Pansey Dresses, www5586,2200w, RH

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Pansey dresses.

Brief background information about the Brand

Pansey collection is founded by a young Emirati girl ’Rouda Alkaabi, who started her business
with the idea of clothing women and girls in beautiful clothes that reflect their style and
personality. The name of the brand refers to the fact that it is based on traditional Emirati
garments. Pansey dresses are made according to authentic designs, with attention to detail and
meticulous workmanship.

Rouda loves the Trinity flowers—the three-petaled flower that is a symbol of divine love and
eternal life. She wanted to create a line of dresses that would be beautiful and versatile enough to
be worn every day, as well as special occasion dresses that could be worn on holidays or other
important events in your life.

Consumer product: discuss the product you have chosen in terms of

Pansey dresses are a very popular type of clothing in today's society. They are made from high-
quality fabrics, and they are available in many different colors and styles. This makes them very
versatile and easy to match with other items of clothing that you already own.

They also come in a wide range of sizes, so it is possible to find one that fits perfectly. This
means that you can feel confident about wearing it anywhere without worrying about whether or
not people will be able to see your body through it or if they will think it is too revealing for

Pansey dresses are an excellent choice for women who want something simple but elegant when
going out on the town or simply wanting something comfortable but stylish for everyday wear at
home or work!

Marketing Opportunities

Existing market segments: Pansey dresses are a popular choice for brides-to-be. They are
designed to fit the curves of women and give them an elegant and feminine look that is perfect
for any special occasion. These dresses are made from a variety of fabrics and materials,
including satin, lace, organza, chiffon, taffeta, and more. They can be purchased in different
lengths and sleeves styles for women who want something more formal or casual.

Marketing Strategy
The marketing strategy for pansy dresses is to target the wealthiest customers in the world and
make them feel like they are a million dollars. They do this by targeting high-earning
professionals, such as doctors, lawyers, and business executives.

To achieve this goal, they create a campaign that includes social media posts about how much
money the consumer has made for the year. They will also use images of luxury items to make
our consumers believe that they are rich enough for us to sell them expensive clothing without
breaking the bank. The key factors that can be used to differentiate this product from its
competitors are:

 Color: Pansey dresses are available in a wide range of colors, including black, white and
even gold.
 Material: The Pansey dress is made of fine materials such as silk, satin and velvet.
 Design: The designs of Pansey dresses are very beautiful.

The popularity of Pansy Dresses is a good indication that there is an underserved market for
high-quality, sexy dresses.Pansey Dresses are known for their quality, durability and comfort.
They can be worn in any season and they will look great on everyone!. This would mean that
there would be an opportunity for expansion into new markets by targeting existing customers
who are looking for a more affordable alternative than what they already have available.

Pansey dresses are a unique blend of fashion and comfort. They are made with the finest fabrics
and designed to stand the test of time. The designs are timeless and always in style, so you can
wear them for any occasion. Pansey dresses are high quality but at a great price!

Segmentation and Targeting

The best group is determined by the following according to the survey:

1.      Aged 18-35 years old - The target audience for Pansey dresses is women between the ages
of 18 and 35 who work in a high-level position, and have a decent amount of disposable income.
They are also looking for something that's comfortable and casual but still stylish.

2.      Social Media Users-

The main reason is that their needs are the most in-demand and they are more likely to be
interested in your product. They are also more likely to keep up with trends in the fashion
industry, so it will be easier for them to find new ideas for their outfits.

3. The Pansey dresses is targeted towards young women who are in their teens and twenties, so
the people who are most likely to buy Pansey dresses are people who have just started out with
their lives. Women in these age groups are more likely to be interested in fashion and style while
they're still finding themselves and trying to figure out what they want out of life.

Primary Search Analysis:

What is your age?


Survey shows that majority of the target audience are young women whose age lie between 20 to

How satisfied are you with the Pansy


Very High
Very Low

From the graph, it is evident that the majority of people are highly satisfied with pansy dresses.
What is your biggest issue with this

Easy Availability

People have no issue with overall design, comfort and pricing of pansy dresses.

Why do you think people are satisfied with

Pansy dresses?

Easy Availability

People are satisfied with the pansy Dresses because of its comfortable fabric and elegant design.

Will you buy Pansy Dresses in Future?


From the graph it is quite clear that pansy dresses has loyal and recurring customers who are
willing to shop time and again from them.
Are you okay with cost of Pansy


People have no problem with the cost of pansy dresses.


 Pansy dress users are women who are interested in finding new ways to express their
style, and they're looking for a way to express themselves that is more than just fashion.
They want to be able to use their style as a tool for expressing themselves and making a
statement about who they are.
 They are typically smart, athletic, and well-educated. They spend the majority of their
day at work or school, but they love to have time for leisure activities like sports or
 They are women who are looking for something more than just a dress. They want to be
able to show off their personality and style, which is why they're drawn to the Pansy
 They also tend to be very active socially—they go to parties, festivals, and events
regularly with friends (and often bring along their pets).

Application of the marketing mix:

The marketing mix is a framework for planning, organizing, and implementing marketing
strategies (Morgan et al., 2018). This approach to marketing focuses on the four Ps: product,
price, place, and promotion.

Product: our product are pansy dresses available in different colors, design and style.

Price: our price varies depending upon the product. It ranges from 190 to 450 Dirhams.
Place: we will be selling our products through our website, as well as through physical stores
across the country

Promotion: Promotion is the term used to describe all of the activities undertaken by a company
to increase awareness of its product or service. It can be as simple as putting an ad in the local
paper, or it can be expensive and involve hiring professional marketing consultants. In general,
promotion involves more than just advertising. It includes things like sponsorships, public
relations (PR), and direct marketing campaigns.

Proposed Product

Pansy dresses, named for the flower that blooms in late spring and early summer. The Pansy
dress is a simple, unstructured, and classic piece that can be worn with anything from jeans to
heels and everything in between. Each dress is made of 100%pure fabrics and comes in a variety
of colors that will match any outfit you want to wear.

Pansy dresses are a perfect addition to any wardrobe. They are perfect for the office, school and
even weddings. The Pansy dress is a great choice for women who want to be stylish but not over
the top. They have many different styles that can match every outfit from jeans to high heels.
The Pansy dress is an easy way to add some color to your closet without having to spend a ton of
money on a new outfit.

It is a woman's most comfortable and versatile piece of clothing, because it works with every
outfit, every season, and every occasion. It can be worn to the office or out on the town, but it
will always make you feel confident and stylish.


Pansy dresses are packaged in a way that ensures you will not be disappointed. Each dress is
wrapped in a protective plastic sleeve and placed inside a box, with the sleeves of each dress
sticking out from the bottom of the box. This allows for easy access to your package during
shipping. The sleeves also protect your dress from any damage that may occur during shipping.

In addition, Pansy dresses are shipped in bulk to save on packaging costs and reduce waste. This
means that there is always enough room in the box to fit all of the Pansy dresses that have been
ordered at once; this helps reduce waste and makes it easier for us to ship more items in one
Proposed Price

Pricing is an important part of marketing mix, because it is the primary determinant of

profitability. In other words, what you charge for a product or service affects how much money
you make and how much profit you make. Pricing is also important because it provides
information about your product or service quality, which can be used to determine whether or not
customers will buy from you in the future.

Pansy dresses, the most beautiful of all the flowers, have a new and excitingly expensive price.
Their flowers are really pretty, and they're in a very good shape. The pansy is an elegant plant
with a very nice smell, but its price is very high ranging from 190 to 500 Dirhams.

The pricing of pansy dresses is a very important part of the marketing mix. Since this is a high-
end product, it has to be priced accordingly. Pansies are considered a luxury item, so it should
not be sold at a cheap price. The best way to keep the price of pansy dresses reasonable is by
using a combination of discounts and promotions. The first thing that you can do is offer
customers special deals on every purchase that they make. This will make customers feel valued
and appreciated, which will in turn lead them to make more purchases from your store.

Another effective way to increase sales volume for pansy dresses is through discounts on large
orders or bulk purchases (Hill, 2007). You can offer a discount if you buy more than one
hundred dresses at once; or if you want ten hundred dresses, then you should get fifty percent off
on all those orders as well!

Proposed Place

Pansy dresses are best suited for formal occasions and can be worn during the spring and
summer months. They are also ideal for weddings, proms, and sports games since they are
comfortable and flattering. Pansy dresses offer a wide range of colors to choose from as well as
styles to match your personal style.

The proposed place for selling pansy dresses is a boutique. This is because the boutique has a
variety of different items, which are all related to each other.The boutique will be located in the
city center, where there are many people who can afford to spend money on luxury items. It is
also important that the boutique is located near a high-traffic area, so that it can attract more
Proposed Promotion

Pansy Dresses are here to stay! We have a lot of amazing new ideas for promoting this brand,
and we're excited to share them with you. The first thing we've been thinking about is how to get
the word out on Pansy's dresses.

 Right now, they're only available in our stores and official website, so we'll make them
more accessible to as many people as possible by listing them on different online stores
like amazon.

 We will try partnering up with other brands that sell similar products. We love the idea of
collaborating with other designers—it's a great way for us to get new styles into the hands
of people who aren't able to shop at our store in person.

 Another way we will increase exposure would be by partnering up with influencers who
are passionate about pansies (or just really into fashion) and giving them special
treatments when they wear our dresses (Morgan et al., 2018). This could include
discounts on their next purchase or free swatches of fabrics in their size if they share a
photo of themselves wearing Pansy on social media!

 A series of photographs that show the model posing with different Pansy Dresses and
holding them up to herself, thereby revealing the dress's name on the label.


1. What is your age?

 20-30

 30-40

 40-70

2. How satisfied are you with the Pansy Dresses?

 Very High

 High
 Low

 Very Low

3. Why do you think people are satisfied with Pansy dresses?

 Comfort

 Design

 Pricing

 Easy Availability

4. What is your biggest issue with this product?

 Price

 Design

 Availability

 None

5. Will you buy Pansy Dresses in Future?

 Yes

 No

6. Are you okay with cost of Pansy Dresses?

 Yes

 No


 Campbell, C., & Farrell, J. R. (2020). More than Meets the eye: the Functional
Components Underlying Influencer Marketing. Business Horizons, 63(4).
 Hill, D. D. (2007). As Seen in Vogue: A Century of American Fashion in Advertising. In
Google Books. Texas Tech University Press.
 Morgan, N. A., Whitler, K. A., Feng, H., & Chari, S. (2018). Research in marketing
strategy. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 47(1), 4–29.

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