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Question 1: Do some research on how your chosen concept is followed in the real world by

corporations, share your findings and recommendations on how this can be improved. Please
also share the examples wherever you see fit
CSR in concept and practice
CSR stands for Corporate social responsibility and it is a form of regulation for
businesses and is the idea that a business should be contributing to the community and be
taking into consideration the environmental and social impacts that their business choices
have. For all businesses, corporate social responsibility plays a very important role in how a
business is perceived by the public, and it is crucial that they do their best to give themselves
a good image, and in turn they will be successful with their customers. In my opinion
although most businesses do take corporate social responsibility seriously, I think that it
should be posted in workplaces more often and talked about more. By that I mean that there
should be clear expectations for all employees to refer to when it comes to dealing with
society and our environment, thereby meaning that the most effective way I feel like that can
be accomplished is by having those expectations posted somewhere for all employees to have
access to so everyone can be on the same page. Another recommendation I would have is for
businesses to post their social responsibility on social media for the public to see, and when
the public sees how that business prioritizes the well being of them as consumers then it will
draw them in to becoming customers of that business.
Personally, I work in retail so catering to the greater good of society is very important
to us because we rely on drawing in customers to be able to keep our employees at work. For
example, last month we decided to get all the employees to bring in kids books for our
manager to get together and give to the Sick Kids donation because we know that is
important to be giving back in any ways that we can and this was just one of the very easy
ways that we could make other people's lives better. One of the most important things for us
in our store is making sure our customers come first and have a good experience. Every
customer is greeting with a smile as soon as they come in the door and asked if they need any
assistance and we have employees stationed around the store to be available whenever a
customer needs our help and by doing that, we so rarely have any people who are rude to us
and we are constantly told that we have the best customer service that they have seen in a
while, which makes them happy to come back and shop again.
Question 2:How would you as an individual be able to live up to your social responsibility
towards the society in your personal and professional life? Any thoughts, ideas, or
-To live up to my social responsibility towards the society in my personal life I would
do things that benefit society in any way, even if it is a small impact because I am only one
person but if everyone had that mindset to do what they can to be socially responsible then it
would have a much larger impact on society. Being socially responsible for me can be as easy
as recycling properly, donating unused items, being honest, and volunteering my time to help
an important cause. Being socially responsible does not have to be a very complicated thing
to do, nor does it have to feel like a chore, I can do all of those on a daily basis and it
becomes a part of my daily routine. Each and every one of those things impact everything
around us for the greater good and to add onto that, if I can do these things with friends or
family then there will be more people understanding the importance of social responsibility
and the different everyday activities they can do to help in whatever way they can/want.
When it comes to my professional life, I can still do similar things to my personal life
to be socially responsible but it is also pretty different at the same time. In my professional
life it is important for me to take other people's opinions and well being into consideration
because in my opinion a big part of being socially responsible in my professional life is
reflected on how I treat the people that I work with. There are many different aspects that go
along with this but the main ones would be being a hard working employee, being respectful
of my coworkers and to my superiors, abiding by deadlines given, and doing good for the
community as a company. How I act in my professional life will have a lasting effect on the
people around me and my habits could also rub off on people so I like to make sure that I am
always putting my best foot forward and acting with the utmost responsibility to represent my
workplace as well as myself in a good way.
As for thought, ideas or recommendations, I think that everyone should have the
mindset to recognize the importance of being socially responsible towards the society and to
just make these acts a part of your daily routine and by doing good for what is around us it
will make us feel good as people to know that we are making some kind of impact even if it
is small.

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