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School of System and Technology

Department of Data Science

Course: Database Systems Semester: Spring 2023
Deadline: During Class on Thursday Total Marks: 10
--Handwritten allowed ONLY--

Q#1: What is an Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD), and what is its purpose?

Q#2: What are the main components of an ERD, and what do they represent?

Q#3: What is the difference between a one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many

relationship in an ERD?

Q#4: How do you identify entities and their relationships in an ERD?

Q#5: Make an Entity Relationship Diagram ERD for an E-Commerce website which
includes following features:

Every user can create account and post their items for sale or rent or both. Every product
includes following credentials:

 Name
 Category
 Price
 Owner Contact number
 Condition of the product
 3 pictures and 1 video of the product

A platform from where anyone can Rent/Buy products in two ways. (Two type of profiles)

1. Users can rent/buy items by 1 to 1 without any third party or admin interference by
simple sign up/login.
2. Another way in which seller can apply for the product verification after the POST.
And verification team will receive the request and then inspect the product and decide
about product verification accepted/rejected.
 After the verification only verified/Affiliate (affiliate user account/profile) user
can take product on rent/buy which products are verified.
 During their rent period admin will be responsible for the safely recovery of the
product back.

 Before taking any product on rent Affiliate users have to submit the 15% security
of the product and it will be refundable.
 For renting user will be charged per day.

1.      Don’t copy from others. (Copy cases will be given ZERO). Random ERD from
internet will to get 0 marks also so, specific ERD for the given system
2.      Submit your assignment in class on Thursday. No assignment will be considered
after the due date.
3.     It will be handwritten on A4 size pages. Submit handwritten Scanned file
on LMS Ass#1 folder also but hard form submission in class is mandatory for marking.

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