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🎭My Unknown Lover 🎭

🤪She is Clumsy🤪


When I say Clumsy, I literally mean CLUMZY(the z is deliberate)...KLUTZY...

Nya Reynolds is every thing you'll look for in a girl with extra spice. Bumping into walls, normal walls and
warm walls which turns out to put her in trouble.

Nya, the easygoing, ever smiling klutz gets her life turned around when she meets Knight.

What Secret is behind Knight? Behind his face as well?

Leaving Knight, into Nya's life falls Chase whose first name is omitted during introductions.

Chase also has his mysteries, his secrets... I mean, don't we all? But when secrets turn very dangerous
for everyone involved.

And it includes Nya.

And the Accident changes things in a lot of ways.

My Unknown Lover

#She's super clumsy

Chapter 1

"Cut the crap Eliana"

Eliana is my super cool yet super annoying best friend. We've been best of friends since Kindergarten.

She has always been there through thick and thin. I've pretty much gotten used to her being there

We got each others backs.


I'm Nya. Nya Raynolds.

I'm first child and first daughter to my parents. I consider both my parents pretty lucky to have a
daughter like me. I guess I praise myself a lot more than necessary.

"You should be more careful Nya. Why are you here if you can't be more careful?" My science teacher
pretty much vented her anger on me.

I'd say I totally deserved it.

"I'm sorry Miss T"

"Miss T?"

"Sorry ma'am"

I almost burst into laughter at the funny faces I was being thrown in class.

Anyway, what just happened was a chemistry practical gone cuckoo...

The whole lab smelt of rotten things, eggs dominating though.

"Detention for you Nya!" She said and I was abruptly brought out of my reverie.


"Yes. And you deserve it."

It isn't my fault I'm a total klutz. I'm the clumsiest thing I know, worse than moles in daytime.

I pout my lips and kept quiet.

Few thankful minutes later, the bell went off, signalling the end of that HORRIBLE class.

I sighed and packed my books into my hands.

"Nya? Be here at 4pm for your detention. And get ready to CLEAN." Miss T said and smirked at me.

I put my tongue out slightly at her and swagger outta the class.

There goes my plans of making friends with the new Teacher.

"NYA" And I felt a weight on my back.

When I say a weight, I mean WEIGHT.

And it means just one person


"Ana? How'd your class go?"

"Interesting babe. You should see him, he's hot" And gave me a wink, a very bad wink.

"Yours?" She continued

"I don't wanna talk about it." I turn to walk down to my locker

"Let me guess"

"Don't you have a class now?" I asked her, while trying to change the topic

"Oh. I definitely do, and it's the class you just came out of"

I winced inwardly.

"Oh. You aren't getting out of this one babe" She said and strutted off to class. Shaking her short brown
hair at me.

I open my locker and an horrible smell hit my nose.

"Stink bomb?!" I shouted, causing those in the hallway to look at me

And I heard giggling behind me.

If it isn't Amelia again...

I turn around to get ice cream dropped on me.

"Tut Tut Tut"

" Sorry babe" while trying to mimic Eliana,

An horrible attempt if I'm to say.

"If you're going to be rude and all stupid, you should at least do it well..." I say and slam my locker door

Just as I turned to go, I heard an unearthly shriek behind me and I side stepped just to see Amelia fall
quite ungirly beside me...

"Tut Tut Tut"

I say and walk off...

My Unknown Lover

She is clumsy
Chapter 2

Few torturous hours later, school's over and I'm beside my very boot kicking best friend.

And she's talking back to the reason of my detention which is not very appealing to talk about.

"I mean? You know, you deserve it this time"

"Yeah. Like you always say" I tell her

"Miss T? That part is quite badass you know. I can bet all my fingers that that's mainly the reason you
got detention"

"Can we not talk about it?"

"Nope. It's uhm..." She raises her hand to check her watch,

"3:45pm already. You should head back. Want me to wait for you?"

"Of course not. I'll be fine" and she looked at me unbelieving

"Really. I'll really try not to be stupid. Pinky promise" and I turned around and waved her bye and head
to Miss T's class. Gosh I wonder how bad this will be.

I open the door and step in to a one person occupied class.

"Hello Miss... I mean Hello Ma'am"

"Come on in and take a front seat"

Few minutes went by with my just staring at the ceiling and to talking to chairs...

Yeah I know...

"I've been looking through your class Cumulative"


"You know you have a lot of potential? That's when you're not being klutzy"

"Oh" I bend my head, definitely not out of remorse

"Why are you so clumsy with things? You should be much more careful, most especially with chemicals.
If that mixture you made had splashed unto your skin, you won't be here now. That I know" she said and
looked straight at me.

"Oh. Time has really flown. You can go now" She continued

"Really? Thanks ma'am"

"You can call me Miss T" She said with a wink and an indulging smile

I smile back at her

"Good bye Miss T"


And I stepped out of the class. It wasn't so bad as I must have expected.

Alone in the school compound, I walk out and tried to make as less noise as possible.

Few blocks from the school, I turned by bag to the front and tried to get out my earpiece and phone, as I
brought them out I hit a wall.

A quite warm wall, I put up my hands against the wall and leaned in.

"Romancing me?"


Walls definitely don't talk

I finally looked up and my breath caught... I almost wheeze but I quickly regain my posture.

"Well... Make more foot sounds when you walk"

I tried to duck out of this choking enclosure that had him in it.

"Romancing me and then tries to run away?"

"That's a new one" He continued

"Yeah. So force it up your stupid ass" I hastily cover my mouth wide eyes and duck this time successfully
and practically run away. I could feel his eyes on me as I ran.

"Whew." I slow down and catch my breath

I could almost hear him say

"That's how far you can go?"

I calm down and slow walk the rest of the distance home.

I ring the doorbell and wait for my mum.

She opens the door and looks at me in that accessing way I so much dislike


"Welcome. You look you've seen some Dementors. Oh, you just came from detention"

Heads up, my mum has an horrible sense of humor.

"Yeah. How'd your day go?" I kissed her on the cheek

"Fine. Just as plain as it has always been"

"Dad back yet?"

"Yes. He's in the dining area."

"Let me greet him before I head upstairs"

"Alright dear"
I walk over the length of the room over to the dining area to meet my dad engrossed in an internet

"Hey Dad" I bend down and kiss him on the cheek too

"My angel. How are you? How'd your day go at school?"

"Fine. Just met some Dementors" I said with a small laugh

"Yeah. I heard your mum. What's your detention reason this time?"

"I called a teacher 'Miss T'".


"Cool right?"

"Very cool. You take a lot after me"

" Don't take after him please"

My mum yells from the the Kitchen.

I and my Dad share a laugh and j head upstairs to freshen up and come back down for dinner.


"That's how you greet your elder sister?"

"How is school?" Ellie asks


"Do you have a boyfriend?" Ella asks


"I told you not ask her yet" Ellie chides Ella.

They are my twin younger sisters. Pretty cute if you ask

"Love you twins" I kiss both their heads and head to my room

"Love you too" they replied

I walk down to my room and open the door and step in and sat on my bed.

My head went to that guy I met on my way home.

"Ugh" I face palmed.

I really shouldn't think of him, I probably won't meet him again.

My Unknown Lover

She is clumsy

Chapter 3
*Next morning*


I angrily slam my hand on my poor, pathetic, lonely and very loud alarm...

But it has done it's unfortunate work, now I can't go back to sleep.

"Ugh" I groggily rise up from bed and stepped on the ground besides my bed. I stretch out my hands and
let out an elephant-shaming yawn.

I step out of my pajamas and head into the adjoining room which is my own personal toilet. I do a little
girl business and step out later, having freshened up.

I shrug into some clothes, still feeling quite sleepy. I head downstairs into the world of Sweet smelling

Wait... What?

Sandwiches smell nice?

I go down the stairs hurriedly and stopped to peep into the kitchen so I can avoid the passing of pot and
pans. I saw my dad in there. I was more than shocked


He turned around and looked at me with that handsome smile of his I've come to love from my tender
"Good morning Angel"

"Morning Dad. Whatcha making?"

"Oh this? I tried to make sausages for your mum in bed but it turned out somehow to become..."

"SANDWICH" Ellie and Ella burst into the room in tow and gets a kiss each from my dad

"Babies. My cuties." My dad cooed

"We woke up ourselves Dad"

They turned to one another and high fives



"Daaaaad. I begged you to stop them from greeting me this creepy way early in the morning"

"Ells..." My Dad said to them with a smile that I can pretty much say they are in it together

My dad turns back to me and makes a creepy zombie face

I look at him unsure of what my reaction should be

"Wait up Dad. What's Nya?" I ask trying to change the topic

"Ask your mum that. It's her idea of a beautiful name" He said and sneered in the direction of the living

"Oh. Now I'm late. I guess I should look forward to another fence climbing day"

"Chip the fence a bit" my dad said with a wink

"You betcha"

I pick up my backpack and leave the house.

I step out and mentally shook myself.


I step into the school environment and meet my very excited bestie waiting for me to go to homeroom

"Hey Babe" She said as her own form of greeting

"Good morning"

"How'd your detention go?"

"Not bad"
"No hot news? Because I've got one for you!"


"Spit it out come on" She persuaded and shook me

"Okay okay, don't shake me that much."

"Fine" and she pouted

"I bumped into a your-type hottie yesterday as I headed home"

"Really?" She asked with wide eyes

"You know we should be in class now right?"


"Let's hurry then"

We hurried to class and sat just as our homeroom teacher stepped in.

"We have a new student joining us today" He announced and I looked up from hanging my bag behind
my chair.

He looked oddly familiar


That guy is messing with my head again

"Introduce yourself"

"My name is Chase"

"Oh. That's very... Introductory"

"Find a... Oh. There's just one left"

And Oh My Gee... It's right beside me

I can always change chairs tomorrow morning

"Oh, and by the way you are sitting at your permanent seats now. Have a good day"

He said and stepped out

What the hell?

Now I'm stuck with him?

Every damn morning?

Why do I even have a problem with this?

I put up my best I don't care face and said nothing as I heard the chair move beside me

"You?" I hear beside me and I look at him only to find him looking back at me

"Are you stalking me?"

"Sorry who?"

"You oh?!" He said and smiled slightly


"Your name?"

"It's Nya"

I could hear him test it out on his lips, and see him let out a smile

Oh. Eff it, I've got science now

And that means MISS T?!

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