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Sustainable development evaluation and reporting on Alpla

Group number: 61
Contributors’ names and ID:
Youssef Amr 196168
Youssef Ahmed 183972
Farouk Yasser 152323

Module leaders:
Prof. Hala El Hadidi
Dr. Noha Abdelrahman
TA Esraa Salem

Module code: 22BBST14H.

Module Name: Sustainable Development.
British University in Egypt
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Family name: Zohdi

Given name: Youssef Student ID: 196168

Module code: 22BBST14H

Module title: Sustainable Development

Group: 61 Tutor:


To be completed by the student

Assessment title: Sustainable development evaluation and reporting on Alpla

Due date: 11/30/2022 Number of pages: 20 Word count (if appropriate): 4012


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Student’s signature: Youssef Amr Date: 11/30/2022

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The British University in Egypt
Faculty of Business Administration, Economics and Political

Individual Member Contributions Form

Project Title

Sustainable development evaluation and reporting on Alpla

We confirm that the work submitted under this title is our own work and that we contributed to the project as
indicated below.

Name/ID of Contributor Description of contribution (in words)

1. Youssef Ahmed 183972
Section A - Task1
Evaluation of the business sector sustainability
2. Farouk Yasser 152323
Section A - Task 2
Evaluation of sustainability at the firm-level
3. Youssef Amr 196168
Section B all categories
Sustainability Reporting


*kindly note that formatting, numbering and/or referencing are not considered individual work.

The weight of the group work is 40% while the weight of the individual work is 60%.

Signatures of group members.

1 ………………Youssef Amr………………………………………………………… Date …

2 ………………Youssef Ahmed………………………………………………………… Date …


3 ………………Farouk Yasser………………………………………………………… Date ……


4 ………………………………………………………………………… Date
Table of Contents

DESIGN OF PRODUCTS.........................................................................................................................9
SIMULATION AND MODELLING...........................................................................................................9
CONSTRUCTION OF TOOLS................................................................................................................10
SURFACE TO MARKET........................................................................................................................10
AN IMMENSE SELECTION OF STANDARD PRODUCTS........................................................................11
Section A: Linking company sustainability in the three dimensions of social, environment, and
economy with SDGS...........................................................................................................................11
 Alpla is focusing in particular on the following six SDGs............................................................12
Assessment of ALPLA's firm-level sustainability ALPLA Sustainability Challenges and Practices.......15
PEOPLE AND SOCIETY........................................................................................................................16
SAFETY AND HEALTH.........................................................................................................................17
INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT..............................................................................................................17
PRODUCTION ENERGY EFFICIENCY....................................................................................................18
MATERIALS MANAGEMENT...............................................................................................................18
CALCULATION AND CERTIFICATES.....................................................................................................19
CLIMATE NEUTRALITY ALLIANCE.......................................................................................................19
MANAGEMENT OF WATER AND WASTE............................................................................................19
SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT..........................................................................................................20
Section B: Sustainability reporting.....................................................................................................21
strategy and analysis.........................................................................................................................21
Organizational profile........................................................................................................................22
Operational structure........................................................................................................................23
Report parameters............................................................................................................................24
Governance commitment and engagement......................................................................................25
Management approach.....................................................................................................................26
Performance indicators.....................................................................................................................27
Conclusion and recommendations....................................................................................................28
Alpenplastik Lehner Alwin GmbH “ALPLA” is founded by Alwin Lehner and Helmuth

brothers in 1955 in Austria. APLA is a leader in plastic packaging systems in different

industries that operates in 45 countries around the globe. This report discusses the

challenges that company faces in each stage and the impact on the stakeholders, also

demonstrating the impact of these stages on the sustainable development goals

whether it is positively or negatively affected.

Moreover, in section B the report evaluates the published sustainability report of ALPLA

in accordance with GRI standards index.


For a variety of industries, they produce cutting-edge packaging solutions, bottles, caps,

and injection-molded parts. Their innovative innovations, lengthy history as a family-run

firm, and the expertise and commitment of their staff set them and their goods apart.

Their company's operations are based on resource conservation and sustainability.

They have more than 25 years of expertise working in recycling and recycling facilities,

and they are crucial to keeping plastics in the material cycle. (alpla, n.d.)

For each market, their innovative designers

provide the ideal design concept. The emphasis

is on technical viability as well as shape, color,

and feel from the very first concepts.

Over the last six decades, ALPLA has put

thousands of designs into practice. They cover the entire spectrum of services, from

conceptual designs to conventional technical designs.


To help them to reach our objectives as

effectively as possible, they check ideas at an

early stage. During the design phase, the

Modelling and Simulation department runs tests

on computers to determine whether the created product satisfies the needs of the client.
The advantages of the "virtual technique" are clear: it reduces expenses and saves

time. Prior to the creation of pilot tools or the implementation of samples, their designers

can already begin making optimizations.

ALPLA prefers to create its own tools. They are

independent of suppliers and have the

necessary flexibility in their development

processes thanks to their own cutting-edge

mould shops. In order to maintain effective

manufacturing processes and optimised cycle times, top-notch, low-maintenance tools

are needed. They are always improving tool and machine technologies.

They also work with specific tool construction partners who are ALPLA-certified to meet

demand spikes.

Our customers obtain samples made to their requirements within a few weeks of the

initial briefing because ALPLA can provide everything from a single source throughout

the world, from creative design and independent tool and mould manufacturing to

process engineering. This enables our customers, for instance, to stop filling lines or

test marketing concepts on consumers.

The ALPLA organisation has amassed a sizable collection of common packaging

throughout time. They offer our customers over 600 standard packaging options through

our Standard Product Catalogue.

Section A: Linking company sustainability in the three dimensions of social, environment, and
economy with SDGS (ALPLA, sustainability, n.d.) (foundations, 2019) (alpla, n.d.)
 In social
Through the application of the company’s social, they put the health and safety of their
employees first, work in an environment of equal cooperation, apply regulations and
laws, and not differentiate between them and equality between them regardless of their
principles, beliefs, religion or gender, respect for diversity and creativity and provide
work in A safe, healthy and peaceful environment, taking care of health, avoiding
diseases and accidents, and caring about training and self-development for employees
to meet the client’s requirements and placing them in appropriate positions for them to
motivate them and show their full capabilities and provide long-term results.
 In environment
The company is interested in clean energy and clean water, not polluting the
atmosphere, appreciating life on earth, and not harming it, whether through emissions
or damage to the atmosphere. The company is aware of the importance of using
resources accurately not to affect the environment, making maximum use of raw
materials, efficient energy production and reducing emissions carbon, maintaining
resource management, and recycling products so as not to pollute the environment or
have negative environmental effects.

 In Economic
With regard to the economy, the company organizes its business in a deliberate and
long-term manner, and there is a team of innovations that analyzes trends to analyze
the requirements of the customer to meet his needs and expectations and try to create
new products that are easy to use and varied to keep pace with technology and
economy and cooperate in the entire supply chain, whether suppliers, pricing and
quality The appropriate equation for the customer.

Alpla is focusing in particular on the following six SDGs:

Six SDGs have been chosen as the ones that ALPLA would prioritize above all others.
This accounts for the indirect influence they have as members of advocacy groups like
Ellen MacArthur and the German Association for Plastics Packaging and Films, as well
as the direct influence of their production facilities, their goods, and especially the
impact of those products (IK).
SDG 7 affordable and clean energy:
Make ensuring that everyone has access to modern, affordable, dependable, and
sustainable energy.
 Active potential analysis for the installation of solar panels on ALPLA roofs and in
parking lots
 Active potential analysis for using renewable energy to run ALPLA facilities
 use of renewable energy actively
 energy-saving strategies to reduce energy use
 Observing ISO 50001 standards for energy management systems

SDG 8 decent work and economic growth:

Promote full and productive employment, inclusive and sustainable economic growth,
and decent work for all.

 paying individuals fairly so they may at least meet their fundamental necessities
 Ensure a secure and wholesome workplace.

 establishing a workplace where everyone may grow and learn

 Opportunities for extensive instruction through their own Academy
 making sure there is no child or forced labor
 adherence to OHSAS 18001 (occupational health and safety management

SDG 9 industry, innovation and infrastructure:

Increase innovation, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and create
resilient infrastructure.

 modern technology for their products' resource-saving manufacturing

creation of recyclables

 Continuous package optimization, such as weight reduction, reduces the amount

of material used.
 PET beverage bottles that have only been used once
 Creation and application of bio-based, alternative materials
 Internal activities reduce transportation trips while generating local jobs and
 working closely with suppliers and customers

SDG 12 responsible consumption and production:

Ensure sustainable patterns of production and consumption.

 years of expertise in recycling plastics..

 High-quality regrind material is produced by the business's own recycling
facilities and partnerships.

 By producing rPET instead of fresh PET, the PET Recycling Team's operations
in Austria and Poland
reduced carbon emissions by 90%.

 The recycling facilities in Austria, Spain, and Poland are totally powered by
renewable energy, according to independent organisations' audits that follow
SMETA, ISO 14000, and ISO 50001 standards.
 supporting a functional circular economy and adhering to the Global Commitment
of the Ellen MacArthur/New Plastics Economy (2025 goals).

SDG 13 climate action:

Immediately tackle climate change and its effects.

 Emissions are decreased by energy-efficient high production plants.

 Transport trips and outer packing are cut altogether thanks to internal operations.

 Carbon emissions are reduced by using recycled PET.

 reliance on renewable energy.
 absolute reduction of carbon emissions.

SDG 14 life below water:

For sustainable development, protect and responsibly use the oceans, seas, and
marine resources.

 Expanding recycling efforts to avoid littering through proper dumping,

sorting, and processing.
 More products can be recycled thanks to design for recycling.
 Recycling provides plastic a purpose and makes it possible to build the
infrastructure required for efficient waste management. Governments,
NGOs, corporations, and civic society must work together.
 assisting international NGOs fighting marine pollution, such as Helioz,
Plastic Collective, The Great Bubble Barrier, and Plastic Bank.
 raising awareness among clients and final consumers through staff
Assessment of ALPLA's firm-level sustainability ALPLA Sustainability Challenges and

As a manufacturing company, ALPLA relies on energy, gas, fossil fuels, and water.

They are aware of the significance of making effective use of these resources for the

planet's future and subsequent generations. They know that efficient use means getting

as much use out of the raw materials as possible. They want to make wise use of them

and include them in the materials cycle. Plastics are prevented from polluting and

harming the environment by professional collection and recycling. In addition, they

concentrate on alternative energy and material sources that can take the place of fossil

fuels. They do their best to minimize emissions. They purchase carbon certificates from

high-quality climate protection projects to offset emissions of greenhouse gases in

Austria that cannot be avoided. Certification in accordance with ISO 5001 and ISO

14001 demonstrates their efforts. In recent years,


ALPLA has experienced rapid expansion. At the end of 2021, 22,100 people worked for

the company all over the world. As a result, ALPLA now has a greater obligation to its

employees and their families as an employer. The health and safety of their employees

is their top priority. The equal treatment of all individuals and compliance with all labor

law provisions are additional fundamental requirements. ALPLA places a high value on

employee and professional development as well as training a new generation of

workers in its training workshops. Equal treatment for all employees We place a high

value on the people who work for ALPLA. They treat everyone equally, regardless of

their gender, beliefs, or background. They not only value differences, but they also see
them as a source of creativity and success. ALPLA's image is also shaped by every

employee, who acts as a brand ambassador.


Everyone who works at ALPLA should be able to work in a healthy and safe

environment, so the topic of occupational health and safety deserves a lot of attention.

Not only does ALPLA care a lot about the personal health and safety of its employees,

but illness and accidents can also cost a lot of money and cause production to stop. As

a result, ALPLA has set itself the goal of eliminating all accidents. In addition, while

raising awareness of this issue among partners, customers, and suppliers, the already

high standards that are in place at their workplaces will be further enhanced.

In 2019 and 2020, ALPLA established Corporate People Development as a separate

department and increased its staff size. This clearly demonstrates the importance of the

company's systematic and structured employee development. The department is crucial

in shaping the company's culture so that employees can reach their full potential and

contribute to ALPLA's success. At ALPLA, it is presumed that they already possess the

internal talent required for the majority of future requirements. They must acknowledge

their capabilities, provide opportunities for their growth through the ALPLA Academy,

and place them in positions that will encourage them to fulfill their potential over the long

term. Since 1960, ALPLA has offered dual-vocational training to junior employees in a

variety of fields. In 2013, this idea was first exported to Mexico and China. In 2020, India

and 2021, additional modern training workshops went into operation. Additionally, the

groundwork for additional Future Corners in South Africa and Mexico is already being

laid. Environmental and environmental impacts ALPLA relies on energy, gas, fossil
fuels, and water as a manufacturing companies know about the fact that it is so

essential to the eventual fate of the planet and to people in the future that they utilize

these assets effectively. They know that efficient use means getting as much use out of

the raw materials as possible. They want to make good use of them and include them in

the materials cycle. Plastics are prevented from polluting the environment and causing

harm by professional collection and recycling.


ALPLA has always placed a high value on the responsible and effective use of energy

and resources. When it comes to the management of energy, the most important factor

for ALPLA is a cutting-edge infrastructure. At certain locations, a devoted team

conducts annual plant energy assessments. Each year, between five and six sites go

through this in-depth evaluation. After a successful assessment, there is a 10% savings

potential. To cut down on carbon emissions, ALPLA makes use of renewable energy

sources. Electricity for their worldwide production processes is generated by their own

photovoltaic modules. The sites in Austria get a lot of their electricity from other sources

like the sun and water.

With the help of cutting-edge design and modern technologies, packaging weight can

be kept as low as possible. They are able to do so while also conserving fossil fuels and

lowering costs and material consumption. ALPLA collaborates closely with their

suppliers, research institutes, and, of course, their customers to accomplish this.

Additionally, ALPLA has decades of experience processing recycled plastics into new

packaging. Their professionals also work with bio-based plastics, which are plastics

made from renewable resources. In this context, we also take into account things like
how competitive these materials are with the food industry and how recyclable they are.

PVC, plasticizers, and heavy metals—all of which are harmful to the environment—are

not used by ALPLA. Emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases at

a company like ALPLA are caused by a variety of factors. These incorporate the natural

substances handled, their, creation activities, the working materials, the transportation

of their items, bundling and their representatives' processes to and from work. They

have been meticulously recording ALPLA's electricity consumption's greenhouse gas

emissions since 2007.Strategic measures to reduce and offset emissions that cannot be

avoided are based on this data. A metric is the carbon footprint. This includes other

greenhouse gases that, depending on their effects on the climate, are converted into

volumes of carbon dioxide.


They are delighted to assist their clients in the creation of environmentally friendly

packaging options. They issue certificates that correspond to the calculated carbon

emissions based on the current regulations.


ALPLA and other Vorarlberg businesses established the Climate Neutrality Alliance

2025.Over a short period of time, the regional initiative grew into an Austrian alliance

with over 100 members. Its goal is to leave no carbon footprint on the environment. In

2018, this goal was already met at ALPLA's Vorarlberg locations.


They require water for drinking, process, and cooling purposes throughout their

production processes. Their objective is to continuously reduce consumption and

encourage systematic data collection. Many customers now recognize the numerous
environmental and financial benefits of in-house plants, such as the reduced need for

warehouse space, the elimination of the need to transport packaging, lower staff costs,

and the flexibility and quickness with which they can adapt to changes in production. In

addition, as a result of their extensive and ongoing relationships with their clients, they

have produced innovations that have won awards. They are able to quickly set up their

in-house operations and support their customers right from the start thanks to their

many years of experience. Naturally, they incorporate environmental, social, and

compliance standards into their procurement procedures.


They want to raise standards all the way up the value chain by choosing suppliers

carefully and working with them for a long time. A Supplier Code of Conduct outlines

their policies. Quality, cost, and timely delivery are the primary considerations here.

They place a significant emphasis on environmental management, occupational health

and safety, and social responsibility in addition to the generally applicable compliance

Section B: Sustainability reporting

strategy and analysis

ALPLA is an industry pioneer and producer of plastic packaging products.

According to Alpla, their vision is “We produce innovative packaging systems, bottles,

caps and injection-moulded parts for a wide range of industries. Our long history as a

family-run business, our cutting-edge technologies and the knowledge and dedication of

our employees set us and our products apart. Our business activities are founded on

sustainability and the climate-friendly use of resources. With our more than 25 years of

experience in recycling and our own recycling plants, we play our part in ensuring that

plastics remain in the materials cycle” (Alpla, 2015).

Organizational profile
Alpla's B2B customers include both international and local firms. Their goods are

utilized in numerous fields. For instance, they provide specific packaging for foods and

beverages, personal care and cosmetics items, household cleaners and detergents,

motor oils and lubricants, pharmaceuticals, and crop protection. They also contribute to

ensure that plastic stays in the materials cycle thanks to their own recycling facilities

and more than 25 years of expertise in the industry.

Operational structure (Ebner, 2020)

As mentioned before, Alpla is a world leader in the development and production

of plastic packaging solutions. Therefore, it operates in many countries and continents,

as much as 178 locations in 45 countries in 4 continents with 21,600 employees (Alpla,

about-alpla, 2021). Their first and main headquarter is located in Hard, Austria.

Alpla is a family-owned enterprise. In accordance to the founder Alwin Lehner,

family-friendly labor conditions are embedded within the organization’s workplace. The

workplace environment symbolizes the characteristics of consistency and

trustworthiness, which are the pillars of their corporate philosophy (Alpla, 2020). ALPLA

has expanded significantly over the past three years, especially in the Asian area, which

includes China, South East Asia, and India, in addition to Africa, Middle East, and
Turkey (AMET) region. Despite a very excellent growth development in North America

in particular last year, the Americas have seen a modest decline over the last three

years (Alpla, 2021). The market shares that ALPLA held in Central and Eastern Europe

was successfully defended. In both the AMET and Asia regions, it forecasts robust

growth of more than 10% annually. By all means, Alpla’s main focus shifted towards the

AMET region after seeing 51% regional growth in the past 3 years (Alpla, 2021).

Consequently, they greatly increased their market position there in recent years through

partnerships and acquisitions. Since Boxmore Packaging, the market leader in Africa for

PET preforms, PET bottles, and caps, was acquired in 2017, development on a new

production facility in Lanseria, South Africa, started in February 2020. This factory laid

the groundwork for long-term development and competitiveness in sub-Saharan Africa.

Alpla’s commitments is always sustained and doesn’t change significantly and

there hasn’t been any major changes between the last reporting period (2018-2020).

However, their performance has been shown to be superior from the awards they have

been receiving. Moreover, they won the first place in reducing non-reusable waste,

Bridgwater, UK, second place multi-country closed-loop project for the mineral water

brand Donat, second place in reusable bottle made of pearl bottle, at/de and third place

initiatives with social responsibility in Brazil (Alpla, 2021).

Report parameters

 The sustainability reports that Alpla publishes has a time period of 3 years (Alpla,

 Their contact person is Linda Staib (Alpla, 2020)

 The reporting period is from 2018 till 2020

 The report covered every site and location and measured every region’s

performance like the AMET region, Asian region, North and South America and


 Some information was partially reported like economic value for competition


 The report was prepared in accordance with the sustainability reporting

standards of the Global Reporting Initiative “core” and it has not been externally


Governance commitment and engagement

It's critical that all workers get the chance to learn about the principles and behavior

norms that are in place. Everyone in Alpla is treated fairly and with respect, and their

morals are suitable worldwide. They have Safe and hygienic working conditions, no

child labor, meet minimum wage, limited working time, no discrimination across all

levels, no harassment, migrant workers have their full rights preserved, Equal treatment

of all individuals, and appreciation of different cultures and a Responsible, sustainable

and future oriented actions and decision-making (Alpla, 2018). All personnel must treat

ALPLA's physical and intellectual property/information with the highest respect. All

financial, technical, research, contract, and correspondence inside the ALPLA Group

are considered to be "information" or "intellectual property," regardless of the manner of

storage, editing, or transmission applied. The ALPLA is dedicated to open and honest
competition. The rejection of all corruption is a part of this commitment. Offering,

promising, granting, demanding, or accepting money or other benefits is against the

company’s law, and is named “anti-corruption policy” (Alpla, 2018).

The stakeholders were already consulted during the development of the last

sustainability report in 2018 to determine which topics they felt were of particular

importance. The Sustainability Steering Council began by outlining the 31 pertinent

topics and the stakeholder organizations that will be polled (Alpla, 2021). A written

questionnaire was then distributed to a selection of workers from various levels and

areas, as well as to clients, vendors, and family members of the business's owners. Due

to personal contact with the stakeholders, the response rate was reassuringly high, with

over 120 questionnaires being analyzed. The stakeholders rated ALPLA's present

participation in each of the 31 topics based on their importance to its commercial

activities and sustainable growth. The Sustainability Steering Council also assessed

problem implications. This second stage produced a materiality matrix, which is a

methodology to estimate possible impacts on the business and stakeholders.

Management approach
Alpla is highly committed to a responsible response in three areas;

People and society: They are concerned of their effect on larger society as well as

their obligation to their family members, workers, and other stakeholders. Equal

opportunities, secure and effective working circumstances, fairness, and honesty define

the partnerships.
Ecology and environmental impact: They have a responsibility in actively promoting

the transition to a circular economy and a desire to provide products with minimal

environmental impact feasible and that can be processed again to produce new

packaging options

Economy and technology: As a family-run business, they focus on strategic planning

for the long term. Their economic actions are focused on guaranteeing the financial

health and stability of the company, far from aiming for "development at any cost."

Performance indicators
The upcoming statistics are goals set in 2018 to be reached in 2022, but it was

measured and documented in 2020 (Alpla, 2020).

Economical KPI:

Goal: improvement will occur in the global EcoVadis score from 63 points in 2018 to 67 points

in 2022.

2020 status: Platinum score of 73 points

Environmental KPI:

Goal: increasement will occur in the energy efficiency globally by 3.5% by 2022 in comparison

to 2018.

2020 status: Energy efficiency increased by 4.95 per cent.

Goal: All the Austrian sites will operate entirely carbon-neutrally by 2020.

2020 status: All Austrian plants climate-neutral since 2020 (Scopes 1 and 2)

Social KPI:

Goal: the company will reduce risk/danger level by 10% per annum up to 2022.

2020 status: The risk level has already been reduced by 95 per cent

Goal: By 2022, the annual training initiatives will be reported to the ALPLA Academy (HQ)

according to defined criteria.

2020 status: Criteria have been defined

Conclusion and recommendations

According to this study's findings, Alpla is making every attempt to be truly sustainable

and not just "greenwash".   According to the assessment analysis, it has been

established that Alpla clearly understands its sustainability difficulties and is attempting

to overcome them in relation to the majority of the SDGs and their objectives.

Alpla is advised to create products that are fully sustainable and minimize GHG

emissions as much as possible, such as using only recycled plastic in all productions or

starting a business by asking for the empty bottles left over from end-user consumption

to collect more recyclable materials, use less crude oil, generate fewer wastes, have its

own source of supply, and lessen the impact on the environment in exchange for a 5%


Alpla might also make changes to its packaging to make it stronger so it can withstand

various conditions. Alpla should also increase their internal facilities to be closer to their

production plants in order to cut expenses more.

Alpla should seek to find ways to consume less electricity because doing so will lower

production costs and help reduce many pollutants. Additionally, staying with a single

environmentally friendly packaging solution rather than changing it frequently may result

in lower expenses.
Additionally, spreading awareness through advertising is essential to teach people how

to properly dispose of things like used packaging.

Alpla. (2015, 6 19). en. Retrieved from alpla:

Alpla. (2018). alpla code of conduct. Hard, Austria: Alpla.

Alpla. (2020, 9 25). imprint. Retrieved from alpla:

Alpla. (2020, 6 18). people society. Retrieved from alpla:

Alpla. (2020, 8 12). sustainability goals. Retrieved from Alpla:

Alpla. (2021, 9 11). about report. Retrieved from alpla:

Alpla. (2021, 7 18). about-alpla. Retrieved from alpla:

Alpla. (2021, 6 18). alpla regional economic player. Retrieved from alpla: https://sustainability-

Alpla. (2021, 3 1). alpla sustainability award. Retrieved from alpla: https://sustainability-

alpla. (n.d.). alpla SDGs. Retrieved from alpla sustainability:

alpla. (n.d.). history. Retrieved from

ALPLA. (n.d.). sustainability. Retrieved from


Ebner, D. (2020). Operational Excellence in der Instandhaltung @ Alpla. global: ÖVIA Webcast.

foundations, u. n. (2019, 1 15). SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS. Retrieved from The Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs):

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