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Salesforce Administration Project

Covid19 Tracker


1. The App not only gives you information but also gives you the hospital Billings
based on the Government Guidelines.
2. If Patient has a Ration Card , based on the ration card it takes One day Bed
Charges and One Day Ventilator Charges.
3. If a person does not have a ration card it takes automatically.
4. We give Hospitals to only How much day the patient takes treatment and Expense
Amount only.
5. There is NO CHANCE TO EXTRA Amount Pay To Hospitals.
6. This App sends Email to Patients When the Payment Successful or Pending.
7. This App gives proper information about Hospital Bed Numbers
So that Patients can take treatment easily
8. Hospital Use below 1000 beds to non covid cases.
9. The app gives you proper information about the allocated Doctor.
10. The app gives the patient parent details so that hospitals give information about
Start Project:

1. Covid19 Hospital( Object )

Field Name Datatype Values

Covid19 Hospital Name Picklist Govt

Authority of Hospital Text(80)

Covid Bed Formula(Number) Total_Bed_Capacity__c -


Covid Care Checkbox

Hospital Address Text Area(255)

Hospital Number Phone

Hospital State Picklist Mention all States

HospitalID Text(10)

Non Covid Bed Number(18,0)

Total Bed Capacity Number(18,0)

2. Covid19 Doctor ( Object )

Field Name Datatype Values

Covid19 Doctor Name Text(80)

Covid19 Hospital Lookup(Covid19 Hospital)

Degree Picklist Mention some medical


Doctor ID Auto number Covid19-{0000}

Number Phone

State Picklist Mention some states

3. Covid19 Patient Major ( Object )

Field Name Datatype Values

AADHAR Number Number (12,0)

Covid19 Doctor Lookup(Covid19 Doctor)

Covid19 Hospital Lookup(Covid19 Hospital)
Covid19 Patient Name Text(20)
Covid19 Test Checkbox
Gender Picklist Male , Female
HospitalBed Amount Number(12,0)
Hospital Ventilator Amount Number(12,0)
Number of Days in Hospital Number(12,0)
OTHER Exp Amount Number(12,0)
Patient Age Number(2,0)
Patient Parent Lookup(Patient Parent)
Payment Picklist Successful , Pending
Ration Card Picklist APL , BPL and Dont have

Total Amount Pay Formula( number)

Number_of_Days_in_Hospital__c * HospitalBed_Amount__c + Number_of_Days_in_Hospital__c *

HospitalVantilator_Amount__c + OTHER_Exp_Amount__c
4. Patient Parent ( Object )

Field Name Datatype Values

Patient Parent Name Text( 80 )

Address Text Area( 280 )

Patient Name Lookup(Covid19 Patient


Phone Number Phone

Relationship to patient Picklist Mention relationships( son ,

daughter , friend , Wife and
Husband )


1. Hospital Email ( Pending or Success )

Hi {!Covid19_Patiant__c.Name}
Your Payment {!Covid19_Patiant__c.Total_Amount_Pay__c}
is {!Covid19_Patiant__c.Payment__c}
Please pay amount as soon as possible
Thank You

2. Payment Update Email

Hi {!Covid19_Patiant__c.Name}
Thank you for Trusting {!Covid19_Patiant__c.Covid19_Hospital__c}
we inform you that your Payment {!Covid19_Patiant__c.Total_Amount_Pay__c}
is {!Covid19_Patiant__c.Payment__c}
Thank you
3. Hospital Billing Email

Dear {!Covid19_Patiant__c.Name}

Thank you Trusting {!Covid19_Patiant__c.Covid19_Hospital__c}


After Covid19 recovery is hard, but we sure it will improve your quality of life in the long run. I
hope you're feeling better now, and I can't wait to see you get back to your normal routine.”

Payment Details:
Patient Name - {!Covid19_Patiant__c.Name}
Parent - {!Covid19_Patiant__c.Patient_Parent__c}
Doctor - {!Covid19_Patiant__c.Covid19_Doctor__c}
Ration Card - {!Covid19_Patiant__c.RationCard__c}
Age - {!Covid19_Patiant__c.Patient_Age__c}
One Day Bed Amount - {!Covid19_Patiant__c.HospitalBed_Amount__c}
One Day Ventilator Amount - {!Covid19_Patiant__c.HospitalVantilator_Amount__c}
Treatment Days - {!Covid19_Patiant__c.Number_of_Days_in_Hospital__c}
Expense Amount - {!Covid19_Patiant__c.OTHER_Exp_Amount__c}

TOTAL AMOUNT - {!Covid19_Patiant__c.Total_Amount_Pay__c}

Your Payment {!Covid19_Patiant__c.Total_Amount_Pay__c} is {!Covid19_Patiant__c.Payment__c}.


1. Patients are able to get payment billing information whenever payment is

2. Patients are able to get Hospital Email whenever Patients are admitted to specific
3. Patients are able to get Billing success and Pending emails.
4. Fix Patient hold → APL ( Bed amount: 5500 , HospitalVantilator Amount: 4000)
5. Fix Patient hold → BPL( Bed amount: 4000, HospitalVantilator Amount: 3500)
Use Process Builder/Workflow or Flows

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