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Prostho final

1- he average root surface area of maxillary first molar is (in mm2):

 A. 133
 B. 233
 C. 333
 D. 433
answer :
2- The average root surface area (mm2) of the maxillary second
premolar is:
 A. 234
 B. 220
 C. 273
 D. 204
3- Ante's law is followed in the construction of:
 A. Complete denture
 B. Fixed partial denture
 C. Removable partial denture
 D. All of the above
4- Extra retention in abutment teeth is obtained with:
 A. Dovetail
 B. Slots, pins and grooves
 C. Outline form
 D. Increasing tooth reduction
5- The forces acting through a fixed partial denture on the abutment
tooth should be directed:
 A. As far as possible at right angles to the long axis of the teeth
 B. Parallel to the long axis of the teeth
 C. By decreasing the , mesiodistal dimension
 D. None of the above
6- Supplementary retention on the abutment tooth is made possible by:
 A. Greater bulk of the metal
 B. Proper cementation technique
 C. Shoulder preparation
 D. Proper use of pins and grooves
7- Male component of pier abutment is placed on:
 A. Mesial side of pontic
 B. Distal side of pontic
 C. Mesial side of abutment
 D. Distal side of abutment
8- In FPD, retention is provided by:
 A. Cement
 B. Parallel walls
 C. Grooves
 D. Proximal slice
9- structural durability is a:
 A. Biological phenomenon
 B. Mechanical phenomenon
 C. Sructural phenomenon
 D. None of the above
10- Which of the following may least be used as an abutment?
 A. Tooth with minimum crown
 B. Tooth with short tapered crown and conical roots
 C. Rotated and tipped tooth
 D. Pulp treated tooth
11-When the height and taper of the preparation are same, which of the
following provides better resistance?
 A. Large diameter molar
 B. Small diameter molar
 C. Large diameter premolar
 D. Small diameter premolar
12- Optimum crown to root ratio of the tooth to be used as abutment
 A. 1:2
 B. 2:3
 C. 1:1
 D. 2:1
13- Over contoured crowns are most often the results of:
 A. Insufficient tooth reduction
 B. Overbuilding by technicians
 C. Desirable if properly shaped
 D. Increases retention
14- The functional cusps are beveled in the preparation of posterior
cast crowns:
 A. to reduce the stress at the line angles
 B. to prevent the fracture of the tooth structure
 C. for the structural durability of the restoration
 D. to help in the retention
15- Ante's law provides an aid for:
 A. Selection of pontic
 B. Selection of connector
 C. Selection of retainers
 D. Selection of abutments
16- Ante's law concerns the:
 A. degree of tipping allowable in an abutment tooth
 B. amount of curvature acceptable at the plane of occlusion
C. Amount of increase in retentive factor with a full crown versus a three
quarter crown
 D. None of thes
17-The taper that should be present in a prepared tooth as abutment
for FPD is:
 A. 10 degrees
 B. 6 degrees
 C. 2 degrees
 D. not important
18-The ideal crown preparation has a degree of convergence from
gingival finish line towards occlusal is:
 A. 2-4 degrees
 B. 3-5 degrees
 C. 4-9 degrees
 D. 8-11 degrees
19- An anterior FPD is contraindicated when:
 A. Abutment teeth are non carious
 B. An abutment tooth is inclined 15 percent
 C. There is considerable resorption of the residual ridge
 D. Crowns of abutment teeth are long
20-Which of the following teeth is the least desirable to use as an
abutment tooth for a FPD?
 A. Tooth with pulpal innvolvement
 B. Tooth with minimal coronal structure
 C. Tooth rotated and tipped out of line
 D. Tooth with short, tapered root with long clinical crowns

21-Predicatble compliment of optimum tooth preparation should satisfy:

 A. Biological requirement
 B. Esthetic requirement
 C. Combination of compromises among the prevalent biological and
mechanical considerations
 D. Biological, mechanical and esthetic requirement
22-The posterior tooth that gives a better support is:
 A. With convergent roots
 B. Divergent roots
 C. Conical roots
 D. Curved roots
22-The posterior tooth that gives a better support is:
 A. With convergent roots
 B. Divergent roots
 C. Conical roots
 D. Curved roots
Answer b : divergent
23- A pier abutment is:
 A. Periodontally weak abutment
 B. With an edentulous space on mesial and distal sides of the abutment
 C. Edentulous space on one side of the abutment
 D. Abutment adjacent to edentulous space
24-In case, if maxillary canine is missing and we have to make a tooth
supported FPD, abutment will be:
 A. Central incisor, lateral incisor, and first premolar
B. Lateral incisor, First premolar and second premolar
 C. Lateral incisor and first premolar
 D. It depends upon periodontal status of remaining teeth
25-Pivoting movement is better resisted by a tooth preparation if:
 A. Diameter is smaller
 B. Diameter is large
 C. Diameter is large and length is small
 D. Do not depend upon diameter of tooth ??
26-Cavosurface margin angulation in chamfer finish line is:
 A. Always 90 degrees
 B. 90 degrees or less than 90 degrees
 C. 90 degrees or more than 90 degrees
 D. 120 degrees
27-To increase resistance form of an excessively tapered preparation:
 A. Reduce height of preparation to shorten arc of rotation
 B. Increase cervical reduction to taper
 C. Add groove
 D. Use adhesive cement
28- Ante's law concerns the:
 A. Degree of tipping allowable in the abutment tooth
 B. Amount of increase in retentive factor with a full crown versus a 3/4th
 C. Crown:Root ratio
 D. Ratio of combined pericemental root surface area of the abutment teeth and
the pericemental root surface areas of the teeth to be replaced
29-Functional cusp bevel is given for:
 A. Marginal integrity
 B. Structural durability
 C. Retention and resistance form
 D. To improve the geometry of the tooth surface ?
30-Grooves placed in vertical walls of bulk tooth structure must be:
 A. At least 1.0 mm
 B. At least 2.0 mm
 C. At least 1.5 mm
 D. At least 1.2 mm
31-Uniform reduction on the tooth surface may be ensured by the placement
 A. Pins
 B. Depth grooves
 C. Ledges
 D. Bevels
32-Recommended convergence between opposing axial walls, which optimize
retention, is:
 A. 6 degrees
 B. 10 degrees
 C. 15 degrees
 D. 45 degrees
33-Overall optimum degree of taper of tooth preparation for maxillary
anterior tooth is:
 A. 6 degrees
 B. 10 degrees
 C. 14 degrees
 D. 19 degrees ?
34-What is the minimum amount of taper that should be maintained for an
ideal tooth preparation?
 A. 4 degrees
 B. 5 degrees
 C. 6 degrees
 D. 12 degrees
35-To achieve the additional retention following should be done during tooth
 A. Excessive occlusal preparation
 B. Tapered Preparation
 C. Grooves and Boxes
 D. Supragingival finish line
36-Which of the following is not affected by saliva ?
 A. Impression plaster
 B. Impression paste
 C. Silicone impression material
 D. None of the above
37- The water powder ratio of alginate is :
 A. 100 ml of water to 60 gms of powder
 B. 40 ml water to 40 gms of powder
 C. 40 ml of water to 15 gms of powder
 D. 15 ml water to 40 gms of powder
38-# Best impression material to be used for securing impressions after crown
 A. Alginate
 B. Agar
 C. Elastomer
 D. ZnO paste
39-To make the vinyl polysiloxane hydrophilic, the following is added :
 A. Mineral oil
 B. Surfactant
 C. Water
 D. Plasticizer
40-To make the vinyl polysiloxane hydrophilic, the following is added :
 A. Mineral oil
 B. Surfactant
 C. Water
 D. Plasticizer
41- An advantage of shoulder preparation when making a porcelain crown is:
 A. Facilitates fitting and seating of the casting
 B. laboratory technician can better discern the area on the die
 C. Provides for thickness of the porcelain
 D. It facilitates taking the impression of the preparation
42-The chamfer finish line is used in:
 A. Lingual surface of metal ceramic crown
 B. Facial surface of metal ceramic crown
 C. Facial surface of porcelain jacket crown
 D. Lingual surface of porcelain jacket crown
43-All of the following statements about an alginate impression are true
except :
 A. It should be rapidly displaced from the mouth
 B. It may exhibit fluid exudates on the surface as a result of imbibition of water
 C. It will take up water and expand if kept wet
 D. It will shrink as a result of syneresis
44-The impression with least dimensional change upon disinfection is :
 A. Addition polysiloxane
 B. Agar-agar
 C. Polysulphide
 D. Polyether
45-Impression techniques are used for recording :
 A. Oral mucous tissues
 B. Dental hard tissues
 C. Oral mucous tissues and dental hard tissues
 D. None of the above
46-Which of the following burs is used for developing chamfer margins?
 A. Flat ended, tapered diamond cylinder
 B. Round ended, tapered diamond cylinder
 C. Twelve fluted carbide burs
 D. End cutting burs
47-contraindication of FPD

48- intraoral radiographic examination reveals all except

49- the major biomechanical factors which affected the design of an fpd are :
50-non rigid connector keyway on distal contours of an abutment and key on
mesial side of the distal pontic are the features of
A. A pier abutment
B. Double abutments
C. Tilted molar abutment
D. Cantilever abutment
51-Which of the following burs is used for developing chamfer margins?
 A. Flat ended, tapered diamond cylinder
 B. Round ended, tapered diamond cylinder
 C. Twelve fluted carbide burs
 D. End cutting burs
52-Which of the following burs is used for developing chamfer margins?
 A. Flat ended, tapered diamond cylinder
 B. Round ended, tapered diamond cylinder
 C. Twelve fluted carbide burs
 D. End cutting burs
53-TO replace a missing canine, the best pontic design is:
 A. Modified ridge lap
 B. Ridge lap
 C. Ovoid
 D. Sanitary
54-cantilever bridge may be described as one that has the following characteristics
A: An implant may be the better treatment option instead of a cantilever
B: usually replaces a single tooth
C: has abutment/s on one side or the other either anteriorly or posteriorly to pontic.
D: is seldom used in fixed prosthodontics
E: has abutments on both side of the edentulous area
/ answer :has abutment on both side of the edentulous area
55-he metal -ceramic restoration combines strength and accurate ti of a cast metal
crown with the cosmetic effect of a ceramic crown, therefore, the tooth preparation
is combination of deep facial reduction and shallower lingual reduction.
A: the first statement is true, the second is false
B: the first statement is false, the second is true
C: Both statements are true
D: Both statements are false
Both statement are true
56-Physical injuries to the pulp can result from the following except:
A: heat and pressure
B: extensive preparation depth
C: use of water coolant
D: large cutting instruments and burs
E: Use of carbide burs as opposed to steel b
Answer : use of water coolant
57-which is not a technique in porcelain veneer fabrication

58-A full crown preparation is reduced on the functional cusp to allow for
increased thickness of the restorative material to better withstand the forces of
occlusion. This falls under which of the following principles of tooth preparation?
a. Structural durability
b. Resistance and retention
c. Preservation of tooth structure
d. Marginal integrity
e. Preservation of the periodontium
Answer : structural durability
59- The following statement/s concerning provisional restorations are true except:
a. Are used to protect prepared teeth while the definitive restoration is being
b. Can be used to preview the definitive restoration
c. Can be used to evaluate gingival margin placement, incisal edge placement,
esthetics and phonetics
d. Are unimportant because it will only be worn for a short period of time
Answer is : are unimportant because it will only be worn for a short period of time
60-Normal temperature of mixing f of alginate is
A. 18-24°C
B. 24-28°C
C. 28-32°C
D. 32-36°C
Answer :A
61-The minimal labial tooth reduction for satisfactory aesthetics with porcelain
fused to metal crown is
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B. The full thickness of enamel
C. 1.5 mm
D. 2.5mm
E. One third of the dentine thickness
Answer : 1.5mm

62- polysulfide material is routinely not recommended because of :

Answer : unpleasant odor and taste

63- dimensional stability of elastomeric impression material can be given in

descending order as :
Answer : addition silicone >polyether >polysulphide >condensation silicone

64- Final product in alginate is:

 A. Sodium alginate
 B. Potassium alginate
 C. Trisodium phosphate
 D. Calcium alginate
final product in alginate is :
Answer : calcium alginate
65- Which of the following impression materials is easy to pour and difficult
to remove the stone cast from the impressions?
 A. Addition silicone
 B. Condensation polysilicone
 C. Polyether
 D. Polysulphid
Answer : polyether

66- The impression material used to record the prepared areas on abutment
teeth is :
 A. High viscosity elastomeric impression material
 B. Medium viscosity elastomeric impression material
 C. Low viscosity elastomeric impression material
 D. None of the aboves :
Answer : low viscosity elastomeric impression material

67- Tear strength for impression material is highest for:

 A. Condensation silicone
 B. Alginate
 C. Polysulfide
 D. Addition silicone
tear strength for impression material is highest for
Answer : polysulfide

68- Elastomers are:

 A. Alginate
 B. Agar
 C. Polyethers
 D. Impression compound
elastomers are
answer: polyethers

69- During setting of alginate impression materials:

 A. Trisodium phosphate reacts with Sodium alginate
 B. Trisodium phosphate reacts with calcium sulphate
 C. Colloidal gel changes to sol
 D. Material in contact with soft tissues sets last
during setting of alginate impression materials :
Answer : trisodium phosphate reacts with calcium sulphate

70- Rinsing of the impression is important to :

 A. remove excess impression material
 B. remove saliva
 C. hydrate the impression
 D. Accelerate the setting
Rinsing of the impression is important to :
Answer : remove saliva
Unsure :
71- The finish line which do not have a sliding fit is:
 A. Chamfer
 B. Knife edge
 C. Shoulder
 D. Bevel
Answer : shoulder
72- In the mandibular posterior region, which of the following design is
indicated for the pontic in the fixed bridge?
 A. Spheroidal
 B. Modified ridge lap
 C. Ridge lap
 D. Conical
Answer : spheroidal
The pontic that should be used in the posterior mandibular area is described
by the term:
 A. Marble contact
 B. Modified saddle
 C. Saddle
 D. Sanitary
Answer : d sanitary
The pontic of mandibular posterior region should be:
 A. Point contact
 B. Saddle
 C. Modified ridge lap
 D. Ovate
Answer : a point contact

q 25 // q40 repeated / 46 same 51 n 52 / 71
q 47/ 48 / 49 / 57 / 50

meena :
same q : ( 20 and 10) /
unsure : / ,74
unsur ; , 58 ?, ,
questions from the other group: q 13 , q 18 , 20 , 27 , 32? , 34 , 38 , 39 ,42, 45, 46,
maybe 48  Preparation of shoulder in anterior tooth is done with:
 A. Inverted cone bur
 B. Plain fissure bur
 C. Cross cut fissure bur
 D. End cutting bur
maybe 46
 The impression with least dimensional change upon disinfection is :
 A. Addition polysiloxane
 B. Agar-agar
 C. Polysulphide
 D. Polyether
Most appropriate pontic design is:
 A. it should fill the missing teeth area
 B. greater lingual embrasure
 C. should contact mucosa but should not irritate it
 D. none of the above
Answer : c should
42 ) The setting time of irreversible hydrocolloids can be decreased by :
 A. Raising the temperature of water used for mixing
 B. Using excess of water for mixing
 C. Lowering the temperature of water used for mixing
 D. None of the above
Answer : a raising the temp
Which of the following best describes the working time of impression
 A. After the start of appearing elastic properties of impression material
 B. The time from start of mixing till just before the start of appearing elastic
properties of impression material
 C. Loss of luster of impression material
 D. None of the above
Answer : b the time from….
The elastomer having the longest curing time is :
 A. Polysulphide
 B. Polyether
 C. Addition silicone
 D. Condensation silicone
Answer : A polysulphide

Rough, poorly polished areas of pontics may cause:

 A. Halitosis
 B. Discomfort
 C. Chronic inflammation of the ridge tissue
 D. All of the above
Answer d all
Maybe 27
Which of the following is correct regarding chemical setting of condensation
 A. Polymerization occurs with repeated elimination of small molecules
 B. Polymerization occurs with elimination of single byproduct
  c-By condensation of repeated molecules of monomers
 D. Condensation does not occur at all
answer : A polymerization occurs with repeated elimination of small molecules
ubgingival margins are acceptable when:
A: full crowns are being done in the anterior of the mouth and estetics is a concern
B: caries extends into the sulcus
C: the tooth has a short clinical crown and added retention is needed
D: all of the above
E: none of the above
answer , all

?All of the following are true concerning custom trays used in fixed prosthodontics
A: Can be fabricated with visible light cured composite resin material
B: Can be fabricated with auto polymerizing poly methyl methacrylate
C: Are preferred because they reduce the amount of impression material needed
D: are not necessary when using the putty wash technique with polyvinyl siloxane
E: Are extended into the sulcus for maximum tissue coverage to accurately
reproduce the muscle attachements.
Answer . e are extended
?Partial veneer crowns are contraindicated on teeth with short clinical crowns
because of:
A: possible lack of adequate retention
B: lack of esthetics
C: the difficulty in preparing partial veneer crown preparations
D: conservation of tooth structure
E: all of the above
Answer . a possible lack of adequate re
?Lack of adequate axial reduction has a direct effect on which of the following
principles of tooth preparation?
a. Preservation of the periodontium
b. Structural durability
c. Resistance and retention
d. Pulpal protection
e. A and B
Answer . e and b
he metal -ceramic restoration combines strength and accurate fit of a cast metal
crown with the cosmetic effect of a ceramic crown, therefore, the tooth preparation
is combination of deep facial reduction and shallower lingual reduction.
A: the first statement is true, the second is false
B: the first statement is false, the second is true
C: Both statements are true
D: Both statements are false.
Answer :c both are true
the presence of undercut is indicated by
a. The inability to see the finish line when a crown preparation is viewed from the
incisal or occlusal aspect
b. Too much convergence of the preparation
c. Divergence between proximal walls
d. a and c
e. All of the above
answer . d and c
?The following impression materials are hydrophobic except:
A: polyvinyl siloxane
B: poly sulfides
C: reversible hydrocolloid
D: polyether
E: C and D
Answer e , c and d
When designing a metal coping for a metal ceramic restoration, the feature/s to be
considered is/are:
A: The thickness of the metal underlying and adjoining the porcelain
B: Placement of occlusal and proximal contacts
C: Extensions of the area to be veneered for porcelain
D: Design of the facial margin
E: All of the above
Answer e
The following statements are true concerning working cast with removable dies
A: it should possess stable dies when inverted and return to their original position
without rotation
B: it can be made with Type IV or V dental stone
C: It can be made utilizing the Pindex system which employs the double pin
D: it must be used in conjunction with a solid cast
E: it should be of the entire arch to aid in accurate articulation of the opposing
Answer d , ut must
What is directly affected by the wide bevel of the functional cusp?
a. Structural integrity
b. Marginal strength
c. Resistance & retention
Answer , a
Which of the following medicaments is/not recommended to be used in gingival
retraction procedures due to possible irreversible tissue damage?
A: Aluminum chloride
B: Aluminum potassium sulfate
C: Ferric sulfate
D: Epenephrine
E: Zinc chloride
Answer e
?A complete cast metal crown prep on a mandibular molar does not have adequate
bucco-lingual resistance form. The dentist should do which of the following to
improve the preparation significantly?
a. extend the margin further apically with a functional cusp bevel
b. add a proximal groove
c. add a buccal groove
d. use a strong cement
Answer b
Which of the following is considered an acute problem and must be managed first
in the sequence of patient treatment?
A: lost anterior crown
B: Periodontal abscess
C: undercuts present in the preparation
D: B and C only
Answer b perio
In addition to its fluoride release, traditional (water-based) glass ionomer cement
has what other significant advantage?
a. Low ear rate
b. Matching qualities
c. High bond strength to enamel
d. Compatible coefficient of thermal expansion
e. C and D
Answer c and d
?What is considered a unit?
a. Pontics & retainers
b. Only pontics
c. Only retainers
d. Connectors and pontics
Answer a
When using a resin cement for cementation, which of the following cements
should be used not as a base?
a. zinc phosphate
b. glass ionomer
d. zinc oxide eugenol
Answer d zinc oxide
The following statement/s concerning provisional restorations are true except:
a. Are used to protect prepared teeth while the definitive restoration is being
b. Can be used to preview the definitive restoration
c. Can be used to evaluate gingival margin placement, incisal edge placement,
esthetics and phonetics
d. Are unimportant because it will only be worn for a short period of time
Answer , d are uni
he following statements are true except:
A: gingival retraction is one to expose the finish line of preparations that
approximate the gingival or that are located subgingival
B: electrosurgery is contraindicated in patients wearing cardiac pacemakers
C: an ideal impression must duplicate the prepared teeth as well as other teeth and
adjacent tissue to permit accurate articulation of the working cast and proper
contour of the restoration
D: hemostatic medicament provide local anesthesia to the area to be impressed.
Answer d
?he most optimal retention is exhibited in which of the following preparations?
a. seven-eights crowns
b. full crown employing buccal and lingual grooves
c. three quarter crown
d. modified three quarter crown
e. conventional full crown
answer b
A cantilever bridge may be described as one that has the following characteristics
A: An implant may be the better treatment option instead of a cantilever
B: usually replaces a single tooth
C: has abutment/s on one side or the other either anteriorly or posteriorly to pontic.
D: is seldom used in fixed prosthodontics
E: has abutments on both side of the edentulous area
Answer e has
 crown lengthening procedure should be considered when:
A: The carious destruction of a tooth extends subgingivally preventing adequate
B: the carious destruction of a tooth approximates the level of the alveolar bone
C: The clinical crown of a tooth is too short to provide adequate resistance and
retention for a fixed partial denture retainer
D: it appears that the margin placement for a crown preparation would violate the
periodontal attachment
E: all of the above
answer e
Which of the following cements is most sensitive to moisture contamination?
a. glass ionomer
b. zinc phosphate
c. polycarboxylate cements
d. silicophosphate
e. zinc oxide
Answer c poly
Inadequate tooth reduction in a metal-ceramic restoration results in
A: A poorly contoured restoration which affects gingival health
B: Poor shade and translucency math with adjacent teeth
C: Pulpal encroachment and necessity for root canal therapy
D: A and B only
Answer d
?/The following are indications for a fixed partial denture except:
A: an abutment tooth on each side of the edentulous space
B: periodontally sound abutment teeth
C: edentulous span is short
D: severe loss of tissue in the edentulous ridge
E: crown rooth ratio is 2:3 on abutment teet
Answer d , severe
All of the following are considered abutments "except":
a. Supporting tooth of a fixed partial denture
b. Supporting tooth of a removable partial denture
c. The portion of the implant that attaches on something
d. A & B only
e. All of the above
Answer c
4. The inability to see the finish line when a crown preparation is viewed from the
incisal or occlusal aspect, is an indication of:
a. Too much convergence of the preparation
b. Divergence beteen proximal walls
c. Undercuts present in the preparation
d. B and C only
Answer d
From impression questions
?ll of the following statements about an alginate impression are true except :
 A. It should be rapidly displaced from the mouth
 B. It may exhibit fluid exudates on the surface as a result of imbibition of water
 C. It will take up water and expand if kept wet
 D. It will shrink as a result of syneresis
answer b
 All of the following can be used to slow down the setting of zinc oxide eugenol
impression paste except :
 A. adding a small amount of glycerine
 B. Adding a small amount of water
 C. Altering the amount of the two pastes used
 D. Cooling mixing slab
Answer b
?he impression with least dimensional change upon disinfection is :
 A. Addition polysiloxane
 B. Agar-agar
 C. Polysulphide
 D. Polyether
answer a
Best material for duplicating cast is :
 A. Agar-agar
 B. Alginate
 C. Zinc oxide - eugenol
 D. Plaster of Paris
Answer a
The impression for a diagnostic cast of a partial edentulous mouth should be
taken in :
 A. Impression wax
 B. Modelling compound
 C. Hydro-colloid
 D. Hydro cal
Answer , c
Before pouring an elastic impression, it is washed with slurry of water and
stone to:
 A. Increase gel strength
 B. Prevent syneresis
 C. Prevent distortion
 D. Wash off saliva on impression
Answer d
/he setting time of irreversible hydrocolloids can be decreased by :
 A. Raising the temperature of water used for mixing
 B. Using excess of water for mixing
 C. Lowering the temperature of water used for mixing
 D. None of the above
answer a , raising
?Which material is the most difficult to remove from the patients' mouth ?
 A. Metallic oxide paste
 B. Silicone impression material
 C. Reversible hydrocolloid
 D. Impression plaster
Answer , a
?? Rubber base impression are poured immediately as they :
 A. continue to polymerise
 B. become elastic
 C. show imbibition and syneresis
 D. show gelation
Answer , A continue to …
 Heavy and light body impression materials are used with :
 A. Mercaptan
 B. Silicone
 C. Reversible hydrocolloid
 D. A and B
Answer d
? Impression compound has which of the following characteristic property ?
 A. Low thermal conductivity
 B. High flow property
 C. Degradation in presence of moisture
 D. Remain distortion free upto 72 hours, pouring can be safely delayed
Answer , A
 The best way to remove a hydrocolloid impression from a patient's mouth is :
 A. Slight rocking of the impression to disengage it from the undercut
B. Wetting the periphery of the impression with moist cotton to break the
peripheral seal
 C. Sudden jerking of the impression to prevent tearing
 D. Supporting the impression along with the tray to prevent disengaging of the
tray alone
Answer c , sudden
Trisodium phosphate added to alginate contributes towards:
 A. Increasing the working time of alginate impression material
 B. Acts as an accelerator
 C. Initiating the setting reaction
 D. Provides the gel strength
Answer , A
?ear strength for impression material is highest for:
 A. Condensation silicone
 B. Alginate
 C. Polysulfide
 D. Addition silicone
answer , c polysu
Elastomers are:
 A. Alginate
 B. Agar
 C. Polyethers
 D. Impression compound
Answer , c
?Perforated impression tray are used for:
 A. Alginate
 B. Zinc oxide eugenol
 C. Agar-agar
 D. Impression compound
Answer , A
During setting of alginate impression materials:
 A. Trisodium phosphate reacts with Sodium alginate
 B. Trisodium phosphate reacts with calcium sulphate
 C. Colloidal gel changes to sol
 D. Material in contact with soft tissues sets last
Answer , B
?which of the following impression material is elastic ?
 A. Impression compound
 B. Zinc oxide Eugenol (ZOE) paste
 C. Wax
 D. Polyvinyl siloxane
answer , D polyv
Trisodium phosphate in alginate acts as:
 A. Retarder
 B. Reactor
 C. Accelerator
 D. Plasticizer
Answer , A
?Wash or corrective impression is done by:
 A. Impression plaster
 B. Impression paste
 C. Alginate
 D. Rubber base impression material
Answer , B
?Hypersensitivity reactions like contact dermatitis can be caused by :
 A. Polysulphides
 B. Condensation silicones
 C. Addition silicones
 D. Polyether
Answer , D polyether
?Impression compound base :
 A. Low thermal conductivity
 B. Crystalline structure
 C. Formation of cross linkage with heating
 D. HIgh fusion temperature
Answer , A
?In reversible hydrocolloid, the property by which the transformation from
sol to gel and gel to sol is function of the:
 A. Concentration of fillers and plasticizer
 B. Percentage composition by weight of water
 C. Concentration of potassium sulphate
 D. Temperatur
Answer , D
?Syneresis is associated with :
 A. Hydrocolloids
 B. Elastomers
 C. Zinc oxide eugenol
 D. Plaster of Paris
Answer , A
?Material causing minimum tissue distortion is :
 A. Polysulphide
 B. Silicone
 C. Impression plaster
 D. Zinc oxide eugenol paste
Answer , C
 Rinsing of the impression is important to :
 A. remove excess impression material
 B. remove saliva
 C. hydrate the impression
 D. Accelerate the setting
Answer , B
Which of the following is not affected by saliva ?
 A. Impression plaster
 B. Impression paste
 C. Silicone impression material
 D. None of the above
Answer , D none
?Elastomers except polyether are :
 A. Hydrophilic
 B. Hydrophobic
 C. Water loving impression materials
 D. Potassium alginates
Answer , B
?he cross linking agent of polysulphide rubber base impression material is :
 A. Aromatic sulfonate esters
 B. Stannous octate
 C. Platinum salt catalyst
 D. Lead dioxide
answer , D
?Name the accelerator used in zinc oxide eugenol paste.
 A. Olive oil
 B. Linseed oil
 C. Zinc acetate
 D. All of the above
Answer , C zinc acetate
?Impression compound is characterised by all of the following except :
 A. warps at room temperature
 B. is a thermoset material
 C. shows increased flow when kneaded with water
 D. low coefficient of thermal conductivity
Answer , b
 The low thermal conductivity of impression compound is overcome by:
 A. Impression is placed in mouth till it gets cold and sudden removal of the
 B. By melting in boiling water at 50 degree centigrade for one hour
 C. By heating with ethanol frame and directly placing in patient's mouth
 D. Heating in hot water and immediately quenching in water for 20 minutes
Answer , A
?Which of the following is not true about elastomeric impression ?
 A. Single mix materials have higher viscosity
 B. Shear thinning is related to viscosity of mono phase impression material
 C. Improper mixing of material can cause permanent deformation of
 D. Putty wash technique of impression reduces dimensional change of setting
Answer , A
The process of changing the rubber base product or liquid polymer to a
rubber like material is generally known as :
 A. Boiling
 B. Condensation
 C. Vulcanisation
 D. Chain lengthening
Answer , C vulc
?Which of the following is true about agar hydrocolloid impression material ?
 A. Liquefies between 71-100 degree centigrade
 B. Solidifies between 50-70 degree centigrade
 C. facilitates fabrication of metal dyes
 D. cannot register fine surface details
Answer , A
Which one of the following increases the strength and reduce viscosity of agar
hydrocolloid impression material ?
 A. Borax
 B. Water
 C. Sulfates
 D. Carbonates
Answer , a

# The water powder ratio of alginate is :

 A. 100 ml of water to 60 gms of powder
 B. 40 ml water to 40 gms of powder
 C. 40 ml of water to 15 gms of powder
 D. 15 ml water to 40 gms of powder
Answer , c
To make the vinyl polysiloxane hydrophilic, the following is added :
 A. Mineral oil
 B. Surfactant
 C. Water
 D. Plasticizer
Answer , B
? Best impression material to be used for securing impressions after crown
 A. Alginate
 B. Agar
 C. Elastomer
 D. ZnO paste
Answer , C
Dimensional stability of hydrocolloid impressions can be achieved by :
 A. Using less water powder ratio
 B. Storing the impression under water
 C. Prolonged manipulation
 D. Using humidor
Answer , d
Which of the following is correct regarding chemical setting of condensation
 A. Polymerization occurs with repeated elimination of small molecules
 B. Polymerization occurs with elimination of single byproduct
 C. By condensation of repeated molecules of monomers
 D. Condensation does not occur at all
Which of the following is correct glass transition temperature of impression
compound ?
 A. 43.5 degree centigrade
 B. 39 degree centigrade
 C. 65 degree centigrade
 D. 100 degree centigrade
Answer , B
Which of the following is used as surface hardener in impression material ?
 A. 2% potassium sulfate
 B. 0.2% potassium sulfate
 C. 2% sodium sulfate
 D. 4% potassium sulfat
Answer , A
Which of the following best describes the working time of impression
 A. After the start of appearing elastic properties of impression material
 B. The time from start of mixing till just before the start of appearing elastic
properties of impression material
 C. Loss of luster of impression material
 D. None of the above
Answer , B
‫؟‬Minimum flow of type I impression compound at mouth temperature is :
 A. 4%
 B. 6%
 C. 8%
 D. 10%
Answer , B
Which of the following is correct arrangement of impression material
regarding linear contraction in ascending order ?
 A. Addition silicone < Polyether < Polysulfide < Condensation silicone
 B. Addition silicone < polysulfide < Polyether < condensation silicone
 C. Condensation silicone < Polyether < polysulfide < Addition silicone
 D. Condensation silicone < Polysulfide < Polyether < Addition silicone
Answer , A
Polysulfide material is routinely not recommended because of :
 A. Unpleasant odor and taste
 B. Low accuracy
 C. Least permanent deformation
 D. Highest curing shrinkage
Answer , A
‫؟‬ Disadvantage of polysulfide as an impression material :
 A. High cost
 B. materials leaching out
 C. Stretching leads to distortion
 D. Difficulty in cast pouring
Answer , c
 Hydrocolloid material shows all except :
 A. Hysteresis
 B. Imbibition
 C. Recrystallization
 D. Syneresis
Answer , C
?Putty wash technique:
 A. light body and putty used at the same time
 B. putty used first and light body used second
 C. light body first and putty later
 D. None of the above
Answer , B
Dimensional stability of elastomeric impression material can be given in
descending order as :
 A. Polysulphide > Polyether > Condensation silicone > addition silicone
 B. Polyether > condensation silicone > polysulphide > addition silicone
 C. Addition silicone > polyether > polysulphide > Condensation silicone
 D. Addition silicone > condensation silicone > polysulphide > polyether
Answer , C
he monophase elastomeric material can be used as both tray and syringe
material because it has :
 A. a long setting time
 B. it is economical
 C. pseudo plastic properties
 D. better recording of tissues
answer , c
??Most rigid elastomer is :
 A. Polyether
 B. Polysulphide
 C. Addition silicone
 D. Condensation silicone
Answer , A
??Most ideally elastic among the following is :
 A. Polyether
 B. Addition silicone
 C. Polysulphide
 D. Condensation silicone
Answer ,B
?Which one of the following impression materials is elastic, sets by a chemical
reaction and is catalysed by chloroplatinic acid ?
 A. Condensation silicone
 B. Polyether
 C. Polysulphide
 D. Polyvinyl siloxane
Answer , d
?The impression material with lowest viscosity is :
 A. Plaster of paris
 B. Agar agar
 C. Zinc oxide eugenol
 D. Elastomers
Answer , A
Rough and irregular surface produced on the impression is because of :
 A. Improper application of pressure during impression making
 B. Air incorporated during mixing
 C. Too rapid polymerization
 D. Presence of moisture in impression area
Answer , c

# Final product in alginate is:

 A. Sodium alginate
 B. Potassium alginate
 C. Trisodium phosphate
 D. Calcium alginate
Answer , D
??Which of the following impression materials is easy to pour and difficult to
remove the stone cast from the impressions?
 A. Addition silicone
 B. Condensation polysilicone
 C. Polyether
 D. Polysulphide
Answer , C
Alginate fillers are derived from ?
 B. sodium phosphate
 C. potassium alginate
 D. diatomaceous earth]
Answer d
 A dentist can best control the setting time of alginate impression material
without altering its properties by:
 A. Using perforated tray
 B. Altering water :powder ratio
 C. Reducing the rate of mixing
 D. Altering the temperature of the water
Answer , D altering

?# The elastomer having the longest curing time is :

 A. Polysulphide
 B. Polyether
 C. Addition silicone
 D. Condensation silicone
Answer , A

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