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Discover the power

of integrated security


Inspire efficiency

26 | Pelco Press Spring 2012

You might have noticed the phrase, “discover the power of
integrated security” in many of our recent communications.
We chose these words carefully.

The statement not only embodies the spirit of excellence and innovation
that our company represents, but also, it serves as a call-to-action for our
innovative customers who constantly strive to bring new ideas to life.

“Discover the power of integrated security” is the beginning of an important

dialog about how Schneider ElectricTM combines security management
systems, integration expertise, and best-in-class technology to enable
corporations to realize quantifiable business value. As today’s revolutionaries
continue to build a smarter planet, our company helps those innovators
employ integrated security solutions to positively impact their respective
corners of the ecosystem.1 Read on to understand more about security as
a business enabler.

Growth over the past decade information technology (IT) functions

To understand the holistic value it brings within a business. The advent of
today, it is important to recap the evolution software-managed security solutions
of security over the past decade. Among caused that line to fade. Physical security
the changes that have occurred are and information technology are now
the following: inextricably linked.

• Software integration has emerged as Today, best in class Schneider Electric

a business enabler, giving rise to integrated security solutions run on
“integrated solutions.” integrated IT- or IP-based networks.
• Economic factors have made Infrastructural components are shared
demonstrating return on security and actionable information is available
investment (ROSI) a requirement from different systems. Integration onto
rather than an option. one IT network also affords the possibility
of a single control platform. Software-
• Security now can be categorized as driven solutions deliver not only the
delivering three levels of value. means to collect information, but also
• The synergy between people + equip operators with the necessary
process + technology is a compelling (consolidated) facts to be proactive.
factor in designing security
Discover the power management strategies. Software has taken us beyond the legacy
of integrated security • Managing security as a lifecycle is of basic security (standalone products
and solutions designed to provide security
Drive greater a best practice.
effectiveness) – to the delivery of more
business efficiency It pays (literally) to analyze the impact of advanced (integrated) solutions that
each of those developments. provide risk protection – to delivering
business value that transcends the scope
Software enters the picture of traditional security. What’s more,
There was once a clear delineation integrated security solutions have made
between the physical security and more effective security management
available at a lower overall cost.
Pelco Press Spring 2012 | 27
Monetizing return on Illustration 1
security investment hasn’t Three levels of security
been easy One of the reasons why
security hasn’t easily been monetized VALUE CUSTOMER BENEFITS RESULTS
in the past is that traditional methods
for calculating return on security CapEx and OpEx cost reductions
result from integrating multiple
investment were complex at best. Security effectiveness disparate technologies onto a single,
Equations included a mind boggling
comprehensive security network.
array of mathematical formulas and
statistical analyses. Calculations frequently Securing the people and assets that
relied upon “soft data” to derive hard make up a business reduces risk,
numbers associated with ROI. It was Risk reduction ensures business continuity, and
inevitable: easier mechanisms had to be enhances reputation. Real financial
benefits are many.
found. By categorizing security in terms
of the depth and scope of what it delivers, The investments customers make
quantifying return on security investment in security technology can be
became easier.
Business efficiency leveraged to improve business
processes, reducing variable costs
and increasing revenues.
Security can deliver three
levels of value Imagine three
categories of security that run the gamut
from “effective protection” at one end Using a security management
of the spectrum to “delivering tangible solution to support the primary
business value for solving real business, mission of an organization
operational or process problems” at the represents a third level of security.
opposite end. This helps illustrate how In this instance, security is used to
ROSI can be quantified. (See Illustration 1.) improve business processes, reduce
variable costs, and increase revenues.
The promise of security Here, security is no longer viewed as a
effectiveness represents the most cost center, but rather as an enabler that
basic reason why executives invest plays a strategic role in the organization.
in security management solutions. Security delivers tangible benefits
Integrating multiple disparate technologies in such business areas as logistics,
onto a single comprehensive IT network manufacturing, facility scheduling, process
drives more effective security protection. improvements, and energy management.
It also results in lower capital expenditures At this level, security contributes to
(CapEx) in new construction and in lower the success of the business and to its
Operating Expenses (OpEx) over time. profitability and continuity. This is where
This first category of security solutions is security begins to weave itself into the
the one that is hardest to monetize. DNA of an organization. This is also a point
at which proving ROSI is straightforward.
The second level of value is risk
reduction. This category of protection Weaving security into the
safeguards brand reputation, bolsters DNA Two more points are critical to
business continuity and provides understanding how security becomes an
tangible ROSI. Among the major factors essential part of corporate DNA. First, in
that impact business continuity are addition to categorizing security according
security incidents, disasters, accidents, to what it delivers to the business,
and non-compliance with regulations.
Integrated security solutions address
executives must consider the synergy Discover the power
between people + process + technology
these challenges. This kind of security as part of a best practices security
of integrated security
solution reduces risk and gives operators strategy. When all three work together Prove return on
situational awareness. When anomalies in an intentionally-designed symmetry,
are pinpointed, they have the right
security investment
an organization can realize the highest
information at the right time so that they possible performance improvements and
can make informed decisions. With this reap significant [financial] benefits across
second level, assigning a monetary value business operations. Second, viewing
to security is easier than with the first. the discipline of security as a process-

28 | Pelco Press Spring 2012

Safer buildings

Safer people

Safer streets

Pelco Press Spring 2012 | 29

Discover the power
of integrated security
Uncover actionable

suspicious activity

Protect patrons

sensitive areas

30 | Pelco Press Spring 2012

Illustration 2

The security lifecycle: incorporating processes

to ensure business continuity
It’s about process, not just technology
A manufacturing environment uses
optical turnstiles equipped with
credentialing capabilities. Because
the production line will not start without
the proper number of qualified workers
in place, the propensity for costly
Enterprise security lifecycle product defects and the likelihood of
disruptions in the manufacturing
process is greatly decreased.

A supervisory control and data acquisition

(SCADA) system-driven water treatment
plant integrated video surveillance with
Business objectives driven security lifecycle highlights how this the SCADA system. Now alarms are
The security lifecycle process starts symmetry works. (See Illustration 2.) confirmed via live video verification before
with identifying the objectives of a technician is dispatched to resolve a
the enterprise. The security lifecycle follows a problem. Workers are not dispatched to
chronological progression through the areas exhibiting unsafe conditions and
Vulnerablility assessment
Identify the assets that are essential eight stages that occur in most security fewer facility technicians are required
to running the enterprise and ensuring environments – from determining business to maintain the infrastructure.
business continuity. objectives at the beginning – to events
resolution and post-event analysis Thermal cameras used to protect
Integrated security and reporting at the end. Each of these an industrial facility also monitor the
Decide how you want to manage security
and design processes to secure assets stages provides a mechanism for temperature of equipment bearings
and ensure business continuity. continuous improvement. in pumps and motors. Because the
temperature of bearings increases with
Infrastructure/processes Beyond the foundation to excessive wear, these cameras can detect
Design security technology to
support the processes. Install the
real-life examples The best way changes and automatically alert operators.
to highlight the vast potential integrated Security delivers preventative maintenance
security infrastructure.
security brings is to examine real-life that safeguards against unexpected
Events and alarms examples. A case in point is a city with equipment failure and process interruption.
Established processes and your an already overcrowded roadway system
deployed infrastructure detect events and stressed police network. More In retail and transportation environments,
in the enterprise.
than 7 percent additional growth was video surveillance can serve the dual
Situational analysis anticipated yearly. The team implemented functions of securing the environment
Analyze events against process design an integrated solution that included high and also assuring efficient traffic flow –
and business operations. resolution day/night cameras, additional of people, baggage, or cargo – on
video storage capabilities and automated escalators, in baggage handling
Workflow drive response service dispatch SMS. The solution carousels, or on surrounding roadways
Automated response to events occurs
based on business process design so as delivered 99.9% uptime and a 270% and parking facilities.
to ensure business continuity. increase in enforcement revenues over
a several year period. Together we can harness
Events resolution the power The possibilities are
Events are resolved and the enterprise
The owner of a commercial office building endless. Let us help you revolutionize your
returns to normal operations.
realized two significant benefits with an environment today. Together, we have the
Post-event analysis integrated security solution tied to the power to leave a permanent mark. Let’s
Reporting is event-based rather than facility’s BMS. He not only reduced continue to raise the bar in designing
technology-based. OpEx costs and decreased energy revolutionary applications for integrated
costs but also realized an unexpected security technology.
Process improvement can occur at 15 percent decrease in annual cleaning
this stage. costs thanks to tracking occupancy and Download your FREE PDF copy of
alerting cleaning staff not to address the Schneider Electric white paper: The
unoccupied zones. Evolution of Return on Security Investment
(ROSI), visit us at

1 This article is excerpted from “The Evolution of Return on Security Investment (ROSI),” by Kathy
Holoman and Aaron Kuzmeskus, Schneider Electric integrated security solutions, January 2012. Pelco Press Spring 2012 | 31

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