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B.Sc. (Sem.-VI) Examination
March / April - 2019
Inorganic Chemistry : Paper-VI

[ Total Marks: 50

k|Q“p : / Instructions
“uQ¡ v$ip®h¡g  r“ip“uhpmu rhNsp¡ DÑfhlu ‘f Ahíe gMhu. Seat No.:
Fill up strictly the details of  signs on your answer book
Name of the Examination:
 B.Sc. (Sem.-VI)
Name of the Subject :
 Inorganic Chemistry : Paper-VI
Subject Code No.: 1 1 5 6 Student’s Signature

(2) V|$„L$p A“¡ dyØpkf S>hpb Ap‘p¡.

(3) S>dZu bpSy>“p A„L$ âï““p NyZ v$ip®h¡ R>¡.

â-1 “uQ¡“p âï“p¡“p V|$„L$dp„ S>hpb Ap‘p¡. (5)

(1) Apfkusg“p âL$pf A“¡ s¡“u k„op gMp¡.
(2) A¡rkX$ S>mrhcpS>“ A¡V$g¡ iy„?
(3) k„L$f L$nL$p¡“u fQ“p dpV$¡ L$ep b¡ dy¿e r“edp¡“p¡ D‘ep¡N ’pe R>¡?
(4) X$peb¡[ÞT“ ¾$p¡rdeddp„ ¾$p¡rded“p¡ Ap¡r¼kX¡$i“ “„bf A“¡ k„L$fZ iy„ R>¡?
(5) DDT A“¡ BHC “y„ fpkperZL$ “pd A“¡ b„^pfZue k|Óp¡ S>Zphp¡.

â-f “uQ¡“pdp„’u L$p¡C ‘Z ÓZ“p S>hpb Ap‘p¡. (15)

(1) k„rdrs A¡V$g¡ iy„? k„rdrs sÐhp¡ Dv$plfZ krls S>Zphp¡.
(2) NyZpL$pf L$p¡ôL$ A¡V$g¡ iy„? C2h NyZpL$pf L$p¡ôL$ Dv$plfZ krls kdÅhp¡.

RAN-1156 ] [ 1 ] [ P.T.O. ]
(3) ""NH3, AÏ dpV$¡“p¡ kd|l A¡b¡gue“ kd|l “’u'' ‘|fhpf L$fp¡.
(4) ip¡A¡“ãgpCT k„op“p¡ ¿epg Dv$plfZ krls kdÅhp¡.
(5) õV$¡NX®$ C’¡“ dpV$¡ S64 ≡ C32 A“¡ S63, ≡ i kprbs L$fp¡.

â-3 “uQ¡“pdp„’u L$p¡C ‘Z ÓZ“p S>hpb Ap‘p¡. (15)

(1) AôagL$ue k„L$uZp£dp„ rgNpÞX$ rhr“de âq¾$epAp¡“u SN1 L$pe®‘^¹^rs kdÅhp¡.
(2) k„L$uZ® k„ep¡S>“dp„ f¡X$p¡n âq¾$epAp¡ rhi¡ V|$„L$dp„ S>Zphp¡.
(3) k„L$fZ A¡V$g¡ iy„? k„L$fZ L$nL$“u fQ“p dpV$¡“p r“edp¡ S>Zphp¡.
(4) SP3 k„L$f L$nL$ dpV$¡ s¡“p sf„Nrh^¡e“p klNyZL$p¡“u NZsfu L$fp¡.
(5) kprbs L$fp¡ L¡$ SP k„L$fZ“p k„L$f sf„N rh^¡ep¡“p¡ k¡V$ kdp“uL$fZ lp¡e R>¡ A“¡
A¡L$buÅ“¡ g„bÐh lp¡e R>¡.

â-4 “uQ¡“pdp„’u L$p¡C ‘Z ÓZ“p S>hpb Ap‘p¡. (15)

(1) COD A¡V$g¡ iy„? COD dp‘hp“u fus hZ®hp¡.
(2) S>mâv$|jZ A¡V$g¡ iy„? L$pb®r“L$ âv$|jL$p¡ A“¡ s¡“u Akf kdÅhp¡.
(3) Ly$g Öprhs O“ A¡V$g¡ iy„? TDS dp‘hp“u fus hZ®hp¡.
(4) ^p[ÐhL$ L$pb®r“L$ k„ep¡S>“ A¡V$g¡ iy„? ^p[ÐhL$ L$pb®r“L$ k„ep¡S>“p¡“y„ hN}L$fZ s¡dp„
fl¡gp b„^“¡ Ap^pf¡ hZ®hp¡.
(5) TpCk Ape“dp„ fQ“p A“¡ b„^“u QQp® L$fp¡.

(1) As per the instruction no. 1 of page no. 1.
(2) Give short and to the point answers.
(3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q-1 Answer the following questions in brief. [5]

(1) Give the types of mirror planes with their symbols.
(2) What is acid hydrolysis?
(3) Which two important rules are used for construction of hybrid orbitals?
(4) What is oxidation number and hybridization of chromium in dibenzene
(5) Give the chemical name and structural formula of DDT and BHC.

RAN-1156 ] [ 2 ] [ Contd.
Q-2 Answer any three of the following. [15]
(1) What is symmetry? Give elements of symmetry with examples.
(2) What is multiplication table? Give multiplication table for C2h with
(3) “Group for ammonia molecule is not Abelian group” prove.
(4) Explain the schoenflies terms with example.
(5) For staggered ethane prove that S64 ≡ C32 and S63, ≡ i

Q-3 Answer any three of the following. [15]

(1) Explain SN1, reaction mechanism of ligand substitution reaction
in octahedral complex.
(2) Write briefly about redox reactions in metal complex.
(3) What is hybridization? State rules for formation of hybrid orbitals.
(4) Calculate wave function coefficient for SP3 hybrid orbital.
(5) Prove that the set of hybrid wave functions of SP hybridization is
normalized and orthogonal to each other.

Q-4 Answer any three of the following. [15]

(1) What is COD? Describe the method for determination of COD.
(2) What is water pollution? Explain organic pollutants and their effect.
(3) What is total dissolved solids? Describe the method for determination
of TDS.
(4) What is organometallic compound? Give classification of organometallic
compounds on the basis of bonds in the compounds.
(5) Explain structure and bonding in Zeise ion.

RAN-1156 ] [ 3 ] [ 4360 ]

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