7 Magnificent Things You Can Do With Your Android Phone

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7 magnificent things you can do with your Android Phone


Orville Carol Fred

1/7 Compass and indicator

Your Android cell phone is stuffed to the gills with different sensors like an accelerometer, a
compass, a vicinity light sensor and surprisingly, a gauge!

They work flawlessly across different cell phone elements, but you can likewise get to them
autonomously by downloading applications like Smart Compass.

2/7 Voice search with the screen off

Most Android cell phones let you voice search by saying "Alright, Google" from any place on
the working framework. A few telephones like the Moto X likewise have a committed listening
center that permits you to utilize the "Alright Google" order in any event when the screen is off!

Apple carried out the equivalent as of late with "hello Siri," however that lone works while the
Phone is charging or associated with

Instructions to turn on "Alright Google" consistently discovery

Google settings > Search and Now > Voice > OK Google Detection > Always on and flip the

3/7 Remote lock or wipe your lost telephone

On the off chance that you're similar to me and continue losing your cell phones, Android has
you covered. Google has an incredible element considered Android Device Manager that permits
you to follow your telephone and wipe/reset it on the off chance that you lose it.

Simply empower Android Device Manager in Settings > Security > Device Administrators and
access the site on your PC in the event that you at any point lose your telephone.
4/7 Scan standardized identifications/Documents

Your android cell phone has a camera at the back, which you use to take photographs of your
food to post on the web. It very well may be utilized for a lot loftier and useful purposes also.

You can utilize the back camera as a standardized identification scanner and report scanner
effectively by utilizing applications, for example, 'Standardized tag scanner' for the previous and
'CamScanner' for the last mentioned.'

Aside from these, there are plenty of applications on the Google Play store which can be utilized
for something very similar.

5/7 Access Chrome tabs from different gadgets

So you're envious of your Apple sheep companion, who boasts how the entirety of Apple's items
works consistently with one another. How the entirety of his web tabs sync across his iPad, Mac
and iPhone.

Indeed, Android permits you to do precisely something very similar to Chrome. Simply sign into
Chrome with your Gmail ID across the entirety of your gadgets and your tabs, history,
bookmarks will match up across every one of them.

What tops off an already good thing is the way that while your Apple companion is restricted to
his Apple gadgets, Chrome is accessible across different stages.

At whatever point you open another tab in Chrome, you will see the Recent tabs alternative at
the base right, where you will want to see the tabs open across the entirety of your gadgets.
6/7 Fitness tracker

Try not to claim a wellness tracker yet need to parade each one of those means you took today?
Try not to worry, do you claim an Android cell phone? It can do exactly the same thing!

Your android gadget is stuffed with sensors like an accelerometer, a compass, a spinner and
surprisingly, a barometer(in a few)! This implies you can follow your every day exercises like
strolling, running and surprisingly resting through unique applications.

Google has its wellness application called Google fit, which is the most ideal alternative to give
this element a shot. Later on, you can explore different avenues regarding other more nuanced
alternatives like Run Tracker and Map My Run.

7/7:Make your gadget quicker

Burnt out on every one of the extravagant activities that stoppage your telephone? That makes
regular undertakings an agony as they require that little additional while to execute?

There's an answer for that!

1. Go to Settings

2. Snap on Device Info

3. Snap on Build No 7 Times

4. Congratulate yourself, as you're presently a designer!

5. There will be another alternative called Developer Settings in the Setting Menu

6. Quest for the "Drawing class" and set the accompanying choices to 0.5x – 'Window
Animations Scale,' 'Change Animations Scale,' and 'Artist Duration Scale.'

Your telephone is currently quicker; you can say thanks to us later!

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