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Dr. Mariam Saad

Clinical Nutrition Consultant

Head of Clinical Nutrition Dep. At CSH
Egyptian Fellowship of Clinical Nutrition
European Board of Clinical Nutrition ( ESPEN )
Essential nutrient

An essential nutrient is a nutrient required for normal body functioning that cannot
be synthesized by the body and must be obtained from a dietary source. Some
categories of essential nutrient include:

Essential amino acids

Essential fatty acids
And Dietary minerals
Food Composition

• Carbohydrates.
• Fats (Lipid).
• Proteins.

 Micronutrients:
• Vitamins.
• Minerals.

 Most available, fastest breakdown, bodies first choice. Give fuel to the body by
breaking down to glucose. Glucose is primary energy source for all body cells .

 PLANTS are the major source of carbohydrates in the food we eat. Examples:
cereal grains, vegetables, Legumes, fruits, nuts, and sugars
Simple Carbohydrates

Sugars that are quickly digested and provide a BOOST of

energy for the body

Foods with LOTS of sugar:

 Honey,
 Milk,
 Cookies,
 Candy
Complex Carbohydrates

Starches that are composed of many sugars linked together

They provide the body with long-term energy since they are
digested more slowly than sugars.

Foods with LOTS of starch:

 Bread (whole grain)
 Rice,
 Beans,
 Potatoes,
 Macaroni.
Fats (lipids)

Provides energy
Highest kilocalorie value
Certain amount of Fat in diet is healthy
Too much can cause weight gain
3 types of fat
• Saturated found in meats, milk, cream, butter, cheese, egg
• Unsaturated found in oils, fish oil, nuts, avocado
• Trans fat found in all processed and fried food

 Builds and repairs body tissues (i.e. skin, organs, & muscle)

 Provides Major component of immune system & hormones.

Only one of nutrients that contains nitrogen.

 Proteins are made of 22 amino acids, 9 essential amino

acids are found in foods we called high biological value
food ( in animal source)

 Sources of protein: meats, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, cheese,

legumes, corn, grains, nuts, and seeds.

Organic compounds
 Regulate body processes
 Help promote chemical reactions in the body
 Body does not make vitamin, must get all from the diet.
• Water soluble: B, C
• Fat soluble: A, E, D,K
can build up and form toxicity.

Inorganic compounds.
Regulate body processes.
In a variety of foods, this is good because they must be
taken in relatively large amounts.
 Examples: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium,
chloride, iron, magnesium, zinc
All food categories we discussed should be in our daily
Every component should be taken in a specific
percentage to maintain our health.
Example: we should eat 45% – 65% CHO, 20% - 30% Fat,
How to and 15% - 20% protein.

choose my Every component should be taken in specific quantity.

food? The Quality is also important.

We are what we eat

To know the exact quantity

we need we should first know,
 How many energy we need?
 How could we calculate it?
 How could we spend it?
 Does it differ from one to
Energy is power used to:

 Maintain our Basal metabolism; (the amount of energy

required to carry on the activities of the body at rest)
What is
Energy?  Maintain our Physical activity; ( go to work, walk, house
cleaning, ……)
How many energy
we need?
 To calculate energy we use calories as a
unit of measurement of our food.

Calories Calculation:
Carbohydrates 1g = 4 calories
Protein 1g = 4 calories
Fat 1g = 9 calories
Basic energy requirements (BER)
Step 1: Estimate RMR by:
 Harris Benedict Equation:
• – Male = 66.5 + 13.8(W) + 5(H) – 6.8(A)
• – Female = 655 + 9.6(W) + 1.8(H) – 4.7(A) – W = wt. in
kg – H = ht. in cm – A = age in years
How could • Quick & Easy Formula
we • Men: BW (in kg) X 24.2
calculate • Women: BW (in kg) X 22.0

it? Step 2: Multiply RMR by Activity Factor

 Very Light/Sedentary (sitting or standing all day)
e.g. lab/computer work, typing, painting : 1.3 for
both men and women.
 Light (walking and some movement throughout
day) e.g. student, teacher, homemaker, childcare
worker: M 1.6, F 1.5
Activity  Heavy (job with heavy manual labour or vigorous

Factors: intensity exercise 5-6 x/wk. for one or more

hours)e.g. roofer, carpenter, many athletes M 2.1,
F 1.9
 Exceptional (intense physical training for many
hours every day)e.g. professional or collegiate
athletes during their seasons M 2.4, F 2.2

A 35 years old man whose weight is 85 kg and his height is 180 cm

work 8h/d office-based drive to his work average steps per day 3000
step. Can you calculate his caloric requirements?

 RMR = 85 x 24.2 = 2057

 Activity Factor = ???
RMR x Activity Factor =
2057 x 1.3 = 2674 cal/day

This is the total caloric requirements to maintain his weight.

Now how can he get all food categories and essential nutrients ?
My Plate

1- Vegetables
2- Proteins
3- Grains
4- Fruits
5- Dairy
6- Fat
1- Vegetables:

Vegetables are good source

of vitamins and minerals they
compose of fibers, starch and
small amount of protein

The serving of row vegetables

equal 1 cup and cooked
vegetables equal ½ cup
 it contain around 25 cal
2- Proteins:

Proteins are the main source

of amino acids, vitamins and
trace elements.

The serving of protein is OZ =

28.5 gm caloric content
depend on the amount of fat in
Lean protein 55 cal/ serving
Medium fat 70 cal/ serving
High fat 100 cal/serving
3- Grains:

Grains are good source of

complex carbohydrates and

Serving equal 30 gm = 1 slice

toast = ¼ balady bread = 3 T.s
rice = 4 T.s pasta

have 80 cal
4- Fruits:

Fruits are good source of

vitamins and minerals

It consist of starch and fibers

One serving = 100 gm = small

apple = handful grabes

Contain 60 cal
5- Dairy:

Milk consist of carb, protein

and fat.

Serving is one cup 200 ml

Calories according to fat


Low fat = 100 cal

Half skimmed = 120 cal
Full cream = 160 cal
6- Fat:

Fats are either saturated

(hard in room temp.) or
unsaturated fats ( liquid in room

Serving = small teaspoon

Serving contain 45 cal


Legumes consist of starch,

protein and fibers

Serving equal 3 Table spoon

or half cup

Serving contain 100 cal

Now how can we give our
man in the early example his
caloric requirements from all
food categories we studied
Balanced Diet:
We should tack from
3-5 serving of vegetables/day
2-4 serving of fruits/day
4-6 serving of protein/day
6-12 serving of grains/day
3-5 serving of healthy fat/day
2-3 serving of dairy/day
2-5 serving of legumes/week
Food Group Serving Cal./Ser. Total Cal.

Veg. 5.00 25.00 125.00

Fruit 3.00 60.00 180.00

Protein-Law 2.00 55.00 110.00

Protien-Med. 3.00 70.00 210.00

Protien-High 3.00 100.00 300.00

Grains 12.00 80.00 960.00

Dairy 2.00 120.00 240.00

Fat 5.00 45.00 225.00

Legumes 2.00 100.00 200.00

sugor 3.00 20.00 60.00

Food serving table:
Total 2,610.00

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