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Module code: 22BHRM10H

Module title: Organizational Change and development

Group:36 Tutor:


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Specific advice on how to improve your work:

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To be completed by the student

Family name: Zohdi

Given name: Youssef Student ID:196168

Module code:22BHRM10H

Module title: Organisational Change & Development

Group: 36 Tutor:


To be completed by the student

Assessment title: Etisalat

Due date: 11/22/2022 Number of pages: 27 Word count (if appropriate):3912


To be completed by the student

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Student’s signature: Youssef Amr Date:11/22/2022

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The British
University in Egypt
Faculty of Business Administration, Economics and Political

Individual Member Contributions Form

We confirm that the work submitted under this title is our own work and that we contributed to the project as indicated below.

Name/ID of Contributor Description of contribution (in words)

1. Omar Maher 193725 Task 1:Description of the selected company ,

organisational chart, drivers to change and type of
change implemented. Investigation of how all
these discussed factors may encourage or inhibit
sustainable change efforts. + group contribution
2. Yasmina Mohamed 196109 Task 2 : Exploration of the challenging roles and
matching skills/competencies of its OD
practitioners’ / change agent teams in each chosen
company. Give a demonstration of how the OD
practitioners are able to explain their assessment
results and state their practical solutions/
recommendations to their clients. + group
3. Hanna Mohamed 199870 Task 3: Analysis of the type of intervention(s)
that were undertaken amid these crises to adjust
business continuity plans and implement synergy
between people, process and technology.
Aligning each applied OD intervention with the
UN Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) .
Also provide real examples and illustrations that
explain the integration among these OD
interventions. + group contribution
4. Youssef Amr 196168 Task 4:. Recommendations of future
scenarios/plans to ensure development
institutionalization and change sustainability
pertaining to people, processes and technology in
the researched company + group contribution

*kindly note that formatting, numbering and/or referencing are not considered individual work.
The weight of the group work is 40% while the weight of the individual work is
60%. Signatures of group members.

1 ………………………………Youssef Amr ………………………….……… Date …11/22…………………………

2 ………………………………Omar Maher…………………………………… Date …11/22…………………………
3 ………………………………Hanna Mohamed………………………………………… Date …11/22…………………………
4 ………………………………Yasmina Mohamed………………………………………… Date …11/22…………………………

1st Marker Name:

2nd Marker Name:

Organisation Change & Development Marking Criteria-22BHRM10H

The Total project grade per student will be divided into:
40% for the group work, 60% for the individual work.
1st 2nd Agreed
CW Marking Criteria Marke Marker Mark
Group Contribution (40%): Introduction, Conclusion, references & formatting, 40%
project coherence, additional shared comments and collective recommendations.

Individual Contribution (60%):

Each member of the group must complete One Task separately without overlap
with other tasks.

1. Description of the selected company, organisational chart, drivers to change

and type of change implemented. Investigation of how all these discussed
factors may encourage or inhibit sustainable change efforts.

2. Exploration of the challenging roles and matching skills/competencies of

its OD practitioners’ / change agent teams in each chosen company. Give a
demonstration of how the OD practitioners are able to explain their 60%
assessment results and state their practical solutions/ recommendations to
their clients.

3. Analysis of the type of intervention(s) that were undertaken amid these

crises to adjust business continuity plans and implement synergy between
people, process and technology.
Aligning each applied OD intervention with the UN Sustainable Development
Goals(SDGs) . Also provide real examples and illustrations that explain the
integration among these OD interventions.

4. Recommendations of future scenarios/plans to ensure development

institutionalization and change sustainability pertaining to people,
processes and technology in the researched company.


Company Name:

Group Student ID 1st Marker Grade 2nd Marker Grade Agreed

No. Name (out of 100) (out of 100) Mark

1st Marker:

2nd Marker:

1st Marker’s
2nd Marker’s
Name ID

Youssef Amr 196168

Omar Maher 193725

Hanna Mohamed 199870

Yasmina Mohamed 196109

Table of Content
1.0. Introduction:..............................................................................................................................8
2.0. Description of the company ..............................................................................................................................9
2.1. SWOT analysis:.........................................................................................................................10
2.2 Organization Chart:....................................................................................................................11
2.3. Drivers of Change:....................................................................................................................12
2.4 Types of Changes implemented:...............................................................................................13
2.5. Sustainable Change efforts:......................................................................................................14
3.0. Exploration of challenging roles and matching skills of Etisalat OD practitioners.................14-17
3.1. How the OD practitioners are able to state practical solutions to their clients..........................16
4.0. Interventions:.............................................................................................................................17
4.1. Types of Interventions:.........................................................................................................17-19
5.0. Recommendations...............................................................................................................20-23
8.0 Interview abstract:......................................................................................................................25
1.0. Introduction:

Organizational change is defined as a change brought on by an "environmental change that, once

it's perceived by the organisation, results in an actively developed response" (Porras, Silver 1999).

According to Porras and Silver an organisation will undergo change, if there an external reason for

it to do so.

Organizational change is a simple cause and effect situation, where a cause of some kind drove

the company to implement change as results to put the organization on a more effective track.

Amid Global crisis, inflation and currency fluctuations, constant development and innovation in

techno-structural industries, and digitalization of almost all services provided in

Telecommunications, Etisalat lead an important radical change towards directing the company on

a more digitalized, innovative path. Etisalat Misr recruited efficient business change officers from

inside the organization among other external change agents to diagnose problem areas and

provide innovative plans for the company’s adaptation with external and internal challenges. An

interview had been conducted with an Etisalat employee to support the findings of the research,

examples of the recent interventions, pressures for change and recommendations to improve and

maintain change are covered throughout the report.

2.0. Description of the company

Etisalat Misr launched its operations in the Egyptian market in May 2007 with a string of

successes, becoming the first operator to introduce high quality 3.5G services. The company is

also the first to roll out its 4G service to customers without having to replace and activate a SIM

card (Etisalat, 2018). This is in addition to the continuous improvement of the network. Etisalat

Misr offers premium international services, allowing customers to enjoy competitive international

calling rates to any country in the world. Etisalat also offers high-speed internet service, home

ADSL and is the first fully digital operator to introduce fixed line service. The company has

improved the user experience and has become a leading provider of the best customer experience

in the Egyptian telecommunications market. The company's market share is growing, proving that

the services it offers are "the best network in Egypt" (TRIM, 2018).

2.1. SWOT analysis:


 Market Share - Etisalat's current market share is around AED 156 billion (Forbes Middle

East, 2022). With net sales of approximately AED 52.4 billion and net profit of

approximately AED 8.4 billion (Forbes Middle East, 2022), it is the number one most

profitable telecom group.

 Recognition & Focus - Since its emergence, it has focused on building state-of-the-art

telecommunications infrastructure and has established itself as an innovative leader and a

trusted position among international and regional carriers.


 Workforce Diversification - Etisalat's workforce is primarily made up of local workers and a

minority of other ethnic workers. Lack of diversity makes it difficult for employees with

different ethnic backgrounds to adapt to the workplace, leading to a loss of talent (Abdooli,

 Market research - Etisalat has not conducted market research within its target market for

the past two years. As a result, customer needs may evolve over time, but they make

decisions based on data from two years ago (Anglada, 2018)


 E-commerce - There have been new trends and sales growth in the e-commerce industry.

This means that many people are now shopping online. Etisalat can generate revenue by

opening an online store and selling.

 Social media - The number of social media users is increasing all over the world. 3 social

media platforms; Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have seen the largest growth in monthly

active users. Etisalat may use social media to promote products, communicate with

customers, and collect feedback.


 Technology Developments - New technology developments by some competitors within the

industry, as customers attracted to this new technology may be lost to competitors,

reducing Etisalat's overall market share. , poses a threat to Etisalat.

 Exchange rate - Exchange rates are always fluctuating due recent events like COVID and

the Russian-Ukraine war and this affects companies like Etisalat who sell internationally

while their suppliers are local (group, 2022).

2.2 Organization Chart:
Etisalat Misr has 6 departments: Management, Sales Department, Marketing Department, Finance

Department, HR Department, and IT Department.

Gamal El Sadat

Hazem Metwally Ehab Rochdy Amr Fathy

Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief Information Officer

Khaled Hegazy Ahmed Yahia Hossam ElMeadawy

Chief Business Officer Chief Consumer Officer Chief Corporate Affairs
(CBO) (CCO) Officer (CCAO)

Dalia El Gezery
Chief HR and Administration
Officer (CHR&AO)

The executive team works to support, build and develop communities while working to improve

their lives. The team believes that Etisalat’s success is driven by the economic success of the

countries in which it operates and contributes significantly to its development. The executive team

supports business development, increased innovation and keeping pace with ongoing

environmental and economic changes.

2.3. Drivers of Change:

1. Continuous digital/technological transformation

The strategy of Etisalat places a strong emphasis on digital transformation, which includes

numerous efforts like the development of new cloud-based goods and services, the expansion and
improvement of digital channels, as well as automation and transformation. By implementing

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) or AI-based platforms, you can automate both internal and

customer-facing procedures. Digital platforms like websites, mobile applications, and customer

portals will continue to be crucial for distribution and preserving the relevance of the brand

(Ibrahiem M. M. El Emary, 2011).

2. Need for Innovation

New prospects for the sector are being brought about by disruptive technologies like 5G. There

has been a significant improvement in network performance thanks to 5G, and anticipation for new

5G-enabled services and apps is high. The network will gain from the combination of AR/VR and

sophisticated learning resources.

2.4 Types of Changes implemented:

With the ever changing world economic and political events, companies like Etisalat Misr are

affected and need to adapt to the environment in order to survive in the market. With that being

said, the change that took place in Etisalat Misr was rather a radical and a hybrid change.

 Technological Change

Etisalat Misr introduced B-Digital, which is an all-digital platform to empower and support small

and medium businesses. This platform enables efficient operations management by providing

small businesses with the flexibility to manage digital services, allowing them to seamlessly work

remotely. Along with other accomplishments, Etisalat Misr has launched Etisalat TV, partnering

with E-Vision to launch this cutting-edge application that allows viewers to enjoy movies, series

and productions during the month of Ramadan by English and Arabic on smart devices

 Strategic Change

Etisalat Misr reported revenue of AED 1.3 billion (about 6.55 billion EGP) in the first quarter of

2022, up 15% year-on-year (source: e&’s earning release, 2022). This lead to Etisalat Group

exploiting their success and changed their brand identity to (e&) with the strategic goal of pacing

up their growth rate.

 Human Change

Etisalat Misr considers employees the heart of their success in business, driving their growth

and enabling the company to achieve strategic objectives. Etisalat decided to create a healthy

working environment by maintaining internal equity. Etisalat Misr talent acquisition and

management strategy focused more on cultural integrity of the employees. Employee concerns

are openly considered by the company, and to respond to these ideas and restrictions caused

by the COVID-19 pandemic, Etisalat has extended flexible working arrangements to allow

employees work remotely and safely. An employee health care program was launched to

support a work environment as well as personal maintenance.

2.5. Sustainable Change efforts:

Leadership, strategy, culture, structure, and systems make up the five pillars of sustainable

change. These pillars are crucial for any organization's success in implementing change. Etisalat’s

sustainability framework includes Accountable Business Practices, Marketplace and Customers,

Connecting Communities, Environmental Management, and the People. The sustainable

digitalization change that Etisalat worked on achieving was introduced through focusing on 100%

e-billing to clients in 2020, and this resulted Etisalat’s paper consumption being crucially reduced

by 99% in operations and processes. In addition, Etisalat installed sensors in the trash cans

located throughout their retail spaces. These sensors give real-time monitoring of garbage

accumulation and enable effective administration and optimization of the waste collection

3.0. Exploration of challenging roles and matching skills of Etisalat OD practitioners

Exploration of challenging roles and matching skills of Etisalat OD practitioners was a very

smooth process where it used every UpToDate method it can to make and enforce change in

technostructure and strategic change and human process and these changes were made by

change agents whom are internal practitioners from within the company and outsider agencies

who are McKenzy and she is responsible for strategic change, Towers Hutson and it is

responsible for auditing and HR change, Hazem Hassan who is responsible for the Fintech

acquisition in budgeting and auditing, the change be more comprehendible to others and motivate

them and normalize the idea of change, whereas when the pandemic started it created an

application for employees to ease the way of communicating their needs and help them

throughout their work process, and as for the urgent follow ups and the process of monitoring was

well managed by the corporate strategy department using the key performance indicators (KPI) for

example, Establishing the TERRADATA was the main idea and stone for rising the happiness and

achievement of clients' needs and their enrolment level. This idea proposes Connection of Limited

and nonlimited offers by various quotas to be matchable with the international marks. The Launch

is backboned by complete fledge camp (TVCs, Presses, Frequencies, Internet and also Portals).

All comes to the efforts of the team project that has all the support in the establishment with the

tremendous energy and discipline to finish this big work. As for the extension of Strategy Initiation

of Market arrows improvement Regional STEERCO, GEOMARKETING Team offered the Geo

Insights application which considered the premium GIS-origin mobile application to propose the

cross-department major performance and KPIs on international and national level. The Team did

show a great engagement, tremendous energies, and discipline in that outstanding launch.

The PROJECTX was the dream that came to the truth. The team of the CVM was finally capable

of having a solution to the problem of what is it to propose new, to who and at what time,

throughout PROJECT X. It surely is such a pioneer platform whereas Etisalat talks with the

customers base relevantly needs and wants in a very time mannered way while also proposing the

choice of the customer concerning what is it to take in and when to even do so. As for sustainable
wise, Etisalat had created an application for it. Political wise, Etisalat has established a

multinational tele services all around the globe in more than thirteen countries.

The core skills needed in this company in order to develop already does exist, so first the

skills of the organization itself whereas the organisation is creating and developing ideas if there

was ever a crises and for that an application called Fintech is in progress but it is not fully

completed yet because of the recent inflation that had happened and the current economical state

where funds are needed as it is a financial digital service, second the skills of people where they

would be able to constantly improve themselves so a program was made for those and it was call

future skills program and it is certified and approved from the standards of the CPD as it helps

and mainly focuses on the development of the skills of the fresh graduates, Third the goal setting

skills and this one includes putting a long and short term goals, putting backup plans, adjusting the

current plans, the realization of their failure and success and finally having a reward at the end of

each achievement and then start establishing new goals in an infinite form because as said the top

of a mountain is only a bottom for another, The forth the skills of the process itself where here the

practicing of it is super important along way with the review and ability to add modifications to

things without drastically occurring the change in another major agents and where the alignment is

peacefully found and one of the most important skills in the process is it being flexible as long as

well-structured in its core base, and finally is to keep building the new visions and communicating

them then aligning them in to real life.

3.1. How the OD practitioners are able to state practical solutions to their clients
All the OD consulting agencies worked with internal consultants hired from within Etisalat which

helped a lot in seeing the entire picture more clear, Making feedbacks after the issue so as to

evaluate to what extent the problem was able to be solved,

The process of deliberation does allow practitioners in understanding the needs and wants of the

client in a different level of depth. The Untold biases either the predicative ideas on the arising

issue as if it is the origin, it’s because, or maybe even its the known solution can be surfaced. Be
prone into the garbage, however. whether clients would present what their desired

recommendations are or not, there might be some final expectation which would affect them. The

problem in making so maybe the being taken as pretty much order-receiver rather than consultant

partner. Paying the attention to the data hents that helping is identified as that type of level and

support which is appropriate enough to be perceived as needed, other than creating wrong

conclusions or taking unsupported reactions based on illusions.

4.0. Interventions:

Interventions in organisational development refers to the procedures, programmes and planned

actions created to address a particular issue within the organization. They are also referred to

as initiatives of an attempted change to an organization to a more driven effective state.

4.1. Types of Interventions:

Human Processes Interventions:

According to the International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), on a

journal article published in 2019 about the Impact of Human Interventions on Employee

Performance: Human Process Interventions are defined as attempts to improve interpersonal

interactions from within the organization and individual performance. They are designed to help

organization's members and groups enhance their performance along with identifying and solving

problems. Interventions in human processes include coaching, training, providing employee

benefits and maintaining a motivated workplace.

iEtisalat Misr is a specially developed application for Etisalat’s employees, it provides a gateway to

easier interpersonal communications amongst the company’s members. The application facilitates

many aspects of the employee’s working experience at Etisalat. It is considered as an intelligent

business solution under human process and technological interventions. To begin with, the

application manages and organizes each employee’s information, their vacation points so that

they could pre-schedule vacations or just take a vacation using their scored points. Moreover, they

can use it to submit early/urgent leave requests, ask for salary advance consultations, Inquire

maternity and family assistance financial services via the application, ask for personal loan

requests and even booking a seat on the company’s bus with a seat map to avoid any

transportation conflicts or inconveniences.

This contributes to sustainable development goals number 8 (Decent Work and Economic

Growth), by making employees lives easier, motivation and the working environment overall

improves. And number 4 (Quality Education) by providing user-friendly interfaces that engages in

the learning process. It also addresses SDG number 1 (No Poverty), by reducing the effort, energy
and time for their employees by saving them the amount of paperwork needed to request a

financial aid.

Techno-structure Intervention:

Techno-structural Interventions are actions taken to increase the efficiency of organisational

structure. Processes include defining new strategies for implementing technical resources to

pursue an innovative change.

Etisalat Misr stated that they wanted to utilize the company’s technological resources to help and

positively impact the organizations members and the society.

In order to update and modernise its Business Support Systems (BSS), Etisalat Misr partnered

with Ericsson to pursue a prominent techno-structural transformation. According to the company,

this supported the expansion of data and VoLTE (Voice-over LTE) traffic which routed digital traffic

and facilitated customer experience, as well as expanded network coverage, and supported the

Internet of Things in general.

The technological intervention aligns with SDG number 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure)

and SDG number 17 (Partnership for the Goals)

Strategic change interventions:

They are actions created to support important decision-makers in achieving organisational goals

and objectives while deliberately taking into account environmental demands, challenges, and

growth opportunities. They also encourage long-term action planning. These interventions will

focus on two main directions: thinking about the environment outside of the business and moving

from now towards the future successfully.

“Egypt has significant potentials; including its expansion in financial inclusion, the mega projects

that are being implemented, along with the wide-scale investment opportunities the state offers.

That’s why we are aiming to expand in the local market in telecom and other technology

solutions,” Etisalat's CCO, Ahmed Yahia stated. Etisalat created a new brand identity for itself.

They changed their significant green logo to a red and black one called e& the intervention was

conducted on February 23rd of 2022 and represented the organization’s business model and its

main pillars (Telecommunications, Enterprise, Life and Capital). The company stated that the

rebranding change was necessary for the alignment of their extended plans and strategies for

Etisalat beyond Telecommunication services. Etisalat is halfway through the full acquisition of

FinTech and their clientele. FinTech refers to financial technology. FinTech Egypt is a company

that provides various financial and banking services using Meeza, Fawry, Paymob and KlickIt and

many more. ‘’ Before the rebranding, Etisalat wanted to implement a blockchain, Financial

Technology, strategic change. They started by adding changes to the brand identity and the logo

to introduce stakeholders, employees and customers to the new services provided by the

company, and they’re now halfway through the acquisition of FinTech entirely.’’ Answered

Yassmin Rashed, an HR learning partner in Etisalat, when asked about the most significant

strategic interventions that took place in Etisalat. Not only that, the company decided to expand to

entertainment services. Etisalat recently launched EtisalatTv which is an entertainment streaming

platform with very reasonably priced subscription plans.

This strategic intervention associates with SDG number 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) as

an acquisition provides a leap in economic growth, provides job opportunities at the acquiring

company, greater market share and an increase in Egypt’s actual GDP.

5.0. Recommendations

Recently, considerable attention has been paid to change within Etisalat’s internal and external

services. What brought this change was competition and COVID-19 and its pandemic, which led

most companies to adopt a different way of working to be able to survive throughout the pandemic

period. Serious effort and sufficient time must be invested to strengthen newly established change

processes in order to ensure that a newly implemented change is both long lasting and

sustainable (Campbell, 2018).

 For better organizational development it is recommended to put functionality first and to

watch out for updates.

One of the changes that occurred within the organization was an HR change. They came up

with an app called “ietisalat” which can only be used by Etisalat’s employees. It helps them access

their day-to-day needs easily like their pay check, calendar, attendance, submit HR requests and

much more. Lately, the application has been getting a number of negative reviews about problems

within the application. Users have been having problems like the attendance icon is not showing

(store, 2020) and an accessibility problem (play, 2020). The application is in need of a better

software and Etisalat IT department should develop a more improved version of the app.

 It is recommended for the OD practitioner to personalize customer’s engagement

Etisalat’s technological change is digitalizing their services by using apps and voice control in

customer service; however, research shows that AI chatbots enhances customer satisfaction

(Aarathy, 2020) This could be a contributive way for improving CRM experience instead of only


 For sustainable organizational development It is also recommended to have easy access to

training programs and provide financial aid for exclusive higher-level courses for trainees
who show high levels of performance. This contributes to education and a more developed


 As Etisalat is already upgrading its business support systems in CRM, improving CRM by

implementing self-service kiosks for Etisalat over Egypt could be facilitating. As visiting

branches and waiting for turns, customers would find self-service kiosks that accepts

payments, have access to Fawry services and enables you to connect to an Etisalat CRM

representative more effective and less time consuming. These self-service kiosks would aid

with the overcrowding of branches especially in rural areas in Egypt.

 Make changes that makes sense

An organization must concentrate on minimizing the interruption if it wants workers to accept it

as part of their regular lives. One of the greatest ways to achieve this is to deliberately consider

how various staff groups or functions are likely to oppose change and put proactive mitigation

techniques in place before the resistance manifests (Campbell, 2018).

 OD practitioner is recommended to make sure all stakeholders know why the change is


The key to guaranteeing the organizational change's sustainability is ensuring that all workers

and stakeholders comprehend why the change is required and the repercussions of failing to

make it effective.

 The use of ECM (Enterprise Content Management system) is suggested

Data is everywhere, which makes organizing and using it effectively even more challenging.

ECM is particularly made to assist your business in managing the enormous volumes of

material you must create, gather, and utilize. Real-time access to information for improved

team member cooperation is another advantage of ECM. With capabilities that allow for greater

recordkeeping of accessible information, a superb ECM system also enhances security.

 OD practitioner is advocated to implement surveying customers after every interaction

Increase it by using automated questionnaires. Based on a customer's response, you can start

an escalation. Plan a conversation from a customer service manager if a client left a one-star

score and critical comments.

 It is advised to use high level of automation with their services, with human interaction at

critical points

Etisalat has many contributions to the SDGs, in which are SDG3 (good health and well-being),

SDG8 (decent work and economic growth), SDG9 (industry, innovation and infrastructure) and

SDG11 (sustainable cities and communities). However, they need to be contributing and add more

back to the community.

 SDG7 (ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all)

Etisalat engages in an energy intensive sector, which encourages bad environmental impact,

unless specific measures taken, like changing to fiber optic infrastructure which has numerous

advantages both technical and environmental.

 SDG12 (ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns)

OD practitioners should prioritize the use of clean energy such as commercial power, solar

energy, and hybrid power systems instead of using diesel power generators to lower CO2 gas

emissions and become more sustainable.

 SDG13 (take urgent action to climate change and its impacts)

Efforts should be focused on increasing the recycling of garbage from numerous sources, such

as network waste, IT gear, and some other workplace waste, and reusing equipment.

Choosing paperless transactions and heading towards digital copies like e-billing will help

minimize waste.

To conclude, Etisalat without a doubt is a leading company in the telecommunications industry

and the most powerful in the Middle East. Although Etisalat is one of the top companies in its

sector that possesses a number of advantages that helped it succeed in the marketplace like

its market share and vision, Etisalat needs to put a squeeze on its weaknesses regarding the

digitalization and institutionalization of the company. As well as focusing on embracing more on

sustainable development goals to help contribute in the cultural and workplace environment of

the company.
Aarathy. (2020, 10 19). 6 ways telecom companies can improve customer experience. Retrieved from reachoutsuite:

Abdooli, S. E. (2018). Etisalat group capital market day 2018. Abu Dhabi: Etisalat Group.

Anglada, S. (2018). Etisalat group capital market day 2018. Abu Dhabi: Etisalat Group.

Campbell, M. (2018, 2 8). 6 tips to sustain reinforce change. Retrieved from cmcpartnership:

group, E. t. (2022). Annual Report. Abu Dubai: Etisalat Group.

Ibrahiem M. M. El Emary, M. H. (2011). Practical Reality of SWOT in Telecommunications Companies Worldwide

Domain. Cairo: USAR.

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8.0 Interview abstract:

An interview was conducted on the 20 of November with Etisalat’s Human-Resource learning partner Yassmin
Roshdy, there was an inconvenience of not being able to get a business card. The following questions were
answered on a phone interview and these were the findings:

 What were the drivers for change for Etisalat?

Constant digital transformation, need for innovation, excellent growth opportunities and HR improvements.
 What are the types of organizational change that took place in Etisalat?
Etisalat’s recent logo rebranding, completely changing its colour scheme and giving Etisalat a new brand
Etisalat has been working on acquiring FinTech services to expand the company’s services and not to limit it
to telecommunications services
Moreover, they developed the iEtisalat app that is available only for employees, it helps with financial
services, provides fringe benefits and schedule vacations on.
 Is Etisalat a company that embraces risks in order to anchor sustainability goals?
Yes, Etisalat puts great efforts into contributing to the society, the company provides medial awareness
campaigns, creates a more comfortable cooperative environment for employees to work at, is determined to
constantly providing trainings and fulfilling the goal of becoming a learning organization.
 Who were the change agents?
Amongst the internal agents recruited from Etisalat itself, these are some examples of the outsourced
agents used to complete the organizational change that happened:

-KPMG( Hazem Hassan) for financial and budgeting services

-Towers Watson for Mergers and Acquisition and Insurance services
-McKinsey & consulting agency for strategic changes

 Did any complications get in the way of proceeding with organizational change, especially with the current
global crisis happening?
After the corona crisis many services were out of reach as employees were working from home, paperwork
was considered a hassle and unorganized at the circumstances of lockdowns, that’s when they developed
iEtisalat to help employees.

The process of acquisition of FinTech may last longer to balance costs and to consider current economic
 What are the procedures taken for monitoring and follow-ups on organizational change in Etisalat?
Etisalat’s corporate strategy department is responsible for follow-ups and evaluations, and the use Key
Perfomance Indicator (KPI) metrics to do so.
 What were the organizational change interventions undergone in Etisalat?
Major strategic change regarding the acquisition of FinTech and the whole new brand identity given to
Etisalat this year.
Human Resource improvements in the company
Digitalization and automation changes that help in CRM and development.

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