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ARRAKIS BY AIRMAIL Today's postal hobby has bee greatly enriched by neutral moderators (or "GameMasters"), which allow for the play of the proliferation of mul- laser games, Nolabe postal games with a Game Masier (GA fot short) are found now for DIPLOMACY, KINGMAKER, WOODEN SHIPS & IRON MEN, CONQUISTADOR, Roy Henrich, publisher of the well-respected amateur “rine Enioy is currently tanning plm games of RAIL BARONand MAGIC REALM, which eres to prove that anything is possible in the postal hobby. But there seems io be litle avallable o fans (Of SF. [Hopefuls this issue wil set thar argh I Seed, considering the tend toward s/fantasy tiles and the seeming popularity of DUNE, iis surpris: Jing that thas not be absorhed by the postal hobby. With this in mindy I offer rues for moderated postal play which maintain much of the ga Sistine! Haver, Pre-game Activities ‘Upon stat of'agame of postal DUNE, a neutral party: must be chosen (or volunteer) 40 act as GameMaster. He will present final starting po tions and faction assignments (ishing the players! preference lists into account), the board position, fall players’ orders, maintain the Spice decks and record or disseminate any private information (for example the cards held by ach player, movemen of storms, Bene Gesserit Prediction, efe.). The GM will iso act as final arbitrator for all arguments and rules interpreta Players submit the following when starting the game: 1) a preference list (a lising ofall factions in the order the player would prefer to play them), 2) intial placement postions forthe Fremen and Bene essen tokens (in case he is assigned ether of these to play), 3) prediction for the Bene Gesserit (in ‘ease called upon to take that role). After the GM has received allthis information, he wil issue the faction assignments along withthe names and 2d dresses ofall players. Each should receive the following information: 1) Four leaders to choose amone as traitors: 2) Starling locations for Bene Gessert and Fremen tokens; 3) Storm location 4) Spice locations: 5) Treachery cards dealt to the individual. Imauition, the Fremen player isseeretiy informed fof the Turn 2 siorm movement and the Aleides player isseretly informed ofthe types oF Te cards up for bid (but not necessarily inthe correct, ‘order) and the location of the Turn 2 spice blow. ‘With his first set of orders, each player must in form the GM which of the leaders he drew ill bein his lay, IT any player should fail to das, the GM will select one randomly amongst thos leaders not inhis faction and inform hit of the fat The GM will also assign @ deadline date by which time all plavers must have Ueir orders for Turn 1 on file with the GM; failure to do so results Jn loss ofa turn all units ofthe offender remaining in place) there are special rules for failure to sub- mit a battleplan in th section on combat below ‘Brinicen thetime the players receive the notice from the GM and the deadline, they are fee to negotiate uth their fellows, Orders ‘When movement orders are due, the players should send the GM the following information 1) Treachery card bids 2) Revival, shipping and movement orders: ane 3) the play of non-combat Treachery cards, Further, the Bene Gesert player should specify where he ts hostile and where willing 10 land audvisors should the opportunity arise ‘When combal orders are due, each involved player should submit a battleplan foreach combs fnd inicate whether he will call "treachery" should the opportunity aise, Feedback from the GM After receiving. movement orders from the players, the GM should send out a teport 10 the players, including the following: 1) Storm round results; 2) Spice blow resuls 3) Bid round results; '4) Movement round results '5) Combs tobe resolved and order ofbatle resolution; 6) A listing of where the BG. turn; and. 7) Next turns storm round and spice blow Should by accident members of the sam alliance atempt moves which would resul in joint, fccuation of terior), the fraction moving in with he prealest umber oF tokens oceupesit while the other player() are left back at the point im- rehately rir to entering the prosince. (For ex ample: The Atteides and Guild payers are allied. stile this cu PBM DUNE By Tom Swider Atreides orders nine tokens to ship down to CCarthag and moves these same tokens to the Im: perial Basin. The Guild meanwhile moves ten tokens inthe Polar Sink to the Imperial Basin, The {GM would port that there are en Guild tokens in the Imperial Basin and nine Ateides tokens in Cat thag. If the Atreides attempted to ship troope irectly tothe Imperial Basin or if Carag iso ed by Guild Forces, the Atreidesiokens would femain in reserve.) Should there be a Ue for the freatest number of tokens, the faction with the realest amount of spicemovesin; iatiestllexss, the postion ges tothe faction with the strongest ‘remaining leader. (Remaining ties are broken by & random number) So that the players and GM may make them: selves as clear a: possible on mapboard postions, the map's sectors are labled witha number. Start ing with the "Star Storm” sectorand proceeding in the direction of the storm, label the sectors "1" through "18", Unless otherwiseinstructed, the GM will assume that any tokens moved are placedin the seclor curently furthest from the storm. X, Battles If ther are any combats, the GM will notify the players involved of the deadline by which battle plans are due. Players should list the mumber filed, amoumt of spce payed, lader() and any attack defense cards), Players with "Karama" or *Truthirance”*cards and/or special combatadvan- tages must inform the GM of the actions or ques tions fo be made, and how these wil affect their battleplans. A player may automatically use any character advamiages he enjoys, along with any ssined through an alliance. TT there is more than one battle to be resolved, the GM wil determine the order in which batles are to be fought by random number. This wil resolve any difficulties arising from one player being in- ‘olved in more than one combat in & urn. For PEM DUNE, the agaressr is ermed asthe player who occupied the bate site first. Tokens present atthe beginning ofthe torn are given first Pioity and are always considered th agressor if nvolved in combat. (Note that ifthe BG pla ‘comes out of a state of co-existence, theo player is the aggressor if the BG occupied the ter Titory with that power and was previously in co existence.) Tokers which were shipped t the battle Site have second priority, Fllowed by tokens which moved there by planctary movement. Tes in the lowest priority are resolved in favor ofthe faston Pe ee ne 8B moving the least number of spaces to arrive there. (All other ties are resolved by random numer ) there are more than two opposing sides occu pying a territory, combat must be continued until there is only one faction lft, as per the normal rules. All occupants of the contested territory must submit combat order; the aggressor mustalsastate ‘which player he wishes to ight ist, The remaining players submit battleplans in case he is chosen 10 fight first. The GM. will appoint appropriate deadlines foreach bate to be foutht. If the Guild chooses to move before everybody lse, he is automaticaly the aggressor, On the other hhand, ithe chooses to move after all other players, then llother factions are the aggressor when facing his tokens in combat, Payers must state if they will nar call treachery into play if a leader in thei play appears in the bat te. The GM will assume they wll unless otherwise Instructed and take all appropriate measures, Missing battle urn: shoulda player failtosub- mit a battleplan by the declared deadline, he is assumed to have dialed a umber equal ois token valueminus one-half ero spice, ent inhi weakest leader (or a cheap hera/heroin if avalable) and utlized no treachery cards, XM Alliances Players may automatically utllze any advan- ages gained from thie ally (Exception? in a BO/Gull alliance, BG troops ship at half rates, and the Guild troops may voice" thelt ‘opponents. In the case of using the Harkonnen’s ower, “treachery” will always be called when @ Harkonnen ally meets one of the Harkonnen's trailors in battle It is sitongly suggested that alliances not te allowed to win. tis this player's opinion that allianee wins in DUNE are azins! the spirit ofthe ‘game, although they can be formed temporarily t0 aid positions or stop another faction. This rst. tion will also bring the Guild and Fremen endgame advantages into play more often, ‘Should there be no combats tobe resolved, play proceeds tothe next turn's movement. I thete ate combats to be resolved, the GM must seta shor term deadline by which time players must submit battleplans. After receiving these he gives another report to all players, including all the following? 1 Combat results 2) Collection ound results; 3) A listing of all player's current spice holdings; 4) The number of cards up for bid next bid round; 5) A listing of final board postions: and 6) Any secret information due the Atrides and/or Fremen players. ‘Should there be no combats, the information listed above (except item 1) should be included along with his movement report to players, Modifications for Postal Play tis axiomatic that play by mail will require some slight adjusiments to the game rules. These hhavebeen kepttoa minimum, The following arethe comprehensive rules changes: unless otherwise noted, al ules remain in force, VU. Spice Blow ‘When a worm appears, any alliances must be deciared by the next movement deadline. Players may submit only one alliance choice; i player ofa Proposed alliance ist dentcal alliance choices, the Alliance is considered formally Formed, (Example: ‘Emperor proposes a E/BG alliance; Bene Gesserit propose 4 BG/E alliance. The GM would then Aotiy the players that such an alliance does in fast exist. However, if the Emperor had proposed a E/BG/H coalition, no alliance would have been formed singe the Bene Gasserit did nat list the Harkonnen. Too, since the Harkonnen player did ‘ot bother to submit any alliance proposal the diplomacy of the Emperor would fal.) ‘When worms appear ifthe Fremen are able to take an action as a result, the Fremen player must inform the GM of such actions in hs next set of ‘movement orders. Vt Bidding Round Bidding is done simultaneously, Players may make their bids conditional upon the results of prior bids, but must ry to beas clear a8 possible as Totheir intent. The GM is nat responsible Fr prob lems caused due to a set of ambiguous orders, Players may specify that they willattempt to outbid a specifi faction(), where upon he wll pay one ‘more pice than the hishest bid, Should oor more players attempt 10 outbid each other, the player With the most spice pays the amount necessary 10 ‘outbid everyone ese trying to outbid him (ties broken bya random number) Each card goeste the highest bidder; tes are passed to the faction with the most spice in hand (futher tes are resolved by random number) Players normally bid on a card by its numeric rank. For example, the Guild bids Four Spice forthe first through thid cards, wo Spice For the fourth and fifth cards, and attempts to outbid all other players forthe sixth card. The Atreides player must bid by referring to a specific card (for example: "Bid 5 Spice on the Lasegun, and 2 Spice on each poison weapon), The Attedes player may bestow his special Bidding advantage to other players (ce above for alliance) in his faction, Bids which ae legal at thei ime of execution areautomaticallycancelled, This occurs whenever player does not have sufficient spice mee his bid, Oras a full hand. Note: Ifa player has acquited Family Atomics ‘or Weather Control, and intends to play it, he must, notify the GMa turn ahead in order fo warn him of possible adjustments, For the next two turns, the GM wil seta deadline forthe player to notify him Of whether the option willbe exeresed. Normally this willbe the same day in which bacieplans are ‘due, The player may make play ofthe card condi tional upon combat results, Reso desives. Other= wise, this due date should be approximately nine «ays alter the postmark on the GM ajudication of combat If 01 exercised, the player loses the option {outlizthecard until the GM isagain informed of its potent. Note: Karama cards are played normally during ‘movement or combat, The player may make the play ofthe Karama card conditional upon the a tions of other players. (For example: The Guild player states, “Iwill play my Karama if, and only If the Emperor attempts to ship to Tuck's Sietch.) 1X, Movement Movement is considered simultaneous, in the normal order listed in the rales: revival, shipment and on planet movement Should movement resultn the violation of Rule IX.C.2. (occupation of Strongholds), units arriv- ing by shipment take priority over forces arriving Overland. If this method does not resolve the viol tion, the largest force (numerically) has priority ‘over smaller forces (is are revolved by fandom number) XII Bribery When players would like to make a spice deal, all involved parties must sign a contract (an index ‘ard is recommended) with the terns of the deal ‘writen on the card. The GM will make his deal Known fo the public and has the right to adjust a players orders by aborting carain moves if they ould break the terms ofthe spice deal Inthe case where the player agrees to makea certain move, the GM may write or place a collect cll tothe player concerned 10 receive a change in orders to rectify the problem. If this proves imposible, the GM will change ordesto meet the term ofthe deal. A spice eal should be closely monitored to insure that players follow through onthe deal. [nthe rarecases where the GM can't do anything to rectify orders which break a. spice deal, nothing happens; however, the player who did follow though with the dal and has an opponent wha was notable to meet bis end of the bargain may citer delare the deal null and void, oF force the player to met the terms ofthe deal as soon as posible Advanced and Optional Rules ‘The following rules may be sed in PRM DUNE With fede change: Additional Character Advan- tages, Additional Kerama Powers, Weather, In- creased Spice Flow, Spice Blow, and Advanced Combat. The GM should be able to implement these without trouble by applying the precepts displayed above. Special Character Powers trees: The player must make his batleplan conditional upon the reuls of prseience. He may bestow his bidding advantage upon other players az he chooses, This allows them to bid on cards by name as opposed to numeric rank. Other players should submit orders conditional upon whether the Ateides allows them, at his whim, to bid inthis ‘manner of not. To do so, the Atreides player must inform his “ally” what the cards for Bid, There are {wo possibleouteomes. The Atrides player may in- deed allow him to bid oa the cardasis, oattemptto “teik'” him. (Asan example: The Ateides informs player B that he can bid on the LASEGUN. The Areides player then instucts the GM, “allow player B tobidon the LASEGUN” However, if he Wishes to betray player B, he informs the GM that “Tam cellng player B that BALISET is LASE- GUN.” Player B could state, however, that he will bid normally or inthe Atreides manne, iFallowed. Ir player B made a bid on a card which Acteides wasn't allowing him co bid on, the bid is simply i= nored.) Bone Gessert: The player must specify exactly Where heishostle during the upcoming turn, Other players should list alternative caed plays in case Of "yolciag™” actions, i they eit Emperor, Fremen: thse hei special tokens with an orders Guild: The player may, instead of moving simultaneously, move either before ot after fverybody’ else, If moved first, his forces always arrive at their destination fics and will always be considered the zgressor. Should hechoose to move Tas allot his orders may be made conditional upon. the motes of any or all other players, but any ‘emies faced will automatically gain the aggressor “Harkonnen: When submitting the batteplan, he must pive list from the opposing faction’ leaders of which ones he wishes to Rold should they be captured, and whish ones wil be Killed forthe two Spice bounty. IF hiss overlooked, the GM will assume that all leaders capeuted are Intended for execution forthe Bounty layers must denote ‘when submitting Miscellaneous When it comes to playing cards and selecting hattlepans, players should miake thei orders con ditional upon possible results. Players are warned. to make their orders crystal clear; should any doubt arisen the mind ofthe GM aso intentions, hs rl ingsace ina. 1tissuagested that no action occursia cases of ambiguous orders, “The GN has final ruling on all ale interpreta tions and the manner in which the game com ducted. Should a player wish to make a compin heshoul nou the GA ofthe Probie, But the GMs fia arbitrator alfhough he mas 6 sier the preblem to protect hi integrity ad the interests al players). "Any questions abou this pom system will gay be answered by the author, provided @ SASE i snclosed, Available also, with a SASE, ate iaterials 10 moderate PEM DUNE: these id in een ack o avr card, oder of asm eck, alors, copy a the map and pudeines on adjudicating sev cases, Send al Comments oF uestions 10: Tom Snider, 1183 Robinon Hill Road, Endwell, NY 1360 ue CONVENTION CALENDAR JANUARY 13-1415 CRUSADER CON Ill, Denver, Colorado Contact: Stephen Stein, Auraria Gamers Cut Metropolitan State College, 1006 1h Street, BOX #39, Denver, CO 80204 NOTE: Tournament events will include DIPLOMACY, KINGMAKER, SQUAD LEADER and CIVILIZATION among other ‘Avalon Hil ies JANUARY 14-15 CHIWAUKEE CAMPAIGN 8, Kenosha, Wisconsin Contact! Thomas A. Beach, 14654 Sheridan Road #2, Kenosha, WI $310, NOTE: Tournaments include WS4/M, SQUAD LEADER, GLADIATOR, STORM OVER ARNHEM and STARSHIP TROOPERS among many others. JANUARY 15 PANDEMONIUM OF WINTER GAMES, Toronto, Ontario Contact! Walter Hnativ, P.O. Box 67, Sin F, ‘Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M2Y 2L (416) 924.1989. NOTE: Tournaments include WIZARD'S QUEST, SQUAD LEADER. PANZER LEADER, PANZERBLIT2, DIPLOMACY and TITAN. MARCH 3-4 GOLD-CON i, Pompano Beach, Floride Contact; Jokn Dunn, Library, Broward Community College North, 1000 Coconut Creok Blvd, Pompano Beach, FL 33066. (305) 428.8832. MARCH 16-18 ‘TRI-CON I, Raleigh, Novth C Contact: James Moslond, North Carolina State Gaming Society, P.O. Box 37122, Raleigh, NC 27601 MARCH 17-18 CENTCON #4, New Britain, Connecticut Contact: Ronald Vincent, 471 Commonwealth ‘Avenue, New Britain, CT 0605. (203) 225.076. DIPLOMACY... By Rod Walker Now. I know that there area few of you readers cut there who do not Believe, Stil, you cline tothe notion that DIPLOMACY is not THE GAME. 1 Know yeu're out there... I've seen you with your duodecahedronal dic, your six foo! by eight Toot boards, your hand painted panzers, your callpers, Sealant, micromanipulators, metic conversion fables, asrolopieal forecasts, portable computers, and sarchels ful of litle cardboard squares. Pve seen you ou inthe gaming roomsat 6 AM, trying ‘et one of your games set up so that it wil be ready to play at 3 PM. I've seen you arguing over the Volume ll Section 152, Paragraph 86, Subsection (12) rHKVII) exception to the rules. And I've seen Sou at auctions, tying t0 unload games which everybody was playing las year and nobody is play- ing this year "Sure," people will say, “Diplomacy is simple, cagy to learn, easy 10st Up, and ikl) 10 remain Populae afer twenty-five years, But look at this reat game of Tyrannosaurus Rex! It has EIGHT Gifferent scenarios! Wow, eight... twelve twenty... ily scenarios! I's not the same game everytime.” Wel that ian advantage, P'ladmit, nd eversbody knows that DIPLOMACY has only fone, ight? DIPLOMACY bas, in fact, over 700 known ail designed by fans of the game of an amateut bass, But don't let that tag “amateur” f00l you, tenile readers... some these people also design ‘bames professionally and many others are highly Fespected for thei variant savvy within the hobby. There are DIPLOMACY variants for almost very tase, interest, and number of players (rom ‘soto, theottieals, an infinite number). Thereare Inany variants which use the same playing board And pieces these simply ales the rules litle ora Tot. Such pames include economic facors, oF new types of Units (ar power, for instance, or sub- marines), or pethaps ony something as simple as regotisting initial placement of units before the tame starts, Some Variants make some changes in the mepboard (for which I recommend that the players could use a plastic overlay and grease pencil). A good party variant is one in which the ‘board iself changes randomly in various ways dur ing the pame (again the plastic overlay) ‘Many other variants exist wit totally new play ing mapboards (usualy with many new rues f0 g0 ssth them. Whatever the reader is intersted in, ‘here i probably a variant that caters to it, There fare numerous variants which add part oral ofthe test of the world—the most popular ofthese being the "“Youngsiown” variant which edds China, India and Japan to the Great Powers and makes the The Compleat Diplomat wy With a Difference mapboard aylinder. Subvarians of the “Younes: town” alsoadd Africa; and one, YV XI, even ades the New World, Therearemany, many other global the reader doesnt cate for the period of 1901, ‘what then? Well. name the period, My own, "2001" [82.00 directly from Rod if you're in- terested) is & global polar-projection variant, re- ‘uiring three to ten players, with multiple Sub Yarlants of is own ranging from 1920 to the 218 Century. Games such as “Imperial VII", 1939" and "Zeus" take DIPLOMACY into the ever-popular Second World War. And there are Napoleonic, Early Modern, and Medieval variants ‘Theancient word (both Roman and pre-Roman) is well represented. Too, one can find Colonial ‘America, ancien India or China feudal Japan, and ‘numerous other eras and areas is KINGMAKER a ‘bit complicated; ry “Warwick”, a DIPLOMACY variant of the period. Do you find MACHIA- VELLI a bit 100 long to play; try “City tate Does Might» Foriess put you off fy “Excom= Nor are the science fiction or fantasy fans neglected. Many Middle-Earth variants exist, in lading two ("War of the Great Jewels” and Beleriand”) set in the Fist Age! Barsoom, Dalarna, Earthsea, the Hyborian Age, Witch World, the Young Kingdoms, Kregen, the Founda- tions, and the Federation are al represented rot to mention many more generalized galactic and itertllar variants One can, literally, play DIPLOMACY set almost anywhere in the universeand inany age, The system is infinitely adaprable (one ofthe marks of lassi), All you need are the relevant rules and a nap. Be warned however, amateur variants do not repeat the standard DIPLOMACY rules, nor do they reprint the standatd mapboard (tha is what they ule). Rules are written only as exceptions to the existing AH rulebook. Therefore, in order 10 play the variants, one must have the game ‘But once you have that, what then? How does one have access to these wonderful variants? You ould, of course, make up your own. That's how these all got stated, (And, there san expression of interest from you readers out there, we might print some simple variant rules this column some ay.) Beyond this, there isa repository fr this type fof material. It is known as the North American Variant Bark, and our files include over $00 of the known varians, The NAVB Catalogue is $1.00 (and is available from Rod Walker, 1273 Crest ‘Drive, Ensiitas CA 92024). The Catalogue wl it the game varians available, indicate how many players are required, and list how much each costs fo order, Furthermore, there are two fine booklets errr

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