Implementation Outline 1

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Implementation Outline for Innovation Plan

Phase 1:

January 2023: Introduce Innovation Plan

● Think of an idea for the innovation plan and write the innovation proposal

○ My innovation plan is to create and sustain a blended learning environment with

Beaumont ISD district leaders which will result in effective communication and

intentional collaboration through the implementation of social-emotional learning

practices. It will also highlight the importance of culture and leadership in a

workplace. Please note that the timeline below can and will be adjusted based on

the time it takes to create and disseminate materials, the results of the pilot

program, and other unforeseen factors.

● Share my innovation proposal with my supervisor (Interim Senior Director of Special

Services) and my immediate team (we are a team of four MTSS Specialists)

○ MTSS = Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

● Request feedback from supervisor and immediate team using a Google form

February-March 2023: Set Goals + Create Calendar

● Meet with supervisor to write a SMART goal so that we can clearly establish what the

purpose of the innovation plan is and why it is relevant to our work within the district

○ How to Lead Tough Conversations

○ Share literature review and media pitch from ePortfolio

● Work with immediate team to create a calendar of blended (face-to-face and online)

activities that will:

○ address and adjust the culture and climate of our workplace

■ Developing a Growth Mindset Culture in Organizations

■ Reflecting on our current culture and climate

■ Special Services Educator of the Week

○ demonstrate appropriate workplace communication and incorporate effective

collaboration strategies

■ What Makes Employees Happy at Work?

■ Grab & Go Games / Icebreakers

■ I-messages

■ Respect Agreement

○ promote adult social-emotional learning

■ Developing a Growth Mindset

■ 3 Signature Practices

■ Mood Meter

■ Temperature Check

● Set up Google Classroom with all Special Services department members

Phase 2:

April-June 2023: Pilot Implementation with part of the Special Services department

● Include 504 Coordinators, PBIS Specialists, ECSE Specialist, Inclusive Services

Specialists, LID Specialists, LSSP, Assessment and Evaluation Specialist, MTSS

Specialists, Special Programs Coordinator, Special Education Clerks, Special Education

Technology Support, Medicaid Specialist, PEIMS Secretary, Autism Specialist,

Administrative Assistant, Special Services Director, and Interim Senior Director of

Special Services
● SEL Focus - Welcoming Inclusion Activities (page 56 of CASEL Playbook)

● Communication and Collaboration focus - Creating a Community Agreement

● Engagement/morale focus - Special Services Educator of the Week

July 2023: Reflect + Adjust

● Collect feedback from all participants via Google forms

○ Ask for suggestions on activities that they would prefer

○ Ask to see if the activities completed so far have made a difference in their work

or in their outlook while at work

● Discuss and determine what MTSS resources, activities and discussions should be

integrated into the existing Google Classroom

● Discuss and determine any professional development that needs to created which would

support the coursework that has already been completed

Phase 3:

August - December 2023: Implementation with the full Special Services department

● Include CCMR Specialist, Adaptive PE Teachers, Homebound Teachers, Physical

Therapist, Occupational Therapist, RDSPD Director and all participants from the

previous phase

● Identify appropriate SEL Focus

● Identify appropriate Communication and Collaboration focus

● Identify appropriate Engagement/moral focus

January 2024: Reflect + Adjust

● Collect feedback from all participants via Google forms

○ Ask for suggestions on activities that they would prefer

○ Ask to see if the activities completed so far have made a difference in their work

or in their outlook while at work

● Discuss and determine what MTSS resources, activities and discussions should be

integrated into the existing Google Classroom

● Discuss and determine any professional development that needs to created which would

support the coursework that has already been completed

Phase 4:

February - May 2024: Implementation with Curriculum and Instruction department

● Include Early Childhood Coordinator, RLA Coordinator (Elementary and Secondary),

READ Grant Literacy Coach, Science Supervisor (6-12), Math Supervisors (K-5 and 6-

12), Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator, BIL/ESL Department, Instructional

Technology Supervisors, Instructional Technologists, Library Services Supervisor,

Director of Fine Arts, Health and PE Supervisor, Director of Guidance and Counseling,

Dropout Prevention Coordinator, and District Coordinator of Mental Health and Wellness

● Identify appropriate SEL focus

● Identify appropriate Communication and Collaboration focus

● Identify appropriate Engagement/morale focus

June - July 2024: Reflect + Adjust

● Collect feedback from all participants via Google forms

○ Ask for suggestions on activities that they would prefer

○ Ask to see if the activities completed so far have made a difference in their work

or in their outlook while at work

● Discuss and determine what MTSS resources, activities and discussions should be
integrated into the existing Google Classroom

● Discuss and determine any professional development that needs to created which would

support the coursework that has already been completed

Phase 5:

August - December 2024: Implementation with BISD Admin Building district leaders

● Include directors, supervisors, coordinators, specialists and any other district personnel

who are housed in the Admin Building

● Identify appropriate SEL focus

● Identify appropriate Communication and Collaboration focus

● Identify appropriate Engagement/morale focus

January 2025: Review and reflect with ALL district administrators

● Collect feedback from all participants via Google forms

○ Ask for suggestions on activities that they would prefer

○ Ask to see if the activities completed so far have made a difference in their work

or in their outlook while at work

● Discuss and determine what MTSS resources, activities and discussions should be

integrated into the existing Google Classroom

● Discuss and determine any professional development that needs to created which would

support the coursework that has already been completed

● Is it possible to incorporate blended learning in the classroom?

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