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Int. Alg.

2 Name: _______________________
5.3 & 6.5 Factoring Quiz C

Directions: Factor each polynomial completely. If not factorable write prime. Box or circle your final answer.
**Points will be given for work (method pts) and correct answers (accuracy pts).

**(2 points each)

1. 4𝑥 ! − 36𝑦 ! 2. 9𝑥 ! + 30𝑥 + 25

3. 𝑥 ! − 17𝑥 + 72 4. 4𝑥 ! + 49

**(3 points each)

5. 6𝑥 " + 30𝑥 ! + 24𝑥 6. 12𝑥 " − 2𝑥 ! − 12𝑥 + 2

7. 𝑥 # + 𝑥 " − 30 8. 4𝑥 ! − 19𝑥 + 12
9. 𝑦 " + 216 10. −2𝑎$ + 10𝑎" 𝑏 + 12𝑏 ! 𝑎!

Bonus: Factor and solve (real solutions only) for the polynomial below.
**(+2 pts)

44𝑥 " + 16 = −2𝑥 # + 35𝑥 "

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