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Fingerprint Based ATM Banking System

Course: Software Engineering

Section: F
Submitted By:
1. Anwar, Arman Ibna- 16-32227-2 (35%)
2. Ikram, Asif -16-32264-2 (30%)
3. Pritom, Shadman Kamal- 16-32351-2 (20%)
4. Amlan, Syed Afridi Rahman- 17-35630-3 (15%)

Fingerprint Based ATM Banking system is a desktop based application where fingerprint of the user is
used as an authentication. Every human being’s fingerprint is different from each other, so we can easily
identified the user uniquely. In ATM card system user can face lots of problems. Like if the ATM card is
lost or damaged user cannot access their account in ATM. In ATM card system user needs pin code to
access their account, if anyone can know this pin code there is a risk of this user’s account. Instead of using
ATM card Fingerprint based ATM is more safe and secure. There is no need to worry of losing ATM card
and carry this card all the time. User just have to use their fingerprint in order to do any banking
transaction. In Fingerprint ATM system pin-code is an optional feature. If there is a problem to login
through fingerprint, user can also login to use their secret pin-code. The user can check their account
balance, withdraw money from his account. The user transfer money to various accounts by mentioning
account number.
. Login: Using fingerprint to login the account.
. Pin Code: User can use their pin code if there is a problem of their fingerprint.
. Cash Withdrawn: User can withdraw cash by entering the amount.
. Check Balance: User can check their account balance easily.
. Transfer Money: User can transfer money into another account.

1. Fingerprint based ATM banking system is more secure and safe than ATM card.
2. No needs to carry ATM card and no needs to worry to losing the card.
3. User can make transaction using his fingerprint anywhere and at anytime.

1. If the User finger pattern has some kind of cut or got damaged than the system might not recognize
the user. ( To solve this issue user needs to add the additional feature “pin-code”).
2. If somehow the biometric database is crush then there is a problem for the user to login their
account using fingerprint.
Flowchart of ATM Banking System:



Place finger on
fingerprint scanner

Is Is fingerprint
Display Access NO YES
fingerprint wrong upto
correct? three times?

Activate Pin Code
Display Access
Granted and name of

YES Pin Code

Balance Check Cash Withdrawn Cash Deposit
Balance Transfer


USE-CASE of ATM System

<<include>> Startup

Administration Shut Down

<<extend>> Wrong Fingerprint

Fingerprint Login

Customer <<include>>


<<include>> <<include>>
Print Receipt

Check Balance

Process Model:
There are so many software model that we can use to build this project. In our project Bank is the main
client but customers are the main user of this system. This fingerprint based ATM banking system is new
for the customer and also for the Bank. There are so many requirements that we don’t know yet. So it is
best for us to choose a software model that’s we can easily gets the direct feedback from the user and
change our requirement. RAD model has been used in fingerprint based ATM Banking system project.
RAD model gives us the opportunity to change the requirement in the middle of the project. So RAD
model is suitable for this project so that we can change our requirement during the project and working
prototypes are sent to the client in small iterations of 2-3 months. In RAD model project progress can be
measured and the development time can be reduced. User can give their feedback and we take all the
necessary steps if there is a problem of this project.

Proposed Method:
The main goal of this project is to provide a safe and secure banking system by taking fingerprints as
authorized identity at ATM/Banks. The purpose is to provide a extra security to the ATM system for the
users. For this we need to develop an embedded system which is used for ATM security applications. In
these system, Bank’s will collect the customer fingerprint while opening the accounts and also customer
needs to give pin-code for extra safety if there is a problem of fingerprint and this fingerprint has been
stored to the bank server. Then customer can easily access into ATM machine. When a customer place
finger on the fingerprint module, if fingerprint is match then it displays the name of the customer on the
ATM machine screen. If customer has a fingerprint problem then they can do transaction through give the
pin-code. In this fingerprint based ATM system customer no needs to worry about the card.

List of Work To Be Done:

1) Requirements Generation
2) Project Planning
3) Requirement Inspection
4) System Design
5) Object Design
6) Testing
Estimation for each Work To be Done:
Task of Phase Days
Requirements Generation 20
Project Planning 22
Requirement Inspection 20
System Design 20
Object Design 18
Implementation & unit 10
System Testing 10


As we have to complete the project inside 4 months of plan and after taking requirements of
client, we analyzed all the cost ( rent, resource & salary) then came to a budget of 10lacs. It
may increase a bit depending on major requirement change by client.

Date Phases
August 1- August 20 Requirements Generation
August 21- September 13 Project Planning
September 13-October 3 Requirement Inspection
October 4-October 24 System Design
October 24-November 12 Object Design
November 13-November 23 Implementation & Unit testing
November 24-Decmber 4 System Testing
Human Resource Plan:
The occasion Human resource plan is to make obvious the project has sufficient Human resource with the right skills
and experience to ensure a successful project completion.

Role Requirements:
The following is collapse of the roles required to implement the project. It includes: the project role, the project
responsibility of the role, skills required, number of Human resource required fulfilling the role, the estimated start
date and the expected duration the Human resource will be needed on the project.

Role Project Skills No. of Evaluate Require

Authority Required Human start date Duration
Java Java Expert in 5 August 3-4
Developer Development java 2,2019 months
Web Web Expert in 3 August2, 3-4
Developer development Ajax, CSS, 2019 months
Database Gathering Expert in 2 August 3-4
Management data in Oracle 2,2019 months
database 10g,MySQL
Software System Knowledge in 2 August 3-4
Engineer testing and development 2,2019 months
quality process tools
Human Resource Planning:
The following table represents the estimated effort in Full Time Equivalent days required by month for
each Human resource assigned to the project

Role Number of August September October November Total

Java 5 12 20 15 15 62
Web 3 12 15 15 15 57
Database 2 20 20 12 20 72
Software 2 12 10 10 29 61
Total: 12 252

Statement and reporting should be done to show weekly status reports and project
reviews should be generated once in a month to project manager and software manger

Risk Analysis:
Project plans have to be based on assumptions. Risk is the possibility that an assumption is
wrong. Software risk analysis looks at code violations that present a threat to the stability,
security, or performance of the code. Analysing all the risk we find this major threads in our
1. Performance Risk
2. Cost Risk
3. Support Risk
4. Schedule Risk
We can prevent this kind of identified and some unexpected risk to take this necessary steps:
1. Risk Prevention
2. Risk Reduction
3. Risk Transfer
4. Risk Avoidance
Deliverables and Receivers
Ident. Deliverable Planned Date Receiver

D1 Software Design Specification November 20 Project Manager

D2 Software Project management Plan November 5 Bank Management

D3 Test Plan November 15 Project Manager

D4 Software verification December 4 Project Manager


The Implementation of ATM security by using fingerprint recognition took advantages of the
stability and reliability of fingerprint characteristics. In addition, the system also contains the
original verifying methods which were inputting owner's password which is sent by the
controller. The security features were enhanced largely for the stability and reliability of owner
recognition. The whole system was build on the technology of embedded system which makes
the system more safe, reliable and easy to apply for better use.

In these systems, bankers will collect the customer finger prints and mobile number while
opening the accounts then customer only access ATM machine. The design of ATM terminal
system based on fingerprint recognition took advantages of the stability and reliability of
fingerprint characteristics, a new technology which was designed for the sake of human beings
when their ATM card is stolen, based on the image enhancement algorithm of Gabor and
direction filter. The security features were enhanced largely for the stability and reliability of
owner recognition. The whole system was built on the technology of embedded system which
makes the system more safe, reliable and easy to use.

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