Kareem Shagar Formation An Oil Field Located in Ras Gharib Development

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Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

American University of Kurdistan

College of Engineering
Petroleum Engineering Department

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field Located in Ras

Gharib Development

Supervised by. Dr Mohammed Ali Namuq

Meron Georgess (A11800799) Zahraa Saeed (A11800738)
Omar Hayhat (A11901110) Ali Murad (21700429)
Wisam Istifan (A11700626)

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

CHAPTER ONE: GEOLOGY.................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 STUDY AREA..........................................................................................................................................................4
1.3 STRUCTURE CONTOUR MAP.....................................................................................................................................7
1.3.1 CONTOUR LINE................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.3.2 Contour Interval............................................................................................................................................7
1.3.3 Map Scales....................................................................................................................................................7
1.3.4 Rules for contours.........................................................................................................................................7
1.4 ISOPACH MAP..................................................................................................................................................... 12
1.5 CROSS SECTION - PROCEDURE................................................................................................................................14
1.5.1 Cross Section...............................................................................................................................................15
1.6 BULK VOLUME..................................................................................................................................................... 16
1.6.1 initial oil in place.........................................................................................................................................17
1.7 SUMMARY.......................................................................................................................................................... 17
1.8 REFERENCES........................................................................................................................................................ 18
CHAPTER 2: WELL LOGGING.............................................................................................................................. 19
2.1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................... 20
2.2 GAMMA RAY.......................................................................................................................................................23
2.3 VOLUME OF SHALE CALCULATION.............................................................................................................................23
2.4 POROSITY LOGS....................................................................................................................................................27
2.4.1 Density log..................................................................................................................................................27
2.5 RESISTIVITY LOGS................................................................................................................................................. 30
2.7 REFERENCES........................................................................................................................................................ 33
CHAPTER 3: DRILLING........................................................................................................................................ 34
3.1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................... 35
3.2 DRILLING WINDOW...............................................................................................................................................35
3.3 MUD PROGRAM...................................................................................................................................................36
3.4 CASING SETTING DEPTH.........................................................................................................................................38
3.4.1 Casing sizes.................................................................................................................................................38
3.4.2 Casing properties........................................................................................................................................40
3.5 DRILL BIT PROGRAM.............................................................................................................................................42
3.6 CEMENTING JOB...................................................................................................................................................42
3.7 RIG SELECTION AND RIG SPECIFICATION....................................................................................................................45
3.8 DRILL STRING CONFIGURATION................................................................................................................................47
3.9 OPERATION TIME VERSUS DEPTH............................................................................................................................48
3.10 EXPECTED HOLE PROBLEMS AND THE RECOMMENDED TREATMENT/ PLAN......................................................................49
3.11 CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................................................... 50
3.12 REFERENCES...................................................................................................................................................... 50

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

List of figures & tables

Table 1.1 depths and thicknesses of shagar sandstone...............................................................................6

Figure 1.1 Location map of Shagar formation.............................................................................................7
Figure 1.2 Idealized Watershed Boundary...................................................................................................9
Figure 1.3 Closed Contour on a Map.........................................................................................................10
Figure 1.4 Structure Contour Map of the Top of Shagar Formation..........................................................12
Figure 1.5 Isopach Map of Shagar Formation............................................................................................14
Figure 1.6 Cross-section procedure...........................................................................................................15
Figure 1.7 Geological Cross- Section(A-B)..................................................................................................16
Table 1.2 Calculation of Bulk Volume........................................................................................................17
Figure 2.1 P-3 Log......................................................................................................................................23
Table 2.2 Volume of shale.........................................................................................................................26
Figure 2.2 Vsh vs depth.............................................................................................................................27
Table 2.3 Porosity calculation....................................................................................................................29
Figure 2.3 porosity vs depth......................................................................................................................30
Table 2.4 Water saturation calculation......................................................................................................32
Figure 2.4 Sw Vs depth..............................................................................................................................33
Figure 3.1 Depth vs EMW..........................................................................................................................37
Figure 3.2 Depth vs EMD...........................................................................................................................38
Table 3.1 mud density vs depth values......................................................................................................38
Figure 3.3 API casing & bit sizes selection (courtesy of oil and gas journal)..............................................40
Table 2.2 Casing size for each casing depth...............................................................................................40
Table 3.3 collapse and burst pressure value..............................................................................................41
Figure 3.4 Grades & nominal weight of casing..........................................................................................42
Table 3.4 Grade with coupling of production casing.................................................................................42
Table 3.5 Hole, Bit size& Bit code for each casing setting depth...............................................................43
Figure 3.5 multistage cementing process..................................................................................................44
Figure 3.6 Volume calculation...................................................................................................................45
Table 3.6 API table of cement property.....................................................................................................46
Table 3.7 cementing program calculation................................................................................................46
Figure 3.7 drilling rig process.....................................................................................................................47
Table 3.8 the code and specification of the rig.........................................................................................48
Table 3.9 Component and its main function.............................................................................................48
Table 3.10 Operation time vs depth..........................................................................................................49

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development


1.1 Introduction

Geology is the primary Earth science and examines how the earth formed, its structure and
composition. Geology in petroleum plays a crucial role in exploring oil and gas and the

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

development and production of oil and gas fields. The work of a petroleum geologist can be
compared to a detective's investigation, where the subsurface occurrence and distribution of oil
and gas have to be predicted mainly through indirect evidence.
Our case is in Ras Gharib development Lease in the Eastern Desert in Egypt. We are
constructing the geological maps, including the structure contour map and isopach map, to be
used in the calculation of the estimation of original oil in place in the reservoir according to the
information given by field development. Moreover, in Ras Gharib field, we have five wells, one
as an injection well andfour4 production wells. Over and above that, we have a fault which can
be noticed in the map.
This report will illustrate and cover the structure and isopach contour maps, on top of that, the
calculation of the original oil in place of the reservoir. (1) Maltman, A. (2012). 

1.2 Study Area

Petro Amir is an Egyptian Oil and Gas company had an explanatory well drilled in a field
located in the Ras Gharib development lease in eastern desert. This field was discovered in the
Kareem Shagar and Nukhul formations when its initial pressure was measured to be 4420 Psi at a
depth of 9135 ft in sandstone formation. In 2009, the well started producing with no water cut in
a rate of 1085 bbl/d. Furthermore, development wells were drilled in the field to increase
production, the wells included 3 producers and 1 injector to increase the production of the field.
The producers were P-2, P-3 and P-4 while the injector was I-1. While drilling, some of the
geologic data was gathered to further describe the field, the data included the location map of the
wells, the depths till the top and bottom of the formation layer per each well, and the thickness of
the formation including the true vertical thickness and the measured thickness. By using of these
data, a geological model map was required to construct an estimation for the reservoir, making it
a lot easier to predict the pay zones and drilling locations. In this section, a structural map was
drawn based upon the data to describe the reservoir subsurface alignment on a horizontal plane
(map). In addition, isopach map was also drawn to tell the best paying thicknesses in a reservoir,
all which makes it easier to avoid inefficient drilling locations. Because the thickness of the
formation is estimated in the model, a method is derived to approximately calculate the volume
of the reservoir (bulk volume) to give an assumption to the initial oil in place in the field to
encourage further drilling processes to take place in the reservoir.

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

Table 1.1 depths and thicknesses of shagar sandstone

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

Figure 1.1 Location map of Shagar formation

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

1.3 Structure Contour Map

A structural contour map maps the true elevations at any point in a horizontal area described in
the map by the map scale. The map's elevations are distributed to ranges surrounded by contour
lines. Each contour line differs from another contour line by an equal value known as contour
interval. In our case, since the maximum elevation (depth in positive value) is (7345) ft. from the
surface and the minimum is (10298) ft. The most appropriate interval taken was to be 200ft per
contour line. The contour lines’ mapping started from (10400) ft from the surface to (7200) ft.
The contour lines were arranged based on the data given per well; since the wells do not cover all
of the reservoirs, the shape of the reservoir in the empty spaces were taken harmonically to add a
sense of logic to the model. However, at specific points in the map, the elevations are affected by
a geological fault that changes the elevation of each interval by a rate of 50ft. By noticing the
figure (1.1) the fault line in red is clear with the affected contour interval; the map can also show
a brief definition to the reservoir along the cross-section line A-B, which can be noticed that the
elevation is going higher and higher as long as we are going towards the east of the field. In the
cross-section part, the fold type of the reservoir is further explained since it gives a better
understanding of the behavior of the layer affected by the tectonic forces. (2,3) Okeil, M.,
Sakran, S., Refaat, A., El-Gamil, S., & Ramzy, M. (2019). Ø  Price, N. J., & Cosgrove, J. W.

1.3.1 Contour Line

The line on a map that connects points of EQUAL elevation. - show the shape of the land and
elevation above sea level.
Sea level= 0m or 0ft.

1.3.2 Contour Interval

Contour Interval gives the difference in elevation between 2 adjacent contour lines.
1.3.3 Map Scales
Indicates the distance on the map compared to space in the real world

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

1.3.4 Rules for contours

 Contours bend upstream (uphill) when crossing a stream.
When contour lines cross a river, they make a “V” that points upstream.

Figure 1.2 Idealized Watershed Boundary

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

 Closed contours on a map as ellipses or circles represent hills.

Figure 1.3 Closed Contour on a Map

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

Figure 1.4 Structure Contour Map of the Top of Shagar Formation

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

1.4 Isopach Map

Isopach maps are contour maps that are used to represent the thickness distribution throughout
the entire reservoir. Isopach contour maps target a specific stratigraphic rock subsurface which is
opposed to true vertical thicknesses. The thickness of the reservoir rock is divided into intervals
connected with equal thicknesses. In our case, the maximum thickness interval taken was (32) ft,
while the minimum was assumed to be (0) ft. The contour interval was taken to be (2) ft meaning
that the reservoir is gradually increasing in thickness till reaching the maximum interval figure
(5.1), the isopach model done was taken to be an interpretation to the structural contour map, this
way the model can get more sense of logic since data given is limited to the entire reservoir. By
paying attention to the details, the thickness is harmonically increasing to the middle of the field
where the injector exists, and it is stretching more to the right direction of the map, where all the
producers exist. Isopach maps help geologist and engineers to take more consideration to the
pay-zones and what can give them of hydrocarbon accumulation, this is when the oil
accumulated is proportional to the thickness of the reservoir rock existing. Moreover, it is
another major map that is used to conclude the best place to take into drilling consideration.
However, maximum thickness is not necessarily the meaning of more hydrocarbon
accumulation, but the isopach map should be used properly with both cross section and structural
contour map to identify the best zones possible. This can be clear from our case since the four
producers drilled is not drilled in the maximum thickness zones where the injector is because by
looking at fig (1.1) this zone is a potential for syncline structure which are not considered
optimum places for hydrocarbon accumulation. From the isopach, the bulk volume can be
assumed helping in identifying the approximate oil in place obtained from the volumetric
method. Since oil and gas is the main target for all these geology steps, paying close attention to
the isopach distribution is necessary to get the best approximation to the natural oil in place

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

Figure 1.5 Isopach Map of Shagar Formation

1.5 Cross Section - Procedure

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

Topographic cross-section procedure:

(1) Place a strip of paper along a selected profile line.
(2) Mark on the paper the exact place where each contour line crosses the profile line. Label each
mark with its elevation.
(3) Make two axes on graph paper. The horizontal axis should
show units of horizontal distance along the profile line and be the same length as your profile
line. The vertical axis should show elevation units ranging from the lowest to the highest points
on your profile line.
(4) Place the paper strip on the vertical grid and project each marked topographic feature to its
proper elevation.
(5) Connect all the points on the grid with a smooth line.
The result is a shape of the topography along the profile line. (d) Ø  Shouny, A. E., Yakoub, N.,
& Hosny, M. (2017).

Figure 1.6 Cross-section procedure

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

1.5.1 Cross Section

Structural geology is essential for the exploration of minerals and hydrocarbons. It is used to
identify and characterize structural concepts such as faults, folds, synclines, anticlines, and
lineaments. And it can identify the three most important fundamental types, Monoclines,
Anticlines, and Synclines. Here in our case the cross section we can notice that The rock layers
in the center left are tilted in one direction, forming a monocline.
The monocline is driven by the propagation of high-angle reverse basement faults, with slightly
right-lateral oblique-slip, that favor the migration of clays and evaporates toward the propagating
fault tip.

Figure 1.7 Geological Cross- Section(A-B)

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

1.6 Bulk volume

 Trapezoidal Equation h= Thickness of the contour

An 1= Area of the previous
∆ V b= ( A n1 + A n2 +1 ) =∑ ∆ V bi ……………(1.1) An 2= Area of the current contour
2 i=1

 Pyramidal Equation

∆ V b= ( A n 1+ A n 2+1+ √ An 1 × An 2 +1 ) =∑ ∆ V bi …………(1.2)
3 i=1

Table 1.2 Calculation of Bulk Volume

Contour R(cm) Area (ft˄2) Ratio Equation Interval(ft) ∆BV (ft˄3)

line (ft)
0 8.5 100828888. - - - -
2 8 89315555.5 0.88 TR 2 190144444.5
4 7.5 78500000 0.87 TR 2 167815555.6
6 6.9 66442400 0.84 TR 2 14942400
8 6 50240000 0.75 TR 2 116682400
10 6.4 57161955.5 1.13 TR 2 107401955.6
12 5.7 45341600 0.79 TR 2 102503555.6
14 5.2 37735822.2 0.83 TR 2 83077422.22
16 4.8 32153600 0.85 TR 2 69889422.22
18 4.1 23459288.8 0.72 TR 2 55612888.89
20 3.5 17095555.5 0.72 TR 2 40554844.45

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

22 3 12560000 0.73 TR 2 29655555.56
24 2.5 8722222.22 0.69 TR 2 21282222.22
26 2 5582222.22 0.64 TR 2 14304444.44
28 1.5 3140000 0.56 TR 2 8722222.222
30 1 1395555.55 0.44 PRY 2 3023703.704
32 0.5 348888.888 0.25 PRY 2 1162962.963
∆BV = 1156776000 ft˄3

∆BV= 26555.92287 acre.ft

1.6.1 initial oil in place.

7758 × A ×h × ∅ ×(1−S wc)

STOIIP=N= ………..(1.3)
B oi

N= 14.3 MM stb

A=area∈acre ..

H=thickness∈ft ..

Swc=connate water saturation ..

Ø= porosity ..

Boi=initial formation volume factor ∈rb /stb ..

1.7 Summary

In a nutshell, Geology is important for being given a good estimation of how much oil we have
subsurface, based on the data given from the wells located in Kareem Shagar formation,
depending on some parameters we could construct various maps, such as contour map which is a

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

lines connecting same value of TVD, and isopach map, which is line connecting different values
of thickness/TVD which can identify the area and using this area in volumetric equation that
helps to find the amount of initial oil in place by using the equation
7758 × A × h× ∅ ×(1−S wc )
N= , which is surrounded by 14.3 MMstb. However, due to lack of
geological data the model is given as an approximation not exact so we can use as a first
impression to the reservoir. To get much more accurate oil in place further reservoir
characteristics is needed.

1.8 References

 (1) Maltman, A. (2012). Geological maps: an introduction. Springer Science & Business

 (2) Okeil, M., Sakran, S., Refaat, A., El-Gamil, S., & Ramzy, M. (2019). INTEGRATED
Journal of Geology, 63, 101-114.
 (3) Ø  Price, N. J., & Cosgrove, J. W. (1990). Analysis of geological structures.
Cambridge University Press
 (4) Ø  Shouny, A. E., Yakoub, N., & Hosny, M. (2017). Evaluating the performance of
using PPK-GPS technique in producing topographic contour map. Marine
geodesy, 40(4), 224-238.

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development


Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

2.1 Introduction

Well log is a recording against depth of any of the characteristics of the rock formations
traversed by a measuring apparatus in the well bore. Length of time, the well logging processes
are measuring equipment (logging tools) lowered on cable (wire-line) into the well. The
measurements are transmitted up the cable, which contains one or several conductors to surface
laboratory or computer unit
The required data can be gathered from two methods either by mud logging or well logging, the
mud logging refers to as a hydrocarbon mud logging, is a process in which the circulating
drilling mud and cutting in a well being drilled are continuously monitored and evaluated their
properties, while the well logging are record of certain physical parameters of the formation
versus depth which is represented on a graph called a log.
In the case study well log was running for three wells, but we only submit to P-3 Log in Kareem
Shagar an oil field formation located in Ras Gharib development lease in eastern desert in Egypt.
The required data can be gathered to determine the Lithology, Porosity and Water Saturation.

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

Figure 2.1 P-3 Log

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

2.2 Gamma Ray

Gamma ray (GR) logs quantify the formations' natural radioactivity and can be used to determine
for corresponding zones and lithology’s Carbonates and sandstones devoid of shale contain low
levels of radioactive material and provide low gamma ray measurements. As due to the increased
radioactive material concentration in shale, the gamma ray log response also rises. Yet clean
sandstone, which has little shale, might also result in significant gamma radiation. If the
sandstone has potassium feldspars, micas, glauconite, or waters high in uranium, there will be a
ray reaction. In regions where the geologist is aware that micas, glauconite, or potassium
feldspars are present, The standard gamma ray log can be replaced with the spectral gamma ray
log. The spectral gamma ray log processes the data into curves that show the concentrations of
thorium (Th), potassium (K), and uranium (U) in the formation. It not only counts the number of
gamma rays released by the formation but also records their energies. A zone might not be shale
if it has a high potassium concentration and a strong gamma ray log reaction. A feldspathic,
glauconitic, or micaceous sandstone would be the better choice.

2.3 Volume of shale calculation

The amount of shale in porous reservoirs may be determined using gamma ray logs since it is
often more radioactive than sand or carbonate. Vshale is the term used to describe the volume of
shale given as a decimal fraction or percentage. The analysis of Shaly Sands may then be
performed using this value.
The first step in determining the volume of shale from a gamma ray log is to calculate the
gamma ray index:

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development


IGR = gamma ray index

GRlog = gamma ray reading of formation

GRclean = minimum gamma ray (clean sand or carbonate)

GRshale = maximum gamma ray (shale)

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

Table 2.2 Volume of shale

Vsh Depth Vsh Depth

0 7378 51.44 7512
0 7382 43.99 7516
0 7382 41.65 7520
0 7390 40.51 7524
0.51 7398 31.99 7528
13.31 7402 36.12 7532
15.50 7406 35.06 7536
36.12 7410 36.12 7540
50.15 7414 0 7544
30.99 7418 0 7548
28.10 7422 1.03 7552
38.28 7426 0 7556
34.02 7430 0.51 7560
26.25 7434 13.31 7564
36.12 7438 0 7568
99.0 7442 0 7572
54.08 7446 12.60 7576
59.62 7450 12.60 7576
50.15 7454 55.43 7580
43.99 7458 28.10 7584
71.76 7462 33.0 7588
39.39 7464
23.57 7468
37.19 7472
42.81 7476
37.19 7480

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

34.02 7484

 Volume of shale versus depth

From this figure, it is clear

that the volume of shale
(red line) is from 7440 ft till
7466 ft
And the clean sand zone
starts at 7541 ft till 7561
ft (blue line)
2.4 Porosity logs

The porosity logs are the next

group of well logs to be
taken into account. None
truly detects porosity directly,
despite the fact that they all
get a porosity number
Figure 2.2 Vsh vs depth from
fundamental measurements.
Nuclear measurements include the neutron and density logs. The fourth and newest log detects

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

the magnetic resonance of formation nuclei, whereas the third and oldest logs employ acoustic
data. When utilized jointly, two or three at a time, lithology may be calculated and a more
precise porosity can be produced. When used separately, each of the first three has a reaction to
lithology that must be taken into consideration.

2.4.1 Density log

The Greek letter, which represents density, stands for grams per cubic centimeter, often known
as Kg/cm3 or Mg/cm3 (rho). The bulk density (b or RHOB) and the matrix density (ma) are two
distinct density variables that are employed by the density log. The density of the whole
formation, including the solid and fluid components, as recorded by the logging equipment is
known as the bulk density. The matrix density is the weight of the rock's sturdy foundation. It
may be compared to the density of a specific kind of non-porous rock, like limestone or
sandstone. The density log has been used to assess the photoelectric effect (Pe, PE, or PEF) to
estimate the lithology of a deposit since the late 1970s. The matrix density, porosity, and fluid
density in the pores all influence the formation bulk density (b) (saltwater mud, freshwater mud,
or hydrocarbons). The matrix density and kind of fluid in the formation must be known in order
to calculate or use a chart to determine density porosity. The following formula used to
determine density porosity:

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

Table 2.3 Porosity calculation

Porosity% Depth Porosity% Depth

13.60 7410 10.86 7504
14.77 7414 7.91 7508
14.16 7418 16.14 7516
10.78 7422 11.89 7520
12.67 7426 6.33 7524
12.73 7430 7.66 7528
8.74 7434 7.58 7532
11.19 7438 9.25 7536
0 7442 5.17 7540
0 7446 21.68 7544
0 7450 20.48 7548
0 7454 22.28 7552
0 7458 18.07 7556
0 7462 12.04 7560
18.23 7464 3.61 7564
4.18 7468 42.77 7572
11.33 7472 0.60 7576
12.04 7476 19.66 7580
11.33 7480 13.19 7584
9.72 7484 11.40 7588
5.96 7488
15.98 7492
24.41 7496
19.30 7500

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

 Porosity vs depth

Figure 2.3 porosity vs depth

Average porosity has been calculated to be 0.157

The depth from 7440 ft till 7466 ft is pure shale depending on figure 1
( vsh vs depth ) and the light blue is pure sand which is from 7541 ft to 7561 ft.

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

If vsh is between 0.15 and 0.75

Pm−Pb Psh−Pm
Φ= Pm−Pf

φD = density derived porosity

ρma = matrix density
ρb = formation bulk density
ρfl = fluid density

2.5 Resistivity Logs

The distinction between water- and hydrocarbon-bearing zones is by far the most significant use
of resistivity logs. The capacity of the rock to transfer a current is nearly completely a function of
water in the pores since the matrix or grains of the rock are nonconductive and any hydrocarbons
in the pores are similarly nonconductive. The formation's resistivity rises as the pores'
hydrocarbon saturation rises (and water saturation falls). The resistivity of the rock rises as Rw
rises and the salinity of the water in the pores decreases. A geologist may calculate the water
saturation of a formation (Sw) using the Archie equation by knowing (or determining) many
parameters (a, m, n, and Rw), as well as the porosity (ø) and formation bulk, or true, resistivity
(Rt), which can be determined from logs.

Sw = water saturation

a = tortuosity factor

m = cementation exponent

n = saturation exponent

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

Rw = resistivity of formation water

φ = porosity

Rt = true formation resistivity

Table 2.4 Water saturation calculation

Sw % Depth Sw % Depth
60.74 7410 79.72 7504
60.99 7414 56.37 7508
55.98 7418 55.64 7512
85.44 7422 57.40 7516
65.99 7426 65.72 7520
61.75 7430 70.0 7524
78.69 7434 60.54 7528
60.18 7438 55.38 7532
- 7442 54.55 7536
- 7446 65.85 7540
- 7450 54.55 7544
- 7454 18.20 7548
- 7458 13.69 7552
- 7462 11.53 7556
71.55 7464 14.01 7560
92.89 7468 30.63 7564
43.79 7472 100 7568
48.31 7476 5.06 7576
52.74 7480 10.0 7576
54.01 7484 100 7584
58.65 7488 56.87 7584
52.79 7492 94.72 7588
55.98 7496 80.71

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

72.28 7500

 Sw vs depth

The calculated Average water saturation for the pay zone which starts from 7541 ft till 7561 ft is
found to be 0.23 or 23%

Figure 2.4 Sw Vs depth

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

This method is used if vsh is between 0.15 and 0.75

2.6 Conclusion
All the data required to analyze the formation's physical characteristics is provided through core
drilling, muddy logging, and logging. Throughout and after excavation, information on
resistivity, density, porosity, subterranean wave velocity, and slope is collected and transferred to
the surface through logging. Porosity, saturation, resistivity, and indirect permeability qualities
may be measured using logging technology to infer the presence and location of hydrocarbon-
rich pay zones that may be used along wells. To identify pay zones and explain similarities
across logs in order to give a basic characterization of the drilled formations, the work was
primarily concentrated on analyzing and correlating logs from P-3 Shagar formation. A broad
characterization of the constituent elements and conclusions about the formation's porosity,
permeability, and saturation were all possible due to the correlation's success.

2.7 References

 Basic._Well_Log_Analysis_2nd_Edition_AAPG_3.pdf
 Fourth Edition Elements PetroleumGeology Richard C. Selley
Stephen A. Sonnenberg

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development


Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

3.1 Introduction
Drilling operation is the process of penetrating through rock formations in order to reach to a
pre-determined target. The operation can be done in different techniques which are conventional
or directional. Conventional method is the drilling of a vertical well, while directional drilling
can drill an inclined well in additional to horizontal well. The main purpose of drilling operation
is to reach the hydrocarbon accumulation which is by the use of geological and engineering data
determined as the target point. Drilling is one of the hardest phases that an engineer faces, this is
due to the uncertainty of problems encountered through the process. The operation can be
dangerous and can cause serious hazards resulting in severe damage in environment, human and
investments. Therefore, the best engineer is the one who can reach to the target as quickly and
safely as possible, with very minor damage done to the reservoir. Through this project, planning
of a drilling operation in Shagar field will be done for a target located 10071ft, the well drilled
will be a producer well to increase the recovery factor of the reservoir. The plan will mainly
include, mud program, casing program as well as the cementation job for the well.

3.2 Drilling window

The drilling window is the profile plotting of the fracture pressure gradient (ppg) and pore
pressure gradient (ppg) versus true vertical depth (ft). Two curves are obtained from the plotting
one is called fracture gradient, and the other one is pore gradient. The gradient curve is plotted in
order to tell in which pressure the drilling operation is going to be under-control. This because
the exceeding of fracture pressure gradient will lead to fractures in the rock which later can lead
to mud lost resulting in further problems in future. On the other hand, going less than pore
pressure may cause serious hazards since kicks may occur and if not taken care of properly may
lead to a blowout. The drilling profile can provide you with safe gradient according to depth, the
pressure gradient is controlled by the hydrostatic pressure of the mud column. In our case, 0.5
( ppg/ft ) kick and trip margin was taken to eliminate the effect of differential pressure on the
drill pipe leading to pipe stuck problems, in addition to that be in the safe side as much possible.

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

Figure 3.1 Depth vs EMW

The drilling window’s form is then determined by plotting equivalent mud weight for pore
pressure and fracture pressure with depth. The drilling window that we determine was displayed
in Fig 3.1

3.3 Mud Program

The mud program determination is the most important stage of the well planning; in view of the
fact that the mud program controls the pressure subsurface balanced to prevent problems that
may result in, drilling operation failure, such as pipe sticking, Loss of circulation, formation
damage, Pipe failures,..etc. Moreover, it prevents the flow into the well. Over and above that, we
have to take the depth depending on what we have determined in drilling window in Fig 3.1 to
obviate these problems. The hydrostatic pressure can be calculated from the equation bellow:

PH =0.052 * ρ * D ………

PH = hydrostatic pressure, psi.

ρ = mud density, ppg.

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

D = depth, ft.

From Fig 3.1, the mud program can be found, which is done by taking a straight line from the
trip margin till it intersects the kick margin. The reading of the line to the equivalent mud density
scale gives you the density of the mud to be taken for the depth between the intersection of the
line with the kick margin. Another horizontal line is taking from the point of intersect in kick
margin to the trip kick then another straight line is taken to read the second density. If the line
did not intersect with the kick margin. Over and above, this means the same mud can be used
from the surface to the depth of end of the line. As shown in Fig 3.2:

Figure 3.2 Depth vs EMD

Table 3.1 mud density vs depth values

Depth [ft] Mud density [ppg]

0-2020 9.3
2020-10071 11.5

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

3.4 Casing setting depth

The casing setting depth is the depth at which the casing operation takes place. Casing is inserted
in the hole to isolate and secure the formation that can cause problems for the development of the
drilling operation. In our-case, if the surface casing is not inserted, the formation above will not
be able to withstand the pressure resulted from the hydrostatic pressure of the second mud
weight (11.5ppg). Therefore, the fracture pressure is exceeded and fracture the formation. The
casing operation is followed by the cementing job to seal the well from the formation.

The conductor casing is chosen to be inserted after drilling of 200ft from surface. Because the
normal depth of the conductor casing ranges between 100-300 feet, the depth is taken
accordingly given that no information of the surface formations are given hence is very difficult
to determine. Conductor casing is either hammered or drilled by a large bit, the reason for the
conductor casing is to support the shallow formation because it is the most unconsolidated and
are willing to collapse. (Neal J. Adams & Tommie Charrier)

From the conductor casing, the drilling is carried until reaching 2020 feet, at that depth the
surface casing is inserted to seal the weak formation, this is done to change the drilling mud to
carry on the drilling operation to the target depth. After reaching the target depth the well is
sealed for production by the production casing.

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

3.4.1 Casing sizes

By the information given, it was agreed on that the production casing should be at a diameter of
7 inches. Following the API casing and bit sizes selection chart, the casing sizes following the
production casing size is taken according to API standard with the bit sizes required to drill each

Figure 3.3 API casing & bit sizes selection (courtesy of oil and gas journal)
Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

The following are given from the chart:

Table 2.2 Casing size for each casing depth

Casing Depth(ft) Casing Size OD (inch)

Conductor casing 0-200 11.75

Surface casing 0-2020 9.625
Production casing 0-10071 7

3.4.2 Casing properties

Before inserting of the casing, it is required to check for a proper casing grade that can withstand
the conditions along the borehole. When running the casing inside of the borehole there is some
conditions that must be taken good consideration of. Firstly, the burst pressure must be
calculated, the burst pressure is the minimum internal pressure that the casing can withstand to
prevent failure. The burst pressure is measure through calculated through the hydrostatic
pressure of the mud column meaning that the mud pressure is acting inside the inner wall of the
casing. Through the equation of hydro static pressure mentioned bellow the hydrostatic pressure
is calculated and is multiplied by a safety factor to make sure that the model can pass through the
process in a safely way. The collapse pressure of the production casing is no difference to the
burst pressure, the collapse is calculated through the mud hydrostatic pressure, which is also
multiplied by an API safety factor. The collapse pressure is the opposite of burst pressure, which
acts externally on the casing which smashes the casing causing deformation and failure to the


PH =0.052 * ρ * D ……………

Table 3.3 collapse and burst pressure value

Hydrostatic pressure 6022.5 PSI

Collapse Pressure 6400 PSI At safety = 1.0625

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

Burst Pressure 7016.2 PSI At safety = 1.165

An API table of casing properties (Courtesy AND Internal Tube Division, U.S Steel Corp) is included to
check what casing is preferred to be used to withstand both of Collapse and Burst pressure. Fig 3.4
shows the casing properties of (7) inch diameter production case:

Figure 3.4 Grades & nominal weight of casing

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

By the chart the grade is determined, and then the tension weight that the joint can withstand is
calculated. The tension is determined by the nominal weight of the grade chosen multiplied by the total
depth of the casing. The tension is found to be (483408) Ib at (1.5) safety factor and the grade with
coupling of production casing is listed as:

Table 3.4 Grade with coupling of production casing

Casing Size Grade Nominal weight Yield (psi) Collapse Joint

(in) (Ib/ft) pressure (psi) strength (Ib)
7 N-80 32 9060 7400 Short =
3.5 Drill Bit Program
Drill bet is one of the main components of the drill string, selection of the drill bit plays the main
rule in the rate of penetration as well as determining the operation time which is used in
determining a portion of the drilling cost. Since each section is drilled and cased, of course, each
section should be drilled with different sized bit. In addition, the bit type should be based on
some information given about lithology, however, since the lithology information is not given,
the rate of penetration from a nearby well was given to select the bit type according to rule of
thumb. The bit types are listed as IADC which is composed of three digits. The first digit number
is from 1-8. 1 to 3 which indicates steel tooth bit with different formation hardness from soft to
hard. 4-8 which are inserted tungsten carbide with different formation hardness from soft to hard.
The second digit is from 1-4 which indicates the compressive strength of the formation to further
breakdown the bit. The third digit number is for the classification of the bit in term of features
and technology, numbers are between 1-9. ( Firmtech )

The size of the bit is also obtained from the API casing and bit sizes chart Fig 3.3.

Table 3.5 Hole, Bit size& Bit code for each casing setting depth

Depth (ft) Hole and Bit size (in) Bit Code

0-200 14.75 221

200-2020 10.625 311
2020-10071 8.5 331

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

Based on the rate of penetration of the nearby well, the formation is assumed to be from medium
to hard formation and based on the assumption the bit selection is listed above. Since annular
path for the cementing job is needed, the bit to drill the section should have the same diameter as
the hole which are both greater in diameter than the OD of the casing.

3.6 Cementing Job

Cementing job is the process of bonding the casing to the formation in order to seal the well from
formation fluid. The sealing is important to prevent the leakage of fluids into the well-bore, this
happens mainly when the gas corrode the casing by time which can lead to problems. In addition,
sealing the well keeps all pressures and problem zones under-control resulting in safe drilling
operation carrying through. There are different techniques in cementing jobs, most popular:

 Single stage cementing job

 Multi-stage cementing job

In our case, because of the difference in the pressure gradient and the need to maintain the
pressure balance, multi-stage cementing is necessary to keep the well under-control with no
damages done. In the multi-stage cementing job, conventional way of cementing with the casing
shoe and float collar, done similar to the single stage using flexible wiper plug for the first
interval to be cemented. The multi-stage cementing collar is installed along the interval that
needs to be stage cemented, a trip bomb is installed to land on the stage collar. By applying

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

pressure, the ports are opens and second stage of cementing is done. The closing ports fall lastly
and is installed by pressure to close the ports and the inverse flow passage of the cement (Watson
Packer). The process is described by Fig 3.5

Although the cementing procedures and techniques are important, there is many other things that
must be taken care of, such as the cement slurry calculations and cement type. First to calculate
the cement slurry volume, the annular volume between the hole and the casing or between
outside diameter of the casing and inner diameter another casing should be calculated. In this
case, the required volume to calculate should be:

 Volume between the hole diameter (8.5inch) and the outside diameter of production
casing (7inch)
 Volume between the inside diameter of surface casing (8.755inch taken from the API of
casing properties chart) and outside diameter of the production casing(7inch)
The volume is calculated in a simple way that are described in the Fig 3.6

Figure 3.6 Volume calculation

The following equation gives the volume in ft. Sq inch so the resultant is divided by 144 to
obtain Cu.ft. By the slurry volume, we can find the number of sacks of the cement required from
the slurry yield. Total volume of water is also obtained from the mix water volume per sack. The
yield and mix water per sack can be found by the API table of cement property Table 3.6

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

Table 3.6 API table of cement property

Since the pressure gradient by trip margin at 10071ft is 15.3 ppg, the best appropriate cement to
use is grade-C which is found by the equation of the hydrostatic pressure. Since at 2000 ft and
till the 7054 the pressure gradient of the fracture is less than the slurry density, it is required to
start the multistage process from the depth mentioned with additives added to lighten the column
if necessary. The calculation for the cementing program.

Table 3.7 cementing program calculation

Cement type Cement slurry volume Sacks of Cement Total Mix Water
(cu.ft) Volume (gallon)
Grade-C 1325 1004 6325.2

3.7 Rig selection and Rig specification

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

Figure 3.7 drilling rig process

Drilling rig is the primary requirement for the drilling operation, this is because the drilling
should have the capability to hold and withstand the maximum load resultant from the drill string
and casing till reaching target. It consists of systems such as the hoisting system, rotary system,
mud circulation system, power source system and safety system. Drilling rig provide the
rotational speed to the drill string, mainly through two systems, the Kelly joint and rotary table or
through top drive system. Although, drilling rigs may differ, the best rig is chosen to meet all the
requirements, in which the most important are the total depth of the target and the maximum load
that the hoisting system must provide (most importantly through the hook). Looking into all type
of land rigs in (KCA Deutag Company), it was required to find a rig that can drill up to 10071 ft
from the surface level, as well as withstand the necessary maximum load of the production
casing which is calculated to be 483408 Ib. Since the transportation of the rig requires a lot of
money it is preferable to look into rigs within the location. Rigs for Iraq were searched and a rig
was found to the best one for the operation. The code and specification of the rig are:

Table 3.8 the code and specification of the rig

Rig number Type Drilling depth Hook load Rotary system Mud System

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

(ft) (Ib) Horsepower(Hp)

T-840 Land rig 14765 750000 Top drive 3200

3.8 Drill string configuration

If proper trajectory is needed to be reached safely and successfully, it is a must to prepare the
drill string configuration very carefully to keep everything under-control. The drill string mainly
is composed from Kelly, swivel, drill pipe, drill collar and lastly the drill bit. Of course, the
configuration is not as simple as it seems to be, because there are many other equipment and
instruments that can be attached to the drill string to provide certain functions during drilling.
The designing and the modeling of all equipment together with the drill string is noun as BHA
which stands for bottom hole assembly. In our case it was agreed that the components in the
Table 3.9 should be used:

Table 3.9 Component and its main function

Component Main function

Drill pipe provide the necessary length and fluid passage to the bottom
of the hole
Stabilizers if assembled along the drill pipe till Near bit, it can provide
the vertical path for the drilling operation keeping the well
away from sidetracking
Centralizers used to keep the pipe in the center of borehole to prevent
pipe sticking

Jars attached to the drill pipe, jars forms sharp movement on drill
pipe to free-up drill string when sticking
Drill collar provide the necessary weight on bet to increase the ROP

Shock subs placed near bit to absorb the forces acting on bit during
Drill bit penetrating through the rock formation as well as providing
Jetting for well-bore cleaning

3.9 Operation Time Versus Depth

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

Operation time versus depth is an approximate measurement for the time that the operation will
take place and end. Operation time versus depth can also be used to measure the approximate
money spent during operation time. However, it is very common that the operation stops, due to

Table 3.10 Operation time vs depth

problems, or tripping or many other factors. In a result, the operation time will actually take
more time, hence, will take more money that it was expected. Due to lack of information, it is
very difficult to predict the operation time versus depth, the only information given is for the
nearby wells rate of penetration .

As showing in the figure, we can assume average rate of penetration per each interval drilled to
get more accurate results. In this case, we can assume that at the beginning of the drilling
operation the ROP was much more than 25 ft/hr at 2700, by assumption it is agreed that maybe
30 to 33 ft/hr was drilled at first then it declined at the end. By taking average between 30 and 25
the ROP to drill the 2700ft section was 27.5 ft/hr. Going further, it was noticed that the ROP
decreases even more due to rock compaction, reaching 20 ft/hr at 3700 ft drilled. The average
was taken 22.5 ft/hr Going deeper, the formation is becoming very hard, reaching ROP of 15 at
9850 which we can assume is close to the ROP for drilling 10071 ft we are aiming at. The

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

average was taken between 20 and 14 to get the time for drilling between 3700 ft till 10071 ft.
The following Fig 3.10 shows the operation time versus depth, assuming that the drilling phase
started after 5 days, assuming only for surface and production casing and cementing job plus the
time for cement thickening, the time for surface casing is assumed 1.5 day and for production
casing is assumed 2.5 days:

3.10 Expected hole problems and the recommended treatment/ plan

 Many factors may affect drilling operations, leading to big or minor drilling issues that
could put the crew in danger, pollute the environment, damage tools and equipment, or
simply take away from productive time (NPT). While I will be giving the only problems
that we might face during our project, one of the problem can happen if the mud exceeds
the fracture pressure at that point the formation will damage and loss of circulation will
come about. Loss of circulation is the undesirable flow of portion or whole mud into the
formation ( Awona, E. (2016). Drilling Mud Composition).

There are two type of loss circulation:

 Partial loss, at which only portion of the mud flow into the formation and the rest flows to
the surface
 Total loss, at which the whole mud flows into the formation with no return to the surface.

Prevention of circulation loss:

 Maintaining proper mud weight

 Sufficient hole cleaning
 Minimizing annular-fraction pressure losses during drilling and tripping in
 Avoiding restrictions in the annular space
 Updating log and drilling data periodically for pore pressure and fracture pressure

The second problem that we can face in this project is the pipe sticking, which is one of the most
common problem during drilling that causes a lot of nonproductive time (NPT). Pipe is
considered stuck if it cannot be freed and dragged out of hole without damaging the pipe or
surpassing the maximum allowed hook load.

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development

The third problem when the mud falls below the pore pressure which called Blowout. A blowout
is the uncontrolled flow of crude oil or natural gas from an oil well or gas well after pressure
control devices have failed. In order to avoid this, modern wells feature blowout preventers.

The fourth problem is Burst and collapse. A very rare failure case that is result of very high mud
weight and complete loss of circulation. The high differential pressure between the pipe and the
annulus may cause the pipe to burst and collapse. In order to decrease this hazard, we should be
strictly follow the proper selection of drill string components depending on applied stresses and
formation characteristics. And proper storing of equipment and safety checks before every use.

3.11 Conclusion
A crucial component of the petroleum industry, drilling engineering has a significant impact on
the economics of hydrocarbon extraction. The act of drilling itself encapsulates the entire
intricate process of building wells using excavation techniques. It involves digging a circular
hole deep enough to reach the formation holding the fluid that needs to be brought from
underground to the surface. The drilled well needs to be strong enough to overcome the rock's
resistance as well as the pressure being exerted by the formation (pore pressure). In this section it
is required to calculate the equivalent mud weight and the equivalent fracture pressure to make a
good choice of drilling fluid, we have also set a casing and design the cementing, designing the
drilling string by using the giving information. In this well our casing size is 7inch, and the grade
that we have determined is N-80, with nominal weight of 32 lb/ft. On top of that the cement type
was chosen for this well is grade-C because in view of the fact that the pressure gradient by trip
margin at 10071 ft is 15.4 ppg, the best appropriate to be multistage use is grade-C.

3.12 References

 Neal J. Adams & Tommie Charrier, Drilling Engineering A complete Well

Planning Approach, Tulsa Oklahoma, pp.117
 Awona, E. (2016). Drilling Mud Composition
 Firmtech, What does IADC mean, december 13th, 2018

Kareem Shagar Formation an Oil Field in Ras Gharib Development


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