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Focused Literacy

Gabriela Botzman
Clemson University

Personal Refinement & Professional

Literacy coaching provides support in and out of the
classroom, through an emphasis on relationships and mutual
respect. The professional and personal supports you need to
be successful are provided through coaching.

Focus on Student Impact

The coaching you receive is designed with your input,

with a direct connection to the students. Coaching like
this can completely adjust how you teach and reach
students, therefore adjusting how students engage and
grow as learners.

Celebrating Learning and Personal

Though sometimes coaching cycles will be required, the
participation in a coaching cycle should be celebrated and
exciting! This is a great opportunity to engage with someone
who wants you to succeed as an educator at your highest


Killion , J. (2008). Are You Coaching Heavy or Light? Teachers Teaching Teachers ,
3, 1–4.
Sweeney, D., & Harris, L. S. (2017). Student-centered coaching: The moves.
Wilder , P. (2017). Reframing Literacy Coaching as Collaborative Inquiry in
Secondary School Disciplines . English Leadership Quarterly , 5–8.

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