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Madeline Lucas

Professor Calcagni

Nursing Transitions

April 6, 2023

Evening Of Research Event

1) The speaker presentation that I found most interesting was about stressors for SRNA,

developing mental health challenges while attending school. The speaker went on to stress the

importance of wellness programs for SRNA, and how his database proved them to be overall

beneficial to students. Data further showed the difference in stress levels between students

involved in wellness activities such as physical exercise, meditation, and counseling VS those

who didn't participate in any wellness activities. The study ran from Jan 2 2023- Feb 4 2023

with over 500 students participating in the questionnaire score sheet. His study showed that

72.78% scored high perceived personal burnout, 59.83% high perceived work related burn out

and to my surprise client burn out at a low of 88.49 score mean. Overall his study showed that

perceived stress, personal stress/burnout , and client burn out were lower in student SRNA

involved in wellness programs than those who are not involved.

I really enjoyed this presentation and it had some good information that could be used in

my own nursing practice to help improve patient care. I really do agree with this study although

our patients are important. It is best to make your own mental health a priority and make time for

yourself so then you can be in the best head space to help treat others. Oftentimes nurses

naturally prioritize others before their own needs but it's important to take care of ourselves as

well. I think if all nurses took on some form of a wellness activity we could provide better

quality of care to patients.

2) The BSN- level poster that interested me most was about the “Opioid crisis; An

Ongoing Battle.” This statement is so true and it's so important to teach others about the opioid

crisis happening in the United States. To sum up the poster, the opiate crisis has had a significant

negative impact on the American Healthcare system, affecting patients, providers, and

communities across the nation. This crisis has made it difficult for healthcare providers to make

informed decisions about the use of opioids as a treatment for pain leading to over prescribing

and misuse of these highly addictive drugs.

As a future nurse, I need to teach my patients when used responsibly opioids can provide

great relief for pain. But it is crucial to balance their benefits against the potential risk of

addiction and adverse effects. I think it's important for nurses to understand that if we work

together with our Healthcare System we can find solutions to prioritize patient safety and

improve overall health outcomes in our patients.

3) The graduate nursing poster that interested me the most was “Implementation of educational

training for fires in the operating room.” This poster goes on to explain OR fires are rare but

catastrophic, greater than 500 surgical fires are reported each year. There is currently no

simulation training protocol for OR fire management, with infrequent training this can lead to

poor management, prevention and staff/patient fatalities. The poster needed further research to

determine frequency of simulation training and evaluation for best outcomes.

As a future nurse I would agree that practice safety implementation would be overall

beneficial to improve OR staff competency skills and improved safety for not only our patients

but staff in surgery. I’ve only been in the operating room a few times and it has never crossed

my mind what I would do in a serious emergency such as an operating room fire/ evacuation.

Ultimately a quick plan for action and safety could be life saving to those near. I’m eager to see
what upcoming research and data this group continues to gather to study and implement in the


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