BA Digest 23 Q1 v1

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0 Q1 2023

• Systems Thinking & Business Analysis

• I Work in IT, but I’m Not a Techie

• From Artist to Analyst

• BA Back Stories

• And much more …

Your regular round-up of useful BA content

BA Digest is published by Blackmetric Business Solutions

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Happy New Year! I hope that you were to give 'air time' to adjacent and
able to have some 'downtime' over the complementary disciplines. There is so
end-of-year holiday season. As a new much we can learn from the 'edges', and
year begins, many of us will be thinking it's important to remember that those
about how we want to develop in our boundaries are only there because "we"
careers and personal lives. Alongside created them!
this, it's important for us to collectively
think about where we want our I hope that you enjoy this edition. As
profession to go. usual, I'd like to extend a massive thank
you to all of the authors who have
One of the great things about the BA contributed. BA Digest couldn't exist
profession is that it isn't really without their generous contribution to
'owned' or 'controlled' by any single the community. Be sure to connect with
individual or authority. As a community them, and if an article particularly
of enthusiastic and empowered resonates with you, get in touch with the
practitioners we can decide where we author and tell them. Trust me, they will
want to take this profession. The appreciate it!
discipline is, at its heart, the sum of what
we all collectively do. Yes, there are Also, a massive thank you to our
standard definitions. Yes, there are role advertisers. Check out their offerings,
profiles. And you know what, all of them and remember, the brands that you see
were created by people… and all of them here in BA Digest are those that are
are open to discussion, challenge and the actively supporting the BA Community.
occasional 'nudge'. Be sure to support them if you can too!

Part of BA Digest's vision is to be part Happy reading!

of that ongoing discussion. For that
reason, you'll find articles in this (and
every!) edition of Digest that some
might think go beyond the traditional Adrian Reed
view of business analysis. Whether it's
systems thinking, business architecture, Editor-In-Chief, BA Digest
group construct analysis… we like & Principal Consultant, Blackmetric

2 ISSN 2753-7900
4 The Camera Conundrum: Coming Soon ... Straight to Your Monitors!
- Anna Balogh

7 Systems Thinking & Business Analysis - Matt Lloyd

10 Identifying the Humans Relevant to Our Business Analysis Work

- Oge Nwachukwu

14 The Context for Business Architecture - Paul Turner

20 BA Back Stories: David Beckham - Interviewed by Christina Lovelock

26 Neurodivergence in Business Analysis: Can You Train Your Traits?

- Josh Hyland

30 I Work in IT, but I’m Not a Techie - Louise Powell

33 Using Group Construct Analysis to Understand Stakeholder Worldviews in

Ambiguous Situations, Part 7: Getting to the Root of Stakeholders' Construct
Systems - Nick de Voil

37 How to Use Your Business Analysis Skills to Manage Your Career (Part 1)
- Araceli Higueras

40 Viewpoints

43 A Common Structure to Learn Multiple Industry Domains - Manoj Kumar Lal

47 3 Symptoms of Business Analyst Disorder (BAD) - Sumi Prasad

51 Effective Leadership: A Business Analyst’s Perspective - Paul Whiteley

54 Modelling Lessons For Stakeholders? - Danny Kalkhoven

58 From Artist to Analyst - Keanon Donnelly

The Camera Conundrum:
Coming Soon …
Straight to Your Monitors!
Anna Balogh

We’re all familiar with the world of has become all the more common since
hybrid and virtual meetings now. While the pandemic. A key question is: to put
some of us may have had experience cameras on or not to?
with this way of working in the past, it

At the beginning I was 100% pro- all costs. Besides physical illness, it can
cameras on. I find it more personable be mental health related too. Sometimes
when you can see those you’re talking not having to “show our faces” can be
to. Not seeing them might make you feel the deciding factor between a day of sick
like you’re talking at your audience, leave and peacefully working in the
rather than with them. Seeing attendees comfort of our homes.
is also useful for spotting non-verbal
clues about engagement. Does someone Those That Choose Not To
look confused? Do people have quizzical
looks, and would it be beneficial to We know already after nearly 3 years of
repeat a key point? Covid that not everyone will have their
cameras on in online meetings. There are
However, one day a colleague told me the rebels—those who just won’t put
that he finds it distracting when people their camera on, and then there are those
put on their cameras, especially when all who choose not to for genuine reasons.
you see in the background is their dog I work with a colleague who is
chasing their cat and their laundry is extremely shy. He's hard-working, but I
piled up high ready to go in the washing have learned not to expect any eye
machine. This made me think: he had a contact. Working from home is paradise
good point, it’s not always helpful for for him: he’s left in peace and can get on
people to put on their cameras. I started with his work in an environment that is
thinking of other scenarios when it is comfortable for him. Also, he chooses
better not to have the camera on. Here not to put his camera on in meetings, and
are some of the situations I came up with: I can completely understand why.

Not Feeling 100% Then there’s the broadband aspect.

Some of my colleagues work offshore
We have all heard about how the average and depending on where they are
number of sick days has gone down geographically, they can often have
since working from home is more bandwidth issues which makes it almost
common. It makes sense, some days we impossible for them to put their cameras
might feel under the weather and on.
wouldn’t want to commute to work.
Back pre-March 2020 this could have I Do, But I Shouldn’t
resulted in a sick day. However, if
someone is feeling up to working from There’s those of us in the pro-camera
home, why not. It could be the perfect block, wanting to have it on all the time.
time to work on a document that you It might not always be the best choice
need a quiet environment for. We all though. Imagine the distraction of your
know people who have no problem with pets fighting behind you when you’re
working through a cold but would avoid running a virtual workshop and want it
putting their sore red noses on display at to be engaging.

Think about if there is anything you if someone is on a train but made
can do to make the background less special effort to join a meeting)
distracting. If you work from somewhere
where you can’t avoid life going on in ● Someone with a shy/introverted
the background, then it’s probably better personality might benefit from not
to blur it out or use a virtual background. putting their camera on
However, if you have an office space
with, for example, a plain wall or a ● If there is a challenging conversation
bookshelf as background, it is perhaps a (e.g. there is a language barrier) it
good idea to use your real background— might help people not being in the
this also helps with demonstrating “limelight”
● People might have a desk setup
Having spent a few months pondering where they can’t change their
the pros and cons of it, I have come camera angle to show them properly
up with a handy checklist which helps
● Someone having an “off” day might
to consider some relevant aspects of
prefer not to put it on – the scenario
whether or not to put on a camera in
when one is feeling fine to work but
don’t feel up to having their camera
For: on (e.g. hiding a red nose when
having a cold)
● It feels more like a regular face to
face meeting where you can see Virtual and hybrid meetings are still
everyone relatively new, and we’re still finding
our way around them. There’s a lot more
● Attendees with their cameras on are to be mindful of than it used to be with
perceived as being engaged in-person meetings: technology, time
zones, making sure there are breaks
● …and less likely to multi-task when people get away from their screens
etc. When it comes to cameras and
● Gives a chance for participants to seeing each other on screen, consider
see and read nonverbal clues this list and set expectations accordingly.
Perhaps the idea of everyone being
● It demonstrates authenticity visible isn’t that ideal and it's important
that all meeting participants agree on the
approach to camera usage.
● Weak or unreliable broadband can
Anna Balogh is a Business Analyst with
make it impossible to reliably use a
specific interest in digital solutions,
teamwork, and equality. You can contact
● Distractions in the background (e.g. her on LinkedIn at:
when working from a busy home, or

Systems Thinking &
Business Analysis
Matt Lloyd

Systems Thinking. It’s a term that as as Systems Dynamics (SD), the Viable
business analysts you may have come Systems Model (VSM), and Soft
across, either whilst browsing social Systems Methodology (SSM), all of
media or as part of a bigger initiative, which have their own tools such as rich
such as the recently launched ‘Systems pictures and causal loop diagrams.
Thinking for Civil Servants’ initiative However, at the heart of it all are
from the UK government. But what, the fundamentals. Whilst different
actually, is systems thinking? methodologies may use different names
for these different fundamentals,
If you asked seven different people you essentially there are a number of ideas
would get ten different answers, all of which, if embraced, can be of significant
them probably right and all of them value whilst exploring any situation,
possibly wrong. Rather than trying to whether it initially appears to be a
provide you with a “correct” answer, it computer based scenario or one of a
is probably more useful to offer an human nature.
elevator pitch, to try and give an
understanding without misleading. The first fundamental is holism, that is
the idea that you look at a situation as a
Systems thinking is a way of whole, rather than trying to reduce it to
communicating a situation, so it is a component level. There is a well-
possible to see the influences, outcomes known parable of the elephant and the
and relationships that affect the blind men, which perfectly encapsulates
situation as well as the individuals and holism.(It’s also a great song by Natalie
organisations that are active within that Merchant). Essentially if multiple blind
situation. men all touch a different part of an
elephant, they will all get a different idea
There are numerous methodologies of what it is. One might interpret a leg
associated with systems thinking such as a tree trunk, another the elephant’s

trunk as a snake, etc. However no one Beatles was to influence Britpop bands
man can fully comprehend what an such as Oasis, whereas someone else
elephant is. So, holism is valuable in might just consider them noise. In order
enabling an analyst to see the whole to utilise systems thinking it is important
situation. to consider all of the multiple
perspectives that apply to a system.
Next up are interconnections. After all, to some people a word
Essentially this is looking at how processor may just be a way of writing
different components in a system are a document but to the programmer of
connected to each other; for instance, the word processor it is something
how a set of components combined altogether different.
makes up a car. But it is also worth
considering that simply connecting a set The last significant fundamental relates
of components is not enough. For to boundary setting. This can be crucial
example stringing together components as it enables boundaries to be identified
from different car manufacturers is as part of the process of defining
unlikely to result in a car that actually a situation. Boundaries separate what
works! . How things connect can be as is of interest and what isn’t, but
important as the role the components it’s also important to acknowledge that
each play within the system. boundaries can shift depending on
perspectives or purpose. It isn’t always
Emergence is another fundamental of easy to identify the appropriate
systems thinking, looking at how the boundaries when considering a system;
parts of the system interact to produce for instance, if you are considering “a
something larger. Think of emergence system of education” do you need to
in terms of bands; some bands, such as consider transport as part of the system
The Beatles combine their individual (as the students need to get to their place
parts to produce something considered of education) or do you simply view the
special whilst four friends simply system’s boundary starting when
playing two guitars, a bass and a set of students are in the building?
drums may produce something that can
best be described as “noise”. The by- So why, you might ask, should you
product of the elements interacting is consider exploring systems thinking
what emerges, and it can be either further? Systems thinking enables
positive, in the case of The Beatles, or different people to express their
negative. understanding of a system and to ask
questions. Consider the difference
A further key fundamental of systems between what “is” happening in the
thinking to consider is perspective. If situation and what “should” be
we again consider The Beatles some happening, as sometimes (often) they
people may perceive them as the greatest can be two different things. You might
band of all time, whereas others might think a university is a place to educate
consider that the main role of The young people, but from the perspective

of a local landlord it’s a source of a Systems Dynamics flavour, The
customers. And as business analysts this Grammar of Systems by Patrick
can be very important, because what a Hoverstadt (Viable Systems Model
BA often needs to do is meet the centric) with Michael C Jacksons,
needs of multiple stakeholders, whilst Critical Systems and the Management
communicating the current situation and of Complexity, probably being the most
also identifying potential changes within in-depth and cross methodology book
a framework that is robust and available.
Matt Lloyd has had a varied career.
At this stage you are hopefully now After leaving university with a degree in
tempted to explore systems thinking in Business Information Systems, Matt
more depth. The Open University went on to work as a music journalist
provides some excellent free resources. before moving into local government
In addition there are many great books and then business consultancy.
(and, unfortunately, a lot of really poor Currently Matt is undertaking a PhD
books) available to buy. In terms of at the Centre for Systems Studies.
research, you could do far worse than
check out Thinking in Systems: A b307062
Primer by Donella Meadows, which has

Identifying the Humans
Relevant to Our Business
Analysis Work
Oge Nwachukwu

According to the International Institute This quote highlights how identifying

of Business Analysis (IIBA®)’s and effectively managing all the humans
Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (stakeholders) relevant to a change is a
(BABOK®) Guide: critical success factor for every change
“The business analyst is responsible
for eliciting the actual needs Stakeholder identification involves
of stakeholders—which frequently determining the individuals, groups or
involves investigating and clarifying entities who can be impacted by or
their expressed desires—in order to impact an initiative's activities or
determine underlying issues and causes. outcomes.
Business analysts play a role in aligning
the designed and delivered solutions High-level stakeholder Identification
with the needs of stakeholders.” may start to happen during project
initiation; with the initial stakeholder list

generated at this phase. It can then be the work plan. Agile projects may
progressively elaborated on as the work experience a higher degree of change
scope becomes clearer and the change than waterfall projects and may require
effort advances. more regular and active stakeholder
identification cycles. Irrespective of the
Some stakeholders are obvious and delivery approach, it's essential to revisit
easily identifiable, examples are the stakeholder landscape regularly.
customers, suppliers, regulators, and
people from related business areas. Asides from periodic review of the
However, additional analysis may be stakeholder list, there might be specific
required to identify the not-so-obvious events that could trigger a reassessment
stakeholders. of the stakeholder list. Examples
As analysis practitioners, the benefits of
setting time aside to define a logical ● Completing a project phase and
process that ensures task goals are met starting a new phase
before commencing task execution
cannot be overemphasised. This exact ● Current stakeholders no longer
best practice applies to the stakeholder involved in the project work and
identification, analysis and engagement new members becoming part of the
process. initiative

Adopting a structured approach to ● Changes in management team and

identifying all key stakeholders as early the wider organisation
as possible is also a tactic to mitigate the
● Changes in the political or
risk of missed, incomplete and/or
regulatory environment, and any
misunderstood requirements, which may
other significant changes in the
adversely impact the goals and success
wider stakeholder community or
of the initiative.
business environment
It is important to note that stakeholder Stakeholder identification is the first step
identification is an iterative and ongoing in the stakeholder management and
endeavour, not a done once and for all engagement process. It sets the tone for
process. Changes in stakeholders or a successful stakeholder management as
context can occur at any time during you can only effectively manage an
the initiative; hence it is important identified stakeholder. The diagram
to schedule regular stakeholder below depicts a structured approach to
identification exercises when developing stakeholder identification.

Define Create/
Conduct Document &
Approach & Update
Stakeholder Validate
Select Stakeholder
Identification Results
Techniques Listing

Having defined an approach, let’s matter experts to describe the processes
consider some useful techniques that aid in scope. You can apply the SIPOC
effective stakeholder identification. ("Supplier, Input, Process, Output,
Customer) technique here. Alternatively
Organisational modelling: the using a swimlane diagram can be useful.
organisational model is a visual Each of these approaches is outlined
representation of the organisational unit. below:
It shows the boundaries, formal
relationships, functional roles, ● SIPOC model enables a quick
interfaces, and dependencies between visualisation of the process
individual units and stakeholders. It’s highlighting the primary
useful for identifying internal stakeholders (process owners,
stakeholders and their relationships suppliers, and customers)
within the organisation.

Beyond identifying internal stakeholders

and their relationships, the model can
also be used as a baseline for identifying
external stakeholders. This is achieved
by performing an interface analysis Suppliers Inputs Process Outputs Customers

on each organisational unit to identify Persons/ Resource(s) Sequential Valuable Persons or

external entities they interact with. entities contributed steps that resource entities
that by the consumes produced that
An example of an organisational provide Suppliers the inputs by the consumes
input to and yields process the output
(hierarchical) model is shown below: the process the output

● Swimlane diagrams highlight all

the actors involved in a process,
clearly depicting who is responsible
for each task/activity in a process.
VP, Sales & VP,
Marketing Operations Like the organisation model, interface
analysis can be performed on each role
to identify more internal and external
stakeholders relevant to the initiative.
Director, Director, Director,
Marketing Sales Production

Process modelling and analysis: This

is one of my favourite techniques for
performing high level stakeholder
identification. This exercise would
involve collaborating with subject

Here is a list of some other techniques ● Who can be happy or unhappy with
that can be used to identify stakeholders: changes around the work scope?

● Brainstorming ● Who has the power to make or break

the project?
● Mind mapping
● Who are the eventual users of the
● Interviews process or technology?
● Document analysis ● What person or group has overall
● Questionnaires and surveys decision-making authority?

● Focus group ● How are the industry regulators

impacted by the change?
● Workshops
As change enablers, we can set up the
I have also compiled some sample initiative for success early on by
questions that can be used as adopting a structured and systematic
conversation starters during an process for stakeholder identification,
elicitation session. These are particularly rather than following the path of least
aimed at validating knowledge of the resistance, relying on our intuition to
stakeholder landscape, while identifying identify stakeholders randomly.
anyone that has been missed.
Remember, this is not a once and for all
● Who are the individuals directly event, It’s an iterative process. The key
involved with the processes under is to perform it early at the start of the
review? initiative and progressively elaborate
throughout the lifecycle of the initiative.
● Who are the subject matter experts
within the team? Oge is a business transformation
enthusiast. She has played various
● Who are their supervisors and critical roles on diverse transformation
managers? projects across multiple industry
domains for over 14 years.
● What internal stakeholders supply
input to their work process? Oge is Director of Professional
Development, IIBA Halifax Chapter,
● What external stakeholders supply and the Chief Knowledge Officer at
input to their work process? Pollard Consults,
● What internal stakeholders receive Connect with Oge at:
the output of their work process?
● What external stakeholders receive
the output of their work process?

The Context
for Business
Paul Turner

Background and Rationale In the modern world of business (the

term business is used here to also include
Much has been said about architecture public sector and not for profit
in all its numerous flavours, and not organisations), value to end customers
surprisingly much of this is quite can only be delivered by various
technical in nature. For instance, the organisations working together in
most mature and well defined examples collaboration. It is this collaborative
of architecture are those of application, approach to servicing customer needs
data and infrastructure. However, while that led to standards which allowed
these are of obvious importance they are various technical platforms to interface
only of real value when used to enable with one another. The same needs to be
business advantage or service delivery. done to enable discrete businesses and
In each case these architectures are the departments within them to work
needed to ensure that technical change together in a rapidly changing business
and development can be rapidly landscape.
evaluated in terms of impact and
effectively deployed. It is important to note that there will be
many who will perceive business

architecture as an obstacle to be avoided, So what exactly is business architecture
rather than the value add it is in truth. In and why is it so important to
some cases, this will mean that the organisations going forward? Here we
business architecture may need to be will consider these questions and explore
introduced into an organisation by some of the key business architecture
stealth in order to demonstrate its value techniques that help it provide real
iteratively. This should result in the go business benefit in practice.
ahead to introduce it fully and ultimately
implement it as the essence of The term “business architecture” has
governance and the underpinning been used in many contexts and there
authority for design and new initiative have been many definitions within a
assessment. range of frameworks. In some cases, the
term is used in ways that imply it is quite
This is where business architecture a technical concept and in others that it
comes in, providing a standard definition is simply another name for business
of business capabilities, value streams, analysis undertaken at a higher level.
organisational business units and While business architecture is vital to
information concepts which can focus successful business analysis, it is clearly
on WHAT a business needs to do to add a different discipline with a different set
value to its customers independently of of objectives, rationale and techniques.
HOW this value is actually delivered at Its relationship with business analysis is
a specific point in time. In addition, this best described by stating that:
implementation independent definition
of the business can act as a necessary A business architecture provides
bridge between the strategic direction ‘air cover’ for business analysts
of the business, set by the enabling them to get on with their
management/leadership team and the jobs at a programme and project
day-to-day execution of this vision, delivery level.
delivered by operational teams of the
various organisations involved. By using For example, while process
business architecture to focus on what is improvement undertaken by business
the same across organisations rather than analysts will make an organisation more
getting diverted by concentrating on efficient, it is only when this is done in
what is different, business can benefit conjunction with a robust, stable and
from reuse at a variety of levels in well defined business architecture that
terms of business capabilities and their the organisation will become more
implantation. It is worth always effective and be able to implement
remembering the mantra: innovation in a timely and flexible way.
Business architecture provides a more
All organisations are the same, - - - strategic high level view of the key
- - - - - - - - - - - - except where they elements which make up a business and
are different. enable the delivery of real and
substantial value.

The Truths Behind Business itself. However, this does not mean
you need to wait for the production
Architecture of the full ‘big picture’ before you
can populate some individual
So, let us have a look at some of the
elements of the business
truths that underpin the concept of
architecture. For example, starting
business architecture as we see it:
with business capabilities and key
● It is perhaps best to start by value streams and moving on to
appreciating that the business elements later on or producing high
architecture is a model of the level models of the various business
business that will support and architecture models and drilling
facilitate various levels of business down into these to provide more
change. It represents the underlying detail at a later stage. As we will see
wiring of the business and it later it is not necessary to drill down
provides a business-wide blueprint to the same level of detail for each
which helps in the identification and of the components of a given
evaluation of new ideas, initiatives business architecture model.
and potential projects.
To provide a clear understanding of the
● It is also important to understand discipline of business architecture, it is
that the business architecture does worth looking at some definitions of
not incorporate technical the value proposition of business
architectures, but does need to be architecture itself:
mapped to them to provide
● To increase organisational effective-
consistency. The best way to do this
ness and ability to deliver the
is to map the various business
organisation’s vision and strategic
architecture artefacts, such as value
stream stages and high level
information concepts, to processes, ● To map and model various
applications and data classes. These important aspects of the business
can then be subsequently mapped to
the technical infrastructure ● To align business capabilities with
architecture itself. It is important business outcomes in order to
however to maintain a clear deliver value
separation between business
architecture and the other more Beneficiaries of Business
technically focussed architectures.
● People often ask “what is the scope
of a business architecture?” Well, If a robust Business Architecture is in
the scope of business architecture is place there four main groups of
in fact the scope of the business beneficiaries:

Executives: Projects:

● Impact assessment ● What is needed to discover projects

● Strategy and execution alignment ● Project governance

● Enterprise wide view ● Identification and reuse of design

● Appropriate focussed sponsorship
● Problem and solution alignment
● Support for long term planning

IT: 3rd party organisations:

● Target business models ● Consistency of outsourcing

● Enterprise level requirements ● Design governance

● Support for target technical models ● Shared models

● IT governance ● Ease of regulation and audit

Senior Executives: Having a business IT: The IT department will be able

architecture will assist in the evaluation to implement suggested changes that
of new initiatives, and enable effective are consistent across the organisation
execution of the strategy. The identifying high level business
development of a business architecture requirements while promoting
can be fundamental to the long term appropriate governance and best
success of a business and allow practice.
executives to make more informed
decisions. In fact, it has been suggested 3rd Party organisations: It is important
that large organisations which do not to also realise that business architecture
have some form of business architecture covers the scope of the delivery of value
in place may find it difficult to survive across organisational boundaries. It
in the rapidly changing world in which therefore considers the relationship
we live. between partners, suppliers and
customers, hence providing a shared
Projects: At the project level, not only model for collaboration. To facilitate
can business architecture help by this, it is very common for a standard
identifying potential projects for business architecture reference model to
improvement, but also can facilitate be available for specific sectors. But
consistent and co-ordinated delivery remember this will need you to consider
across all projects. whether you want your organisation to

be part of someone else’s value stream ● It allows senior management to be
or whether you want them to be part of better informed and make more
yours. consistent decisions while helping
solve more complex business wide
Summary problems. In addition, it allows the
business to respond effectively and
So to summarise, the main purposes of appropriately to the commonly
a business architecture are: heard phrase from senior
stakeholders: “I’ve had an idea”.
● To enable the development of a
perspective of an organisation’s ● As a link to the more structured, less
strategy and competitive differenti- abstract discipline of business
ators and to make it easier for an analysis, business architecture will
organisation to fully understand contribute towards the derivation of
what it is and what it is trying to high level business needs which may
achieve. be used as input to business and IT
solution development subsequently.
● To understand the key value streams
(enabled by reusable business ● It ensures the successful use of other
capabilities) which are used to architectures by serving as the
deliver the organisation’s value driving force for the more technical
propositions and meet the supporting architectures rather than
customer’s value expectations, the other way around.
while harmonising these with each
other. Hence, providing appropriate These, and the many other advantages,
value to recipients of an show the compelling reasons why
organisation’s products and services. organisations choose to focus
on understanding their business


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Interviewed by Christina Lovelock
Dave is a business analyst and Can you share the topic of the book
motivational speaker, he took time away you are working on with us?
from prepping for a session at the
BA Manager Forum to have this It’s my philosophy of being a BA. I am
conversation. He reflected on the need very interested in Japanese martial arts
to create a strong start for a presentation and the samurai tradition and my blog
to connect with the audience, and we title is samurai business analyst. It’s my
talked later about how public speaking philosophy of business analysis and life
has influenced his career. He’s also been in general… combined with a little bit
working on a potential book… of Japanese samurai! It’s something I
feel like I could do and people might be

interested in. It’s just as far as the first people's impression that you are not
draft at the moment. knowledgeable enough. It’s a difficult
one to quantify how we get better at it,
What mindset do you think people but it is an important quality for BA to
need to succeed as BAs? have: not taking it personally.
It’s important that a BA has a clear This column is called
definition of what they do, in their own “BA backstories”, so can you tell
mind, because it's a role that is many me about your first proper job?
things to many people. It's important that
BAs have a clear focus in terms of what My first proper job was in 1986 when I
they are delivering. I also feel that you've joined what was then Norwich Union as
got to be attached yet detached at the a junior pensions administrator. I walked
same time. You’ve got to be attached to into the office in an absolutely appalling
getting the work done and getting the suit and tie. I didn't even know what a
right outcome, but you haven't got to photocopier was… and I was completely
take it personally. A lot of BAs I’ve overwhelmed. In fact, it was only when
mentored are used to having their work I’d gone out for lunch, I realised I didn't
marked, so their work has to be 100% know what floor they had taken me to in
perfect before they put it in front of the morning! I did about five years in an
people. You've got to just take a chance admin role which was when your in-tray
and put things out there sometimes, be was full and then it was empty and there
prepared to be wrong. was no autonomy whatsoever. And it
drove me mad, quite frankly, because I
Being clear as to what your role is, being wasn't right for the job.
comfortable with ambiguity and being
prepared to be wrong are the three I then joined the Vision Unit. We were
mindset qualities I think a good BA working with a vendor on things like
demonstrates. image documents and high-tech stuff
like call centre technology. That was
How do you think we can get better at when I found my first enjoyment in
being comfortable with being wrong? work, as a project consultant as we were
known then. And the rest, as they say, is
Be wrong more often! You have to have history.
pride in your work, that’s important, but
having less fear of being judged is also What attracted you to
important. It’s a difficult mindset to business analysis?
achieve, because we all want to be right,
and all want to do well. I've been in I don't know if I was attracted to
situations where I've deliberately put business analysis or I attracted it to me,
something in front of a stakeholder because I was always quite outspoken
which I knew to be inaccurate because I and I'd always be the one in the team
wanted them to fill in the gaps. That is meetings asking questions and saying
difficult because it can put you at risk of “Why are we doing it this way?” I

gravitated into project work from being she taught me that sometimes you have
a pain in the **** in the admin teams. I to go places with people where they’re
was lucky enough to be put on one of uncomfortable, but it leads to great
the first business process re-engineering dividends.
teams that they had at Norwich Union,
in the days of post-its and brown paper. There's been a lot of people who have
We remodelled the entire call centre influenced my career, directly or
system and processes. It was brilliant indirectly, more than I could mention
because I went from in-tray/out-tray, to here!
“find out how the call centre works and
come back to us in three months, and we Is there a piece of feedback
don't care how you do it.” It was heaven! or advice that you have received
that sticks with you?
It was a chance to ask questions and to
be taken seriously when you're asking My manager once told me that I needed
questions, because it was almost in the to get some gravitas. As I’ve said before
job title! We didn’t have BAs when I in various presentations, I thought
joined the division, we had project “Gravitas” was an aftershave when he
consultants. We worked with the vendor first mentioned it. Once I looked the
and took on board their practice model word up, I realised he was right because
and the business analysis practice was I liked to have a laugh and I like to be
one of those. I was a business analyst liked. It’s an important quality as a BA
through and through from then on. that you are likeable. For me, people
work with you and respond if they enjoy
Could you tell us who or what working with you. But I was verging on
have been the strongest becoming a stand-up comedian rather
influences on your career? than a business analyst. So that was an
important piece of advice.
I've been lucky enough to have a lot of
decent managers, who’ve given me My first stint as BA practice lead was
opportunities. One of the most curtailed because I was asked back to
influential leaders I was under was an IT lead a BA team on a major project. I
Chief Information Officer (CIO). He wasn't very happy about it at the time.
was a very principled, honest and open Another colleague who was a senior
leader. He once told me that the way to programme manager, told me that
be a leader was to have followers, not to sometimes you have to take the good
have acolytes, or people who just agree times and the bad times. That if I went
with us, and he led by example. I had a away and reflected on it, I would see that
particular manager who was very good, it was a beneficial move. And it was a
because she would ask all the difficult beneficial move, I learned a lot from it.
questions that you didn't want to answer!
She was a great influence on me, in As long as you have moments to reflect
terms of becoming a mentor, because on what you're hearing from people, you
can get feedback from anything and any

situation. I think it's important that we people what more I could do to make
do take time to reflect on our experiences. their job easier, like solution designers,
was a much more positive outcome, than
And how do you reconcile the roles saying “well, this is what I'm going to
of business analyst and leader? do, you're going to have to get used to
it”. And also, communicating my
I think we're secret leaders, we lead from strategy earlier because I’m always a
the shadows. great one for ideas, and sometimes I
forget that I've had an idea and I need to
There are people who manage and there
tell people why it's a good one!
are people who lead and I don't think the
two are the same thing. BAs lead Can you tell me about a path not
through facilitating, that soft leadership, travelled? When you faced a
stealth leadership, asking the questions. choice and could have gone in
We're not out front going “follow me, a different direction.
follow me!” we’re somewhere in the
middle going “what if we do it this If I was going for life change, I would
way?” and “have we done this before” probably have gone down the art route.
and “how would this work?”. We lead I always secretly wanted to be a concept
through influence rather than through designer for films. I would have to pay
being in your face. Although there are more attention in classes at school. But
some occasions when BAs have to be in terms of my BA career? No, I don't
“follow me” type leaders. think I'd change much at all, it's been
very fulfilling.
For example, situations sometimes
emerge on projects where How have you made some of the
implementations have gone wrong and big decisions along the way?
people panic and there's lots of opinions
being thrown about as to who's wrong, Well, I’m quite stoic in my philosophy.
who's right. The BA can lead by saying If something is going to happen, it's
“look, we've got to get to the outcome going to happen. And if something
we need, how are we going to do it?”. I happens, it's happened. I guess I tend to
may not have all the answers, but I can weigh up the options and the
ask questions that will get us there. inevitability of things. And then, once I
decide that is inevitable, I look for the
Is there anything you would do advantages and the opportunities in it,
differently if you had the chance? because there are opportunities in most
situations you come across in life. Not
I would learn to be a team member all of them, some of them are not good
earlier. I was quite a lone wolf as a BA situations, but look for the opportunity
for quite some time. Learning to deal in things and move towards that. If you
with people took me quite a while. I look hard enough and you think
think one of the big breakthroughs in my
career was when I realised that by asking

carefully enough, you can normally find definitely a turning point in my career
some benefit in a decision. as well.

What are the decisions or Is there anything that stands out

opportunities that you feel have made as an accomplishment that
you a better business analyst? you're most proud of?

One of the opportunities I had was to Yeah, it has to be my keynote speaking

join a team that was called the business about change and managing change in
consultancy team, early in my career. my own personal circumstances. The
They were a sort of A-Team of misfits first time I did that presentation was to
and troublemakers who went into the entire leadership team of IT within
projects and tried to help innovate and the Aviva global organisation. I looked
make them more efficient. That gave up after I delivered that last killer
me a lot of experience of working sentence and looked over at my boss
with senior people. That was a big who was in tears and the Chief IT office
opportunity that came my way. Then the was in tears as well. So, I thought, I’ve
opportunity to go into the BA practice either done something very bad or very
rather than sticking to the consultancy good here. That was a big thing for me
practice, I took the decision to go into to do: to tell my own story, and
the BA practice because I thought it was hopefully influence people. I know it has
a better fit for me. influenced people, because I've had
feedback from people, who have said
One of the best opportunities I had was that it helped them with their personal
not BA related. They were looking for a struggles and challenges.
‘master of ceremonies’ (MC) for a
conference. I took a chance because I From a business analysis side, it’s
wasn’t sure I’d be able to do it, but I did probably the first project I did, the global
it and it went very well and I made a lot call centre project I was talking about
of contacts in senior management. I earlier. I learned so much, not just post-it
widened my network through that. So notes, but about working on projects and
that was something that wasn't obviously I made a lot of friendships that have
business analysis, but it certainly made lasted to this day. I still go out with the
a lot of difference to my career, as did people from the team I worked with on
speaking at the BA Conference Europe. that project every month or so because
That was a turning point I think in my we bonded through adversity. It taught
career, it gave me the confidence that I me a lot about myself and what business
wasn't as daft as I thought I was, I got to analysis is, and the system was only
meet a lot of like-minded people and decommissioned five years ago, so it
they seemed to pay attention to what I lasted at least 15 years.
was saying, which was nice. It did my
confidence no-end of good, so that was I know that your keynote has affected
a lot of people. I've been one of those

people crying in the audience on at saying how inspirational I found his
least one occasion. book and he did reply, which was nice.

This is your chance to give a shout Is there anything that

out to a person, a book or an event, you want to add?
something that has inspired you that
you think might be helpful to other Yeah, I suppose the key message for me
people. is business analysis is a fantastic role,
it's the best job in the world. I consider
There's been so many people that have myself lucky that I completely stumbled
inspired me. One of the key moments in into something that has provided me
my career was at the BA Conference with a lot of pleasure over the course of
Europe, where I saw a presentation by my career so, If I can help anybody in
James Kerr who wrote a book called any way by what I say, or what I write
Legacy and it just totally inspired me. or what I blog, then that is an
That was one of the first things that achievement I am proud of as well.
inspired me to do my keynote, because
I felt like I’d got something I could add. Connect with Dave:
It made me think about the legacy I want
to leave behind, and it's also shaped my 57150038
mentoring because I just want to do good
things for people, if I can. So that was About the interviewer:
probably a pivotal moment. I saw the
Christina Lovelock is a BA leader,
presentation and I read the book and it
author and coach. She is active in the
was just like a switch had been flicked
Business Analysis professional commu-
that made complete sense to me in a
nity and champions entry level roles. She
number of ways. That book has shaped
is co-author of the BCS book Delivering
the way my career has gone since I read
Business Analysis: The BA Service
it and since I saw the presentation. That
Handbook. She would be delighted if you
would probably be a real moment for me
would like to connect!
in terms of my personal development
and I did thank him, I contacted him

Neurodivergence in
Business Analysis:
Can You Train Your Traits?
Josh Hyland

I am a business analyst who also has advantageous. I wanted to share how

Dyspraxia. I have no idea how many being a neurodivergent business analyst
people in the business analysis feels, in the hope that I can correspond
community are self or medically with others who experience profound
diagnosed with neurodivergent joy and derive salaried self-worth from
conditions, or how an individual’s our fascinating and varied profession.
condition may manifest in their life and We might even be able to support each
work. However, I do consider business other.
analysis to be the first role in which the
traits conventionally associated with my To fairly represent my experiences, I
disability have become useful and have partitioned the role into convenient

Anxiety in advance and elegant opportunities within a matter
of hours, offering an ear.
When first I am invited into a project, I
am overcome with anxiety. Dozens of I love presenting a simplistic, basic flow
unformed questions arise. My brain riddled with incorrect assumptions. I
suggests that I am unprepared, I know have clear memories of colleagues
nothing, and I am destined to fail. The pointing out what I have missed,
initial deadline gives me some focus, identifying exceptions, and sighing,
and the fluctuating adrenaline is before making a quip about how they
rationalised into words. “Where do I find would love the process to be that simple.
information?”; “What do I need to
In the conversations about processes,
know?”; “To whom should I speak?”;
you begin to learn about the more
“Which systems are used?”; and the
obscure stakeholder relationships, the
ever-naïve “is this process already
frictions between people, software,
hardware, and data. You get insight into
After some time with the relevant how people feel about their roles, and
subject matter experts, I am reassured – how they feel about the rules and tools
we have some great, knowledgeable that are supplied to them. Sometimes,
people who care about things improving. you are engaging with someone who has
That, or I might discover, the person that never received such detailed interest in
left in the summer knew everything. I their job, and how they do it. Sometimes,
use my anxiety to propel the replacement they reflect anew and realise how much
of uncertainty with credible facts. A they contribute to an organisation.
hidden dimmer switch turns down, and Sometimes, they realise how much effort
I can begin to work coherently. they have been making to carry a broken
or under-developed operational process,
then inevitably make a joke about
Operational oblivion updating their CV. Some of our most
Capturing processes can feel valuable people have been quietly fixing
disingenuous – the diagrammatic the pipework of the business for years.
representation of what people do is often They are conscientious and understand
a huge simplification of a complex the consequences of failure. They make
reality riddled with ifs, maybes, and great allies for us BAs.
Excel workarounds. Yet when you
transcribe a colleague’s daily task via The policy pickpocket
Visio you learn that it has been made
simple by their professionalism, or Sometimes, a process and a policy
convoluted by yesteryear’s managerial document, or procedure document,
logic, or borderline torturous thanks to relate beautifully. Sometimes, the policy
a half-finished desktop application. You was an idealised snapshot written when
can shine light on lumpen frustrations a core application was implemented a
decade ago. We never know until our

innate curiosity begins to sweep for and sympathetic technicians. Text files
perspectives and tacit rules from our can be silently generated overnight,
formal and informal sources, nimbly ensuring a third-party has what they
taking what we can. need. An expected subscription failing
can ruin an entire Monday, and
I like to peek at official documents so I introduce disarray after a nice weekend.
can understand the maturity of a set of
rules, as well as the house template and Outputs are an essential element of any
writing style. I like to get a feeling for process, and taking a bit of time to adjust
how context is explained, and if the to some Key Performance Indicators
document is for everyone, or an (KPIs) or weekly digests will help us to
exclusive group of procedural approvers. empathise with those who rely on data
A well-executed policy or procedure represented in a useful way. The link
empowers people with clear guidance from SQL to applications such as
for what they should do. If this is in Microsoft Power BI means that a data
place, and your stakeholders are fluent appreciator like me can idle for a few
and confident in operating in accordance minutes on a common dataset, then show
with fair and realistic instructions, is someone who has run a service for many
your work as a BA needed? Yes, it is, years a few things that they may not
and it’s nice to feel wanted. already know. Alas, one may then
assume responsibility for resolving the
The data diver and report unearthed issue.
The assured adviser
I love SQL. I can get lost when I explore
tables in parallel to people and process, Once I am confident with my sources,
each row the fruit of a human and and documentation has been validated,
machine activity, an aggregation I feel ready to offer some considered
substantiating estimations or disproving perspectives to my new friends. If
myths. A grid of query results offering budgetary constraints inhibit creativity,
the evidence of the mundane that human we must make the best of what is most
memory discards. Understanding the efficient. If the project is a profound
entity relationships that underpin the rebuilding of something outmoded,
everyday, finding the gaps that reveal a temper the available business and
lack of front-end definition, or consistent technical expertise to define something
system logic. more ambitious. Find the people with the
ideas, energy, experience, and the
Reports can be magical sets of text that motivation to evoke change, and ensure
some just trust, produced via unseen that they are heard and credited,
parameters, accepted without wariness regardless of their place in a workplace
of reliability. They can also be hierarchy, stopping occasionally to
agonisingly iterated works that exist as wonder if they despise your endless
a result of diligent process ownership questions.

The reaper of risks elements of my condition are great for
offering dystopian outcomes, if mildly
Anxious sensitivity can feel like debilitating every few months.
bumping around a dark, electrified maze.
Even the most distant and least-likely There are many other areas too that I
eventuality can feel like a catastrophe, could mention, but then I'd exceed my
poised above the heads of the oblivious. word count! I hope that you have found
As a paranoid thinker, I need to know this article interesting, and please do get
what we are going to do about this fringe in touch with your thoughts and
case, since the regulatory consequences experiences.
would jeopardise the livelihoods of
Josh has been a BA in the housing sector
hundreds of people, and who knows
since 2018 when he was offered a choice
what else.
between BA and SQL roles. His contin-
With some peer grounding and warm ued friendship with SQL is no secret, and
humour, the fear of the world ending is finds writing in the third person hilari-
neatly added to a text table, and we move ously uncomfortable. He’d love to hear
on to talking about how many from other BAs, ND or otherwise:
inconvenient system updates have been
released this month. The depressive

I Work in IT,
but I’m Not a Techie
Louise Powell

I’m a business analyst working in a supportive throughout my career,

business technology IT department, that funding my qualifications and allowing
works on a host of partner /business me time off to continue my
changes across a lot of different development. I’m currently working
technical platforms. towards the BCS Advanced
International Diploma in Business
If you asked my mum, she’d say I was Analysis. I’ve worked as a BA for about
a ‘techie’. I have frequent calls from her 10 years now, and really enjoy my
when her phone or tablet goes wrong, job—because of the project work, no
most of the time I just advise to turn it day ever really feels the same.
off, wait a few seconds then turn it
back on ☺. Only the other day she was A business analyst works with
perplexed at why her car lights were companies to improve their systems
now dipped after she cleaned her and processes. This typically includes
dashboard—Lou to the rescue, I just eliciting, analysing and documenting
moved the dial back-up and she thinks requirements, then working with the
I’m a technical genius. development team to put a solution in
place. Projects can last from a couple of
I don’t write code, I’m not a gamer in weeks to a couple of years.
my spare time—but I work as part of a
successful development team, delivering Normally when a change comes in, I
technical solutions for our partners. get a high-level understanding of what
the change is – changes can range
I originally started work in a call centre. massively, from a new question being
BGL Insurance (BGLi) has been very added to one of our online journeys, to

a new regulatory requirement, impacting ● How does it affect our customers?
all our brands and all our products. What would our customers want
from this?
Then as a team, we have one or many
sessions (depending on the size of ● What are our options?
change) to discuss with the change
owner and main stakeholders what the One of my favourite questions, that I
underlying need is and what change will cringe a little inside as I ask (imagine the
be required. During these meetings, the eye rolls of my supportive team, who by
software developers talk about any this time are maybe a little tired of the
technical restrictions and ways the questions) is:
change would work best. Part of my role
is to facilitate the workshop; we need to Why are we doing it that way? I know
get the best from the wealth of expertise we’ve done it that way in the past but
in the room (or online) at that time. why? Would this approach work
In general, we all know it’s very easy for
things to be done as they always have A lot of the time, this is met by
been, that’s what we do, we’re reassurance that this is the best way. We
comfortable with that – and we don’t then go through the pros and cons of the
want to change—this can be true in solutions available, but even then this
software development too. question does allow thinking time. In
some circumstances, this question might
Part of my job is to ask ‘those’ questions: uncover a better way, a simpler
approach, or a way that leads to less
(I should add at this point that it’s the technical debt, a better customer
whole teams’ responsibility to ask outcome or enables a more robust test
questions, and to understand the change approach. I feel triumphant and
but I’m normally the one who starts the reminded of the value the whole team
conversation) adds to the delivery of the business
solution. It’s very easy for routine to
● What’s the quickest way of doing dictate how things progress, rather than
this? to stop and investigate – is this still the
best way? ‘Since we last did this, X&Y
● What’s the best way, in terms of changed, so could we do this in a better
quality, to do this – even though it way?’ In software delivery, things never
may take longer? stay static.
● Is this a short-term fix? We need to make sure we are delivering
the outcome that has been asked, and
● What systems does this need to
that we have thought about all the
integrate with?
possibilities—sometimes we are able to
● What else or who else will this enhance the outcome, deliver more than
change affect? what was expected. There is never a

perfect solution, so we work out which question. If you are thinking it, then
is the best customer outcome, the best other people may be too.
solution for the business and deliver
what has been asked of us. Be confident, ask your question, and
It can take someone that’s not in the
technical detail, or an expert in that area, All the above can only work if your team
to see a different way that could be a works well together, you need
better way – not to be stuck in a process. collaboration. No one team member
could deliver a project on their own.
Questions can drive innovation, they
elicit information, they help the whole Louise is an experienced senior business
team understand the issue—it’s analyst at BGL Insurance, part of the
dangerous to not understand the issue Markerstudy Group. Louise is active in
properly, at the very least, you may get the BA professional community,
quality issues, the worst, you deliver the attending and organising BA events.
wrong solution—both of these cost
money and time. Louise is a co-founder of the successful
BA Crowd. You can contact her on
Remember, no question is a bad linkedIn at




Some of our awesome Speakers....




Using Group Construct Analysis to Understand
Stakeholder Worldviews in Ambiguous Situations, Part 7

Getting to the Root

of Stakeholders'
Construct Systems
Nick de Voil

Recently I was taking questions after a later realised was tactless or

presentation. Looking for examples to inappropriate? Have you ever wondered
illustrate a particular idea, I discussed why a stakeholder was unreceptive to
the Sydney Opera House and the O2 your ideas, only to find out much later
Arena, then moved on to the London that they’d taken a dislike to you for
Stadium. At this point I couldn’t resist some unforeseeable reason?
making a deprecating remark about West
Ham United Football Club. Immediately Branching systems
an audience member right in front of me
growled, “Careful… West Ham fan Botanists tell us that a plant, such as a
here!" Have you ever unwittingly said tree, consists of two systems: the root
something to a stakeholder which you system, which is usually under the

ground, and the shoot system, usually system (see article 1) - a network of
above the ground. If you’ve ever dug up categories and concepts that are
a plant, you may have been struck by the meaningful to that person. Just like the
similar structure of these two systems. systems mentioned above, a construct
Their most characteristic feature is that system contains both core and
they exhibit branching. There’s peripheral elements. Core elements are
generally a central stem, which divides the hardest to change. When we do or
into progressively smaller outer stems say something which makes an
or roots. The same is true of systems in individual feel that their core constructs
the human body, such as the nervous are under attack, they can react badly,
system or circulatory system. We can because they feel we are threatening
see this branching principle in human- their identity. In fact, it turns out that
made systems, as well. Think of the road identity is a very helpful concept when
transport system, with its hierarchy thinking about stakeholders. But what
of motorways, ‘A’ roads, ‘B’ roads does it mean, exactly?
and unclassified roads. And business
analysts are familiar with a range of Identity and social groups
diagramming techniques which use the
visual metaphor of branching to convey One way of looking at identity is in
structure of various kinds. terms of social groups. Most individuals
belong to many groups. Someone might
In a branching system, the outer belong to a (semi-)formally constituted
extremities may be the weakest parts, structure such as a religious
but they play a vital role. They transport denomination, a political party or a
information, energy etc. inwards and sports club; or they might see themselves
outwards between the system and the as part of a community made
external environment. They are up of individuals with particular
responsible for much of the system’s characteristics, such as gay men or
variety and its visible behaviour. The software developers. These can all be
central parts are even more important. considered groups. For a given
Whereas the system might be able to individual, one or more group identities
survive damage to the outermost parts, will typically be core constructs,
injury to the core elements is difficult or whereas others will be peripheral. We’ll
impossible to recover from. They are the look at social groups again in a future
first parts to take shape, and the others article.
are dependent on them.
Identity and narrative
Core and peripheral
elements Another illuminating perspective on
identity is provided by the social theorist
In this series, we’ve been discussing Anthony Giddens (a Tottenham Hotspur
how the inner life of an individual can Football Club supporter, incidentally).
be described in terms of a construct Giddens shows us that a person’s

identity is a story which they tell, and Conflict: Similarly, if we’ve had to fight
which they maintain by constantly (literally or figuratively) for something,
updating it with new information. we won’t let go of it lightly.
Although a core part of their construct
system, it is dynamic, not static. It tells Commitment: A person might make a
a story, and that story develops over public commitment to a particular
time. We tell this story to other people, construct. The simple act of doing this
and we tell it to ourselves. Like makes it important to them. Having to
everything else in our construct system, defend values against challenge from
we are continually testing and revising others strengthens this tendency.
it without necessarily realising. And this
illustrates a crucial way in which human Special knowledge: Each of us tends to
beings’ construct systems are unique. believe that there are certain ideas which
Perhaps as a result of neuroplasticity – we are privileged to understand, unlike
the ability of the connections in our most people. This may be because of our
brains to reconfigure themselves – the own thought processes, or because we
core parts of these systems are subject were led to this belief by an individual
to change. or group who is important to us.

I invite you to consider what you know

How constructs are about yourself and your stakeholders,
strengthened and review it in the light of these
principles. Are there any other forces
There are at least six ways in which a that you see at work? Let me know!
construct can become particularly
important to a person, and qualify for P.S. Why do I keep mentioning
inclusion among their core constructs. Tottenham Hotspur?

Repetition: In a way, we are simple Nick is a director at De Voil Consulting.

creatures. The more we repeat an idea, He specialises in helping organisations
or an idea is repeated to us, the stronger create people-oriented systems,
it becomes in our construct system. products and services. He has trained
Again, this a result of neuroplasticity. thousands of professionals in business
analysis, user experience, systems
Origin: A crucial part of our identity is design, project management and agile
the origin story we tell about ourselves. development. Nick is author of the book
Our background – geographical and "User Experience Foundations".
cultural origin, our family and so on – is Contact Nick via LinkedIn
important to us.

Ordeal: If we have gone through You can read the previous

difficult or even traumatic experiences, articles in this series by
the learning that we’ve taken from this accessing the BA Digest archive.
is deeply significant.

Immersive, practical, live training courses
At Blackmetric, we offer a range of business analysis training courses.
We specialise in running practical, hands-on courses that focus on real-world
business analysis skills. Our courses can be delivered online in any time zone.

Our courses include:

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Analysis Workshop
● Advanced Stakeholder Analysis ● Pre-Project Problem Analysis
● Business Analysis: Leading from ● Practical Introduction to Use
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Facilitation ● Systems Thinking for BAs
… and many more. So next time you need training for you or your team, be
sure to get in touch.

Actionable techniques. Authentically presented.

Find out
How to Use Your Business
Analysis Skills to Manage
Your Career (Part 1)
Araceli Higueras

You may have seen me in episode 4 of I jumped at the opportunity to join the
#BAFringe (Season 1), when I spoke masses of contributors of BA Digest to
briefly about the similarities between hopefully see you use your BA skills at
coaching and business analysis. Feel the service of your career. With that in
free to look again at the recording or read mind, I think it’s best if I split this topic
the accompanying article. up into 3 articles, for the “journey” to be
more meaningful and concise:
I am writing this article as an executive
coach with experience since the 1. We’ll start with the analysis of the
beginning of 2009, albeit part-time, present state and the articulation of
because I am also a business analyst in the desired future state
my ‘day job’.
2. We’ll continue with stakeholder
In this article, I would like to discuss analysis and
some of the similarities between
coaching and business analysis, but not 3. We will finish with managing the
necessarily to encourage you to become business value realisation.
a coach (although I recommend that you
learn the skills!) or that you hire This journey is summarised in the
somebody with coaching skills (even if following diagram.
I find people with coaching skills great!).

Define Define
Manage Realise
Present Future
Stakeholders Value
State State

Begin at the beginning will give you insight into transferable

skills that are worth becoming aware of,
To begin with, let’s look at the what you do well, what you enjoy.
“problem situation”, that is to say: you
in your current state. Look inside
Where are you now? Consider your Now let’s have a look at your values.
current role, the length of time you have
been in your current project, team, Our values ​define our essence. They are
department and organisation. what we consider (though not always
consciously) when we make decisions.
Take this exercise in a scientific way: When we "disobey" them, when we
we are observing only, without don't listen to them, when we are in
judgement at this stage. It’s not “right” situations that contradict them, they are
or “wrong” to be somewhere for 3, 2 or the reason why we leave work, or a
10 years. person.

As you remind yourself of where you When you are aware of your values, you
are, take the time to list the have a compass at your disposal that
responsibilities that you assume in the helps you align your decisions and the
role. Do you act like a buddy to support situations you get into, with your
newcomers as they onboard? Are you an priorities. Let’s have a good think about
early adopter of systems and tools and what represents you.
support your team with transitions and
adoption? How do you “find” them?

Take a notepad and start a list to collect Look at the core value list in this article
answers. This is not a 2 minute exercise and choose the 10 values you identify
and the answers can come back to you yourself with. Then make the effort
at any time. Make a note and catch them! (yes, it's an effort!) To shorten the small
list so there are only 5 left.
Do you pick up certain types of projects?
This is not an exercise in philosophy or
The list of questions can go on. I am language—explain your values, your
trying to help you distil as many tasks own way: define them as you wish, give
as possible that go beyond the “obvious” them the "label" you like best. The most
ones that you “officially” associate with important thing is that they have a name
your role. I am looking for “flavour” that and that you know what they mean.

Look forward during specific hours, serve the Filipino
community or reduce homelessness.
We have now arrived at the time to start Those are fine as other types of answers.
thinking about the future.
We can work with everything, as long
What does the future mean to you? It can as it is meaningful to you.
mean an ideal role, it can mean a certain
income, it can mean being part of a Meaningful future visualisation gives us
sector or reaching a seniority level. motivation, identity, courage and
ultimately helps us succeed.
Thinking about your future can also be
done by thinking about the impact that Coming next
we want to have in society or a
community. In the second article we’ll look at who
you need to connect with to make your
There’s nothing wrong with answering future happen (who is part of your
in a “fuzzy” way. Just make sure you journey) and in the final article we will
break it down into practical elements so think about the very important part of
that you can identify what success demonstrating value.
means. The key elements in coaching
are, at least in the methodology that I Araceli is a BA, coach and copywriter.
follow: goals, feedback and flexibility. She loves crafts, is a keen sportswoman
and a languages enthusiast.
If your future looks fuzzy, how will you
know that you have reached it? One way She works as a product owner at Global
would be to think about the criteria that Relay, serves as trustee at ICYE-UK and
satisfies it. is on the leadership team of London’s
chapter of International Association of
For example, if you want to be the Chief Women.
Marketing Officer of an organisation,
that’s one answer. If you want to earn Connect with Araceli:
enough to support your family, be within
a specific distance of your parents, work

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Keep an eye on our
social media pages
for the next ‘burning
question’ we would
like your views on.

On social media, we posed the question
“How have you used your business
analysis skills in unexpected ways?”

Tabletop roleplaying games (RPGs) game to those needs, and then

is a big passion of mine and I use my part-collaborating/part-managing
BA skills in that space quite a bit. them within the boundaries of the
The 500lb Gorilla that is Dungeons game to collectively produce an
& Dragons is what most people think emergent story. There are lots of
of when someone talks about RPGs soft management and analytical
but there are 1000s of different skills including things like
games across 100s of different structuring and communicating
genres. As the person who hosts ideas and people management, as
such games (referred to as the well as developing a good self-
Gamemaster or Referee), it puts me awareness of timing and pacing - all
in the unique position of having to useful BA skills!
understand the needs of my players,
the things they enjoy, tailoring the Rich Harrison

Managing a teenage heavy metal broadcasters. Successes included
band back in 2004 - 2005. Using my playing larger theatre venues (600+
stakeholder management skills to capacity), selling out the first CD
manage not just the band members and getting some airplay. Also
- but also other stakeholders funding the operation entirely
including promoters, venue ourselves - from CD sales and gigs
managers, local media, sound & revenues. If you have ever seen the
lighting techies, other bands, studio movie Spinal Tap, yes it is a spoof
producers and fans. Using my fact documentary - but I can promise you
finding and analysis skills to work that some of it is all too true!
out exactly how a demo CD should
be formatted and distributed, to get Steve McIntosh
the attention of promoters and

It was for my housing estate's celebration. We ended up having

end-of-year party; the planning fun in a "colourful" way and we were
committee could not seem to able to come up with a suggestion
agree on the best way to mark the that most of the occupants of the
yearly celebration. After much estate were happy with. I named it
deliberation, I suggested we my modified Kanban board of
provided post-it notes for people celebration.
to put on the bulletin board to
pick their preferred mode of Kafilat Oluwasola

There are a few ways in which I've exactly my 4 year old is crying about
used business analysis skills in my and how we can ensure we cry less.
personal life. It was great to Drawing rough process diagrams
determine the best process of that explain why it's important we
dealing with bath time for my do certain things like share or brush
youngest (6 months old) and how to our teeth daily and strategy sessions
improve it. It's been an agile on how we can all get along and
approach with a few iterations, but lastly why ice-cream is out of scope
testing in production has made for on weekdays.
increased risks.
Keanon Donnelly
Other areas include requirements
elicitation, by determining what



A Common Structure to Learn
Multiple Industry Domains
Manoj Kumar Lal

Business analysis techniques and the associated challenges. We gain

knowing related industry knowledge are industry knowledge in the following
two crucial skills of a business analyst. ways:
Requirement management, cost benefit
analysis and process modelling are 1. On the job by self-discovery and
examples of techniques, and insurance, asking senior colleagues.
banking and retail are examples of
related industries.. Whereas techniques 2. Reading domain related books
are industry agnostic, each industry has supplemented by audio / visual aids.
its own learning path. In this article, a
3. Undergoing training in related
common structure that is domain
agnostic is discussed that brings in
science to the art of learning industry 4. Pursuing certification courses in the
domains providing an alternative and related industry domains.
hopefully better way of learning industry
domains. 5. Proactively learning domains under
the guidance of willing subject
Traditional ways of gaining matter experts.
industry knowledge and their The main challenge in these traditional
challenges ways of gaining industry knowledge is
that the knowledge is available in
Let’s first understand the traditional unstructured formats, i.e., knowledge is
ways of gaining industry knowledge and

in documents and similar artefacts sometimes arguably over-complicate
consisting of topics, paragraphs, and industry knowledge, particularly when
sentences. Industry knowledge is also processes are modelled at a detailed
vast adding to the challenge. For these level. Often the real knowledge is
reasons it typically takes years to duplicated in the variations due to
become an industry expert. For example, channels, geography, and domain
even a person who has worked their product. This makes a business process
entire career in the banking industry, model less intuitive when it comes to
would hesitate to claim exhaustive using it to learn industry knowledge, at
knowledge of the banking industry. least as a starting point. An alternate
Also, there is no sense of quantification structure is proposed in this article that
in the traditional way, a book on may simplify the way we learn industry
insurance does not claim that the reader knowledge.
will gain a certain percentage of
insurance industry knowledge by DKF (Domain Knowledge
reading the book. Framework) – A common
Structuring industry knowledge can structure to learn multiple
assist learning it significantly. There are domains
multiple techniques to represent
structured knowledge including entity Every industry will have offerings
relationship diagramming, creation of a named as products (or services) and
domain ontology, knowledge graphing every product (or service) will have
and business process modelling. its lifecycle, from launch to
Business process modelling facilitates decommissioning, which could arguably
the widest coverage of industry be represented by processes. Products
knowledge. Business processes can be and processes form a two-dimensional
modelled at multiple hierarchical levels, matrix structure used to scope the
showing interconnected processes that industry domain. This matrix structure
can be linked to business rules and is hierarchical, the same structure
business data. However, it is primarily regenerates from the intersection point
meant to aid with understanding the of the parent structure. The real
process flow for the operations and knowledge of the industry domain
software being built / maintained. It may comes from Statements of Relevance
vary significantly based on variations in (SoR) that are atomic knowledge for
channel (the medium via which process each of the intersection points of the
is executed such as online, post, phone), structure. Atomicity is contextual. For
geography (primarily due to variations example, ‘Date should be captured
in different countries’ regulations) and in DDMMYY format’ is atomic
industry product (i.e., savings accounts knowledge at the detailed level whereas
in case of banking industry). ‘KYC (Know Your Customer)
compliance is mandatory before opening
Business process modelling can of a savings account’ is at the initial level.

Statements of Relevance at the points at level 1 which is Policy
intersection points of the product- management of P&C insurance, the
process mesh structure where the mesh same structure regenerates to the next
is hierarchical provides an alternate level (level 2) where P&C product is
mechanism of learning industry split into three products and policy
domains. This structure is domain management process is split into four
agnostic and called the Domain processes. The regeneration goes down
Knowledge Framework (DKF). Figure to level 4 where products start
1 assists in visualising DKF while resembling products offered in the
structuring Property and Casualty (P&C) marketplace by P&C insurance
insurance domain. Insurance domain at companies and insurance experts agree
level 1 consists of P&C and L&P (Life that processes are detailed enough and
and Pensions) as two products and may not be easily split from operations
Launch, Product administration, Policy and IT point of views. Sample Statement
management and Decommission as four of Relevance at level 2 and level 4 add
processes. From one of the intersection clarity to the DKF structure.

Figure 1: Structured Property and Casualty (P&C) insurance knowledge

Benefits of DKF and further to another industry, DKF will assist
them in gaining the new industry
literature knowledge better than the traditional
options they have. Not only business
The DKF structure being domain
analysts but the entire project team and
agnostic, can be used to learn multiple
even people working in operations may
industry domains both at general
find DKF a better alternative to learn
knowledge (at initial levels) and at a
industry domains. Being domain
level where the knowledge can be reused
agnostic, it has also allowed seeding
in the day job of the IT and Operations
industry knowledge formally in
team. It brings in science to the art of
academia that is currently an open gap.
learning domains where domain learning
Being a new idea it is generating interest
can be quantified with ease. For
both in academia and in industry forums.
example, Figure 1 at level 4 states that
the claim creation process of travel For more information about DKF check
insurance can be understood by 9 data out this short video on YouTube.
points (consisting of 3 products and 3
processes at level 4) and 180 SoR’s Manoj Kumar Lal has been a BA for
(assuming each data point will have 20 over 25 years and has written two books
Statements of Relevance). ‘Introduction to business domains for
software engineers’ and ‘Knowledge
This notion of quantification in learning Driven Development – Bridging
industry domains is introduced by DKF Waterfall and Agile Methodologies’ .
and that is a differentiator. Business
analysts stand to gain the most from Contact Manoj at
DKF as it enables a structured way of
learning domains. And when they move 43724a1

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3 Symptoms of Business
Analyst Disorder (BAD)
Sumi Prasad

The Business Analyst Disorder (BAD) Despite the fact that BAD is not
is a work style disorder that can affect a terminal, it can negatively affect all team
business analyst's performance and their events such as refinements,
team's empowerment. According to my retrospectives, and reviews, not to
observations, BAD symptoms can mention the overall productivity of the
appear soon after the "discovery phase" team. Self-assessment and self-
and may gradually worsen as the awareness are the best defences against
"development phase" advances. When this disorder which can be prevented or
left untreated, it appears to be prone to treated through realistic work styles and
causing complications within the principles.
product delivery team.

Signs and symptoms can include: ● Provide developers with the
opportunity to come up with "how"
1 - Feels like you have the by communicating "what" and
superpower to solve all the "why".

problems. ● Make the team feel empowered

by clearly stating the problems/
You will feel as though you are endowed requirements and motivate/
with supernatural powers to fix and challenge them to come up with
solve everything around you. It is not possible solutions.
uncommon for BAs to wear multiple
hats and go above and beyond to support ● Don't hesitate to seek help wherever
their teams. However, that doesn't mean needed.
you can solve all the problems without
working as a team. 2 - Over addiction to process
The product development / delivery It will be a breeze for you to implement
tasks shouldn’t be considered to be process improvements and practice
completed / facilitated solely by the frameworks/delivery models on the
business analyst but should be done with assumption that they will deliver better
the proper involvement of concerned value to customers or enhance team
team members so that the deliverables performance. Does that always hold
can be validated against different true? As every team is unique, so are
perspectives (commercial, strategical or their processes, so being more process-
technical). oriented than people-oriented is a red
flag. Using frameworks, tools, and
BAs are responsible for eliciting techniques is beneficial for improving
requirements from the business and the efficiency of product development
communicating them to the development and delivery. Innovation, however, will
team in a manner that clarifies what is be hampered by over-reliance on
needed and what needs to be checked. processes.
This can be prevented if you: This can be prevented if you:
● Keep the right balance and know ● Openly communicate with team
when enough is enough. members and lead context-driven
● Facilitate the discussions with the
team to understand the root cause of ● Encourage ideas and feedback from
the problem and refrain from the team, rather than developing just
jumping to conclusions on your own. the solution someone requested. Use
this mindset when facilitating
● Refrain from going into more detail
refinement, story mapping, and
than is necessary.
planning sessions.

● Establish trust and rapport with team viable solution that can delight your
members. clients, rather than preparing too
many documents. It is important to
● Adapt to changing situations with document what is sufficient for
an agile mindset and work with future reference and knowledge
the team to implement the sharing, but it should not be the
improvements that work for them. primary goal.

3 - Lack of clarity and It is easier to treat BAD if it is detected

alignment in thoughts and early. You can do a self-assessment to
determine if you have any of the above
actions. symptoms and plan on how you will
overcome it/them through workstyle
In requirement elicitation, assumptions practices that are realistic for you and
may look like it will help to limit and your team. You can also benefit from
clarify the scope of the work, but talking to experts and reading widely on
can also backfire by making the related topics.
requirements unclear and deviating from
the goal. By asking the right questions Once you develop immunity against this
at the right time, ambiguity can be disorder, you’ll find yourself as a
avoided to some extent. However, “limited edition” healthy business
ensuring shared understanding among analyst who is not just successful in
team members is the key to co-creating enabling changes but also in influencing
value and meeting delivery deadlines. decisions and people in a much more
Unwanted rework, as well as effective way.
unnecessary delay, can result from
missing out on relevant information. This article was originally published on
LinkedIn at:
This can be prevented if you: symptoms-business-analyst-
disorderbad-sumi-prasad/ and has been
● Take the time to listen to your team, republished with kind permission of the
stakeholders, and customers. author:
● Make sure you ask questions Sumi Prasad is an experienced business
with the purpose of learning and analyst at Visa based in Auckland, New
understanding. This will help to Zealand. She has a strong product-
minimise the risk of frequent scope oriented mindset and loves to think
changes. creatively. She is a fun loving person
who is enthusiastic about learning and
● Embrace mistakes as opportunities
advancing in business analysis.
for learning.
You can contact Sumi on
● Focus on discussing, collaborating,
and brainstorming to implement a

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Effective Leadership:
A Business Analyst’s Perspective
Paul Whiteley

This article has been written to aid At a social level, a leader can only exist
Business Analysts (BAs) in identifying if they have attained several followers
and honing five of the key leadership who are in turn influenced to behave in
skills required to maximise the business a certain manner or seek the pursuit of a
value they provide to an organisation. particular goal. A celebrity endorsing a
product, a popular athlete, a teacher, a
What is leadership? parent could therefore all be viewed as
leaders in a particular domain.
A universal definition of leadership has
yet to be established but it is arguably Within an organisational environment
neither a job title nor a position within however, the leader is often viewed as
the organisational hierarchy. the individual who establishes shared
goals and facilitates the collective efforts

of employees (followers) in their pursuit the leader must then turn their attention
of those goals. to fostering an environment where the
talents of the group can be fully utilised.
The word ‘goal’ is central to the To do so the BA should fully empower
definition above, and ‘goals’ are the team to determine how best the
premised on an understanding of what objectives can be achieved. By way of
stakeholders perceive to be valuable. example, visualisation experts have the
This leads us to the International expertise to design interfaces and reports
Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA®)’s with technology leads best positioned to
definition of business analysis as: “...the recommend the most appropriate
practice of enabling change in an platform or coding language.
enterprise by defining needs and
recommending solutions that deliver Through empowerment creative
value to stakeholders”. (See IIBA®’s thinking will materialise and the morale
BABOK® Guide v3). of the team will naturally increase. This
is not to suggest that the BA neglect
With this context and overlap in mind oversight but in overseeing should ask
the article will now examine the rather than direct. When unsure as to the
essential leadership traits the BA must validity of an approach the BA is
demonstrate to assist the organisation in advised to ask the team how the
attaining its goals. proposed approach will achieve the goal
rather than simply stating that the
Goal and Value Orientated approach differs from what was
The BA should make the ambiguous
clear by establishing and articulating Focus
objectives for the group that are both
explicit and measurable. It is not enough It is through asking questions such as the
for the BA to simply communicate the above that the leader can best ensure the
need for a new system. The BA must go team remains focused on the task of
beyond and state for example the goal delivering value. In today’s business
of creating a solution that will reduce environment with resources scarce, it is
processing times by ten percent or imperative the team does not utilise
increase customer satisfaction. With the resources on activities that will not move
constraints of a predefined solution the organisation towards its goals. The
removed, creative innovation is more BA should therefore reject solution
likely to occur, and this leads us to the proposals that will fail to move the
trait of empowerment. organisation forward and be firm in
insisting the team no longer revisit and
Empowerment rework models and designs when an
acceptable solution has already been
If one assumes the objective has been established.
both clearly articulated and understood,

Foresight relationships with stakeholders of
differing levels of authority, knowledge,
Despite our best-efforts, tasks may not and beliefs the BA can be an invaluable
always proceed as planned, and it is here organisational asset that is both ready
that the BA can excel. Through the skill and willing to be successfully deployed
of foresight, the BA can predict potential to the initiatives of greatest
roadblocks and generate ideas to address organisational need.
them before they even occur. Solution
proposals will fall short if they only Conclusion
address the present needs of our existing
clients and user base. The BA is advised Very few leaders will possess all the
therefore to incorporate growth traits described in this article and it
projections, emerging technologies and follows that not all are required to
if applicable the evolving products of become a successful leader. The traits
our competitors prior to making their described are neither a definitive nor
recommendations. exhaustive list and should therefore be
viewed as an opportunity for self-
This is no easy task and while a business reflection of our own strengths and
analyst may blame oneself for an weaknesses with a view to identifying
important omission the BA with a areas for improvement and growth.
leadership tendency will take the
omission as a lesson and look for While numerous leadership texts and
opportunities to improve future formal learning opportunities exist, the
elicitation and analysis activities to only way to truly become a confident
prevent its recurrence in the future. and effective leader is through
experience. As BAs numerous
Adaptability opportunities to improve our leadership
skills exist in our day-to-day activities,
The business environment of today be it actively making decisions,
differs significantly from the establishing goals, resolving conflicts or
environment of three years, one year and the sharing of knowledge with others. I
even one month previous. Supply chain therefore encourage you to actively
disruptions, tightening monetary policy experiment and develop your own
and employee unrest have resulted in unique leadership style.
business leaders revisiting objectives,
creating new plans and potentially Paul Whiteley (M.B.A Leadership,
postponing or cancelling initiatives. The CBAP, PMP) is a proven Business
BA must be equally adaptive and Analyst/Project Manager possessing
possess the skills to effortlessly over 20 years' experience in the finan-
transition from working with one cial, healthcare, regulation, and
stakeholder group to another. Through manufacturing industries. He can be
demonstrating an open-mindedness to contacted on LinkedIn at
change and the ability to build

Lessons For
Danny Kalkhoven

We all know the effect: try to explore modelling to select the relevant
some process or find our business rules information from the endlessly
and decisions, and you use some sketch complicated real world. A model
of a model to illustrate it with the simplifies matters, and that helps you to
stakeholders. However, the stakeholders focus on the elements that are most
might not be familiar with the technique crucial. Each model has its vocabulary,
or the notation, so you end up explaining has symbols and lines and other ‘stuff’
it. You hear yourself saying things like: that give information about the real
“this diamond shape means that a world that is modelled. It’s like a road
decision is made that affects the flow of map: we all know that in reality there are
information”, and so on. no red and yellow roads, there is no line
of crosses painted on the ground to show
It keeps happening to me because it’s the the border* Yet it is easy to forget that
way my BA mind works. In order to get while, as BAs, we know the meaning of
a grip on an issue, to understand the these abstract symbols and lines, our
situation, I tend to use some form of stakeholders might not.

Put simply: not everyone is experienced notation errors, that is OK, because it
in interpreting models. helped us explore and understand. So
that is my tip no. 1: if an incorrect
This can lead to a dangerous pattern model does the job so be it. You can
where the bulk of the conversation ends always change it to a formally correct
up focussing on the nuances of the model later on.
modelling notation instead of whatever
it is you wanted to investigate. If you sense that a model could be
helpful, but the people in the room are
What is the solution? There are several completely unfamiliar with it, you have
options: to guide them. Don’t show them an
overwhelming lexicon of symbols.
● First give appropriate modelling Instead, explain the main things that the
training to the stakeholders model shows, and explain the key
(However, this will use up a lot of notation.
energy and time, and they might not
be willing) What could help is to look for the
connection between the real world and
● Use a technique that everybody the model. And use that connection to
understands without explanation, take your audience along into the world
perhaps a rich picture (Although of modelling.
in reality creating something
universally understandable is Example 1: when you order
impossible, a rich picture has something online to be delivered to
symbols and notation that is your home, there will ultimately be
meaningful to those that created it, a package underway. That package
that might not be immediately has some barcode identification. It
understandable to others) also has a delivery address.
There’s your connection:
● Don’t use a model, use only words Identification, address data…
(However language is also a model,
with words triggering all sorts of Example 2: when your boss holds
representations) the annual evaluation session, the
results will have to be entered in the
So, should we use models at all? Of HR system and (hopefully) trigger
course, but not in the way we use them some bonus or salary increase.
for ourselves. When I use a model to There’s your connection: data
clarify matters, I check if the audience entry, triggering event, process
is familiar with the symbols,. keeping in steps…
mind that a little bit of understanding is
enough. I never check if they really When you have arrived at that point,
know all the details and notation rules, people can understand that the model
because that is not important! If we end helps in understanding the real world,
up with an informal model that is full of

and that it guides us to the important of creating “models”, it’s a human trait.
elements that play a part. With a bit of encouragement, they can
come up with some lines and circles and
So that is my tip number 2: always other stuff.
keep an eye on the connection between
the real world and that model. It You then have a model that you can
should be there! build upon, and it will help to get into
the abstract world of models in a natural
Another way around this issue may be way. And again, later on you can take
considered a bit “outside the box”: let this and convert it into a complete and
them draw! correct model for proper documentation.
If you are discussing matters with a So my conclusion of this article is:
group of people, and you get to the point should we teach our stakeholders
where you think “hmm some small modelling? Not necessarily, but that
model would help”, ask them if they doesn’t mean we can’t use models!
could draw up something to explain.
Most people have some natural ability *actually sometimes there is:

Danny Kalkhoven is a business analyst business analyst for over 20 years, and
and trainer with Le Blanc advies in the is a trainer for a series of BCS Business
Netherlands. Analysis courses in NL.

He has worked in banking, insurance Contact:

and health care environments as a

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There is something truly fascinating and felt stagnated, I needed more, I
about design, I've been utterly needed my next challenge. I signed up
enamoured with it for the better part of for a local programme with Umuzi
my 32 years of life. Every facet of it, which offers graduates a way into a tech
from doodles, sketches, layouts and career, and I thought my entry point
composition to a final piece, I breathed would be as a front end web developer.
visual design and it felt tantamount to It turns out I didn't fully have the
living in perpetual colour, until it didn't. aptitude for it and was placed in the UX
Strategy stream, which is when I began
For 10 years my identity was as a understanding the value that good
multimedia designer, along the way I design, that is considerate and backed by
became jaded, I had met my own goals

research, analysis and empathy, can The full weight of imposter syndrome
bring. came down on me. It was one thing
interviewing stakeholders, but putting
Until I started the programme, I had no together a document that succinctly
idea as to what a business analyst was. I details what is needed, that was for the
believed I'd be involved or assigned to knowledgeable, the tech guys, not me. I
a user experience (UX) team but things felt ashamed and quickly realised
didn't go as planned (as so often happens posturing was not going to help, once
for BAs). I was informed that I'd be again I stuck myself into research, if
working as a business analyst and would you're wondering if it helped,
be upskilled as part of my development. unfortunately it didn't! What it did,
however, was hone my ability to find
The initial shock led me into a frenzy, and analyse documentation.
how was I, a graphic designer, going to
be a business analyst? I quickly went With each passing initiative or task I
into survival mode and researched wondered if the people in the room
everything I could about it and found a would realise that I was a fraud and that
reassuring common trait: many BAs they didn't need me. I doubted my
don't start off with the intention of abilities and often still do. The Dunning-
becoming business analysts. I was Kruger effect explains it aptly. This is a
assigned a mentor by my line manager cognitive bias where those with lack of
and provided with a slew of information, knowledge or expertise overestimate
documentation and a copy of the their competence and conversely, those
BABOK®. If I'm honest, I'm still with a high level of knowledge and
working my way through it, but the more ability presume that others can easily do
I learn, the more I value the it as well and then underestimate their
methodologies and knowledge areas in relative ability. I don't know where I am
it. on the graph but experience thus far has
taught me that as a BA, I won't know
I tackled being a BA eagerly, I joined a everything, nor do I need to, I just need
great reddit, spent hours on YouTube to know the people who do know. Of
learning new concepts and consumed so late, I've embraced asking the
much material from various resources supposedly "daft" questions proudly.
like BA Cube, Bridging the Gap, BA
Digest, BA courses on LinkedIn I still battle with imposter syndrome
Learning and more. I felt wholly ready daily and question if I add value. After
until my mentor asked me to work on a all, the core function of a good BA is to
user specification, I remember him be an agent of change and provide value
calmly saying,: "listen to what they say, to an organisation. There is solace
take notes, ask them what you think they however, in unearthing that even Senior
aren't telling you, and the rest is just BAs with over 10 years experience also
English, you'll be fine", I responded feel this way. There's a high chance any
nonchalantly that I'd be okay - I wasn't. one of them you meet would not have

done a computer science degree, or wireframe and create mockups is yet
know how to write a line of code. another way to ensure I capture
Typical business analysts come from requirements as stakeholders intended.
rich and diverse careers which is a My foray into ecommerce gave me an
reminder to me that I too belong. I also insight into customer journeys and are
have a daily affirmation set to remind an anchor when mapping. I often think
me that I'm a great business analyst, how vector illustration has been the
which has made a great difference to my foundation for creating process
personal perspective. I work alongside diagrams. All of my past experiences
amazing BAs and have a manager who have expanded my toolkit and aid me on
isn't afraid to throw me in at the deep my path to becoming a better business
end, and I'm all the more better for it as analyst.
my skills continue to slowly grow
and expand. I have also identified Being a BA isn't a title, it's a mindset and
transitional abilities that have helped me a way of working to provide value to an
on my journey and help me become a end user, artists provide value to users
better BA. by creating beauty, BAs do it by creating
beauty out of chaos. There is something
As a designer, a design brief was a I stand by and I hope it helps you if you
luxury. Discovering what the client decide to make the switch. If you ever
wants was often a challenge involving doubt your ability, remember, you may
phone calls, texts and emails, sending not have the skill to do it, but you do
inspiration, optional colours, fonts, have the skill to learn to do it.
iconography, mockups and alternatives
whilst trying to get a straightforward Keanon Donnelly is an Intern Business
answer as to what exactly they meant. If Analyst, UX Strategist and Designer,
I transpose all of these things, they are actively pursuing growth to spark the
actually what would be defined change that makes a difference for
as functional and nonfunctional people. You can find him on LinkedIn
requirements and in some cases user at
stories. These abilities have really aided
me in my elicitation, and being able to 67b54982

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Thanks to all the authors who kindly allowed us to use their content.
Anna Balogh
Matt Lloyd
Oge Nwachukwu
Paul Turner
David Beckham and Christina Lovelock
Josh Hyland
Louise Powell
Nick de Voil
Araceli Higueras
Manoj Kumar Lal
Sumi Prasad
Paul Whiteley
Danny Kalkhoven
Keanon Donnelly

Layout & Design

Matt Smart

Licensed Artwork & Photography

Image Credit: © Julien Eichinger— #171655696
Image Credit: © kucherav— #105306958
Image Credit: © Julien Eichinger— #65946682
Image Credit: © Julien Eichinger— #155813634
Image Credit: © splitov27— #268749015

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