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OPINION Individualized blood pressure targets during
postcardiac arrest intensive care
Markus B. Skrifvars a, Anders Åneman b,c,d, and Koen Ameloot e,f,g

Purpose of review
To discuss recent findings relevant to optimizing blood pressure targets in adult, postcardiac arrest (PCA)
patients and whether to tailor these based on specific patient, cardiac arrest or treatment characteristics.
Recent findings
Observational data suggest that mean arterial pressure (MAP) below 65–75 mmHg in PCA patients is
associated with worse outcome. A higher MAP could be beneficial in patients with chronic hypertension
who more frequently have a right shift of the cerebral autoregulation curve. Two recent randomized pilot
trials compared lower and higher MAP targets during PCA care and found no significant effect on
biomarkers of neurological injury. The haemodynamic interventions in those studies did not use any
cerebral perfusion endpoints beyond a static MAP targets during ICU stay. Individualized, dynamic MAP
targets based on assessments of cerebral perfusion and tailored to the specifics of the patient, cardiac
arrest circumstances and treatment responses may be more conducive to improved outcomes. Pilot data
suggest that near infrared spectroscopy monitoring may be used to determine the cerebral autoregulatory
capacity and an optimal MAP, but this approach is yet to be tested in clinical trials.
Current evidence suggests targeting a MAP of at least 65–75 mmHg in PCA patients. Future studies should
focus on whether certain patient groups could benefit from higher and dynamic MAP targets.
acute myocardial infarction, blood pressure, cardiac arrest, cerebral oxygenation, cerebral perfusion pressure

INTRODUCTION individualized to improve in particular cerebral

The cause of death in patients with return of spon- blood flow (CBF) and as a corollary neurological
taneous circulation (ROSC) after cardiac arrest and outcome.
admitted to an ICU, is either neurological, cardio-
genic or related to multiorgan failure. In a single-
centre study from France about one third of patients a
Department of Emergency Care and Services, University of Helsinki and
died from circulatory shock and two thirds from Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland, bIntensive Care Unit, Liver-
hypoxic ischaemic brain injury (HIBI) [1]. Death pool Hospital, South Western Sydney Local Health District, cUniversity of
New South Wales, dFaculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Macqurie
from circulatory shock occurred in general during University, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, eDepartment of Cardi-
the first 3 days whereas death from neurological ology, Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg, Genk, fDepartment of Cardiology, Uni-
injury occurred between days 3 and 5 [1]. Nonethe- versity Hospitals Leuven, Leuven and gFaculty of Medicine and Life
less, various degrees of early circulatory failure with Sciences, University Hasselt, Diepenbeek, Belgium
high lactate and need for vasopressors were key Correspondence to Markus B. Skrifvars, Department of Emergency Care
features in all patients who experienced poor out- and Services, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital,
Meilahden Sairaala, Haartmaninkatu 4, 00029 HUS Helsinki, Finland.
come. An adequate mean arterial blood pressure
Tel: +358 405 137 862; e-mail:
(MAP) is paramount to maintain organ blood flow
Curr Opin Crit Care 2020, 26:259–266
and hence oxygen delivery sufficient to meet oxy-
gen demands in the brain, the heart and other
organs. Importantly, optimal MAP goals may differ This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0
over time and between patients. In this review we (CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work
discuss haemodynamic goals in postcardiac arrest provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or
(PCA) patients and whether MAP targets should be used commercially without permission from the journal.

1070-5295 Copyright ß 2020 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

follows a slightly different time course [10] and after

KEY POINTS an early but brief (20 min) postcardiac arrest hyper-
 Observational data suggest that the lowest MAP target aemic response as a result of vasoparalysis, a period
is around 65–75 mmHg. of hypoperfusion follows that may last up to 12 h
and mainly reflects an uncoupling of metabolic
 Targeting higher MAP have theoretical benefits but the vasoregulation. In the final phase up to 72 h after
evidence from two randomized pilot trials did not show
ROSC, CBF is typically restored to normal but may
any alleviation of biomarkers of neurological injury.
again demonstrate a hyperaemic response [11,12].
 Limited data exist on the optimal type of vasopressors The latter has been associated with nonsurvival [11]
and inotropes but noradrenaline appears to have many and likely reflects persistent loss of cerebrovascular
positive effects. resistance. The influence of MAP on cerebral perfu-
 The influence of MAP on cerebral blood flow is highly sion during these phases is obviously quite diver-
dependent on individual thresholds for cerebral gent and a static MAP target may lead to both
autoregulation that are often right-shifted in PCA hypoperfusion as well as hyperperfusion at different
patients, mainly in hypertensive patients or patients points in time.
using antihypertensive drugs before cardiac arrest.

 The optimal MAP to sustain cerebral perfusion may

vary from patient to patient but thus far there are BLOOD PRESSURE AND CEREBRAL
limited data on whether its timely identification in ICU CIRCULATION
may be used to improve patient-centred outcomes Cerebral circulation in health is tightly controlled
following cardiac arrest. by multiple regulatory systems that ensure homeo-
static CBF despite a variable MAP, generally referred
to as cerebrovascular autoregulation (CVAR) [13].
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF HYPOTENSION Increased sympathetic tone in the large vessels to
AND PERFUSION CHANGES the brain, in particular the tortuous part of the
Hypotension in PCA patients is multifactorial internal carotid artery, lead to vasoconstriction
reflecting changes in cardiac output (CO) [stroke and in addition both the blood arterial tension of
volume (SV) and heart rate] and vascular conduc- oxygen (PaO2) and carbon dioxide (PaCO2) take part
tance [2]. An inflammatory response is commonly in vasoregulation that is also influenced by the
seen which is related to hypoxia and systemic general haemodynamic state, that is MAP and CO.
ischaemia-reperfusion following ROSC and results The pial vessels of the neurovascular unit are sensi-
in vasodilatation and low systemic vascular resis- tive to changes in PaO2, PaCO2, MAP and mediators
tance [3,4]. Cardiac index is often low mainly in of metabolic demand also when exposed via the
patients with acute coronary syndromes as the ini- cerebrospinal fluid and form the pivotal component
tial cause of cardiac arrest. In addition, most patients of CVAR capacity. Although MAP often receives
receive continuous infusions of sedative agents to most attention in relation to CBF, the bony enclo-
induce and tolerate target temperature management sure of the brain means that the intracranial pres-
(TTM), for example propofol, which may decrease sure (ICP) acts as a Starling resistor which becomes
cardiac contractility and vascular resistance. Studies important in circumstances with markedly elevated
have not demonstrated a difference in MAP related venous pressure; both increased ICP and heart fail-
to the specific temperature for TTM [5]. ure with raised venous pressure in PCA patients may
The complex cardiovascular compromise thus offset the impact of MAP changes. Recent
observed in PCA patients may furthermore involve studies have highlighted that the almost canonized
disruption to ventriculoarterial coupling, impaired paradigm of effective CVAR between a MAP of 50
arterial elastance and changes to arterial augmenta- and 150 is not correct [14]. The lower limit of
tion [6]. These factors may have important implica- autoregulation appears to be close to a MAP of
tions for the propagation of the arterial pressure 70 mmHg [15] with CVAR more effective for increas-
wave and its translation into propulsion of blood ing than for decreasing MAP [16] which combined
volume [7] and introduce uncertainty regarding suggest a far more pressure-passive CBF than con-
how to best monitor invasive arterial pressure. These ventionally appreciated [13].
aspects of MAP targets remain sparsely studied As HIBI is the main cause of morbidity and
despite recent progress in hypertension research, a mortality in PCA patients it is not surprising that
common cardiovascular disease in PCA patients [8]. methods to monitor cerebral tissue oxygenation and
In most PCA patients the systemic haemody- the influence of MAP on CBF have attracted consid-
namic compromise is most notable in the first 24– erable interest. Many methods may be used to mon-
48 h after which it generally resolves [9]. The CBF itor CBF after cardiac arrest [17,18], for example

260 Volume 26  Number 3  June 2020

Individualized blo od pressure targets Skrifvars et al.

transcranial Doppler (TCD), MRI, Xenon computer conclusions regarding the possible mechanism(s)
tomography and near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), for improved outcome can be drawn.
but only TCD and NIRS are available in the ICU with
sufficient ease of operation. This review will focus on
NIRS given its capacity for continuous monitoring MEAN ARTERIAL PRESSURE TARGETS
at the bedside with minimal operator dependence
[19,20] and with automated analyses for CVAR Immediate targets after return of
available [21] as well as the authors’ own spontaneous circulation
research experience. There is significant variability in MAP between
Near infrared spectroscopy is a noninvasive patients very early after ROSC [28]. After ROSC
method to estimate regional cerebral oxygen satu- there is high risk of re-arrest and therefore adequate
ration (rSO2), typically in the superficial parts of the cardiopulmonary monitoring is paramount: con-
frontal lobes encompassing the watershed area tinuous ECG to identify recurring arrhythmias,
between the anterior and middle cerebral arteries. noninvasive or preferably invasive BP and contin-
Although there are many determinants of rSO2, the uous capnography [29]. Many PCA patients are
major influence in a short (minutes) time window is initially tachycardic and hypertensive, especially
CBF. By analysing the linear correlation between if adrenaline has been administered during cardio-
changes in rSO2 versus concurrent changes in pulmonary resuscitation. Given the 5 –10 min half-
MAP in the time domain, often referred to as tissue life of adrenaline one should initiate aggressive
oxygenation index (TOx), a quantitative assessment treatment to maintain BP before the effects of
of CVAR may be obtained. The more positive the adrenaline has disappeared. Few studies have
correlation, the more passively rSO2 and thus CBF, assessed the immediate BP targets after ROSC.
behaves during MAP changes whereas a TOx of zero One retrospective study indicated that failure to
or even a negative correlation indicates preserved achieve physiologic targets recommended in
CVAR capacity. The lowest and highest MAP for Guidelines, including a SBP target of 120 mmHg,
which the TOx transgresses from preserved to lost during the prehospital phase increased the risk of
CVAR, in most studies at a threshold of TOx 0.3, poor neurological outcome [28]. Similar observa-
indicate the upper and lower limits of autoregula- tions have been made in PCA patients on arrival to
tion whereas the MAP associated with the least TOx hospital [30,31]. Means to achieve these BP targets
value indicates the optimal MAP at which CVAR is include infusion of crystalloid solutions and the
most effective. The use of NIRS to calculate TOx and administration of noradrenaline.
derived indices of CVAR has been applied in several
pilot studies of PCA patients [22–24], comatose
patients in ICU [19] and in healthy volunteers [25]. General mean arterial pressure targets in the
Assessment of CO in PCA patients during TTM is
BLOOD PRESSURE AND PERFUSION OF challenging as large thermal noise generated by
THE HEART cooling catheters tends to overrule the small ther-
Coronary blood flow occurs during diastole and mal signal by the thermistor in the right ventricle.
hence the DBP and heart rate are of major impor- However, there is linear correlation between mixed
tance [26]. Similar to the cerebral circulation, coro- venous oxygen saturation (SVO2) as a surrogate for
nary flow is kept relatively constant over a wide CO and rSO2. The optimal MAP in PCA patients
range of blood pressures (BP) [26]. Even after suc- should preserve brain perfusion, taking in to
cessful revascularisation the resistance to blood flow account a potential right shift of the CVAR curve,
may be increased as a result of vasospasm, formation without exposing the heart to excessive afterload
of microthrombi and tissue oedema that shift the that may impair SV, CO and cerebral perfusion. In
coronary autoregulation curve to the right [6]. By an observational study by Ameloot et al. maximal
increasing DBP one may increase coronary blood rSO2 was achieved with a MAP of 87 mmHg with
flow which theoretically could salvage the areas higher MAP’s resulting in reductions of CO and
adjacent to the infarcted myocardium. An associa- rSO2. In the same study, an average MAP between
tion between higher DBP and improved outcome 76 and 86 mmHg and average SVO2 between 65 and
after cardiac arrest was reported in one study [27]. In 70% were associated with maximal odds for survival
this study of 171 PCA patients treated in the ICU, with good neurological outcome. Several other stud-
low DBP during the first 6 h after cardiac arrest was ies have investigated associations between increased
associated with outcome whereas SBP was not. MAP and improved survival and neurological out-
Within the constraints of the study design, no come [30]. Laurikkala et al. studied the area under

1070-5295 Copyright ß 2020 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. 261
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

AMI, acute myocardial infarction; CHF, chronic heart failure; IHCA, in-hospital cardiac arrest; MAP, mean arterial pressure; OHCA, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest; ROSC, return of spontaneous circulation; TH, therapeutic
well validated biomarker
various MAP thresholds and compared these

granular MAP data with

pressures both invasive

long-term neurological

Study included only TTM

Large study sample with

No increase in poor outcome Stronger association in patients In this substudy patients

between patients with good [cerebral performance

with MAP less than

Large study with very

and noninvasive
category (CPC) 1–2] and poor (CPC 3–5) neurologi-

Used hourly blood

as the endpoint

70 mmHg were
cal outcome. In an analysis excluding the last 6 h

before death in the ICU it appeared that there was a


significant difference in time and magnitude (i.e.
area) below a MAP of 70 mmHg, but not at higher
levels [9]. Similar findings have been reported by

Slightly stronger association in

Same effect regardless of TTM
Kilgannon et al. [31] who showed that a MAP above

younger patients and in

patients treated with TH

patients with shockable

Factors associated with

Stronger association in
70 mmHg during the first 6 h after ROSC was associ-

different MAP target

with hypertension
ated with better neurological outcome (CPC 1–2)

initial rhythm
and in a separate study a MAP more than 90 mmHg

Table 1. Recently published observational studies on association between mean arterial blood pressure and outcome after cardiac arrest
was associated with improved neurological outcome
(modified Rankin Scale, mRS  3) [32 ]. In an obser-

vational study by Russo et al. [33] focusing on

patients undergoing therapeutic hypothermia at

Increasing vasopressor dose

Association present despite

with increasing doses of
was not associated with

the use of vasopressors

33 8C the optimal MAP appeared to be at least

Impact of vasopressor

No association between
vasopressor use and
75 mmHg. In contrast, Grand et al. [34 ] found no

use on outcome
interactions between TTM and MAP and reported

impaired cognitive function (mini-mental state


score <27) in patients with higher MAP. On over-
view of conducted observational studies on MAP

and outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

MAP and a biomarker of

than MAP 70–90 mmHg

(OHCA) are provided in Table 1. MAP target associated

No association between

No association between
MAP > 90 mmHg better
neurological injury
MAP < 70–75 mmHg

MAP > 75–80 mmHg

MAP and outcome

improved outcome
associated with
with outcome


Recently, two trials have randomized PCA patients
between a lower (MAP 65–75 mmHg) and a higher
23 % had MAP < 70 mmHg More common with ST-elevation
Factors associated with the

patients with chronic heart

More common in the elderly,
occurrence of hypotension

MAP target (MAP 80–100 mmHg) (Table 2). In both

prolonged time to ROSC

failure, IHCA and with
trials, interventions were started on ICU admission
and lasted for 36 h. The COMACARE trial published
in 2018 randomized 120 patients with OHCA and
ventricular fibrillation [35 ]. The mean dose of
noradrenaline required to achieve the assigned


MAP targets were around 0.05 mg/kg/min in the NA

hypothermia; TTM, target temperature management; TW, time weighted.

lower group and 0.20 mg/kg/min in higher group.
mean TW MAP less than

41% had mean MAP less

A third of patients had a

The study showed that targeting higher MAP was

76 mmHg. 50 % of

feasible and safe. However, the study failed to show

30–40% of patients
MAP < 80 mmHg
patients received

than 90 mmHg

any difference in rSO2 or any difference in the level

Incidence of

of neuron specific enolase as a surrogate marker of

the magnitude of neurological injury.
In 2019, the NEUROPROTECT study was pub-
lished. The NEUROPROTECT trial randomized 112
patients treated with
269 OHCA and IHCA

188 OHCA and IHCA

treated with TTM at

treated with TTM at

OHCA patients (including 35 patients with non-

657 OHCA patients

Laurikkala et al. 412 OHCA patients

122 OHCA patients

shockable rhythm) to either a standard group with

33 or 36 8C

TH at 33 8C

a MAP target of 65–75 mmHg or a haemodynamic


optimization group that included a higher MAP


33 8C

target (MAP 85–100 mmHg) as well as an optimiza-

tion of the mixed venous saturation (SVO2 65–75%)
[36 ]. No difference in the extent of brain injury as
Roberts et al.
Grand et al.

Young et al.
Russo et al.

measured with diffusion weighted MRI at day 5 was


found between the two groups. In contrast with

COMACARE, patients randomized to receive the

262 Volume 26  Number 3  June 2020

Individualized blo od pressure targets Skrifvars et al.

intervention in NEUROPROTECT did not show the

but the main endpoint

of neurological injury
on MRI was negative
inotropes or cardiac

trends toward better

optimization groups
typical drop of rSO2 during the first 12-h of their ICU

Study did not include

output monitoring
Study showed some
standard use of

stay. We hypothesize that unopposed use of nor-

outcome in the
Table 2. Two recent randomized controlled trials on comparing high and low mean arterial pressure targets patients resuscitated from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest

adrenaline as in COMACARE may result in inappro-


priate increase of left ventricle afterload, reduction

in SV and cerebral perfusion whereas the more
frequent use of dobutamine in NEUROPROTECT
(as guided by continuous SVO2 monitoring) may
have better preserved SV and cerebral perfusion.
good neurological

While these two trials were not powered for

patient-centred outcomes, rather than targeting a
Control group

higher MAP for all patients it seems plausible that


treatment should be individualized and directed



towards subgroups for whom a higher MAP is

needed. A post-hoc analysis of the COMACARE
cohort to evaluate NIRS based indices of CVAR is
currently in progress [37].
good neurological






Using near-infrared spectroscopy

Pham et al. [22] studied 23 PCA patients and showed

that perturbed CVAR was present in 78% of patients




in the first 3 days in ICU. Although there were no

differences in MAP or rSO2 levels between survivors
and nonsurvivors, TOx was an independent predic-
tor of outcome and discriminated between survivors

MAP, mean arterial pressure; OHCA, out-of-hospital cardiac arrest; TTM, target temperature management.

(all with favourable neurological outcome) and non-


survivors with an area under the curve of 0.88 [95%




confidence interval (CI) 0.75–0.90]. Ameloot et al.

[23] studied 51 PCA patients and found disturbed
CVAR in 35%, typically in patients with pre-cardiac
arrest hypertension. The time spent under the indi-
120 OHCA patients with

112 OHCA patients with

ventricular fibrillation

vidual optimal MAP for CVAR was independently

all initial rhythms
Included patients

associated with nonsurvival (odds ratio 0.97; 95% CI

0.96–0.99). Sekhon et al. [24] investigated 20 PCA
patients and 15% of TOx measurements indicated
absence of CVAR during a median patient monitor-
ing period of 30 h. Significantly, the TOx increased
with temperature and worsening CVAR associated
with increased temperature was also reported in an
observational study of 85 acutely comatose neuro-
compared to MAP 80–

optimization including

critically ill patients [38]. Collectively, these studies

compared to early
MAP 65–75 mmHg

MAP 65–75 mmHg

in PCA patients demonstrated wide range of CVAR

goal directed

MAP of 80–

disturbances with the optimal MAP between 76 and

100 mmHg

100 mmHg

103 mmHg. It is thus conceivable that a static MAP

target of 65–75 mmHg in PCA patients could be
associated with cerebral hypoperfusion. Relying
on static ‘one-size fits all’ NIRS rSO2 values may
not work as a post-hoc study of the COMACARE
Ameloot et al.

study failed to show any association between either

Jakkula et al.

the highest, lowest, mean or median NIRS rSO2


values and neurological injury measured with bio-

markers or neurological outcome [39].

1070-5295 Copyright ß 2020 The Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. 263
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Based on comorbidity Oxygen and carbon dioxide

In the study by Ameloot et al. [23], the presence of Both PaO2 and PaCO2 influence CBF and the arterial
chronic hypertension was associated with a right oxygen content. Thus, it seems reasonable to
shift of the CVAR curve. The calculated optimal assume that the effects of targeting different MAPs
MAP was significantly higher in patients with may be modified by the concomitant PaO2 and
chronic hypertension. The two randomized pilot PaCO2. The COMACARE pilot trial, which is limited
&& &&
studies comparing low and high MAP [35 ,36 ] by sample size, did not however, demonstrate any
did not find any interaction between neurological interactions between MAP and PaO2 or PaCO2 [41].
injury (MRI findings or biomarkers) based on the
presence of chronic hypertension, although limited
statistical power precludes any firm conclusions. In
one retrospective study from the TTM study group,
lower MAP was associated with decreased renal No study to date has directly compared different
function [40]. In the NEUROPROTECT trial on the vasopressors in PCA patients. Vasodilatation is one
other hand higher MAP was associated with feature of the postcardiac arrest syndrome with a
increased urinary output but no difference in creati- decrease in systemic vascular resistance. Large
nine [36 ]. amounts of fluid may be needed in selected patients.
Noradrenaline has many beneficial properties as it
effectively increases MAP without causing severe
Based on presence of acute myocardial tachycardia. In a study including patients with car-
infraction diogenic shock, noradrenaline was found to be supe-
In the NEUROPROTECT trial there was a significant rior to adrenaline given the severe tachycardia and
difference in troponin levels favouring the higher aggravated shock observed with the latter [42 ].
MAP group [36 ]. In the COMACARE trial there Indeed, in both the COMACARE and NEUROPRO-
was a trend towards lower troponin levels in the TECT trials most patients were treated with nor-
higher MAP group [35 ]. A pooled analysis of both adrenaline and the haemodynamic profiles of
trials (unpublished data) suggest that in a subgroup of patients appeared favourable, with increases in
patients with shock and acute myocardial infarction MAP without severe tachycardia or arrhythmias
verified with angiography, troponin levels over time [36 ,39].
were significantly lower in the high-MAP patients.
This may be related to improvements of DBP and
coronary perfusion that offsets increased myocardial
oxygen consumption by using higher doses of nor- Although it seems promising to target a patient
adrenaline. Although the number of life threatening tailored optimal MAP by real-time bedside monitor-
arrhythmias’ were not different between patients ing of CVAR based on correlations between rSO2 and
randomized to low versus higher MAP targets, these MAP, some important questions remain to be
findings at least show that using higher doses of answered. First, in typical PCA patients, rSO2 drops
noradrenaline to increase MAP is safe and feasible during the first 12 h of ICU stay. Although it seems
even in patients with an acute coronary syndrome paramount to start any haemodynamic interven-
immediately after successful revascularization. tion as early as possible during this critical time
window, determination of patient tailored optimal
MAP may take several hours. In addition, it has been
Mean arterial pressure targets and target hypothesized that patient tailored optimal MAP
temperature management may be a dynamical parameter that changes contin-
In a sub-study of the TTM trial Bro-Jeppesen et al. [5] uously during this critical time frame depending on
studied BP, cardiac function and vasopressor levels on vasopressor support (noradrenaline may by
requirements in patients treated with TTM at either itself cause some cerebral vasoconstriction), seda-
33 or 36 8C. They found that TTM 33 8C was associ- tion and arterial carbon dioxide. Future observa-
ated with bradycardia and a lower CO which could tional studies need to solve these issues before
explain a reduced lactate clearance. There was no pilot trials targeting patients tailored optimal MAP’s
major difference in MAP levels between TTM groups are ready for prime time. Factors that may influence
but patients treated at 33 8C required slightly more the optimal MAP in OHCA patients are outlined in
vasopressor support. A MAP less than 65 mmHg was Fig. 1.
associated with increased mortality and poor neu- The current Guidelines on PCA care do not
rological outcome independent of TTM at 33 or recommend any one strict MAP target [29]. Instead
36 8C. the recommendation is to titrate MAP to an

264 Volume 26  Number 3  June 2020

Individualized blo od pressure targets Skrifvars et al.

FIGURE 1. Comorbidities, pathophysiological and treatment factors that may influence the choice of minimal and optimal
mean arterial pressure target in the cardiac arrest patient. CKD, Chronic kidney disease; MAP, Mean arterial pressure; TTM,
Targeted temperature management.

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