History Chapter 1

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 He was born on 21 February 1703 just when the end of

Aurangzeb’s reign was about to conclude.

 By birth, he was given a name, Qutb-ud-Din.
 Waliullah is a title given to him for his services.
 His father was religious scholar himself, named Shah
Abdur Rahim.
 His father founded helped in the compilation of Fatawa-I-
Alamgir under the direct supervision of Emperor
Aurangzeb Alamgir.
 His father also founded Madrassa Rahimya.
 Shah Waliullah taught at the Madrassa Rahimya for 12
 In 1730, he went to Arabia for higher studies.
 He was greatly influenced by the teaching of Abu Tahir a
famous scholar of his time.


 Shah Waliullah believed that Islam has lost its glory in the
 He realized that it was necessary for Muslims to reconnect
with Islam and its teachings if they want to improve their
 He wanted the rulers to enforce Islamic laws.
 He urged rich Muslims to live a simple life and traders to
follow Islamic laws in their dealings.
 He feared that if reforms are not taken then Muslims and
non-Muslims will be indistinguishable.
 He despised the division of Shia and Sunni because it was
weakening Muslims roots and wanted them to be united.
 He believed that reforms cannot come from weak
leadership of Dehli, they must come from Community

Role in Religious Services:

 He completed the translation of the Quran in Persian,

which was the local language at that time in order to make
the Quran more accessible and easily understandable for
the community.
 He wrote a commentary on Ahadithsin in Persian and
 He arranged Hadith with respect to their topics to make it
easier for people to take guidance from it.
 Shah Wali Ullah was a passionate author, most of his
writing is on Fiqh and Hadith.
 He wrote 51 Islamic books, 28 in Persian and 23 in Arabic.
 Shah Waliullah’s most recognized and famous book is
Hujjatullah al- Baligha. In this book, he described the
versatility and complete knowledge present in Islam and
how it can guide people from all cultures and races. 
 He studied writings available in various school of thoughts
and then comprehensively explained in his writing what is
really in Islam.
 He adopted an analytical and balanced approach to
creating a balance between the four major schools, Hanafi,
Malaki, Shafi, and Hanbalihe.
 Role in Political Services:
 Shah Wali-Ullah using his deep political insight tried to
figure out the real cause of the Mughal Empire's decline.
 The Marhattas was a great political power in the eighteenth
century were advancing to occupy the crown of Delhi.
 Keeping in view the looming threats, Shah Waliullah wrote
a letter to Ahmed Shah Abdali (Afghan King) to help the
Muslims of India in defeating the Marhattas.
 He also prepared the Rohilla Chief, Najid-Ulla and Nawab
of Oudh, Shuja-ud-Daula for Jihad.
 Ahmed Shah Abdali (also known as Ahmed Shah Durani)
defeated the Marhattas in the third battle of Panipat.
 Ahmed Shah Abdali:
 Ahmed Shah Abdali was a general under Nadir Shah, the
emperor of Persia.
 He elected as King of Afghan in 1747.
 He helped Shah Waliullah in defeating the Marhattas in the
third battle of Panipat.

Syed Ahmed Shaheed Barelvi


 He was born in November 1786 at Rai Bareilly near

 His father name was Shah-Ilm-Ullah, a religious scholar.
 He was a trustworthy follower of monarch Shah Abdul
 He was greatly influenced by the teachings of Shah
 Took his education at Madrassa Rahimiyya in Delhi.
 He joined the military force of Nawab Ameer Khan Tonak.
 He went for Hajj, studied religion there and returned in
1823 with a clear and focused aim of Jihad. 
 He soon started the Jihad Movement against the Sikhs of
Punjab and British.


 He realized that Muslims could not have their freedom to

practice Islam without defeating the British and Sikhs. 
 He believed that evil in the Islamic Society had to be
 He was sure, it is crucial to start a Jihad Movement to
defeat the forces that are not letting the Muslims practice
their religion properly. 
 He was sure, it is the only way to rescue Islam from the
evil customs of other societies.

Contributions for the Spread of Islam:

 After he came back to Delhi in 1823, he devoted himself to

bring reforms to the religious and social sector of Muslims
of India.
 He was inclined to bring back the former glory of Islam for
the Muslims by disposing Sufism and implementing Sharia.
 He denied and refused to support Bida (innovation) and
supported “Tauhid”.
Jihad Movement:

 In the first half of the nineteenth century, the Sikhs of

Punjab were disregarding the Muslim places, culture, and
customs. They even banned the Azaan,, Ahmed Barailvi
founded the Jihad movement to rebel and crush them.
 In 1826, he sent a warning to Ranjit Singh, who was the
Sikh ruler of Punjab at that time that either he allows
Muslims freedom to practice their religion or he should
prepare to face the Mujahideen. 
 Jihad Movement was launched from Peshawar
headquarters in 1826. 
 In order to gather force for this mission, he went to different
states including Afghanistan, Sindh, Rajasthan, and
Balochistan. Everyone supported him except the Afghans.
 The army that Ahmed Barailvi led was known as
“Mujahideen” meaning ‘fighters for the faith – Islam’
because the main vision behind it was ‘Jihad’.
 Since the force was comprised of people from different
communities which gave Sikhs a way to exploit them by
calling out to them as being un-Islamic.
 Ahmed Barailvi with the Mujahideen led the first attack at
Okara with a force of 80,000 men and come out victorious.

The Battle of Balakot:

 After the success of Okara battle, Ahmed Barailvi was

preparing to attack on Attock.
 During this time, he faced unknown difficulties as his
servant tried to poison him and Yar Muhammad Khan, a
Pathan Chief was bribed by Sikhs.
 Yar Muhammad Khan deserted Ahmed Barailvi in the
battlefield that created chaos among the men and resultant
in defeat.
 Following the betrayal and defeat, Ahmed Barailvi moved
his headquarter to Panjtar near Kashmir.
 He was again betrayed when a person in his army told the
British a secret way to attack them. 
 In the battle of Balakot 1831, a surprise attack was led by
Sikh and Six hundred Muslims were killed along with Syed
 The Jihad Movement is considered as the pioneer of
Pakistan Movement. 

Haji Shariatullah 


 Haji Shariatullah was born in 1781 in Faridpur, Bengal.

 His father was an ordinary farmer.
 At the age of 18-year, he went for Haj in 1799.
 He stayed in Saudi-Arabia from 1799-1818 and received
his religious education there.
 He returned to Bengal in 
 Muslims living in poor conditions in Bengal were greatly
influenced and motivated by his leadership.
 During his stay in Arabia, he was greatly influenced by
Sheikh Mohammad Abdul Wahab who had initiated the
Wahabi Movement in Arabia. 


 He believed that the Muslim community had moved away

from Islamic practice and were taking influence from other
religions such as Hinduism.
 He wanted the Muslim community to return to the Faraizi
i.e. the proper observation of Islamic practice.
 He realized that the miserable conditions of Muslims have
led the country being Dar-ul-Harb (Area where non-
Muslims rule).  
 He supported the idea of Jihad against the non-Muslims
who were undermining the true principles of Islam.

Faraizi Movement:

 Muslims were living in poor conditions and they were given

fewer opportunities for jobs. He wanted to restore their
 He started a movement, in the nineteenth century named
as the Faraizi Movement for Muslims in Bengal. 
 The movement was targeted to restore the Pride of the
Muslims and remove what he thought were the Hindu
 Haji Shariat Ullah urged from his followers to adopt ‘Tauba’
for past sins and a pledge to lead a righteous that is in
accordance with Islam and its teachings. 
 The Faraizi Movement provided a platform to Muslims to
work together and fight the bad treatments of Hindu

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