YDS Deneme Sinavi - 5

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DENEME – 5 6.

In non-literate societies, valuable

information about the past is often
enshrined in oral tradition – poems, hymns
1 - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere or sayings ---- from generation to generation
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz by word of mouth.

1. Since most immunosuppressive drugs work A) taken off

by dampening the entire immune system, B) handed down
they leave the patient ---- to short-term C) thrown up
problems like infections. D) kept off
E) rooted out
A) reliable
B) detrimental 7. In 1998, 16 per cent of the world’s coral
C) indifferent reefs ---- by bleaching caused by El Nino,
D) susceptible but half of those reefs ---- signs of recovery,
especially in protected areas where it is
E) deficient
illegal to harvest coral.
2. Many scientists believe that our sanitized
surroundings are ---- allergic disorders in A) have been killed / showed
children, which have doubled in the last B) were killed / are showing
decade. C) had been killed / would have shown
D) have been killed / show
A) extracting E) could be killed / had shown
B) fulfilling
8. In a clever experiment carried out during the
C) unifying
1980s, a team of psychologists at Cornell
D) ensuring
University ---- that being in a happy mood
E) fostering
---- people generate more creative solutions
3. In cancer care, Britain still compares ---- to problems.
with other similar countries in five-year
survival rates after diagnosis. A) have found / will help
B) had found / helped
A) vainly C) are to find / would help
B) unfavourably D) found / helps
C) unreservedly E) would find / has helped
D) consciously
9. Mount Etna, which is one of the world’s
E) infrequently
largest active volcanoes, ---- by the ancient
4. Psychologists say that there is a genetic ---- Romans ----the home of Vulcan, the
to will power, but that upbringing may also mythological god of fire.
have an effect.
A) would be thought / being
A) attachment B) has been thought / having to be
B) component C) is thought / to have been
C) description D) was thought / to be
D) reaction E) had been thought / having been
E) selection
10. The official Lincoln Heritage Trail passes ----
5. In a 'chemical reaction' operation, different west-central and southern Illinois ---- about
chemical elements ---- changes to one 1, 100 miles, visiting many of the major sites
another to produce new compounds. in Abraham Lincoln’s life along the way.

A) call off A) down / beneath

B) bring about B) by / below
C) put out C) through / for
D) turn over D) into / upon
E) throw away E) along / at

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11. Estonia, which was created ---- World War I, 16. Lead was used for centuries to make the
enjoyed only two short decades of pipes ---- water flowed from reservoirs to
independence before it once again became houses and public buildings such as baths.
a part ---- its powerful neighbour, the Soviet
Union. A) through which
B) with which
A) from / at C) on which
B) during / for D) at which
C) after / of E) of which
D) on / in
E) around / within

12. Lung cancer is the most common cause of

death ---- cancer ---- both men and women.

A) about / with
B) from / in
C) with / for
D) in / over
E) through / about

13. In immunodeficiency disorders, the immune

system doesn’t function adequately, ----
infections are more common, recur more
frequently and last longer than usual.

A) so
B) but
C) even if
D) although
E) as if

14. ---- influencing how we think, digital

technology is altering how we feel and how
we behave.

A) Despite
B) Besides
C) Whereas
D) As if
E) Owing to

15. ---- doctors advise their patients to eat well

and exercise for their health, they should be
telling them to sleep well.

A) Even
B) Because
C) Just as
D) Although
E) As if

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17. - 21. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 22. - 26. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya
da ifadeyi bulunuz. da ifadeyi bulunuz.

Barcelona, the self-confident and progressive No single country owns Antarctica. (22) ----,
capital of Catalunya in Spain, vibrates with life. A countries wishing to have a say in how the Antarctic
thriving port and prosperous commercial centre of 3 (both the continent itself and the surrounding
million people, the city offers numerous possibilities, Southern Ocean) is governed (23) ----, and agree to
and (17) ---- in a lengthy visit you will likely only abide by, the Antarctic Treaty. However, prior to the
scrape the surface. It boasts some superb signing of the Antarctic Treaty in 1959, several
museums (18) ---- outstanding modernist countries had made claims to parts of Antarctica,
architecture. This is most (19) ---- expressed in some of which overlapped. The Treaty does not (24)
Antoni Gaudi’s extraordinary church of the Sagrada ---- these claims; Article IV of the Treaty states in
Familia. From early morning to long (20) ---- part, “No acts or activities taking place while the
midnight, the world-famous boulevard that is the present Treaty is in force shall constitute a basis for
Ramblas, is choked with people shopping, chatting asserting, supporting or denying a claim to territorial
in cafés or watching the street performers. (21) ---- sovereignty in Antarctica.” (25) ---- avoiding the
sunny afternoons, the city’s beaches attract claims issue in this way, it was possible to produce
thousands of sunbathers, cyclists and diners. a treaty that many parties could sign. Unfortunately,
this means that (26) ---- many countries follow the
17. spirit of cooperation of the Treaty, there are still
A) yet disputes over territory that remain unresolved and
B) since come up from time to time.
C) rather
D) even 22.
E) such A) Instead
B) For example
18. C) At least
A) in case of D) In short
B) as well as E) Similarly
C) as long as
D) as good as 23.
E) on behalf of A) were to sign
B) had to sign
19. C) must sign
A) perfectly D) may sign
B) permanently E) used to sign
C) freshly
D) crucially 24.
E) selectively A) jeopardize
B) withdraw
20. C) underestimate
A) just D) recognize
B) before E) deteriorate
C) after
D) ever 25.
E) never A) By
B) From
21. C) About
A) Under D) Along
B) At E) Without
C) By
D) To 26. A) as
E) On B) while
C) if
D) until
E) before

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27. - 36. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun 31. In view of scientific evidence, it has been
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. suggested ----.

A) while the size and shape of storms

27. A team of medical researchers were granted
change quickly and often
financial support to explore ----.
B) whether life began under certain
environmental conditions
A) whether there was a connection between
C) since the upper half of the atmosphere
autism and a newly discovered class of
has unusual weather conditions
nerve cells in the brain called “mirror
D) so far as the atmosphere guards us from
rays which could be harmful
B) although these observations must be taken
E) that Earth is approximately 4.6 billion
into account in any final explanation of
years old
C) that the most conspicuous feature of this
32. ----, but they do not exclude his
disorder has been a withdrawal from social
simultaneous evolution in other parts of the
D) when further investigations also supported
the existence of mirror neurons
A) Several teams have carried out extensive
E) if they have continued to investigate mirror
neurons in different species
B) Recent archaeological findings establish
the earliestmodern man in Africa
28. ----, the jaw should be held in place with the
C) Some scientists and archaeologists
teeth together and immobile.
support the theory that humans evolved in
several places
A) As many jaw fractures can be repaired
D) Archaeological excavations always reveal
surprising facts about the past
B) Just as antibiotics are usually given to a
E) Besides scientists, archaeologists are also
person with a jaw fracture
concerned with the origin of man
C) Even though fractures can cause internal
33. ---- how words in a language have changed
D) If a jaw fracture is suspected
E) While a blow powerful enough to fracture
the jaw may cause bleeding within the skull
A) Linguistic studies revealed some years
29. It is difficult to be precise about how big the
B) Tribal diversity in Africa demonstrates
Internet is ----.
C) A group of linguists were involved in a
special study
A) until research had shown the spread of its
D) Historical linguists commonly study
E) The researchers were impressed
B) because it isn’t managed by one person or
34. Even after a drug has been approved by the
C) if there were any doubts at all about its
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), ----.
D) so that millions of people throughout the
A) such drugs are occasionally studied first in
world had used it
a small number of healthy volunteers
E) though a survey was to be carried out last
B) comprehensive premarketing studies
detected adverse reactions about once in
every 1,000 doses
30. Successful tragedies, ----, do not leave the
C) many drugs are rejected at this stage, too
spectator depressed.
D) the manufacturer must conduct
postmarketing surveillance and report any
A) in case the chief characters were famous
previously undetected adverse drug
and noble
B) though they involve suffering and sadness
E) it was 3 years before the drug came onto
C) because drama is an ancient literary form
the market
D) since it must be recognized
E) even if we adopted these terms

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35. Whereas there are undoubted social 37. - 42. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümleye
benefits to increasing home ownership, ----. anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi, Türkçe
cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi
A) the mortgage companies that finance bulunuz.
home buyers can go bankrupt
B) there are some economic problems
37. The foreign trade deficit, called the soft spot
associated with it
of the Turkish economy, is continuing to
C) more and more people prefer to buy
narrow ahead of market expectations.
homes than rent
D) the existing laws make it financially more
A) Dış ticaret açığı piyasa beklentilerinin
attractive to purchase
ötesinde daralmayı sürdürse de Türk
E) incentives to rent houses still remain at
ekonomisinin zayıf noktası olarak
historically low levels
tanımlanmaktan kurtulamıyor.
B) Türk ekonomisinin zayıf noktası olarak
36. ---- as they are today.
adlandırılan dış ticaret açığı piyasa
beklentilerinin ötesinde daralmaya devam
A) Satellites are providing clear photographs
B) The fluctuating magnetic field lies deep in
C) Dış ticaret açığının Türk ekonomisinin
the centre of Earth
zayıf noktası olduğu düşünülüyor, ancak
C) Several other bodies in the solar system
piyasa beklentilerinin ötesinde daralmaya
generate their own magnetic fields
devam ediyor.
D) Earth's magnetic poles have not always
D) Piyasa beklentilerinin ötesinde daralmaya
been oriented
devam eden dış ticaret açığı hâlâ Türk
E) Many intriguing explanations are being put
ekonomisinin zayıf noktası olarak
E) Türk ekonomisinin zayıf noktası olarak
adlandırılan dış ticaret açığı gitgide
daralmasına rağmen piyasa beklentilerinin
önüne geçemiyor.

38. It is no surprise that the workers who

produce goods for export in developing
countries are paid very little by advanced-
country standards.

A) Gelişmekte olan ülkelerde ihracat için mal

üreten işçilerin gelişmiş ülke standartlarına
göre çok az ücretle geçinmesi aslında hiç
de şaşırtıcı değildir.
B) İhracat için mal üreten, gelişmekte olan
ülkelerde işçilerin aldıkları ücretin gelişmiş
ülkelerdekinden oldukça az olması
şaşırtıcı değildir.
C) Gelişmekte olan ülkelerde ihracat için mal
üreten işçilere gelişmiş ülke standartlarına
göre çok az ücret ödenmesi şaşırtıcı
D) Gelişmiş ülkelere ihraç edilen malların
gelişmekte olan ülkelerdeki işçiler
tarafından az bir ücret karşılığı üretilmesi
şaşırtıcı değildir.
E) Gelişmekte olan ülkelerdeki işçilere
ihracat için mal ürettiklerinde gelişmiş ülke
standartlarına göre düşük bir ücret
ödenmesi hiç de şaşırtıcı değildir.

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39. Studies that have been carried out in recent 41. Bilgisayar programı, belirli görevleri yerine
times, designed to discover whether there is getirmek üzere bilgisayarı yönlendiren bir
a relationship between class size and levels programlama dilindeki eksiksiz
of achievement, have reached conflicting yapılandırılmış komutlar dizisidir.
A) It is the complete structured sequence of
A) Yakın tarihte, sınıf büyüklüğü ile başarı instructions in a programming language
oranları arasındaki ilişkiyi keşfeden that directs a computer programme to
çalışmalar yapılmış ve kesin sonuçlar elde carry out specific tasks.
edilmiştir. B) A computer programme carries out
B) Sınıf büyüklüğü ile başarı seviyesi specific tasks through a complete
arasında kayda değer bir ilişki olup structured sequence of instructions in a
olmadığını keşfetmek üzere yakın tarihte programming language.
bazı çalışmalar yapılmış, ancak çelişkili C) Both computer programmes and
sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. programming languages are known to
C) Sınıf büyüklüğü ile başarı seviyeleri carry out specific tasks according to a
arasında bir ilişki olup olmadığını complete structured sequence of
keşfetmek için yapılan yakın tarihteki instructions.
çalışmalar çelişkili sonuçlara ulaşmıştır. D) A computer programme, which provides a
D) Yakın tarihte sınıf büyüklüğü ile başarı computer with the means necessary to
oranı arasındaki ilişkiyi keşfetmek üzere carry out specific tasks, consists of a
yapılmış olan bazı önemli çalışmalar, complete structured sequences of
çeşitli sonuçlara ulaşmıştır. instructions.
E) Yeni çalışmalar, sınıf büyüklüğü ile başarı E) A computer programme is a complete
oranları arasında bir ilişki olduğunu structured sequence of instructions in a
keşfetmekle birlikte bazı önemli sonuçlar programming language which directs a
da ortaya çıkarmıştır. computer to carry out specific tasks.

40. Bazı psikolojik çalışmalar, okula ilk 42. Kadınlarla çalıştığım sürede, kampa
başlayan çocukların, bir arkadaşlarıyla ulaşmadan önce çoğunun mutsuz olduğunu
beraber giderlerse daha iyi uyum ve bazılarının da kötü muamele gördüğünü
sağlayacaklarını öne sürmektedir. fark ettim.

A) The psychological study has established A) Before I arrived at the camp, where the
that, when children start school they women worked, I had discovered that
should go with a friend, otherwise they will many of them had been unhappy and
have trouble in adjusting. some were maltreated.
B) According to several psychological B) I discovered that many of the women were
studies, children entering school for the unhappy and maltreated before they
first time need to go with a friend, then arrived at the camp during the course of
they adjust easily. their work.
C) Some psychological studies suggest that C) I discovered after working with the women
children entering school for the first time that many of them were unhappy and
adjust better if they go with a friend. maltreated before they arrived at the
D) The psychologist’s report explains why camp.
children should have a friend with them D) Throughout my study with the women, I
when they start school so they can settle was to discover that many had been
in more easily. unhappy while some were maltreated
E) These psychological studies all before they arrived at the camp.
demonstrate that children starting school E) While working with the women, I
need to have a friend with them or they discovered that many of them were
have trouble settling in. unhappy and some were maltreated
before they arrived at the camp.

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43. - 46. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya gore 44. It is stated in the passage that ----.
A) some countries have been more
successful in producing more neutral and
History is one of the few school subjects commonly
less ideological history textbooks than
mandated in education systems throughout the
world. Furthermore, the use of history textbooks to
B) in many nations, debates over the content
support student learning is an almost universally
and format of history textbooks continue to
accepted practice. However, the widespread
generate considerable political conflict
international presence of the humble history
C) nations attempt to provide future
textbook should not disguise its ideological and
generations with particular values that will
cultural potency. Indeed, essential to understanding
ensure the continuation of existing
the power and importance of history textbooks is to
appreciate that in any given culture they typically
D) history textbooks have become more
exist as the keepers of ideas, values and
politicized after the emergence of nation
knowledge. No matter how neutral history textbooks
states to preserve national identity
may appear, they are ideologically important,
E) many educational systems throughout the
because they often seek to inject the youth with a
world include history in their curriculum to
hared set of values, national ethos and an
enhance political literacy
incontrovertible sense of political orthodoxy.
Textbooks stand as cultural artefacts that embody a
45. According to the passage, regardless of
range of issues associated with ideology, politics
how impartially they are written, history
and values which in themselves function at a variety
textbooks ----.
of different levels of power, status and influence.
Embedded in history textbooks are narratives and
A) need to teach both the past and the future
stories that nation states choose to tell about
B) serve a purpose other than intended
themselves and their relations with other nations.
C) are the best options for cultural
Typically, they represent a core of cultural
knowledge which future generations are expected
D) affect ideologically the youth more than
both to assimilate and support.
43. According to the passage, history textbooks E) can never be completely objective and
----. neutral

A) are now being rewritten with a more 46. It can be inferred from the passage that the
international and universal outlook to author ----.
rectify past misunderstandings between
nations A) is in favour of using history textbooks to
B) are not appropriate for teaching history inform people about international relations
because they are always ideologically B) sets out to emphasize the use of history
biased textbooks to instil national values in the
C) should be written in a neutral and young generation
unbiased way so that future generations C) is of the opinion that textbooks on history
can have a healthy understanding of are easy to write
history D) believes in the necessity of locally
D) not only have educational, but also produced history textbooks to bring about
ideological functions, serving to transmit a world peace
nation state’s values E) is trying to persuade the reader of the
E) consist of baseless stories and narratives importance of understanding history
rather than historical facts that are more
important for a nation state’s survival

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47. - 50. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 49. It is suggested in the passage that the first
cevaplayınız. major form of genetic therapy raises
problems because ----.

Gene replacement therapy is being developed for

A) using technology in this process impairs
several genetic diseases. Because many difficulties
the organic nature of the gene
are inherent in treating most serious genetic
B) it is difficult to apply the normal gene into
diseases, scientists have dreamed of developing
a fertilized egg
actual cures. Today, genetic engineering is bringing
C) it is ethically controversial
these dreams closer to reality. Such therapy could
D) the clinical tests have produced some
take two main forms. One approach would be to
unexpected results
introduce copies of a normal gene into a fertilized
E) its application to transgenic animals has
egg, using modifications of the technology already
been opposed by some researchers
used to produce transgenic animals. In some
transgenic animals the introduced gene can remain
50. According to the passage, gene
stable from generation to generation, constituting a
replacement therapy ----.
true “genetic cure.” However, this approach raises
such complex ethical problems that it is not being
A) is a cure under development, especially
actively pursued at this time. A second strategy – to
for hereditary genetic diseases
introduce the normal gene into only some body cells
B) is a dream in the medical world, which can
(somatic cell gene therapy) – is receiving increased
hardly be achieved
attention today. The rationale is that, although a
C) is fully beneficial for a variety of diseases
particular gene may be present in all cells, it is
D) has already been tried and very good
expressed only in some. Expression of the normal
results obtained
allele in only the cells that require it may be
E) has been used by the physicians
sufficient to give a normal phenotype. Although this
successfully for a long time
approach presents a number of technical obstacles,
which must be overcome, gene therapies for a
number of genetic diseases are undergoing
development or are being tested on patients in
clinical trials.

47. According to the passage, somatic cell gene

therapy ----.

A) is regarded by physicians ethically

B) is cheaper and more practical
C) leads to a number of complications
D) has been practised over decades
E) is related to body cells

48. One understands from the passage that

clinical trials for gene therapies ----.

A) have given little hope

B) are still underway
C) have been much costly
D) cannot be carried on due to ethical
E) have been going on for several decades

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51. - 54. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 53. As the passage indicates, it is now clear
cevaplayınız. that ----.

A) there is a wide gap between the public

The last decade has seen notable changes in
and legal views on disability
disability policy in Europe. Changed assumptions
B) the disabled everywhere in Europe have
about the concept of disability have been reflected
been granted extra rights and privileges
in the adoption of new national and pan-European
C) the disability groups are demanding even
legislation. As a consequence, the policy which has
more rights
sought to separate and segregate people with
D) the understanding of disability in Europe
disabilities in “special schools”, labour markets,
has undergone considerable change
residential accommodation and transport has, to
E) Europeans have recently adopted a rather
some degree, and in some countries, been
prejudiced attitude towards the rights of
reconsidered. Attempts have been made to develop
people with disabilities
an integrated approach, opening up jobs, services
and housing to all people irrespective of their ability
54. The passage emphasizes that ----.
or disability. A key element of this new approach
has been the recognition that segregation and
A) potential capabilities of the disabled
exclusion is not a necessary consequence of a
people had long been underestimated or
physical or intellectual impairment, but the result of
conscious policy choices based on false
B) future steps require consciously-
assumptions about the abilities of the people with
developed policies for the rehabilitation of
disabilities. The new approach recognizes the role
the disabled
which discrimination plays in disadvantaging people
C) people with disabilities deserve somewhat
with disabilities and, conversely, how legislation
more attention than those without
seeks to combat elements of disability discrimination
D) the new disability policy in Europe will be
and creates equality of opportunity for people with
E) a change in attitude towards the disabled
is the result of the new employment
51. We understand from the passage that the
policies in Europe
new approach to disability ----.

A) maintains the segregational policies

common everywhere in Europe
B) opposes the segregation of the disabled
from society
C) equates physical or intellectual impairment
with inferiority
D) has not sought a legal basis for its
E) aims to provide a therapeutic environment
for the disabled by placing them in special

52. According to the passage, people with

disabilities ----.

A) have failed to appreciate the special care

services made available to them
B) have always been provided with
opportunities to make a good living
C) have long been prevented from enjoying
the same rights as the other members of
D) would never manage to lead a
comfortable life
E) have for centuries been regarded,
throughout Europe, as a burden to society

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Tel: 0850 840 87 85 Faks: 0850 840 87 85 © 2017 Uzman Dil Okulları. All Rights Reserved.
55. - 58. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 56. It can be inferred from the passage that the
cevaplayınız. author ----.

A) believes that dialectology as a science

Americans tend to think that varieties of English are
has not fully developed despite scholarly
more determined by region than by any other factor,
such as age, ethnicity, gender and social class. The
B) believes in the advantages of the theory of
linguist Henry Smith, for instance, maintained that
dialect geography originally developed for
each region of American English is highly
distinctive. Scholars who have investigated the
C) has doubts about the applicability of the
matter have been influenced by the theory of dialect
European view of dialects for the US
geography formulated in the 19th century by
D) offers the settlement histories as the best
European dialectologists. As a result, investigations
explanation for the emergence of dialects
have presumed the idea of long-settled and stable
E) strongly believes in the idea that American
regions – an idea appropriate for Europe but less
English can best be classified in terms of
suitable to the more recent and fluid settlement
patterns of the US. Even so, American English
dialects are conventionally treated under four
57. According to the passage, ----.
headings: North, Coastal South, Midland, and West.
The Northern dialect stretches from New England to
A) the popular ideas of most Americans on
New York and was shaped by migration from the
the subject of dialects are not shared by
17th century colonial settlements. The Coastal
mainstream linguists
Southern dialect centres on the Atlantic port cities of
B) linguists who have carried out research on
the states of Virginia, the Carolinas and Georgia,
American dialects have been educated in
formed in a time of plantation and ranch agriculture.
The Midland dialect is spoken between North and
C) factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, and
South Midlands according to some dialectologists
social class seldom play a role in dialectal
while others emphasize its affiliation with its
neighbours and describe it as Lower North and
D) geography has little bearing on dialect
Upper South. Finally, the Western dialect is used in
boundaries because of migration
the area that covers California and the Pacific
E) Henry Smith thinks that the relatively new
and mobile settlement patterns in the US
are a great influence on dialects
55. As it is clearly stated in the passage, there
is an assumption that ----.
58. According to the passage, ----.

A) the Midland dialect cannot be classified

A) scholars have a unified theory of dialect
B) the four-way division of American English
is made according to occupational
B) European settlement patterns do not
share the same history as those in the US
C) social factors such as ethnicity hardly ever
C) there is a need to compare the various
contribute to the classification of dialects
regions in the US in terms of dialect
D) Americans classify dialects according to
regional factors
D) the critics who assert that social factors
E) the Coastal Southern dialect is affiliated
are equally valid are mistaken
with Upper South and Lower North
E) the Western dialect is no longer in use in
its Native California

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59. - 62. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 61. It is pointed out in the passage that all
cevaplayınız. organisms ----.

A) know exactly how mountain slopes

Moisture is removed from humid air by mountains,
provide the best conditions for survival
which force the air to rise. As it gains altitude, the air
B) usually have their habitat in places where
cools, clouds form, and precipitation occurs,
there isn’t much exposure to sunlight
primarily on the windward slopes of the mountains.
C) are affected most adversely when the
As the air mass moves down on the other side of
climate of their environment keeps on
the mountain, it is warmed, thereby lessening the
chance of precipitation of any remaining moisture.
D) fully adapt to the conditions of the
This situation exists on the west coast of North
microclimate in which they live
America, where precipitation falls on the western
E) are perfectly able to cope with the physical
slopes of mountains that are close to the coast. The
conditions of an arid geography
dry lands on the sides of the mountains away from
the prevailing wind are called “rain shadows.”
62. It is explained in the passage that the rain
Generally, differences in elevation, in the steepness
shadows of mountains are dry because ----.
and direction of slopes, and in exposure to sunlight
and prevailing winds may produce local variations in
A) the air mass that moves over them is
climate known as “microclimates,” which can be
warm and has almost no moisture for
quite different from their overall surroundings. For
an organism, the microclimate of its habitat is of
B) they differ enormously from each other in
primary importance, because that is the climate an
terms of elevation and steepness
organism actually experiences and knows how to
C) they are fully exposed to prevailing winds
cope with.
and, therefore, have no chance of
59. As pointed out in the passage,
D) their microclimatic conditions vary
microclimates ----.
enormously and are therefore not suitable
for rainfall
A) can best be observed along the west
E) they are far from any coast that would
coast of America where precipitation is
provide them with moisture and cool air
B) occur as a result of differences in the
geographical features and conditions of an
C) show a great deal of variety in the North
American dry lands known as “rain
D) create a secure environment for
organisms that prefer to live in areas with
adequate precipitation
E) are not affected by prevailing winds
because of the steepness and direction of
mountain slopes

60. It is clear from the passage that mountains -


A) with steep slopes are most suitable for the

formation of rain shadows
B) do not receive any amount of precipitation
on their windward slopes
C) form an obstacle for prevailing winds to
cause local variations in climate
D) always provide a large variety of habitat
for all kinds of organisms
E) play an important role in the change of
moist air into precipitation

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63. - 67. sorularda, karşılıklı konuşmanın boş 65. Sue :- Is your computer reasonably
bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi modern?
bulunuz. Wendy :- ----
Sue :- Then it‘s terribly out of date!
With computers there are new things
63. Hector :- This article talks about a
happening all the time.
double-blind test for new medication. Val
Wendy :- That may be. But I‘m
:- ----
comfortable with mine and have no intention of
Hector :- Well, it refers to a type of
changing it.
scientific testing in which neither the subjects
nor the experimenters know the make up of the
A) I suppose so. I‘ve never really thought
test and control group during the actual course
about it.
of the experiments.
B) Are you trying to sell me a new one?
Val :- I guess that’s the best way to
C) Probably not. It‘s a bit slow, though, and
prevent anyone affecting the outcome of the
that can be annoying.
D) Oh, yes. I‘ve had it about six years, that‘s
A) I’ve already read it.
E) I don‘t know. But it‘s been giving me a lot
B) Did you enjoy reading it?
of trouble lately.
C) What kind of medication?
D) I think all medication should be thoroughly 66. James :- Are you planning to attend any
tested before Doctors prescribe it. of the plays at the Shakespeare festival this
E) What does that mean? year?
Allie :- ----
64. Karen :- The one-child-only ruling for James :- One critic, Harold Bloom, says
couples in China must have brought family life that it‘s because he teaches us more about
to an end. ourselves than any other writer.
Jennifer :- ---- Allie :- That could be the reason.
Karen :- Just think about it. There are no
brothers and sisters, so there are no aunts and A) I‘d like to, but I‘m not sure I‘ll have time.
uncles, and no cousins. Why do you ask?
Jennifer :- Yes; you’re right. I hadn’t B) No, but did you know that he wasn‘t really
thought about the implications. respected by the public during his own
lifetime? It was only a hundred years later
A) Why not? that he was taken seriously.
B) I don’t see why. C) I‘m planning to see all of them. In fact, I‘ve
C) And a good thing too. already bought a season ticket.
D) Was the population really growing very D) Do you know, Shakespeare‘s really not my
fast? favourite thing.
E) They can play with the neighbour’s E) Yes, of course. I wonder what it is that
children. makes his plays so popular, year after
67. Anna :- Are you in favour of what they
now call―educational play?
Alan :- ----
Anna :- I do agree. A child that dislikes school
is not likely ever to be successful there.

A) How can children learn all they have to

learn if they waste so much time playing?
B) What exactly is that?
C) Yes, I suppose so. As long as it‘s not
D) No. I don‘t believe in letting children have
too much of their own way.
E) Yes, I am. It is important to make learning

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68. - 71. sorularda, verilen cümleye anlamca en 70. Though management may not realize it, a
yakın cümleyi bulunuz. very large proportion of the success of this
company is due to the loyalty and hard work
of its workers.
68. Clinton is said to be charismatic because he
seems to embody the virtue of caring when
A) Whether or not management is aware of
he speaks.
it, this company owes its success, to a
very large extent, to the industry and
A) Because people are very impressed by
loyalty of its staff.
what Clinton says, they admire him and
B) Whatever management may say, the
think that he has a great deal of charisma.
success of this company depends more
B) Because, through his speech, Clinton can
than anything else on the dedication of
move people, they believe that charisma
those who work here.
is a distinctive quality of his character.
C) Management should be made to
C) Since in addressing people Clinton
recognize that the role of the staff is of first
appears to be genuinely concerned, it is
importance in the company‘s success.
said that he has charisma.
D) As management realizes full well, it is the
D) People are always very concerned when
workers in the factory who make it so
Clinton addresses them, and so they
regard him as a very charismatic person.
E) The workers in this company, with their
E) When Clinton addresses people, he
hard work and devotion, contribute more
arouses their feelings so much that they
to the success of the company than
admire him for his charismatic personality.
management does.
69. Until recently people felt that Nigerian
71. Libya is almost all desert with the exception
ministers were being too optimistic, but
of the cities of Tripoli and Benghazi, which
there is now no question that the country‘s
traditionally have had little in common.
financial position is growing steadily
A) Libya is so covered by desert that it has
only the cities of Tripoli and Benghazi,
A) It is now clear that Nigeria‘s economy is in
which are totally different from each other.
a strong upward cycle but previously
B) If one leaves out Tripoli and Benghazi,
people doubted the hopeful attitude of
cities historically almost competely unlike
Nigerian ministers
each other, nearly all of Libya is covered
B) Nigerian ministers today have no
by desert.
apprehensions about their country‘s
C) Libya‘s cities of Tripoli and Benghazi,
financial status, as it is plain that it is
which do not share a common tradition,
constantly getting better.
are not affected by the desert which
C) In the past, even though Nigeria‘s
completely covers the country.
economic status was constantly
D) Since Libya‘s cities of Tripoli and
improving, people were often mistrustful of
Benghazi, which have little shared
its ministers‘ confident views.
tradition, are situated on the coast, the
D) Though Nigerian ministers were
rest of the country is completely covered
previously skeptical of positive ideas
by desert.
about their country‘s financial status, it has
E) Because Libya is covered by desert, its
become obvious that its economy is
cities of Tripoli and Benghazi, which do
advancing day by day.
not have a common historical heritage,
E) Today we see that Nigeria is progressing
are situated by the sea.
economically, but in the recent past, this
was not the case and economists were
wary of the optimistic views of its leaders.

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72. - 75. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada 74. Well into the 1860s the American West
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek remained divided from the East by the harsh
cümleyi bulunuz. nature of the country‘s interior. ----. Their
aim was to build a railroad across the
formidable mountainous lands of the Sierra
72. A patient with Korsakoff’s syndrome reports
Nevada. They were ridiculed on all sides,
that he spent the weekend at the beach,
but the ambitious enterprise eventually
when in fact he was in the hospital. ----.
However, he neither notices his amnesia nor
questions his own story; concerning his
A) Their high-flying goal comes with similarly
own past he doesn’t know that he doesn’t
steep challenges
B) Top engineers had agreed that the Sierra
Nevada could not be crossed by road or
A) His memory is impaired but he has
replaced his lost history with a story
C) Naturally, politicians were not in favour of
B) Such sincere claims cannot be argued
uniting East and West
D) Then four merchants began raising money
C) There is no point in trying to contradict
to fund a seemingly impossible project
such an assertion
E) The high peaks of the Sierra Nevada were
D) Similarly, a patient with Anton’s syndrome
acknowledged as being impassable
will deny his own blindness
E) Actually, the syndrome is a very rare one
75. Most researchers believe sleep has some
sort of critical maintenance or restorative
73. Traditionally, the study of planet formation
effect on neural tissue. ----. It has been
has proved frustrating, as astronomers have
found that in some birds, therefore, only half
never been sure whether their theories
the brain rests at once. The other half stays
apply to other planetary systems. ----. Now,
alert, and the eye it controls stays open
however, the observations of debris discs
against potential risk.
around stars of different masses and ages
are helping to place our solar system in
A) No one is sure why animals sleep
B) Humans are frequently subjected to
situations where they need to decide
A) Some discs look like gigantic versions of
when and how much to sleep
the rings of Saturn
C) But this unconscious state has a cost: it
B) Most of the discs, however, could not be
makes animals vulnerable to predators
seen directly
D) The first two or three hours of deep sleep
C) What the recent images show is
seem to be the most vital for humans
wonderfully unexpected
E) The list includes pigeons, ducks, domestic
D) This is because the solar system is the
chickens and a few other birds
only known example of a planetary system
E) The dust particles probably result from
collisions among asteroids

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76. - 80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla 79. (I) Administrative law first came into use in
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü Turkey with the introduction of continental
bozan cümleyi bulunuz. European legal thinking in the 19th century. (II)
The most influential model was that of French
administrative law. (III) This model developed in
76. (I) Nyos is a crater lake formed by a volcanic
the 1890s as a result of the growing influence
eruption roughly five centuries ago. (II) In these
of Western academic institutions, namely the
lakes the gas saturates the bottom water. (III) It
Law and Political Science Schools in Istanbul.
is one of many such lakes, found the world over
(IV) The model was further developed when a
in volcanic chains.(IV) It is, however, one of
system of administrative courts, modelled on a
only two lakes known to have exploded. (V)
French pattern, was established by the
And when it exploded a jet ofgas-laden water
Republic in 1927. (V) Unlike the German and
rose 80 meters high and carbon dioxide filled
French Constitutions, the Turkish Constitution
the air.
does not merely characterize the Republic as a
social state.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
77. (I) In the past century US life-expectancy
climbed from forty-seven to seventy-seven. (II)
80. (I) Caviar has held a place at the top of Russian
Similar rises happened in almost every country.
menus under czarist, communist, and post-
(III) And this process shows no sign of
Soviet regimes alike. (II) Until the Russian
stopping. (IV) Such a pill could give us an extra
economic crisis of 1998, even people with
twenty years of life. (V) According to the United
modest incomes could afford half a pound or so
Nations, by 2050 global life expectancy will
a month. (III) Caviar has always been treasured
have increased by another ten years.
in Russia, where people believe that it provides
relief from grief and despair. (IV) In Eastern
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
Europe, caviar fetches as much as $700 a
pound. (V) It is also prized for medical reasons
78. (I) Modern Bergama is a sleepy agricultural
since it contains lipids, vitamins, and albumen.
market town in the midst of a well-watered
plain. (II) There has been a town here since
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
Trojan times. (III) Of Bergama‘s four main
tourist attractions, only the museum is in the
centre of the town. (IV) However, it was during
the period between Alexander the Great and
the Roman domination that Bergama, then
called Pergamum, enjoyed its greatest
prosperity. (V) At that time, it became one of
the Middle East‘s richest and most powerful
small kingdoms.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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1) D 21) E 41) E 61) D

2) E 22) A 42) E 62) A
3) B 23) C 43) D 63) E
4) B 24) D 44) C 64) B
5) B 25) A 45) E 65) D
6) B 26) B 46) B 66) E
7) B 27) A 47) E 67) E
8) D 28) D 48) B 68) C
9) D 29) B 49) C 69) A
10) C 30) B 50) A 70) A
11) C 31) E 51) B 71) B
12) B 32) B 52) C 72) A
13) A 33) D 53) D 73) D
14) B 34) D 54) A 74) D
15) C 35) B 55) D 75) C
16) A 36) D 56) C 76) B
17) D 37) B 57) E 77) D
18) B 38) C 58) B 78) C
19) A 39) C 59) B 79) E
20) C 40) C 60) E 80) D

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