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Name ________________________________

Daniel and Revelation Reflection

1. What are some of the things that stuck out to you as we studied the
prophecies of Daniel and Revelation?
2. Over the past two semesters what has stuck with you the most in
regards to what we have studied in Daniel and Revelation, why?
3. Daniel 2, 7, and 9 provide evidence that God is completely aware of
what is taking place in history. How being presented with this
information made you think about God, what you believe, and being a
spiritual person?
4. Daniel and Revelation present a final conflict between God and Satan.
This conflict is played out between rulers, governments, and world
religions. One of the belief systems that was talked about was
Catholicism and Sunday worship. Describe how you think we should
balance and approach different beliefs, especially if those beliefs or
beliefs systems are part of the end time conflict.
5. Define truth as you understand it. Where does your definition of truth
come from?
6. Maybe you have and maybe you have not thought much about prophecy
outside of class. As you have thought about prophecy and the bible what
sort of questions do you have in regards to the things that we have
7. What are some questions that you have about God is general?
8. Please list any disagreements that you might have with the information
that was presented.
9. What was the most difficult part to understand about prophecy?

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