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Alacer, Ella Marie M.

BSA 1-1

1. Why is it important to learn about the history of science and technology?

As of this moment, almost everything that we see are products of science and technology.
The gadgets that we use, the food we are eating, the appliances we have at home, and other
things that we see and make use everyday. It's fascinating and indeed very intriguing to know
as to how they came up with these products. Learning the history of science and technology
provides us the opportunity to be aware and knowledgeable with the origin of certain things
around us-- teaching people to be more conscious and curious and eventually pushing them
to create new ideas. It gives us the opportunity to think outside the box and build something
extraordinary, apart from all these existing inventions already. The history of science and
technology allowed us to take a peek of what was it like in the past for us to create something
even more better in the future. We understand the world better and appreciate the existence
of these things better as well.

2. How does the history of science and technology shape our society today?
Since the history of science and technology allows us to see how things were invented or how
events have happened, it gives us the necessary perspective which is important in analyzing
the different factors that affected the world in the past and the factors that may affect our
world right now or in the future. With this perspective, we are given the chance to focus on a
certain path through the history of science and technology by looking at the historical data
presented to us by the past. It shapes our society today in a more distinctive and specific
manner by giving humanity a chance to reexplore all the theories presented by history, to
reexamine the plausibility of these theories and apply them into the modern time as well as
create new theories that may or may not oppose the existing ones. History helps us avoid the
mistakes that were committed years ago. It makes our society more functional and more
innovative into building the world with new ideas and propositions.

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