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(For all candidates.)

1. Give the past tense and past participle of each of the following verbs, dividing them
into strong and weak; add explanations: tell, wake, buy, eat, lay, lie

2. Mark by an acute accent the accented syllable in each of the following words:
subjected, hyperbole, microscopical, photography, contemplative, confident, confidant,
pusillanimity, gangrene, tureen.

3. Write down the abstract nouns connected with the following adjectives and verbs:
precise, adhere, apt, predominate, optimistic, crystallise, negligent, hate, attain, detain,
betray, ingenious, seize, charitable, zealous.

4. Embody each of the following words in a sentence, in such a way as to shew that you
clearly apprehend its meaning: commence, comment, commend, recommend; incredible,

5. Correct or justify four of the following sentences, giving your reasons:

(a) I hope you are determined to seriously improve.
(b) Comparing Shakespeare with Æschylus, the former is by no means inferior to
the latter.
(c) I admit that I was willing to have made peace with you.
(d) The statement was incorrect, as any one familiar with the spot, and who was
acquainted with the facts, will admit.
(e) It has the largest circulation of any paper in England.
(f) The lyrical gifts of Shakespeare are woven into the actual language of the

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