germany QNo, 92: Shah Wallulish belongs (o Silsils? A)Nagshbandia 8) Suharwardia ©) Awisia 0) None OF Above QNo, 99: Which acid is usec! in Battary? ‘A)Nacl B)Hcl C)Hn03 _D) None Above QNo, 94; Safaty mechanism of blood works under, A) Whit Blood) Red Blsod C) Lymphatic ©) None oF These QNo. 95: After Indepenconce.the 1st Industrial uit inaty fgurated by Quald--Azam was:- B} Valixa Textile Mis ©) Karachi Shipyard And Engineering Works D) Pokistan Jute Mills No. 96: Voting Is compulsory for all the elector A) United States And Britain, 8) Australia And Balgium €) France And Germany. DJ AIO! The Abovs, : QNo. 97; The real name of great Muslin reformar "tH ‘A)Sbelkh Ahmed Sichirdl "erat Shah Wall Ullah” was: 8) Quiub-ud-din Ps ROS Ince ‘ay Mardaret Thatoher (england) B) Srimavo Bandsraralkev¢sn Lanka) ©) Golda Mair (aribanka) D) Indira Gar (india No. 44: Bay of Biscay is situated between:- A) France And Spain B) Swecien And Finiany )ltaly-And Greece 8) Estonia And Latvia No, 45: Portmanteau means: A) Large Box 8).A Vide Range Of Things Considreg ©) Both A And B Dy None Of Above Single QNo. 46: The world iargest land frontier is betweer (A) Anierica And Canada 8) Russia And China C) Argentina And Brazit D) China And Mongols QNo. 47: Which is city of Mosques Ayshors -8)Madina C) Baghdad Dy Dhaka 48: SUB moto inéatis: AY An Action initiated By Court ttsatt ~e B) An Action By Civil Judge G)BothA&.B 1D} Nona Gf Above " GNo, 49: The playaround for playing Baeeball is exiled: {AjOlamond 8) Cour €) Ring) Rink “Gio, 50: Who did accompany the Holy Prophet (SAW) in the migration to Medina? ‘Hazrat Abu Bakr(r.a), = Haz Uaton(s 9) i Hazrat Ali(r.a) 6) Hazrat Umar(ca) ; jmbiedon Tennis Grounds-are in 8) France C)England 0) Germany igsed on the issue of One unit? D) Thomas Edison — sgated Zam0e07 Ds2Rercenorn «cara gid” Yate RA) paca fora Yr ne Chis Oe Wo. 14: Name the AVMs B) Hanna ATemnortses yA Ot arc Lam S}Tobegen (AN. 7: Which Suan of ure has Bi AYANehal B)AlNonal Cj A ancaan (v9.77: Yen Hazrat Lovee (Ay vem AOWAC EAU c\eirn hie TH: Who ie author of isan ut ———— disteist OF Punjaty No. 56: In tern of area, which is the largest aaministratee \Bahawelur €)D.9 Khan C)Faisalanad — p)Lahow No. $7: 48th Parable! is a boundaty tine between: ) North And South Korea ) China Arid Mongolia ) Germany And Poland 1D) Use And Canada (ONe. 58; Quaid-e-Azam resigned from membership of ConaFes® gA)7913 By 1916 €) 7920, Db) 1922 No. 58: Which of the following provinces of Afghanistan share border with Pakistan:. A) Ningcahar, Paldia, Ghazni 18) Berniyan, Farah, Herat. B}E)Balkh, Samangan, kancuz f (0) Takhar. Uruzgen, Chur. GNo. 60: The famous Musiim Saint Baba Farid Gang Shakris buried at A)ihang 8) Multan’ C) Pakpattan 0) Kot Mithan _ QNS. 64: What is the full title of Tafseer-e-Ibn-c-Kascer?” VA) Abkam ULQuran Balan UL Quran °C) Tibian Ul Quran 'D) Tafseer Quran-e-azeern GNo. 62: Who tore away the message(letter) of the Holy Prophet? FA) King Of Roma 8) Herequal ¢) King Of tran) Najashi ,631 In-which Sorah of the Quran are the details of hedtado ? HEBagra G)SurahE Nisa C) Sureh € Maida ‘Surah E Noor! , 64; When first Namiaz of Eid-ut-Fitr the order for Tatweal-e-Qibla was mate? i B)2HIH C)BHi —_) 4 Hie 4 y stirah of the Holy Quran tne word “ighol aa yoer Rea daned? ‘B)Maeda GC) Anzab D) Bagora ‘ 2 Whi intey is called the Land of Prophats’?7” oo oe ee ‘Arabia B) Syria «was Mutemmed bin Ismail a} Bukhari bo he Sorah/ Chapters of the Quran are named aAer tHe nairie'of animals? aya OS \ t i subjedvtheme of Sorah Toots and Sersh Antal ig, ~ @)Risalat 2) Selaal per) lon” QNo, 28; How matiy Zeros ace there inone-B! aja 81 ¢ the Quran? io, 90; Hawimany times Narriaa is mannan inthe Ou A)700. 8)750 C)730 _O) None cr THeAbOY? QNo, 31; Pakistan's standard tine is, atiead of Greenwich time; A)SHous B)4Mouis C)S Hours OVEHOUES QNo,.32; When was the state of Swat inciuded IM Pexistan? A) 4th Api f '8)28th Joly 1968 D) Nowe Of These QNo. 83: Olive Branch is 6 symbol of peace jfile LOWS is a symbol of | A} Pragress 8) Culture And Civilization ©) Justice D) Romantic Love: No. 34: Friendship Bridge on river Oxus connects: A) Russie And China 8) China And Kazakhstan { C) Tajikstan Ano Afghanistan 1 O) Uzbekistan Ans Afghanistan QNo. 35; Doaba Ractns Is located baiween the Rgpenens® and River: A)Revi B) Jnelum, C)indus. 0) Reso ‘ “QNo. Abi twenty largest tribal agency of FATA (Fel “‘AySouh Werlisian B)Nosth Waziristan ©) Orak ©) Bajaur QNo. 37; The Chief Election Commissioner is appl A) Five Years BY AS Delemnined Bly The President ©) Same Term As itls Of The Assemblies vi ‘Three Years Hele ee largest gas FIRED power plant ist id for a term of BP hnalord Segal Paes Pint Ghee es Power Plant D) Faisalabad Gas Turbine Power Piant QNo, 39: What is fourth state of matter? ‘B)Plasma GC) Water 0) None Atove cy ‘Approximately how much part of Jammu and Sashmiris unelst India's veeupation “p)29 . 72: What wais the original color of Hal er , a ated Zameen? QNo. 73: What is the rate of usher for eanal iia QNo: 74: Name the battle A) Mota) B) Khan which Hazeat Khalid Bi? Waleed (RA) participated for the first time? €) Badr 0) Khyber QNo. 75: LEA-AN A) To Receive A Rewar 8).A Term Of Trade €) A:Clause Of Islamic Lavi 6) Te Bargain QNo. 76: Which Surah of Quran has Bismillah iwice: A)AVNehal B)AlNamal C).Al Ahzeab, YA! Noor QNo, 77; When Hazrat Umer (R.A) embracedisiam? A)GOOAd B)EOBAd Cie Ad BIGRAD | GMo. 78; Wha is the author of Lisan ul AraBook? AVAL B)iFansnik C) ibn E ManzoomgEO) Ibn E Kasir QNo. 79: Fatawa Qazi Khan 1s Bi atithentic Biwa of: A)Figh Hanali 8) Figli Hanbali G)Figh'Shah _D) Figh Mask’ ‘ A) Ore Having Nelthrer Father 8) One Having Niether Parents Nor Chitdren C).One Having Neither'Son B) One Having Neither Friends QNo. #1: On quitting your Motor Vehicle, What should you da? Baas Hand Brakes. 8) Lack The Vehicle. | ©) Keep The Engine Running | 0) Stoa The Engine, And Apply The Brakes. { ¥ r QNe. 80: Galata means 1 | ‘ON, 82: When would a driver be qualified ty drive-a Taxi? 1 AYAL 17 Yeacs And Owns A Vehicle 5 ca foes oe iss Daun Diving Rogue) Al 2 Years And Has Been Driving Regutirty pura The Preceding 12 Months, B)Al 25 Years And The Holder Of A aes Oris Beenie “QNo. B3: A persen whose driver's ii ac US RS iGence is tinder Suspension may: pee: AY I) A Case Of Extreme Ex ae eo stnacs . perate A Motor ie Whee Accompanied By A Litenced Driver? HOperele A Motor Vehicle Uncar Any Congiion? 1G # Tastor vot exceed must net ible on the roadway the chain, drow bares rope must a jabric. He Gut 6 jength 24 a number o jeces to cut from roll of fabric. ch roll of aqual |ens Tato 40 pieces e ut at tno rate of 48 casa nue, How any rolls WOU'd BEGUN 24 minutos? A)S4Rols B)120Rols C) 108 Rolls 0) 82 Rolls QNo. 26: Find the oud man out: 8, 27, 64, 100, 125, 216, 343 A)27 B)125 G)3a3 0) 100 QNo, 26: Which language was declarad as the national language of the COUNITY Mridor the 4973 Constitution? A)Englisn 8) Urdu C)BothAANdB 0) Urdu & ‘QNo. 27: Who will be the speaker of Distriet Council? A) Nab’ Union Nazim 8) Teheil Nazim ©) Nab Tehsil Nazim 1) Nab Nazim Of District Council ‘QNo. 28: When was the Pakistan Constituent Assembly constituted? A) duty 20. 1947 B) June 20, 1947 C) August 20, 1947. 5) August 25, 1987 QNo. 20: When Chaudhry Rehmat All presented the name of Pakistan A)1930 8)1832 ¢) 1931p) 1933 ‘QNo. 30; Whats the total number of seats Sindh Assembly has? A185 8) 168 G) 150) 160 ‘QNo. 31: Who was responsible for the introduetion of English as the OFFICIAL language in india? ‘A) Lord Wilkam Bentinck B) Sir Charles Wood C) Marquess Of Dathousic 1B) Allan Octavian Hottie GNo, 52: Who ainong the following was not a slave betore he bacan iA) Alasud-din Kn) 8) Balan C) QuiUb-ud-din Aluok se ©) ikutrnish QNo. 33; Which of the following were causes for the de. Ih sD ieik Gavel cling of the Deihi Sultanate? Invasion of Timur Il, Lack of cluar-cut suiccession policy IV. Growth of composite culture A) |W And i B) fii and Wv ©) 1 Anat B)WOny, No. 34: Whan the 187 Constitution (1956) wis aurea A) 8 Apa, 1958 ‘Gnd and Martial Law was pr 8) 8 August, 1968 oslaimed? O13) Ganon 88 5.6 sopteribor. 1968 No, 36: The achievement ofthe Non Cooperation Moy, ‘Ayt Siopped The Inostice Done To Tho Khai.” MS¥®™UR 1921 wag, Stopes The Puna Mioctics at: # Aiane Obtain Some Poitica| Rights §) The rikus And The Musing Came Clover In Poti, RH 36; Ste put rod ro Biase 8) Fees Sowers nt v6 $00 ondary 1 order ) Orcer —D) Great ee Word | '¥ a concrete noun)? 8) Nedulator And Demodulator G) Modulator And Eig ) Modulator Or Digi computer introduced in the market? QNo, 68: When Was Ape Macintosh Il mist Ay1964B) 1970 Gy 19890) 198 QNo. 70: WAN stanids tar A) Wap Area Network B) Wide Aroa Network C) Wide Array Net 5) Wireless Area Network: 10. 712 Whe eroatud World Wide Wab (WWW)? MWardGhistensen 6) TinBemer Cc) Marian Hot! 2) Rabert Noyce No. 72; Famous virus Is A A)Sunday12 B)Monday 10 ©) Friday 12 ©) Saturday 17 QNo. 73: Data storad in ROM is not permanent ? Ayre 8) False G) Data Stored in Rom is Permanent ©) Farm OF Rem QNo. 74: What is full form of TCP? ‘A) Transmission Contric Protocol 8) Transter Contra! Protacol ) Transmission Contra! Protocol 1B) Transmission Control Process ‘QNe, 75: PHP files have a default ile extension of A).php 8) him!) aml) ph QNo. 76: Which of the following terms is the most closaly rolated 1 main memory? A)Non Volatile 8) nent ©) Gontral Unit) Temporary ‘QNo, 77: Which of the following Is not the classification of computers based on application? A) Electronic Computers B) Arislog Computers ‘G) Digital Computers B) Hybcid Computers QNo. 78: Whe wrate “Hamiet” 7 AyMiton B) Wordsworth) Shakespeare _D) Marlowe Go. 79: Which is city of Moxquon A)lehere B)Muving ~C)Bighdad 5) Ohaxke QNo. 80: Which of the tallow Ing Is the oldest Garrage: A)Ko 8) Gus a oe O)Teunss O} Sukkar No, #1: Multan is aine attrotionat A) "city Of Dust” va 8) "ely Of Sohen Hatwa 6) aly OF Mosques" ) ly OF Saini sateal Ben etna aa i — changed his capltal from Mading to sara the'attp of the camer” Caliph All (RA No. $3: Tifa C) Makkah) None Of Thase A) Bas’ ¢ Kalimah which Is recited In a funeral procession? Name th ne jeed C)Tauhesd 0) Tayyaba ayshahadat 8) In. yo tragedy: of Bagdad was happened i p hills? Sg: How many times Haiji runs betwoon tho Safa ane! Marwah hi ane C)Seven 0) Eight ays &)Nine io. 87: which ofthe following birds conveyed the mossace of #272" Sulaiman (AS) to tho Queen Saba? 1. 57; Which of the foto past 'B)Pigcon CG) Woodpecker D) None Of These ‘No. 58; Sclence of Islamic Law is called : “ AyPrudence B)independenee C) Jurisprudence’ D) Al OF The QNo, 59; How many Manazil are In the Holy Qur'an? ayi0. B)8 0/15 D)7 Gio, 60: The famous book of Fiqh “Kitab-ul-Khara]" was written by: ‘A)imam Abu Hanife 8) Imam Shafl C)imam Abu Yousef 0) Imam Matik QNo, 61: Hserat Musa (AS) married the daughtor of the prophet 1A) Hazrat Younas (a8) B) Hazrat Shoal (as) 6) Hazrat Ismail (a3) D) Hazral Ui (as) QNo, 62: What Is called the second Ashra of Ramazan? A) Ashra-e-rehmat 8) Ashraes-maghira C) Ashra-e-najat-e-naacejahannam D}ALOF Tham ‘No, 83: Wha Is the greatest angel according to the teachings of stam? 4) Hazrat Mokael (95) 8) Hazrat lzravel (as) C} Hazrat Jibraeel (as) 0) Hazrat isrates!-(@s) lio. 64; A the time of Baltsil-Maads Who reassembled Torah? 'adas destruction, ofl the copies of Torah were. destroyed and scattered. A) Hazrat Hardon (68) 8) Hazrat Uzairios) ©) Hszrat Zakariya (a8) 1) Hazrat Younas (as) QNo. 85: A person who performs pra » prayer alon A)Magiadl @) Munford G)Mosboog D) ime ONe. 66; How many Mustahab in Wu; A)Six B)Four C)Five D) Seve ae QNo. 67: The tragle Incident of Karat A)SERH B)B1Ah C)70.An bala 100k place o 2) 72 Ah N Muharram, 10 QNo. 68; What ts full form oF ny 101 ‘A) Modulation Ard Damoduiaton et? Z a SP ef ett ng a5 P.O. Rand 8: : My Frhene Ri dun ta rach corre Wen that tie will motu tn an howe pe shrowiled at me that way mterice; The faculty:er power ef attr (ay nyyou consent? coh ai'seen Teona ang so AMP coo, be: £4 Pravers_— \ can; Mai tie alo how mE stored in computer? {otlowing Yor (No: BB: bata mputer is alse Known a5 (Qhe. 45: Which of the following required large computer memory? pie eee OL. as tare ee Hobiie Phones are rot allowed in the examination vere. oat paper along with answer shaat must bw returned at thw ond of tho test, the Guaations are slf-explanatory. De net ask for any ciarlfication, ‘and shop: ling when you are told to:do no, 3 osc Father Name: ola; Applicant Must fl the above fields before starting the paper 855 QNo. 1: Q NO2Z: Q NOz: Q NO4; Q NOS: QUESTIONS FROM PASSAGE Many sociologists have argued that thare Is furctional relationship between education and enor’ system. They point to the fact that mass formal education began in industrial society. They note {net expansion of the economies of industrial sociotivs is accompanied by a corresponding expansion 0. educational systems. they explain this correspondance in terms of the needs of industry for skilled trainad manpower, needs which are met by the educational system. Thus, the provision of mass | lemantary education in Britain in 4870 can be seen as a rasponse to the needs of Industry for a literate and numerate workforce at a time when Industrial processes were becoming more complex and the demand for technical skills was steadily growing. QNO1: The author argues that A) Formal Education Can Be Traced To Industrial So 8) Industrial Society Is Responsible For Expansion O! G) Industrial Society Gave Rise To Vocational Education D) industrial Society Changod The Pattern Of Education jucation At Mass Level QNo. 2: The observation of the Sociologists are based on a study of A) The Statistical Data Avaliable In A Historical Context B) Growth Of industry 19th Contury ) Economic System Of Tne 13tn Gentury D) He Correlation Between industry And Education In A Historical Context QNo. 3: By “functional relatlonship" Is meant ! A) A Short-term Relationship B) Practical And Utititarian Relationship C) Temporary Arrangement B) Close And Unbreakable Relationship t QNo. 4: The industry needs 4 literate Wark-force because |A) lis Expansion Naeds Sound Leaming B) ik Retws Hoavly On Expertise C) It Promotes A Competitive Spirit 5) Ite Operations Need Intricate Technical Knowlange 5: The Sociologists returrad to It In the passage say tha ek Ue eae oem Mutual Nees! 3 Booed Eniely On The Need OF The Industry (0) Based Entirely On Economic Neod 10} Based On Some inexplicable Historical Forces vo. 6: KANUPP Is the abbreviation of iclear Power Plant » Kata Ne clear Power Plant a ores Nuclear Power Plant atlONSHI between ing, ustry, ang P80 ig ty Delisted Countries E)Geet ore ve 0. 5#: The oldest tennis toumementin the world : A¥wimbledon 8) French Open C) Australian Opan _) Us Ope” ‘rk, 65: Iden the Gouniry which is nol the mamberat me untied NAO ‘A)Norih Korea |B) Japan C) iraq D) Vatican City, No, 58: Name the'second largest city of Pakistan 7) Mullan YB) Lahore C) Karachi D) Peshawar No. $7: The Third battle of panipat was fought In. 44785 8)1758 ©) 1760 YO) 1761 (QNo. 88: Who Invented the Television ‘syuhion Logie 1B) Maria Arovet C) Mathew Amotd }) Harry So Tureman No. 59: The Glymple games of 2008 was hold in h\Greace 8)France C)ltaly ¥D) China ‘ato, 60; dentity the country whieh appeared like iong shoe on the map of the world Ayitaly 8)Pars C)Chile 0) Egypt Alo. 64: For how many times ald Hazrat Jitraoal (AS) como to the court of the Holy Pro ) 20000 Times. 8) 24000 Times ©) 30000 Tiwies 0} 25000 Times ‘QNo, 62: How many Far are theie in Halj? {S)Two Ja)Thre: C)Rour b/five dic. 632 When wos Jihad mandatory? AMAH B)3ah C)4an 5,5 AK ~ ANG. B4: Who believes In srinity? })Jows B)Buddhisis JS) Christians 0) Hindus ‘No. 65: Which of tho following famous sahabis did riot take part in the Battie Badr bu nooly? 4) Hazrat Abdurehmii Bin AuE (ra) ) Hazrat Tatha (ra) ) Hazrat Abu Bakar (ra) 0) Hazrat Usman (ta) QNo: 88: Which ons of the following cities Is mentioned in the Holy Quran ? i,j Rome B)Damascus G) Baghdad D) Amman ‘ANo. 67:The Sahabl whic collected the Quran vers |A) Herat AbU Bakar (re) as Inv one plaice was, ——___—_— ) Hezrat War (0) ©) Hazrat All (a) Hazrat Usman (a) “ANd. 68: For how many times Za 3 20 Times, V8) 22 Times ont along with Namaz is mentioned in the Holy Quta Times: 9) 25 Times PNo. 88: The traditionalists apply Yaz 83 4 0)5 > — Methods for the auttiontletty of Hadls - nie. 54: The oldest tennis tournament in thie world is... FWimbledon B) French Open’) Ausizalian Open Db) Us Ope” aNo. 58: Identity the country which is not the mamber of the unitod N#t™"® ) North Korea 8) Japan ©) aq “D) Vatican City nNo, 56: Name the second largest city of Pakistan :) Multan YB) Lahore C) Karachi) Peshawar QNo. 57: The Third battle of panipat was fought in. i) 9755 B) 1758 °C) 1760 YO) 1761 No, 58: Who Invented the Television AyMuhon Logie 8) Matia Arovet ©) Mathew Arnold ) Hany So Tureman ANo, 59: The Olympic games of 2008 was held in \) Greece 6) France C) italy 0) China ye world No. 60: Identify the country which appeared like long shoe on thie map of the wor! AJitaly B)Pars C) Chile D) Eoypt AWe. 61: For how many times did Hazrat Jibraee! (AS) come to the court of the Holy Prophet A) 20000 Times B)24000 Times )30000 Times 0) 95000 Times QNo. 62: How many Farz are there In Halj? 3) Two JB) Thre. C)Four Dy Five ‘ile. 83: When was Jihad mandatory? NNZAn B)3AK C)4an 0) SAH Ao, BA: Who believes Ii trinity? }Jews 8) Buddhisis JS) Chistians 0) Hindus ANNO. 65: Which of tha fo.lowing famous sahabls did not take part in the Batlle Badr but got pooty? 4) Hazrat Abdurehmidn Bin AUF (ra) p) Hazrat Talha (ra) Hazrat Abu Bakar (ra) )) Hazrat Usinan (a) ANo. 68: Which one of the following cities Is mentioned in the Holy Quran? “Rome B)Bamascus ¢)Baghdad 0) Amman QNo. 87: The Sahabl whe »s'lected the Quran verses In one place was ,) Hazrat Abu Balear (ra) 2) Hazrat Umer (ra) >) Hazrat All (ta) ») Hazrat Usman (ra) No. 68: For how many times Zaket along with Namaz Is menti i seers ve anes Cao acne Mit Namaz Is mentioned inne Holy Quran? ANo. 68: The traditionalists De eon nie Pply____ methods for the authenticity of Hadis . jonammad Khan Junej0 + Ghemuam isha Khan D) Faroag Ahmad Leghart ‘io, 37: Which report rejected the demand for separate electorate sreviosly lucknow Pact? Simon Ropor @)NehruReport C) Cripps Report) Mints Report QNo. 38: The Proposal of the partition of india Into Pakistan and, India were ‘contained In ‘A) Cripps Mission Proposals 5) Cabinet Mission Proposals i ) Prime Minister Alice's Statoment Of 20th February, 19 1B) Mountbatten Pian Of 3rd June, 1947 No, 39: Who was the founder of the All ndia National Congress 2 A) Ghandi 8)Nehry “C) Allan Octavian Hume D) Lord Curzon’ QNo. 40: Lord Mountbatten replaced Lord.......... a5 Viceroy of India in 1947 A)Curzon ¥B)Wavell C) Linlithgow —D) Chelmsford QNo. 41 What is approximate iength of the Great wal! of China ‘A)3,000 Miles .8)5,500 Miles C) 7,000 Miles D) 4,650 Miles QNo, 42: The country where ilitary servie# for wor ‘A)Mietnam YB)israel C) iraq) Spain ts compulsory... QNo. 43: There are..... members of SAARC A)B BIO C12 D)14 QNo. 44; Hunza become the pait of Pakistan in. 4 A) 1974 -/e) 1074 Gy 197) 1970 *\ QNo. 45: Australia is famous for — PVA) Koatss B)Horees. C) Treas B) Bndges = No. 48: Name the place whore Guatam Bodha was born, ~ A)SriLanke 8) Pavapun ~) Lumbini (D) Spanish QNo, 47; Taksim square Is in... JA)istanbol B)Cario C)Labyia 8) Iran No, 48; Neme the body of the water Which seietates the North island and South taland A) Bass Strait 8) Mogelian Strait YE) Cook Strait 1D) Sait Of Bonifacio. QNo. 49; What was the name of the Atomic Bomb dropped of: Nagasaki... A) Little Boy YB) FalBoy ©) Little Man 0) None Of These, QNo. 50: WTO was established in.. a) 1985. VB) 1995 C) 1998 p) 2002 in the color of sly would be, ) Pink QNo. 54: If there would be nos! A) Grey VB) Bick ©) white Mohat was bulld by the Mughal Emperor QNo. 52: The Tal @) Akbar 0) Aurangzaib AyHumayun ¥B) Shah Jpan consist of ‘QNo, 53: 0-8 Is WA) Developing Countries Hg nt soseore

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