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Radiotherapy and Oncology 154 (2021) 172–178

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Original Article

Online adaptive MR-guided radiotherapy for rectal cancer; feasibility of

the workflow on a 1.5T MR-linac: clinical implementation and initial
M.P.W. Intven a, S.R. de Mol van Otterloo a,⇑, S. Mook a, P.A.H. Doornaert a, E.N. de Groot-van Breugel a,
G.G. Sikkes a, M.E. Willemsen-Bosman a, H.M. van Zijp a, R.H.N. Tijssen a,b
Department of Radiation Oncology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht; and b Department of Radiation Oncology, Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background and purpose: Daily online adaptation of the clinical target volume (CTV) using MR-guided
Received 25 February 2020 radiotherapy enables margin reduction of the planning target volume (PTV). This study describes the
Received in revised form 13 September implementation and initial experience of MR-guided radiotherapy on the 1.5T MR-linac and evaluates
treatment time, patient compliance, and target coverage, including an initial assessment of margin reduc-
Accepted 14 September 2020
Available online 22 September 2020
Materials and methods: Patients were treated on a 1.5T MR-linac (7MV, FFF). At each fraction a 3D T2
weighted (T2w) MR-sequence was acquired on which the CTV was adapted after a deformable registra-
tion of the contours from the pre-planning CT scan. Based on the new contours a full online replanning
Rectal cancer was done after which a new 3D T2w MR-sequence was acquired for position verification. A 5 field
Magnetic resonance imaging Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) plan was delivered.
Image-guided radiation Results: Forty-three patients with rectal cancer were treated with 25 Gy in 5 fractions of which 18 with
Neoadjuvant therapy reduced margins. In total, 204 of 215 fractions were delivered on the MR-linac all of which obtained a
clinically acceptable treatment plan. Median in-room time per fraction was 48 min (interquartile range
8). No fractions were canceled or interrupted because of patient intolerance. CTV coverage after margin
reduction was good on all post-treatment scans but one due to passing gas.
Conclusion: MR-guided radiotherapy using daily full online recontouring and replanning on a 1.5T MR-
linac for rectal cancer is feasible and currently takes about 48 min per fraction.
Ó 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. Radiotherapy and Oncology 154 (2021) 172–178 This is an
open access article under the CC BY license (

Patients with intermediate or locally advanced rectal carcinoma volume (PTV) margins up to 31 mm have been proposed which
are treated according to international guidelines with neoadjuvant results in large volumes that receive irradiation [8–10]. For rectal
radiotherapy with or without concurrent chemotherapy followed cancer patients it is known that margin reduction of the PTV and
by total mesorectal excision surgery [1,2]. Neoadjuvant radiother- reducing the amount of organs at risk (OAR) within these volumes
apy leads to a reduction in local recurrence rate but is still associ- has the potential to lower toxicity rates [10–15].
ated with substantial toxicity as large planning volumes are Furthermore, studies suggest that dose escalation of the gross
needed to compensate for inter- and intrafraction movement tumor volume (GTV) increases the pathologic complete response
[3,4]. Particularly the mesorectum is a nonstationary structure, (pCR) rate [16–19]. A higher pCR rate leads to more patients who
with large day-to-day variation as its shape and volume are are eligible for active surveillance in an organ preservation
affected by both bladder and rectal filling [4–7]. Planning target approach [20,21]. However, dose escalation of the GTV using large
PTV margins will lead to increased toxicity because of higher doses
⇑ Corresponding author at: Postal Room Q00.311, P.O. Box 85500, 3508 GA to the surrounding OAR. Therefore, high-precision radiotherapy is
Utrecht, The Netherlands. needed to enable dose escalation of the tumor.
E-mail addresses: (M.P.W. Intven), s.r.demolvanotter- The MR-linear accelerator (MR-linac) is able to deliver high- (S.R. de Mol van Otterloo), precision radiotherapy and recently became available for rectal
(S. Mook), (P.A.H. Doornaert), E.vanBreugel@umcu- cancer treatment [22,23]. Online recontouring and replanning at (E.N. de Groot-van Breugel), (G.G. Sikkes),
each treatment fraction on this system compensates for interfrac- (M.E. Willemsen-Bosman), h.m.vanzijp-2@umcutrecht.
nl (H.M. van Zijp), (R.H.N. Tijssen). tion variation which potentially enables the use of smaller PTV
0167-8140/Ó 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
M.P.W. Intven, S.R. de Mol van Otterloo, S. Mook et al. Radiotherapy and Oncology 154 (2021) 172–178

margins [24,25]. Furthermore, high precision online MR-guided amount of overlapping volume of the same structures on the last
radiotherapy (MRgRT) potentially enables safe dose escalation 3D T2w scan of the fraction. The reduced PTVmeso margins cov-
without increasing toxicity in rectal cancer patients. ered >95% of the CTVmeso for the selected cases. The reduced PTVn
On the MR-linac, MR-guided online recontouring and replan- margins covered 99% of the CTVn for the selected cases. Therefore,
ning during each fraction requires a detailed yet concise workflow intrafraction motion was deemed minimal and we were confident
[26]. This study describes the clinical introduction and initial expe- enough with these plans to reduce PTV margins in the latter
rience of MRgRT on a 1.5T MR-linac at our institution by evaluating patients.
treatment time, patient compliance, and target coverage.
Materials and methods
The pre-treatment plan was generated using the Monaco
5.40.01 (Elekta AB, Stockholm, Sweden) treatment planning sys-
tem, which included the main magnetic field. Plan parameters
As this study aims to estimate the clinical feasibility of MRgRT were: 5 field Intensity Modulated RadioTherapy (IMRT) with fixed
in the general rectal cancer population, it was decided that all beam angles, maximum number of segments = 50, grid
patients referred for short course radiotherapy, i.e. 5 times 5 Gy size = 4 mm, statistical uncertainty = 1%. The dosimetric criteria
in accordance with the Dutch guidelines, were eligible for treat- used for this study are summarized in Table 1. All pre-treatment
ment on a 1.5T MR-linac (Elekta Unity, Elekta AB, Stockholm, Swe- plans were measured on film as standard QA procedure before
den). Patients with orthopedic implants in the pelvic region were the first treatment fraction.
excluded from treatment as a careful assessment of the geometric
fidelity in the vicinity of orthopedic implants had not yet been con-
Patient positioning on the MR-linac
ducted at the time of the study. Further exclusion criteria were
general contraindications for 1.5T MRI, an inability to tolerate a Prior to each treatment, patients were positioned on the patient
45-minute treatment, and an expected cranio-caudal length of couch in the predefined supine index position with the help of an
the clinical target volume (CTV) of >18 cm due to limitations in in-room laser system using the tattoo skin marks. Two four-
maximum field size on the MR-linac. Patients consented to, either channel receive arrays were used for imaging. The posterior coil
or both, the Dutch Prospective Data Collection Initiative on was positioned under the patient couch, while the anterior coil
Colorectal Cancer (PLCRC) and the MOMENTUM study was placed on an indexed coil bridge as close to the patient as pos-
(NCT04075305), which both have been approved by the Medical sible to maximize the signal-to-noise. No bladder-filling protocol
Research Ethics Committee of the University Medical Centre was used as the first patients were unable to adhere to the proto-
Utrecht in the Netherlands [27–29]. cols due to the duration of the treatment.

Pre-treatment imaging Online adaptive workflow

Pre-treatment imaging consisted of a planning CT scan (Philips, All patients were treated using the online adapt to shape work-
Brilliance Big Bore CT) and MR-sim (1.5T Philips Ingenia MR-RT). In flow provided by the vendor [25]. The different steps of the work-
accordance with the MRI scan protocol, the minimum imaging flow are visualized in Fig. 1. These steps were timed by a
requirements consisted of a 3D T2 weighted (T2w) scan and diffusion radiotherapy technologist (RTT) throughout the entire procedure.
weighted imaging (DWI). Both scans were acquired in head-first The total time per fraction, or total fraction time, was defined as
supine treatment position with arms on the chest and a knee sup- the time between the patient leaving the dressing room until
port. This patient set-up was indexed to a special table overlay used returning to the dressing room after the procedure.
for CT acquisition as described by Werensteijn-Honing (2019) et al.
[26]. Furthermore, patients were administered tattoo skin marks. Online adaptation of contours and replanning
The daily online procedure started with acquiring a 3D T2w
Delineation and PTV margins scan. This scan was registered to the pre-treatment CT scan using
The planning CT scan and planning MRI images were co- rigid registration. Subsequently, the pre-treatment CT scan con-
registered based on bony anatomy. The GTV, the mesorectal CTV tours of target and OAR were automatically propagated by deform-
(CTVmeso), CTV of the elective lymph node regions (CTVn), and able registration to the online planning MRI. Then a stratified
OAR were delineated on the CT with visual support of the regis- synthetic CT scan was generated with 3 electron density (ED)
tered MRI scan. OAR were contoured as avoidance structures. All levels: soft tissue (ED = 1), femoral bones (ED = the average ED
volumes, including the OAR, were delineated by a radiation oncol- from the pre-treatment CT), and (external) air (ED = 0). Gaseous
ogist sub-specialized in colorectal tumors in accordance with con- regions within the body contour were set to ED = 1 and support
sensus delineation guidelines. PTV margins were created conform structures (e.g., the patient couch and MR receive arrays) were
the margins employed during conventional linac treatment: 1 cm
isotropically around the mesorectum and 8 mm around the elec- Table 1
tive nodal regions [27]. After 25 patients, PTV margins for the Target dosimetric criteria and criteria for online evaluation.
mesorectum were reduced to 4 mm in lateral and dorsal direction
Structure Target Criteria Online Evaluation Criteria
and 6 mm in craniocaudal and ventral direction. The elective
CTVmeso V95% (23.75 Gy) >99% >99%
lymph node margins were reduced to 4 mm in both lateral and
CTVn V95% (23.75 Gy) >99% >99%
ventro-dorsal direction and 6 mm craniocaudally. These reduced PTV_total V95% (23.75 Gy) >99% >97%
margins were determined after analysis of the intrafraction motion V107% (26.75 Gy) <2 cc <5 cc
of 6 patients by comparing the CTVmeso and CTVn delineations on V110% (27.50 Gy) <0.5 cc <0.5 cc
the first and last acquired 3D T2w scan for each fraction. First we Abbreviations: CTVmeso (clinical target volume of the mesorectum), CTVn (clinical
applied an anisotropic margin around the delineated CTVmeso target volume of the elective lymph node regions), PTV (planning target volume),
and CTVn on the first 3D T2w scan. Thereafter we quantified the IQR (interquartile range) and RTT (Radiotherapy technologists).

Online adaptive MR-guided radiotherapy for rectal cancer; feasibility of the workflow on a 1.5T MR-linac: clinical implementation and initial experience

Fig. 1. The online workflow. Abbreviations: Calculation (calc.), Position verification (PV).

taken into account. Thereafter we adapted the deformed contours Two 3D T2w scans were acquired during treatment delivery and
of the CTVmeso and CTVn. For the first twelve patients the con- one 3D T2w scan was acquired after the treatment for offline
tours where adapted by a radiation oncologist. From patient 13 assessment of intrafraction target coverage. Intrafraction motion
onwards, we started training RTTs to adapt the deformed contours was assessed by visually comparing the target volumes on the
under direct supervision of a radiation oncologist. Thereafter the post-treatment scan with the volumes on the pre-treatment scan.
trained RTTs adapted the contours with supervision on request We did not deploy a gating strategy as the system did not support
and offline revision by a radiation oncologist. The deformed con- gating methods. Radiotherapy was delivered using 7 MV FFF IMRT.
tours of the OAR were not manually adapted but used as an avoid-
ance structure in the replanning. Based on the new contours, a full
plan re-optimization was performed on the planning MRI using the
‘optimize weights and shapes from fluence’ option with the same Descriptive statistics were generated to give an overview of the
planning parameters that were used to generate the pre- patient characteristics, treatment time, and planning details of the
treatment plan [25]. During phase 2 (segment optimization) of patients. Patient, tumor, and treatment characteristics were pre-
the treatment planning process, a position verification (PV) scan sented as means with standard errors, median with interquartile
was acquired with identical parameters to those of the pre- range or as frequencies with percentages depending on their distri-
treatment 3D T2w scan. bution. Data were visualized using Statistical Package for Social
Sciences (SPSS) version 25 (Released 2017. IBM SPSS Statistics for
Windows, Version 25.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.).
Plan evaluation, motion management and dose delivery
The radiation oncologist and the physicist evaluated the new Results
treatment plan based on the traffic light procedure as provided
in online Monaco using online plan evaluation criteria (Table 1). Forty-three rectal cancer patients were selected for treatment
This system displays a green light if the plan optimization reached on the MR-linac between November 2018 and March 2020. Patient
the target criteria, an orange light if the plan optimization reached and tumor characteristics are summarized in Table 2. Most
the online evaluation criteria, and a red light when these con- patients were diagnosed with intermediate risk rectal cancer
straints were not met. For this study, plans that generated an located in the middle or distal rectum. Seven patients were treated
orange light were only accepted after evaluation by a physicist, for a metastasized rectal tumor, with palliative short course radio-
while plans with a red light were only accepted after consent of therapy followed by systemic therapy. One patient with a cT2N0
both the physician and physicist. tumor was treated with short course radiotherapy per an organ
Concurrently, the PV scan was overlaid onto the first MRI for preservation protocol.
analyses of motion that occurred during the recontouring and The timeline of the online adaptive workflow before and after
recalculation phase by visual inspection of the CTV contours. trained RTTs performed online recontouring is presented in Table 3.
Meanwhile, a medical physicist assessed the complexity of the The median total time per fraction was 48 min with a minimum of
treatment plan by comparing the total number of monitor units, 32 min and a maximum of 73 min due to a technical failure. The
number of segments, beam irregularity, and beam modulation to time for recontouring increased from 9 min (IQR 7) to 13 min
the pre-treatment plan. Additionally, a second planning system (IQR 11) when trained RTTs performed the contour-adaptation.
(Oncentra, Elekta AB, Stockholm, Sweden) performed an indepen- In total, 94.9% (204/215) of all fractions were delivered on the
dent 3D dose check without the B0 field effect. All metrics were MR-linac. Six fractions (2.8%) were delivered on a conventional
recorded to establish tolerance levels. accelerator because of logistical reasons. Three fractions (1.4%)
M.P.W. Intven, S.R. de Mol van Otterloo, S. Mook et al. Radiotherapy and Oncology 154 (2021) 172–178

Table 2 The propagated CTV contours were manually adapted for each
Patient and tumor characteristics. fraction. Average CTVmeso volume was 284 cc (SD 78 cc), CTVn
N = 43 volume 153 cc (SD 36 cc), and PTV volume 815 cc (SD 202 cc). Daily
Sex Male 30 (70%) volume differences in CTVmeso, CTVn and PTV were 17 cc (SD
Female 13 (30%) 34 cc), 8 cc (SD 15 cc), and 36 cc (SD 52 cc) respectively (Fig. 2).
Age 63.9 (43.4–83.3) Average PTV volumes with and without reduced margins were
cT-stage 1 0 (0%) 650 cc (SD 139 cc) and 923 cc (SD 160 cc).
2 12 (28%)
3 29 (67%)
Total CTV coverage was above 99% in all treatment fractions
4 2 (5%) (Fig. 3). In 3/215 (1,4%) fractions the PTV coverage was below the
MRF status <1 mm 4 (9%) target coverage of 97%. However, this was deemed acceptable upon
>1 mm 39 (91%) visual inspection as the underdosage was located at the periphery
cN-stage 0 8 (19%)
of the PTV in all cases. In one fraction (0,5%) the V26.75 Gy was
1 33 (77%)
2 2 (5%) above 5 cc, which was accepted after visual inspection of the loca-
cM-stage 0 36 (84%) tion of the hotspot. V27.5 Gy < 0.5 cc was respected in all treatment
1 7 (16%) fractions. For patients treated with reduced margins, post-
MRI distance from anal-rectal junction 0–5 17 (40%) treatment fraction evaluation showed that the CTVmeso was cov-
5–10 20 (47%)
ered by the PTVmeso in 80 of 81 (98.8%) of fractions. In one fraction
>10 6 (14%)
in one patient the target coverage was less because of the passing
of rectal gas during treatment delivery.
were scheduled on the MR-linac but delivered on a conventional
Additional to pre-treatment plan QA, the first online adapted
accelerator due to MR-linac downtime. Also, the final 2 scheduled
plan of each patient was measured on film. Gamma analysis pass
fractions (0.9%) of one patient were not delivered due to a severe
rates for a criterion of 3%/3mm with a low-dose threshold value
infectious disease. Patients tolerated treatment on the MR-linac
of 10% were 97.3% ± 7.3% for the pre-treatment plans and 97.7%
well; no treatment fractions were canceled or interrupted due to
± 10.3% for the online adaptive plans.
problems with patient comfort on the MR-linac.

Table 3
Overview of timing of the online workflow before and after trained RTTs performed online recontouring. Abbreviations: IQR (interquartile range). Radiotherapy technologists

Minutes in median (IQR)

Patient 1–25 Patient 26–43 Total
Online recontouring by Radiation Oncologist RTT in training or trained RTT Radiation Oncologist,RTT in-training or trained RTT
Total Fraction time* 48 (8) 50 (9) 48 (9)
1st MRI – end treatment 41 (7) 45 (7) 43 (9)
Recontouring 9 (7) 18 (5) 13 (11)
Planning 5 (1) 4 (1) 5 (1)
Dose Delivery 7 (1) 7 (1) 7 (1)
Total fraction time is defined as time between the patient leaving the dressing room until returning to the dressing room after the procedure.

Fig. 2. Box plot of daily variation of target volumes compared to the reference plan*. Abbreviations: CTVmeso (clinical target volume of the mesorectum), CTVn (clinical target
volume of the elective lymph node regions) and PTV (planning target volume). The outliers (O) indicate a volume difference of 1.5*3rd quartile  median  1,5*1st quartile.
The asterisk (*) indicates a volume difference of greater than ( )3*IQR. *The extreme outliers in the graphs, indicated by an asterisk (*), refer to volume differences of one
patient with a relative small rectal volume on the pre-treatment scan (630 cc) compared to later imaging (730–893 cc).

Online adaptive MR-guided radiotherapy for rectal cancer; feasibility of the workflow on a 1.5T MR-linac: clinical implementation and initial experience

Fig. 3. Overviews of achieved planning targets after online plan optimization. Abbreviations: the CTVmeso (clinical target volume of the mesorectum), CTVn (clinical target
volume of the elective lymph node regions) and PTV (planning target volume). The outliers (O) indicate a volume or percentage of 1.5*3rd quartile  median  1,5*1st
quartile. The asterisk (*) indicates a volume percentage of greater than (( )3*IQR)*median.

Discussion RTTs prolonged the online workflow. However it is expected that

this time will reduce as the RTTs gain more experience. Alterna-
This study provides an MR-guided online adaptive workflow for tively, machine learning could speed up this procedure and reduce
neoadjuvant radiotherapy for rectal cancer and shows that daily the observed variation in time. Currently this is being explored at
adaptive radiotherapy is feasible in rectal cancer patients. The our institution using the adapted delineation of treated patients.
average time on the treatment couch per fraction was 48 min Another essential step is the daily plan approval which requires
(IQR 9). Despite these longer treatment times compared to conven- the presence of both a physicist as well as a physician. For this
tional devices, patients had good compliance; no patient missed a study we used the traffic light system provided by the vendor. Cur-
fraction or switched to conventional treatment due to discomfort. rently, a similar traffic light system is being developed to simplify
Performance of the MR-linac system was acceptable. 1,4% (3/215) and potentially automate the online dose check procedure. We aim
of treatment fractions had to be delivered on a conventional accel- to execute the daily plan approval without presence of the physi-
erator due to machine downtime. Initial experience with margin cist and physician in the near future.
reduction resulted in considerable smaller PTV volumes and In this study we have mitigated interfraction motion by daily
assessment of coverage was promising. online plan adaptation, which enabled a considerable reduction
Currently, daily adaptive radiotherapy is both time- and labor- of our PTV margins. However, in this patient cohort we did not
intensive requiring daily commitment by in-room presence of per- actively control intrafraction motion. Exception gating could be
sonnel which puts a strain on the department’s recourses. One used in the future to ensure adequate coverage for all given treat-
essential step in the online adaptive workflow is recontouring. This ment fractions and potentially allow further reduction of PTV mar-
time-consuming step in the workflow showed most variation with gins [30,31].
an IQR of 11 min for all 43 patients. To bring down the burden on The experiences with the introduction of MRgRT on the 1.5T
department logistics RTTs were trained in adapting the propagated MR-linac as reported in this study show the feasibility of MRgRT
contours. Our study shows that online recontouring by trained in rectal cancer patients. The potential of MRgRT with high preci-

M.P.W. Intven, S.R. de Mol van Otterloo, S. Mook et al. Radiotherapy and Oncology 154 (2021) 172–178

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