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Upper Chemistry – Practice Questions

Final - April, 2023

1. A silver pendant is a pure substance

2. Soil and toothpaste are heterogeneous Homogeneous/Heterogeneous)
3. Sugar, water, alcohol are compounds Elements/Compounds)
4. Aluminum oxide is a compound
5. Bauxite is a mixture
6. A compound has the elements present in the same ratio by mass.
7. Give two examples of compounds NaCl (sodium chloride) & CO2 (carbon dioxide)
8. Give two examples of elements Ba (barium) & F (fluorine)
9. Compound is a pure substance which can be decomposed into simpler substances
10. Element is a pure substance which cannot be decomposed into simpler substance.
11. An mixture substance is one substance contaminated with small amounts of one or more
other substance
12. Give two examples of heterogeneous mixtures orange juice & concrete
13. State any three difference between mixture and pure substance.

Mixtures Pure substances

Can be separated into 2 or more pure Cannot be separated into 2 or more pure
substances physical or mechanical substances physical or mechanical
separation i.e. boiling, filtering, using separation
magnets etc.
May be homogeneous (tap water, air) or Homogeneous (sugar crystals, piece of
heterogeneous (fruit cake or concrete) copper
Displays property of pure substance Properties like color, density,
(different parts shows different properties) melting/boiling points are constant
throughout the sample

14. Heterogeneous means having non-uniform composition.

15. Give two examples of homogenous mixture salt water & air
16. Homogenous means of uniform composition throughout.
17. Copper, Iron, Gold are all elements because they can’t be decomposed into simpler
18. Water, Salt, Carbon dioxide are all compounds because they can be decomposed into simpler
19. List the separation methods.
Sieving, evaporation, filtration, distillation, fractional distillation, using a separating funnel
20. Where do you use Sieve?
To separate the mixture whose substances have different particle sizes
21. How to separating undissolved solid from liquid.
Undissolved solid can be separated into two ways
a) Filtration – when the solid particles are not mixed nicely in the liquid

Upper Chemistry – Practice Questions
Final - April, 2023

b) Sedimentation & decantation – when the solid particles are settled at the bottom
after some time
22. List difference between boiling and evaporation.

23. Methods to separate dissolved solids in liquids.

To separate dissolved solids in liquids the method of evaporation can be used. This will
evaporate the liquid and the dissolved solid will be left at the bottom.
24. Explain the difference between distillation and fractional distillation by diagram.

Upper Chemistry – Practice Questions
Final - April, 2023

25. Give some examples of fractional distillation.

a) Separation of crude oil into various commercial products
b) Separation of ethanol from fermented solutions of sugar molasses or grain mashes
c) Production of liquid nitrogen and argon gas from liquefied air
26. What do you understand by homogeneous and heterogeneous? Explain with examples.

Homogeneous Mixture Heterogeneous Mixture

Homogeneous mixture has throughout Heterogeneous mixture has non-uniform

uniform solution composition solution composition

Separation in individual liquids cannot be Separation in individual liquids can be seen

seen by naked eye through the naked eye

Atoms or molecules are evenly distributed Atoms or molecules are non-uniform in the
throughout the solution solution

Heterogeneous solutions contain two or

Homogeneous mixtures have single phases
more phases

This mixture is not physically separable It is an easily separable mixture

Smaller particles constitute the mixture Larger particles constitute the mixture

Upper Chemistry – Practice Questions
Final - April, 2023

Individual components have same physical Individual components have different

properties physical properties

They are more stable They are less stable

They have more solvation capacity They have less solvation capacity

Solution is an example of a homogeneous Suspension is an example of a

mixture heterogeneous mixture

27. Define the following terms :

a. Sieving
A method of separation by which the particles are separated based on their sizes.

b. Decantation
Decantation is the process of separation of liquid from solid and other immiscible
(non-mixing) liquids, by removing the liquid layer at the top from the layer of solid or
liquid below. The process can be carried out by tilting the mixture after pouring out
the top layer.
c. Filtration
Filtration is the separation process where insoluble impurities are separated from the
solution. This process requires the use of filter paper, where the solution is poured
into the filter paper, the insoluble impurities get collected on the filter paper and the
clear liquid passes through it
d. Sedimentation
Sedimentation is the process used to separate solids from a liquid. When the heavier
component in a mixture settles after water is added to it, the process is called

Upper Chemistry – Practice Questions
Final - April, 2023

28. What is distillation and distillate?

Distillation is the process in which solution or mixture of liquids is boiled with the vapor
formed being condensed back to a liquid in a different part of the apparatus and so separated
from the mixture. The liquid collected is called as distillate.
29. Explain fractional distillation with examples.
A common example of fractional distillation in industries is the separation of various
components of crude oil. Crude oil normally contains substances such as paraffin wax,
gasoline, diesel, naphtha, lubricating oil and kerosene. The distillation process helps in
separating these components effectively.

Crude oil is added to the chamber and is heated with high-pressure steam. The mixture starts
boiling and vapor is formed. At this point, various substances enter into the vapor phase. The
vapor rises up in the fractional distillation column which consists of several plates. The plates
have holes that allow the vapor to pass through them. The temperature is usually kept low at
the top of the fractionating column. Here, components with the highest boiling point will
condense in the lower part of the column while substances with a low boiling point will
condense at the top. The condensed vapors or liquid fractions are then removed from the
sides of the column. The collected liquid fractions can further be passed through condensers
to cool them even more.

30. What are immiscible liquids and how are they separated?

Upper Chemistry – Practice Questions
Final - April, 2023

Liquids that don't mix or are not soluble in each other, are called immiscible liquids. For
example petrol and water are two immiscible liquids.
31. How natural gas is separated into town gas and unwanted gases?
By fractional distillation of natural gas
32. What type of substances is filtration useful for separating? Give an example.
The most common example is making tea. While preparing tea, a filter or a sieve is used to
separate tea leaves from the water. Through the sieve pores, only water will pass. The liquid
which has obtained after filtration is called the filtrate; in this case, water is the filtrate.
33. In the process of distillation, why does salt not evaporate?
Because salt’s boiling point is higher than water.
34. Which is the best way to get salt from salty water?
a. Evaporation
b. Filtration
c. Distillation
35. Pure water can be separated from inky water by simple distillation. This is because:
a. Water and ink have different boiling points.
b. Water evaporates leaving the ink particles behind.
c. Ink evaporates leaving the water behind.
36. What is the correct order for obtaining salt from a mixture of sand and salt? (1 mark)
a. dissolving in water - filtration – evaporation
b. evaporation - filtration - dissolving in water
c. filtration - dissolving in water – evaporation
37. Which method is usually used to separate colored substances from each other? (1 mark)
a. Distillation
b. Evaporation
c. Chromatography
38. Some separation techniques happen without any assistance in everyday life. What separation
technique happens while glue dries?
a. Decanting
b. Melting
c. Evaporation
d. Sieving
39. Which of the following mixtures could be separated using a magnet?
a. Red ink and blue ink
b. Sea water and sand
c. Talc and water
d. Iron filings and powdered sulfur
40. An insoluble solid can be separated from a liquid using decanting; however, what other
separation technique could also be used?
a. Melting

Upper Chemistry – Practice Questions
Final - April, 2023

b. Evaporation
c. Filtration
d. Fractional distillation
41. Mixtures of miscible liquids and mixtures of immiscible liquids must be separated in
different ways. Which two separating techniques can be used?
a. Fractional distillation can be used to separate mixtures of immiscible liquids
and a separating funnel can be used to separate mixtures of miscible liquids.
b. Evaporation can be used to separate mixtures of immiscible liquids and a
sieve can be used to separate mixtures of miscible liquids.
c. Distillation can be used to separate mixtures of immiscible liquids and
filtration can be used to separate mixtures of miscible liquids.
d. Fractional distillation can be used to separate mixtures of miscible liquids and
a separating funnel can be used to separate mixtures of immiscible liquids.
42. A student dissolves some salt in 100 mL of water. If the student wishes to separate this
mixture and only wants to reclaim the salt, what separation technique can he use?
a. Melting
b. Evaporation
c. Filtration
d. Fractional distillation
43. The wrecked ship was made from wood and iron nails. Some of nails wash into the sandy
a. How can you separate the small iron nails from the mixture of sand, salt, water?
With the help of a magnet
b. Which methods will you follow?
Magnetic separation
c. How can you separate this mixture into
i. Dry sand – magnetic separation – adding water (dissolving salt) –
sedimentation & decantation – evaporation of sand to dryness
ii. dry salt - magnetic separation – adding water (dissolving salt) – sedimentation
& decantation – evaporation of water to dryness and collect salt
iii. iron nails - magnetic separation

Upper Chemistry – Practice Questions
Final - April, 2023

44. Think carefully about the following statements. Are they true or false? Circle your answer.

a. In filtration, the filtrate is always a pure liquid. True/False

b. Drinking water can only be obtained from seawater by True/False


c. The fractional distillation of miscible liquids is only possible if True/False

the liquids have different boiling points.

d. Mixtures have fixed melting and boiling points. True/False

45. Name the techniques which are suitable for separating the following mixture:

Situation Separation Technique

a. To obtain drinking water from muddy water Distillation

b. To separate petrol from crude oil Fractional distillation

c. To remove leaves from a swimming pool filtration

d. To obtain pure sugar from a solution Evaporation to dryness

Upper Chemistry – Practice Questions
Final - April, 2023

46. You are asked to separate sand and sodium chloride. Name the methods needed to carry out
the procedure. Explain how you would carry out the procedure to obtain pure sand and
sodium chloride back.
The mixture of salt and sand can be separated by filtration followed by an evaporation
process. Filtration can separate sand from a combination of sand and salt solution (salt
dissolved in water). Sand stays on the filter paper as a residue after filtering. By boiling the
filtrate, common salt may now be produced.
47. The following diagram shows a setup of simple distillation.

a. Identify substance solute / salt.

b. What is the objective of substance P? – to stay behind after evaporation
c. Identify the distillate collected in the receiver. Pure water
d. Suggest how you would determine that the distillate collected is a pure
substance. – tasting
e. Label the water in and water out on the diagram.
f. State one possible mistake in the set up and explain the significance of the
mistake. Too much heat could damage the glass apparatus

48. RESEARCH QUESTION. Investigate the following industrial processes to see what kind of
separation is used in these industries. DO IT YOURSELF

Industrial Process Type(s) of separation Purpose of separation Citation


Salt Production

Upper Chemistry – Practice Questions
Final - April, 2023

Sewage treatment

Flour Milling

Recycling old car


49. Match the method of separation to the name and picture by lines.

# Name of Method # Separates # Diagram

1 Magnetism A Separates liquids with I

different boiling points

2 Evaporation B Separates magnetic II

material from non-

3 Filtration C Separates insoluble solid III

from a liquid

4 Distillation D Separates a soluble solid IV

by boiling off the liquid


Upper Chemistry – Practice Questions
Final - April, 2023

1. B II
2. D III
3. C I
4. A IV
50. Fill in the Blanks

i. Decantation is the process of carefully pouring off the liquid and leaving the liquid
ii. This means heating a solution in an evaporating basin to drive off all the liquid
iii. In distillation, if the impurities are non-volatile, pure liquid is collected.
iv. Liquids that mix to form a homogeneous liquid are said to be immiscible
v. Immiscible liquids are separated by using a separating funnel
vi. Separation method used when small difference in boiling points. Fractional distillation
vii. Separation method one substance is soluble in the solvent, but the others are insoluble
viii. Separation method that involves particle size sieving
ix. Separation method where liquid has a much lower boiling point than the solid
x. Separation for substances with big difference in boiling points distillation
xi. Used for separating dissolved solids in liquids evaporation & distillation
xii. Used for separating solids and liquids evaporation, filtration & distillation
xiii. An example where fractional distillation is used in industry crude oil refinery
xiv. The more volatile of two liquids is the one with the less boiling point
xv. LPG is a mixture of propane and butane.
xvi. The melting point of a solid is the lowest temperature at which the solid changes to a
xvii. Evaporation is a slower process than boiling.
xviii. When a solid is dissolved in a liquid, the solid can be separated by evaporating off the
xix. Town gas which is separated from natural gas contains hydrocarbons like methane
xx. The freezing point of the liquid is the same temperature as the melting point of the solid.
xxi. The liquid that does dissolving is called solvent
xxii. The substance that is dissolved is called solute

51. Label the diagram.

Identify the technique

Upper Chemistry – Practice Questions
Final - April, 2023

52. Fill in the Blanks:

a. This scientist made groups of three elements with similar properties and named them as
triads. Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner
b. In 1864, he proposed a ‘law of octaves’ John Newlands
c. He arranged elements in order of increasing atomic weight. Dimitri Mendeleev
d. He proposed a modified periodic law. Henry Mosely
e. Dimitri Mendeleev recognized that there were probably elements in existence that had not
been discovered at that time so he left gaps in the periodic table.
53. Give the names of elements in three triads.
Triad 1 – Li, Na, K
Triad 2 – Ca, Sr, Ba
Triad 3 – Cl, Br, I

Upper Chemistry – Practice Questions
Final - April, 2023

54. What is a modified periodic law? ___

The physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic
55. How the elements are arranged in modern periodic table?
According to their atomic numbers
56. Describe how the following people have contributed to the historical development of the
Periodic table by mentioning their contributions.

# Name of Theory Name Year Merits/ Demerits

1 Johann Triads 1800 Observed similarities in the elements
Dobereiner on the basis of their properties. He
saw that there are groups consisting of
three elements (triads) that have
similar chemical and physical
properties. In every group, the atomic
weight of the middle element was half
of the sum of the atomic weight of the
other two elements. Properties of the
middle element were also in the
halfway of both the elements.
Dobereiner called this grouping
method as the law of triads. Later on,
it was found that this law was not true
for every element and hence it was not
2 John Newlands Law of octaves 1865 Elements can be arranged in
ascending order of their atomic
weights. He also said that in this
arrangement every eighth element of a
row had similar properties to that of
the first element of the same row,
depicting the octaves of music. This
law was also dismissed as it was only
true for elements of up to calcium.
3 Dimitri Periodic Law 1869 Arranged elements in periods
Mendeleev (horizontal rows) and groups (vertical
columns) in the increasing order of
atomic weights. The vertical column
consists of elements that have similar

Upper Chemistry – Practice Questions
Final - April, 2023

It did not provide a clear idea about the
structure of the atom.

In order to arrange elements in a group,

the order of atomic weight was
reversed several times.

4 Henry Mosely Modified 1914 Correlated the properties of elements

Periodic Law to their atomic numbers. He then
rearranged the elements in the
periodic table on the basis of atomic
numbers and it was found that this
resolved the disparities in earlier
forms of the periodic table that were
based on atomic masses


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