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Research Summary

Submitted to faculty: Purabi Bhattacharya

Liberal Education: marketing gimmick or reality?

Student Details

Roll No. Name of the Student Name of the Program

AU1940081 Anshul Derasary B.Tech

AU2210206 Devam Patel IMBA

AU2210365 Isha Jain BBA(Hons.)

AU2040168 Malav Dhruv B.Tech

AU2220149 Sakshi Bhoraniya BA(Hons.)

2022-2023 (Winter Semester)


In order to investigate the effectiveness of Liberal Education being offered in Ahmedabad

University a survey was conducted by our group with a set of questions.

Results showed that 88% of respondents believed that the university provides liberal education.
The remaining 12% primarily consisted of third and fourth-year students who found the program
inconvenient. Additionally, 84% of respondents considered the General Education Requirement
(GER) component as essential for liberal education. However, Btech students found it
challenging to complete due to scheduling overlaps and limited slots. A majority of respondents
believed that the foundation program provided a holistic approach to learning, although 38%
disagreed, primarily due to online learning constraints during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Nonetheless, 86% of respondents thought the university had an interdisciplinary approach, with
FDPs and GER components facilitating collaboration between students from various disciplines.
Finally, 84% of respondents believed liberal education helped in getting jobs or internships and
prepared students for debates and civic engagement.


Ahmedabad University is a private, non-profit organization which was first established in the
year 2009 by the Ahmedabad Education Society. The university stands on the principles of
liberal education and interdisciplinary learning. Liberal Education can be described as an
approach to learning that encourages the integration of learning across the curriculum and
co-curriculum and integrating academic and experiential learning to create specific learning
outcomes necessary for employment, citizenship, and daily life. We surveyed 50 students across
different years to know whether liberal education truly persists in the university or is it just
another marketing gimmick.


There are two methods by which research can be done -

1) Qualitative research - It is a type of research that aims to collect and analyze
non-numerical data to understand people’s attitudes, beliefs and motivations. Our
qualitative research method was conducting an interview. Our interview consisted of 4
questions focusing on the existence of liberal education and its impact on individuals. We
interviewed people from different years to better understand the subject.
2) Quantitative research - This type of research collects and analyzes numerical data to
understand people’s attitudes, beliefs and motivations. Our quantitative research method
was conducting an online survey containing eight questions.

Link to the google form :

Result Discussion

The survey gave us the following findings -

1) Most of the respondents across the university (88%) believe there is liberal education. Of
the remaining 12% majority belong to the third and fourth years. This could be because
liberal education was introduced 2-3 years ago, making the third and fourth-year students
feel it is inconvenient.
2) Over 84% of the respondents felt that the GER component is essential for liberal
education. Out of the remaining most of them are third and fourth-year students, as they
had to complete the GER component in 2-3 semesters, unlike the first and second-year
students who got around eight semesters to complete it. It was also noticed that Btech
students found it difficult to complete the GER component as more often than not there
was a scheduling overlap and fewer slots.

3) Around 62% of the respondents believed that the foundation program provides a holistic
approach towards learning. While around 38% of respondents feel otherwise, this could
be because the Covid-19 batch completed their foundation programmes online, resulting
in them not getting the hands-on experience in certain domains required. While the
current batch could do field work and gain experience holistically through FDPs, the
Covid-19 batch had to do virtual learning, refraining from the holistic approach.
4) The majority of respondents (86%) believe that the university has an interdisciplinary
approach. This could be mainly because of the GER and foundation programmes. As
FDPs ensure that students from various disciplines come together and work on various
domains like biology and life, materials, data management, etc. Through various FDPs
and GER components, students from BBA and BA backgrounds learn how to use QGIS,
Excel and the basics of Python. The university also has seminars and workshops about
everything under the sun, which are open to all. Being a BA Psychology student, one can
attend an R Programming workshop and learn about it.
5) Around 84% of the respondents think that liberal studies help in getting a job or
internship because of the holistic development it gives. However, some respondents feel
that Liberal studies often shape the thought process of a human being rather than
providing the person with the technical skills required by one to acquire a job or

6) 88% of the respondents think that liberal education prepares students for participation in
debates and engaging in civic events. This could be because in foundation programmes
like Democracy and Justice, one debates about various topics like criminalisation in
politics, artificial babies and inequalities. While participating in these debates, one learns
a lot about various topics, thereby boarding their knowledge and refining their debating

Transcript of the Interviews Conducted

Interview 1:

Q1 Is liberal education truly there in Ahmedabad University?

In my opinion, Ahmedabad University does provide liberal education that enables its students
to learn a variety of things from different domains. This approach helps create individuals who
are dynamic and extremely creative. After spending three years at Ahmedabad University, I've
definitely noticed the positive outcomes of a liberal education in me, especially when I compare
myself to my friends who study at other institutions.

Q2 Does the foundation program facilitate interdisciplinary learning?

Foundation program definitely facilitates interdisciplinary learning. It's mainly because of how it
divides a specific program into different domains (data management, biology, etc) and allows the
experts of those domains to teach the students. While certain things might be difficult, especially
if one is not good in a specific domain, the exposure to it still helps one ahead in one's University

Q3 Did you come to Ahmedabad University because of its liberal education?

No, I didn't come to Ahmedabad University for its liberal education. I initially planned to move
abroad for studies. However, COVID-19 made that process impossible. While there were a
bunch of universities that I could have selected from, my motivator behind joining Ahmedabad
University was its quality honors degree. I believe I got extremely lucky with the fact that they
also provide liberal education along with an honors degree.

Interview 2

Q1 Is liberal education truly there in Ahmedabad University?

Yes education in Ahmedabad University is liberal and the best example for it is the foundation
programme run by them to encourage interdisciplinary learning

Q2 Does the foundation program facilitate interdisciplinary learning?

Yes the foundation programme encourages interdisciplinary learning by exposing students to

various fields and domains of research and education

Q3 Can liberal studies help in getting a job or internship?

No interdisciplinary learning does not directly help in getting an employment opportunity but it
does help one get ready for the world

Q4 Have liberal studies attracted you to Ahmedabad University while you were finding your
college options ?

Yes liberal studies were an attractive point which led me to take admission at Ahmedabad
Key words

Liberal Education, University, FDP, GER, Students, Survey


The majority of respondents to a study of Ahmedabad University students said that they had a
favourable opinion of liberal education. The foundation programme and FDPs, which bring
together students from all backgrounds to work on different topics, are two examples of how the
university's approach to interdisciplinary learning is valued by its students. Nonetheless, given to
the virtual learning environment, several students thought that the COVID-19 epidemic had an
impact on the foundation program's holistic approach. The significance of the GER component
was also emphasized, however several students—particularly Btech students—found it difficult
to participate due to scheduled classes having clashes and a lack of available slots.


I would like to express my gratitude to the 50 students who participated in the survey for this
article. Their honest and insightful responses provided valuable information about the perception
of liberal education at Ahmedabad University. I would also like to thank the university for
promoting interdisciplinary learning and providing a platform for holistic development.

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