Job Analysis Project

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Credit Analyst

HRD 4320
Submitted to Dr. Paul Roberts

Carson Bridges

Table of Contents
ORGANIZATIONAL SUMMARY..........................................................................................3
ORGANIZATIONAL CHART.................................................................................................5
O*NET LISTING.......................................................................................................................7
DUTY WORKSHEET...............................................................................................................8
TASK WORKSHEET................................................................................................................9
TASK WORKSHEET 1....................................................................................................10
TASK WORKSHEET 2....................................................................................................11
TASK WORKSHEET 3....................................................................................................12
TASK WORKSHEET 4....................................................................................................13
TASK WORKSHEET 5....................................................................................................14
TASK WORKSHEET 6....................................................................................................15
TASK WORKSHEET 7....................................................................................................16
TASK WORKSHEET 8....................................................................................................17
ELEMENT WORKSHEET.....................................................................................................18
ELEMENT WORKSHEET 1............................................................................................19
ELEMENT WORKSHEET 2............................................................................................20
ELEMENT WORKSHEET 3............................................................................................21
ELEMENT WORKSHEET 4............................................................................................22
ELEMENT WORKSHEET 5............................................................................................23
PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS / WORKING CONDITIONS..............................................24
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS WORKSHEET...................................................................25
JOB DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................26
JOB ANNOUNCEMENT........................................................................................................27
JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS......................................................................................................28

Southside Bank is a regional bank that was founded in Tyler, Texas in 1960 by B.G Hartley. The bank started

with just 10 employees and $350K in capital. Southside Bank has continued to achieve great growth throughout

the decades. After the recession that Texas faced throughout the 1980s, Southside was the only bank in Tyler

that was not forced to close or change its name. In 1998, Southside Bank became publicly traded on the

NASDAQ index. The bank has achieved many awards throughout the years, such as being recognized as a top

ten American banking powerhouse by American Banker. As of 2023, Southside Bank has 56 branches

throughout Texas and holds about $7 billion in assets.

Southside Bank serves its customers with many different features. Customers have many different personal

checking and savings accounts options, as well as accounts for businesses. The bank provides a variety of loans,

such as personal, student, mortgage, and business loans. Southside Bank also provides investment services

through Raymond James. Many services are provided for the customers’ convenience, such as online banking, a

call center, and credit cards.

Southside Bank employs approximately 900 people across various departments such as retail, operations,

information technology, information security, lending, credit, accounting, investments, and more. The bank

primarily operated in Smith County, with about 15 different branches in a 10-mile radius of Tyler. Southside

Bank also has a strong presence in Southeast Texas and the DFW, Austin, and Houston metro areas. The bank

has been very conservatively managed since its founding, as providing strong financial security for customers is

a top priority.

Southside Bank places a heavy emphasis on the community, striving to make all customers feel that they are

cared for, and their financial needs can be met. This is why Southside bank has maintained a community bank

atmosphere as it has grown larger. The bank also heavily prioritizes employee culture. Below are five of the

bank’s values that every employee is expected to have:

 Integrity
 Excellence
 Teamwork
 Accountability
 Innovation

The credit department of the bank is responsible for minimizing the bank’s credit risks. The credit department

consists of credit analysts, loan portfolio managers, commercial underwriting managers, credit officers, and the

chief credit officer. The chief credit officer oversees the entire credit department. Credit officers are mainly in

charge of approving new loans, renewals, and modifications to existing loans. Loan portfolio managers analyze

and track the credit risks of existing loans. They ensure that borrowers comply with loan covenants, such as a

covenant that requires the borrower’s debt service coverage ratio to be above 1.25x. Commercial underwriting

managers directly oversee a group of credit analysts and loan portfolio managers. They assign tasks to credit

analysts as well as review their work for accuracy. Credit analysts are tasked with much of the underwriting

process. They are mainly tasked with analyzing a borrower’s financial information to determine whether the

borrower is credit worthy.


 I had a series of informal interviews with Trevor Riddle, Banking Officer /
Credit Analyst at Southside Bank.

 N/A

Background Research:
 O*NET -
 Personal experience from working as a credit analyst

Analysis By: Carson Bridges

Reviewed By:

Approved by (Supervisor) :

13-2041.00 - Credit Analysts
Analyze credit data and financial statements of individuals or firms to determine the degree
of risk involved in extending credit or lending money. Prepare reports with credit information
for use in decision making.
Sample of reported job titles: Credit Administrator, Credit Analyst, Credit and Collections
Analyst, Credit Officer, Credit Representative, Credit Risk Analyst, Municipal Fixed Income
 Analyze credit data and financial statements to determine the degree of risk
involved in extending credit or lending money.

 Complete loan applications, including credit analyses and summaries of loan

requests, and submit to loan committees for approval.

 Generate financial ratios, using computer programs, to evaluate customers'

financial status.

 Prepare reports that include the degree of risk involved in extending credit or
lending money.

 Analyze financial data, such as income growth, quality of management, and

market share to determine expected profitability of loans.

 Compare liquidity, profitability, and credit histories of establishments being

evaluated with those of similar establishments in the same industries and
geographic locations.

 Consult with customers to resolve complaints and verify financial and credit

 Contact customers to collect payments on delinquent accounts.

 Evaluate customer records and recommend payment plans, based on

earnings, savings data, payment history, and purchase activity.

 Review individual or commercial customer files to identify and select

delinquent accounts for collection.

 Confer with credit association and other business representatives to exchange

credit information.


Job Title: Credit Analyst

Use this worksheet to describe the duties associated with a job. List the duty
and percentage of time, which is required for each duty in order to clarify the
purpose of the duty. Use additional sheets as needed.

Purpose of the job (Record on the first page only):

Analyze the credit risks associated with giving a loan to a borrower.


% of Time
15 1. Financial Data Entry

15 2. Financial and Credit Risk Analysis

30 3. Work on Projects

5 4. Banker Training

10 5. Train Employees

10 6. Communication

10 7. Financial / Economic Research

5 8. Assist in Interviewing


TASK WORKSHEET 1 Job Title: Credit Analyst Duty No.: 1 

Use this worksheet describes the tasks associated with the corresponding duty. List the duty in order
to clarify the purpose of the task. Use a separate copy of the worksheet for each duty.

DUTY: Data Entry

15 % of Time

% of Time
1 1. Create borrower profiles on the bank’s Train. Y
database for new borrowers. Imp. V

1 2. Review borrower’s financial statements to Train. N

ensure accuracy. Imp. I

4 3. Enter borrower balance sheet information on Train. Y

bank database to calculate financial ratios and Imp. C

4 4. Enter borrower income statement information Train. Y

on bank database to calculate financial ratios Imp. C
and information.

0.5 5. Make notes on database of any odd or Train. N

suspicious financial statement information. Imp. I

3 6. Enter net operating income on database for Train. Y

collateral assets such as buildings and land. Imp. C

1 7. Review data entry work to make sure Train. Y

financial statement accounts flow to correct Imp. C
financial ratios.
0.5 8. Store reviewed financial statements in bank Train. N
database Imp. I

Importance Rating I = Important V = Very Important C = Critical

TASK WORKSHEET 2 Job Title: Duty No.: 2 

Use this worksheet describes the tasks associated with the corresponding duty. List the duty in order
to clarify the purpose of the task. Use a separate copy of the worksheet for each duty.

DUTY: Financial and Credit Risk Analysis

15 % of Time

% of Time
2 1. Review financial statements of a borrower. Train. N
Imp. V

3 2. Analyze the financial ratios of a borrower. Train. N

Imp. V

3 3. Analyze borrower’s ability to pay debt with Train. Y

existing operations. Imp. C

1 4. Compare borrower’s financial performance to Train. Y

competing firms. Imp. V

1 5. Analyze industry and market risks associated Train. Y

with a borrower. Imp. V

2 6. Analyze non-financial credit risks associated Train. Y

with a borrower (such as no company Imp. I
succession plan).
1 7. Stress test the borrower by determining Train. Y
ability to service debt if financial Imp. V
performance drops.
2 8. Analyze collateral information for a loan. Train. Y
Imp. C

Importance Rating I = Important V = Very Important C = Critical

TASK WORKSHEET 3 Job Title: Duty No.: 3 

Use this worksheet describes the tasks associated with the corresponding duty. List the duty in order
to clarify the purpose of the task. Use a separate copy of the worksheet for each duty.

DUTY: Work on Projects

30 % of Time

% of Time
2 1. Review borrower profiles on bank database Train. N
and financial analysis to assist with project Imp. V

10 2. Create charts and other tools to display Train. Y

financial information of borrowers for loan Imp. C
approval committee.

5 3. Create loan memorandums outlining the Train. Y

credit risks of handing out certain loans. Imp. C

3 4. Create risk rating charts to grade loans on a Train. Y

scale of low to high risk. Imp. V

2 5. Review bank database to assist in the Train. Y

calculation of banks required reserve. Imp. V

2 6. Assist other members of credit department Train. Y

while working on special projects. Imp. I

5 7. Review work for necessary corrections. Train. N

Imp. C

1 8. Send work to the lender for the borrower you Train. N

are doing a project over. Imp. C

Importance Rating I = Important V = Very Important C = Critical

TASK WORKSHEET 4 Job Title: Duty No.: 4 

Use this worksheet describes the tasks associated with the corresponding duty. List the duty in order
to clarify the purpose of the task. Use a separate copy of the worksheet for each duty.

DUTY: Banker Training

5 % of Time

% of Time
0.25 1. Complete FDIC and SEC required banking Train. N
training videos Imp. I

0.5 2. Complete bank training to gain a wider Train. N

understanding of the bank’s operations. Imp. V

0.5 3. Read bank’s loan policy and procedures. Train. N

Imp. C

1 4. Complete accounting and financial courses to Train. N

assist in credit analyst tasks. Imp. I

0.25 5. Complete information security programs to Train. N

learn how to better protect customer Imp. C
2 6. Review previous work of credit analysts to Train. N
learn proper financial and credit analysis. Imp. C

0.25 7. Review company website to find quick access Train. N

to useful bank software. Imp. I

0.25 8. Learn how to use the bank’s software more Train. N

efficiently. Imp. I

Importance Rating I = Important V = Very Important C = Critical

TASK WORKSHEET 5 Job Title: Duty No.: 5 

Use this worksheet describes the tasks associated with the corresponding duty. List the duty in order
to clarify the purpose of the task. Use a separate copy of the worksheet for each duty.

DUTY: Train Employees

10 % of Time

% of Time
2 1. Teach junior credit analysts how to properly Train. Y
do data entry for the bank. Imp. V

2 2. Teach junior credit analysts how to properly Train. Y

create charts of financial information in a Imp. C
manner that is convenient for the reader.

2 3. Teach junior credit analysts how to create Train. Y

loan memorandums properly and accurately. Imp. C

1 4. Teach junior credit analysts how to create risk Train. Y

ratings for loans. Imp. V

1 5. Assist junior credit analysts by answering Train. Y

questions they may have. Imp. C

0.5 6. Assist junior credit analysts in understanding Train. Y

loan policy. Imp. V

0.5 7. Review junior credit analysts work to ensure Train. Y

it is accurate. Imp. C

1 8. Give credit analysts feedback on completed Train. Y

work. Imp. C

Importance Rating I = Important V = Very Important C = Critical

TASK WORKSHEET 6 Job Title: Duty No.: 6 

Use this worksheet describes the tasks associated with the corresponding duty. List the duty in order
to clarify the purpose of the task. Use a separate copy of the worksheet for each duty.

DUTY: Communication
10 % of Time

% of Time
1 1. Attend weekly credit department meetings to Train. N
give progress reports. Imp. C

1 2. Speak with commercial underwriting Train. N

manager to be assigned tasks. Imp. C

2 3. Speak with commercial underwriting Train. N

manager to go over corrections on reviewed Imp. C

1 4. Contact lenders to request borrower financial Train. N

information that is necessary for projects. Imp. V

0.4 5. Send projects to lenders that help them Train. N

understand the financial and credit risks Imp. C
associated with a loan.
2 6. Contact lenders with suggested actions that Train. N
may lower the credit risks of certain loans. Imp. V

2.5 7. Attend weekly loan approval committee Train. N

meeting to assist in the loan approval process. Imp. C

0.1 8. Contact bank customers in worst case Train. N

scenarios (An example being if the lender Imp. I
will not contact them).
Importance Rating I = Important V = Very Important C = Critical

TASK WORKSHEET 7 Job Title: Duty No.:7

Use this worksheet describes the tasks associated with the corresponding duty. List the duty in order
to clarify the purpose of the task. Use a separate copy of the worksheet for each duty.

DUTY: Financial / Economic Research

10 % of Time

% of Time
1 1. Stay up to date with current interest rates. Train. N
Imp. C

0.5 2. Research the risks and trends associated with Train. N

the industries the bank’s borrowers operate Imp. V

0.5 3. Research the trends of market areas that the Train. N

bank’s borrowers operate in. Imp. V

0.5 4. Stay up to date with FDIC and SEC Train. N

Regulations that apply to the bank. Imp. C

0.5 5. Research NAICS codes to better classify the Train. N

industries that the bank’s borrowers operate Imp. I
5 6. Research macro/micro economic events that Train. N
may create credit risks for the bank’s Imp. C
1 7. Stay up to date with FDIC reserve Train. N
requirements. Imp. C

1 8. Ensure other members of the credit Train. N

department are well informed on current Imp. I
economic events.
Importance Rating I = Important V = Very Important C = Critical

TASK WORKSHEET 8 Job Title: Duty No.:8 

Use this worksheet describes the tasks associated with the corresponding duty. List the duty in order
to clarify the purpose of the task. Use a separate copy of the worksheet for each duty.

DUTY: Assist in Interviewing

5 % of Time

% of Time
0.5 1. Do research on how to be a better qualified Train. N
interviewer. Imp. V

0.5 2. Review resumes sent in by potential Train. N

employees. Imp. V

0.25 3. Prepare questions to ask potential employees. Train. Y

Imp. V

1.5 4. Attend interviews with commercial Train. N

underwriting manager. Imp. C

0.25 5. Ask interview questions to potential Train. Y

employees. Imp. C

0.75 6. Assess qualifications of potential employees. Train. Y

Imp. C

0.75 7. Assess character of potential employees. Train. Y

Imp. C

0.5 8. Provide commercial underwriting manager Train. Y

with recommendations and opinions on Imp. V
potential employees.
Importance Rating I = Important V = Very Important C = Critical



Job Title: Credit Analyst Task No.: 1.1

Use this worksheet to describe the elements associated with a task. List the duty and task in order to clarify the
purpose of the element. Use a separate copy of the worksheet for each task.
% of Time
15 Financial Data Entry

% of Time
1 Create borrower profiles on the bank’s database for new borrowers.


% of Time
.5 1. Compile financial information necessary to create borrower profile.

.05 2. Load bank database on computer.

.05 3. Select the option to create a new business profile on the bank database.

.05 4. Enter the name of the borrower on the borrower profile.

.05 5. Enter the tax ID of the borrower on the borrower profile.

.05 6. Enter the location the borrower operates in on the borrower profile.

.2 7. Enter the NAICS code of the borrower on the borrower profile.

.05 8. Click submit to save the borrower profile to the bank database.


Job Title: Credit Analyst Task No.: 3.3

Use this worksheet to describe the elements associated with a task. List the duty and task in order to clarify the
purpose of the element. Use a separate copy of the worksheet for each task.
% of Time
30 Work on Projects

% of Time
5 Create loan memorandums outlining the credit risks of handing out certain loans.


% of Time
1 1. Gather financial data from bank database and financial / credit analysis

.06 2. Load loan memorandum template on word processor.

1 3. Insert financial charts into loan memorandum using word processor.

.5 4. Write the purpose of the loan on the loan memorandum using word processor.

.5 5. Write the terms of the loan on the loan memorandum using word processor.

.2 6. Insert created industry and market research in loan memorandum using word

1.25 7. Identify strengths and weaknesses of the loan in the loan memorandum

.49 8. Review and submit loan memorandum to commercial underwriting manager.


Job Title: Credit Analyst Task No.: 3.4

Use this worksheet to describe the elements associated with a task. List the duty and task in order to clarify the
purpose of the element. Use a separate copy of the worksheet for each task.
% of Time
30 Work on Projects

% of Time
3 Create risk rating charts to grade loans on a scale of low to high risk.


% of Time
.01 1. Load Microsoft excel template created for borrower risk ratings.

.25 2. Identify whether the loan is for an individual, a business or a guarantor of a business

.24 3. Choose the correct risk rating chart for the loan.

.5 4. Insert borrower balance sheet information using either business financials or personal
financial statement of borrower.

.5 5. Insert borrower income using either business financials or personal tax return.

.5 6. Insert borrower debt service using either business financials or a credit report.

.75 7. After filling in all information, review the risk number generated by Microsoft excel to
determine the risk rating of the loan.

.25 8. Submit risk rating to commercial underwriting manager and lender for the loan.


Job Title: Credit Analyst Task No.: 4.3

Use this worksheet to describe the elements associated with a task. List the duty and task in order to clarify the
purpose of the element. Use a separate copy of the worksheet for each task.
% of Time
5 Banker Training

% of Time
0.5 Read bank’s loan policy and procedures.


% of Time
.01 1. Open pdf of the bank’s loan policy and procedures using pdf viewer.

.05 2. Read the general loan policy requirements.

.05 3. Read the loan policy for real estate loans.

.05 4. Read the loan policy for commercial and industrial loans.

.025 5. Read the process in which a loan may be approved depending on the amount of the

.05 6. Read what exceptions to loan policy may be made in specific circumstances.

.05 7. Read example cases to better understand the requirements for certain loan types.

.215 8. Take notes that will assist in working on projects.


Job Title: Credit Analyst Task No.: 5.7

Use this worksheet to describe the elements associated with a task. List the duty and task in order to clarify the
purpose of the element. Use a separate copy of the worksheet for each task.
% of Time
10 Train Employees

% of Time
.5 Review junior credit analysts’ work to ensure it is accurate.


% of Time
.01 1. Ask junior analyst to submit work.

.04 2. Gather junior analyst’s work and the resources they used.

.075 3. Read thoroughly through junior analyst's work.

.075 4. Compare work with resources used to ensure correct numbers were used.

.05 5. Check work for formatting issues.

.05 6. Check work for spelling and grammar issues.

.025 7. Mark junior analyst’s work with corrections.

.175 8. Discuss corrections with the analyst.

Indicate how often each of the following factors are existent using this code.
C = Constantly (more than 70% of the time) F = Frequently (50 to 69% of the time)
O = Occasionally (20 to 49% of the time) R = Rarely (less than 19% of the time)
N = Not applicable to this job

Physical Demands: Lifting: Environmental Conditions:

Standing R Less than 10 lbs. C Extreme Cold N
Walking R 10 – 25 lbs. R Extreme Heat N
Sitting C 25 – 50 lbs. R Temperature Changes N
Lifting R 50 – 100 lbs. N Humid N
Carrying R Over 100 lbs. N Noise N
Pushing R Vibration N
Pulling R Work Hazards: Wet N
Climbing N Mechanical N Inside Work C
Balancing N Electrical N Outside Work N
Stooping R Fire N
Kneeling R Chemical N Consequences of Error:
Reaching R Weather N Life N
Handling R Height N Injury N
Feeling R Explosives N Monetary R
Talking R Radiation N Property N
Repetitive Motion R Inconvenience C
Eye, Hand, Foot N
Coordination Supervision Exercised: Other Factors (specify):
Number Supervised 0-2
Personal Demands: Hiring N
Overtime R Firing N
Shift Work R Evaluating Work R
Split Shifts N Assigning Tasks N
Repetition R Training R
Travel R
On-Call N

Other Physical Requirements / Working Conditions not listed above (be specific):

This description is intended to describe the primary purpose of the job, it may not be inclusive of all duties
and/or job assignments. This describes the way this position currently performs the job duties and does not
address the potential for accommodations, which would be addressed on a case by case basis.

Job Title: Credit Analyst

Organization: Southside Bank Supervisor: Commercial Underwriting Manager Page:_____

Competencies Tasks Which

Require This
Bachelor’s degree in finance, accounting, or other related field of business. ALL

Minimum of 9 credit hours of accounting courses ALL

Demonstrate ability to use word processor and database to present financial 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8,
and credit analysis. 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5

Demonstrate ability to effectively communicate with others and provide 6.1, 6.3, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8
important information on projects.

Demonstrate ability to effectively analyze financial and credit information. 1.2, 1.7, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3,
2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8,
3.7, 4.3, 4.6

Preference will be given to applicants with the following competencies

Master’s degree or related higher education in finance, accounting, or other ALL
related field of business.

Minimum of 12 credit hours of accounting classes. ALL

At least 1 year of previous experience as a credit analyst. ALL



Job Title: Credit Analyst

General Statement of Duties: Analyze the financial and credit risks associated with handing out loans to

Supervision Received: Commercial Underwriting Manager

Supervision Exercised: N/A

Typical Physical Demands: Sitting, constantly lifting less than 10 pounds

Typical Working Conditions: Inside work

Typical Salary: Starting $51K Average $63K Maximum $96K     

Essential Tasks:
1. Data Entry
2. Analyze the financial ratios of a borrower.
3. Analyze borrower’s ability to pay debt with existing operations.      
4. Analyze industry and market risks associated with a borrower.
5. Analyze non-financial credit risks associated with a borrower (such as no company succession plan).
6. Analyze collateral information for a loan.
7. Create charts and other tools to display financial information of borrowers for loan approval
8. Create loan memorandums outlining the credit risks of handing out certain loans.
9. Send projects to lenders that help them understand the financial and credit risks associated with a
10. Contact lenders with suggested actions that may lower the credit risks of certain loans.
11. Attend weekly loan approval committee meeting to assist in the loan approval process.
12. Research the risks and trends associated with the industries the bank’s borrowers operate in.
13. Research macro/micro economic events that may create credit risks for the bank’s borrowers.
14. Stay up to date with current interest rates.
15. Stay up to date with FDIC and SEC Regulations that apply to the bank.

Knowledge, Skills & Abilities: Demonstrate effective use of word processors and databases, demonstrate
efficient communication, and demonstrate effective analytical skills.

Education: Bachelor’s degree in finance, accounting, or other related field of business.

Experience: N/A

Certificate/License: N/A

Alternative to Minimum qualifications: N/A


Attention all finance and accounting majors in the Smith

County Area
Southside bank is hiring a credit analyst at our location at 1305 South Beckham Tyler, TX
75701. Credit analysts are responsible for analyzing the financial and credit risks associated
with giving out loans.

Minimum Requirements:
 Bachelor’s degree in finance, accounting, or other related field of business.
 Minimum of 9 credit hours of accounting courses
 Demonstrate ability to use word processor and database to present financial and credit
 Demonstrate ability to effectively communicate with others and provide important
information on projects.
 Demonstrate ability to effectively analyze financial and credit information.

Please apply by the deadline: 7/1/2023

For further information please contact us at (XXX) XXX - XXXX

JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS Job: Truck Driving      Date: 3/22/2023     
Title of person who performs the job: Analysis By: Carson Bridges     
Truck Driver     
Supervisor: Driver Department: Trucking      Reviewed By:      
Required and/or Recommended Personal Protective Equipment:       Approved By:      
Sequence of Basic Job Steps Potential Accidents or Hazards Recommended Safe Job Procedure

1. Load truck with goods.      1. Dropping a heavy box on body or 1. Follow safe heavy lifting and
2. Drive truck to pulling a muscle      carrying procedures.     
destination      2. Car accident      2. Inspect vehicle before driving and
3. Unload goods from 3. Dropping a heavy box on body or follow safe driving
truck      pulling a muscle procedures     
4. Drive back to distribution 4. Car accident      3. Follow safe heavy lifting and
center      carrying procedures.     
4. Inspect vehicle before driving and
follow safe driving


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