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Do We Know Each Other?

Hello! Welcome to our Carrollton-Farmers Branch community and to our school district! Welcome to the U.S.A! Sometimes it is difficult to understand how things work in a country that is new to us. We hope this program will help explain what is different and why. When we compare school systems and expectations, we speak of public school systems. Your welcome packet includes a script of this program so you can follow visually if you wish. You may want to have a pencil or pen handy in case you want to take notes. If you have any further questions, please send a note to the teacher of your student in Urdu, and we will be happy to call you back. Thank you! Lets begin now

Lets get to know each other!

We all arrive in the U.S. without any idea of what is expected of us. School systems in other countries have different expectations for parents.
In most public school systems, parent participation is not required except as moral support, whereas in the U.S. active parent participation is a given. In most school systems, parents are not expected to volunteer in the school; their participation is demonstrated by the moral support they give the school. In countries with less resources, attendance laws are seldom applied, as there is very little infrastructure for follow-up, whereas in the U.S. parents can be made to appear before a judge and pay a fine if attendance minimums are not met.

What is culture?
Culture is a form of behavior adopted by a group and passed on to other generations. This behavior is always closely related to the needs, beliefs and environment of the group, thus making it particular to the group.



Cultural comparisons in social and school attitudes

In Pakistan:
As a sign of respect, the teachers name is NOT used when addressing him/her.

In the U.S:
Here it is considered disrespectful NOT to use a teachers last name. Example: Mrs. Smith, Mr. Jones, etc.

People will get physically close to the person theyre speaking with.

People have a concept of personal space and tend to keep a distance.

Its socially acceptable not to be ruled by the clock.

Punctuality is an act of courtesy and is expected of all parents. Example: 40 parents to speak to in one afternoon.

Humanistic education is primary, academic education secondary. Example: students upbringing

Academic education is primary, humanistic education is secondary. Example, students knowledge

There is a very distinct respect and admiration for educators Their decisions are NEVER questioned. The teacher may make certain decisions in case of an emergency. There are no parental consent forms.

There is a collaboration between the parent and the teacher No decision is ever made without the parents consent. Parents active permission is absolutely essential. The school has NO legal right to make decisions regarding a minor without the parents active consent. There is a signed permission, but it is very limited. This is a major reason for ALWAYS keeping the school updated on telephone numbers, in case of an emergency.

The teacher is the parent at school, and has full rights and privileges; there are no legal issues.

The teacher has very limited rights without specific consent from the parent. There are legal issues. Example: lawsuits You have the right to question the actions of a teacher regarding your child at any time; there are specific procedures to follow. Example: First speak with the teacher, the, if still not satisfied, to the principal.

You do not argue or disagree with the educator, unless its a very extreme case.

Volunteerism is not a common

Volunteerism is a common practice;

1/27/2009 practice; parents take care of the home, and teachers of the school.

Pakistan parents participate in all areas of education.

Parents are responsible for the child at home; at school teachers assume responsibility for students actions. Parents keep up with students progress via report cards; they dont often visit the campus.

Parents are expected to be at all times aware of the childs behavior and progress at school. Constant participation is expected and desired of the parents. Example: volunteer for field trips, attend PTA meetings, etc. There is a procedure for school visits. If you work, you can still participate in many different ways. Teacher and parent are in constant communication regarding academics, behavior, etc. Teacher calls parents for many reasons.

Parents receive a call from the teacher only in extreme cases of academic danger or misbehavior.

There are a required number of days of school attendance, BUTif student misses 1 or 2 weeks, there is often no follow/up, as attendance officers dont exist. When a child has been absent, a note or a call is appreciated, but not required. There are no legal consequences for absences.

School attendance is required and closely monitored. Example: absences must be justified; if a child misses a certain number of days, the attendance officer is notified. Absences MUST be reported in writing.

Parent and student may need to appear before a judge and pay a fine.

Bad behavior is handled at school without parental intervention, unless it is extreme. There is no written code of conduct

Parents are notified of EVERYTHING.

Certain behaviors are considered less serious than in the U.S. Example: a fist fight will receive in-school punishment.

Written code of conduct sets the standard very important to be familiar with it. There is zero tolerance for certain behaviors. Example: a fist fight will get the student suspended AND sent to an alternative school.

Classrooms are more passive and teacher-oriented. Individual attention is

Open classroom environment is normal. Student is expected to think,

1/27/2009 impossible and student participation is limited . Material available is very limited.

Pakistan agree, disagree and ask questions. Individual attention is given each child Material is plentiful and new; text books belong to the school.

School environment is far more rigid.

School environment is open and friendly; expectations are high.

There is more intimacy and awe in student-teacher communication.

Students may respectfully disagree with teachers. Respect is shown by learning and asking questions. The student is expected to become responsible for their actions earlier. Concept of choice is widely used as part of the growth of the student.

Discipline is totally in the hands of the teacher There is no student choice.

Things to remember:
1. Not knowing English yet is not a problem; we have interpreters to help you communicate with school, AND many opportunities for you to learn English. 2. Learn English but never stop speaking the native language; bilingualism is a huge advantage. 3. Academic continuity is extremely important Being in the same school for several years is VERY advantageous. Think before you move. 4. Daily routine is very comforting to a child; it improves his performance and reassures the child that there is order in his family life. Make sure the child goes to bed, wakes, up, eats and does his/her homework at the same time each day. 5. Encourage your child to join in extracurricular activities after school, especially at the secondary level: There are MANY clubs and organizations at every campus They keep students engaged, out of trouble, and with appropriate peers; Colleges consider extracurricular activities VERY important for acceptance.

6. Discipline, respect and courtesy are necessary in everyones life. Please model these values for your child. 7. There are MANY different ways to communicate with the school: In person By phone Through Parent-Connect where you can even see your students grades.

1/27/2009 By e-mail directly to the teacher. Every campus has a home page with the e-mail addresses of the faculty.


8. Always encourage higher education in the U.S. your brains can pay for a good bit of your higher education. 9. When reporting a students medical information: Be open; all information is kept confidential The U.S. services offer many services for children with special needs. Make certain school has a working telephone number for you at all times C-FB holds a Health Fair every year in May - Be on the lookout for more news.

10. Public libraries are the best source for fun and information they offer books, videos, dvds, computer use for patrons, magazines and many special events for children. 11. Always have reading material at home, if possible in both languages. Being bilingual is a privilege that should be preserved. 12. Continue your own education C-FB offers many opportunities for adult education. Information is in the welcome packet. 13. PTA is the best way for a parent to keep informed and exchange ideas with other parents and to get answers to your questions. 14. Be open to volunteering opportunities; the school is always grateful for your help Georgina Tezer Maleka Jiwani 972-968-6513 972-323-8546

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