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Rodade Plus and Rio Grande

General Recommendation:


The soil should be dug to a sufficient depth, if necessary use of a ripper to loosen the soil first and
then plough and disc. With animal draft power Soils, must be reasonably moist for a good depth
to be achieved. Tomato can give good results when grown in well managed sandy loams and
heavy clay loams from a hard pan and a deep well drained soil. A soil with an effective rooting
depth of about 60 cm is highly recommended as tomato plants tend to have deep roots.


The availability of water is crucial for successful tomato production. Irrigation may also be used to
cool plants during periods of higher temperature. Tomatoes require a regular irrigation as
shortages of water to the plant can be detrimental during fruit development. Shortage and then
excessive irrigation at this stage of fruit development can also cause fruits to crack from the bell
button. Apply 10-15 mm per week for the first third to half of growing season and thereafter 25
mm until finish.


Tomatoes are a summer crop but can be grown throughout the year in Green houses during winter
periods. Hot, dry winds can cause excessive flower drop while continuous moist, rainy weather
conditions result in the occurrence and spread of foliar diseases, hence the good performance in
dry areas under irrigation.

It is recommended to transplant seedlings, that are well hardened and are prepared to stand the
harsh environmental conditions in the fields. The soil should be pre-Irrigated up to field capacity
before transplanting and Irrigated again as soon as possible after transplanting with a 15-mm
irrigation cycle. Do not plant seedlings in hot soil it will just burn them.

Mechanical weed control should be very shallow and not close to the plant, as this will prevent
damage to the plant. Hand- hoeing needs to be done very carefully especially with tomato


Below is a table with the general recommended specs

Variety Seeding/h Plants/h In-row Btwn row Days to Potential Planting

Spacing Spacing Maturity Yield Time
cm cm
Rio 125 g 25000 30-40 120-150 70 65-80 Summer
Rodade 125 g 25000 30-40 120-150 70 80-100 summer

Fertilizers Recommendation

Use Vegetable Blend or Compound C at 600-800kg/ha incorporates before planting.
(Tomatoes is a heavy feeder of plant nutrients such as Nitrogen, Phosphorous and

It also responds well to organic manure such as compost or well decomposed cattle and
chicken manure. The manure also helps improve the soil structure and its water holding
capacity as well as its drainage.

NB: It is highly recommended that Soil test be done as the amounts of fertilizers to be
applied is greatly influenced by the fertility status of the soil.
Top dressing

Week 1 SEVEN (7) DAYS after Transplanting Planting to first flower:

MAP TECH 50 kg/ha (Stimulates rapid growth of plant, roots, early flowering and
fruit set)

Week 2:

MOP 50 kg/ha (improves plants ability to absorb phosphorous and other micro

Week 3:

AN 50kg and Calcium Nitrate 25kg/ha

(AN source of nitrogen promotes rapid plant growth, better flower and fruit set as
Calcium control of tomato BLOSSOM END ROT)

Week 4:

Potassium Nitrate 50 kg and Calcium Nitrate 25kg/ha (tomato requires high level
of potassium adequate levels of potassium results in improved colour, taste,

Week 5:

Potassium Nitrate 50 kg and Calcium Nitrate 25 kg/ha


Tomatoes also require micronutrients for growth and development.

Deficiencies of these can also cause deformed fruit, fruit cracking,
malformation and uneven ripening. These micronutrients are found in
the below mentioned products.
Please note that these micronutrients cannot substitute your normal crop fertigation program
Omni boost at 4 kg/ha (in a case where one is using a tractor mounted boom)
Kelp –p- max at 4 litres /ha (in a case where one is using a tractor mounted boom)
Omni boost at 150 g / 16 litres of water (using a knapsack)

Kelp-p-max at 150 g / 16 litres of water (using a knapsack) these two products are mixed together

on your first application on the second application USE Omni boost only as prescribed above in
all cases whether by a boom spray on knapsack.

Product needs to be used when the plants are not stressed and when day temperatures are cool
i.e. Early morning or late noon. (Repeat fortnightly)

Pests Control:

Tomato is attacked by nematodes causing the roots to develop galls and reduce the size of the
root and its efficiency. Plants stunt, reduction of fruit set, yield and quality will be
compromised. Plants can also drought symptoms and wilt or even die even when moisture is

Control: Practise crop rotation

Nemacur 10G prior to transplanting incorporate granules into planting station @ 2g/hole or

Fernamiphos 1.8 litres /200 l drench using a 30 cup at the base of every plants soon after


Cutworms are night feeder that’s when they cut off stems of young plants at or near ground

Karate or Fen valerate at 100ml/100l water

(Drench using 30 cup at the base of transplanted seedling soon after setting in irrigation)

Aphids and Hooper’s

Dimethoate 40 EC at 80ml / 100l water (Full cover spray)

Malathion 50 EC 30g/16 lt (Full Cover Spray)


Imidacloprid at 50ml/100 l water (Full Cover Spray)

Semi looper:

Thionex at 60 ml/100l water (Full Cover Spray)

Methamidophos at 60ml/100l water

Carbaryl WP 85 at 150 – 200 g/100 l water

Belt at 50 ml /100 litres water

Leaf miner:

Dynamec at 60ml /100l water (Full Cover Spray)

Red spider:

Amitraz at 60ml/100 l water (Full Cover Spray)

Abamectin at 60ml/100 l water (Full Cover Spray)


Imidacloprid at 50 ml / 100 litres water (Full Cover Spray)

Spinosad 60 ml / 100 litres water

Use of UV insect attractant to attract adult moths

Pheromones traps 4-6 traps / ha spaced at 25 m apart

Diseases Control:

Powdery Mildew:

Wet table Sulphur at 200g/100l water

Benomil at 60ml/100 l water

Early Blight:

Bravo at 60ml/100ml water

Copper Oxychloride at 100g/100 l water and whenever it rains alternate with Dithane M45

Late Blight:

Alternate Diathane M45 and Copper Oxychloride at 100g/100 l water

Damping Off:

Use Seed that has been treated with a seed protector i.e.

Apron Star or Gaucho at 10g/4kg Seed (most seeds are treated by seed houses)

Bacteria Canker:

Copper Oxychloride at 300g/100 l water

Bacterial Wilt:

Drenching Copper Oxychloride can only reduce the spread of the disease

Fusarium Wilt:

This disease cannot be controlled by any Chemical except planting varieties that are

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