Dollhouse To Go

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My House In Knit

Intro: 3 Step 1: Supplies and Tools 4

Step 2: House Design: just a little chatter on how i came up with the design 5 Step 3: Cutting your boards: 6 Step 4: Knitting The side Panels Step 5: Back Panel Step 6: Front Panel 9 10 11 12 8

Step 7: Base & 2nd Floor

Step 8: Make the Trim and sew it on the windows Step 9: Sew it all together 13

Step 10: Add some ties and a handle 14 Step 11: Spice it up with trim. 15 Step 12: Tie some bows and your done. 15

This is Just a little knitted doll house i made. It stands 15 inches tall has a 12 inch base and is 10 inches wide. It has handles for carrying around and a back yard with pool that is revealed when the back is opened for play.

Step 1: Supplies and Tools

In mine i used: 2 skeins White worsted weight !00% acrylic yarn a variety of scrap yarn: Brown: for porch/shutters/door/pool wall Blue: Pool water Green: Grass grey: Roof Purple and Yellow: Curtains The thing about the yarn was it that besides the main house color it is all left over from previous projects. The white was something someone had given me. My thinking was that this is a toy and if i dont have to go buy new yarn why not use up some of my constantly accumulating stash. However if you are making one for someone special you might consider aligning your color choices with their preferences. 2- 20 x 30 sheets f foam poster board 1/4 inch thick Small piece of plastic canvas. Tools: Size 10 straight knitting needles i use my circular to knit flat out of preference but there is no circular knitting in this project Darning Needle Exacto Knife Scissors

Step 2: House Design: just a little chatter on how i came up with the design
If your are thinking about making a house that looks different than mine the very first thing to do is to consider how it will look and work on some designs. I kind of wanted to model mine after a house i lived in as a Teenager it had cream siding and big front porch. While the roof was all kinds of funny shaped and it had a garage I took that idea and made it simple. A two story house with a wooden Porch. I decided the easiest way to make a structure that was sturdy was to put a stiff foam in it. I ended up choosing this poster foam board which come in 20 X 30 sheets and since you can easily divide that in 2s and 3s with the # 10 i decided to start w/ the concept of a 10 x 10. Later adding a bit on the base for the Porch. So My suggestion if you are making your own design is to stick with a size that wont require a lot of math. Next you need to think about roof shapes. If your were making an apartment It might be ok to have a flat roof. But a quaint cottage needs a slanted roof. Because it was simple I went with the clasic triangle on a square idea and had my basic design. Next I needed to consider Functionality. ( how will it open?), and all of the small details like the porch and windows. It was the Functionality that lead to the backyard idea: I decided that rather than having an open back it would be nice if the back could close and just be hauled to another location. But then i had this big flap that would just lay on the ground when in play. i decided it would be nice to add a little flair and make it into a backyard. It was the segment of the roof that allowed me to dream up the Pool If you make your own design consider all of the possibilities of how you can make it a really fun toy. This one is easy to pack up and take places and has a nice background and Pool. All of the details just took time to think up I made the base and the second floor first because it allowed my mind time to dream up every thing else. Some details to consider: What types of textures should the outer and inner walls have? What about carpets and Roofs? How should the windows work? Should they be painted in with colored yarn or allowed to be opened? Should Doors be Operational? Im sure I thought up a bunch more while running the idea through my mind. So come up with something you like and figure out how to make it work. The following is how I made mine and it should help you in the process.

Step 3: Cutting your boards:

I did this step first so that i could lay my fabric pieces on top of the board to see if i was getting the right shape. You can always do yours last as that is when you will need them, the choice is up to you. 1. Using an exacto knife. Cut each board in half lengthwise. Now you have 4 10 x 30 pieces of board 2. Take one board and cut out a 10x12 and a 10 x 10 leaving a 10 x 8 scrap

3. On a Second board draw out 3 10 inch sections 4. Then draw a line from corner to corner in the center suare this will create a center x in this box 5. Now cut out the 2 house shapes your X created. the two triangles that dont touch the squares are just scrap

6. On the square part of your house use a ruler and make a line 3 inches in from the edge on all 4 sides of the square

7. Remove the 4 inch square in the center of the house made by drawing the lines ( look you have a window)

8 Repeat steps six and seven on the second house shape 9. For the Front and back use the remaining boards to cut 2 10 x 17 inch rectangles 10. With a pencil divide the board into 10 and seven inch sections 11. Using your knife break apart the board at the cutting line 12. In 10x 10 Square draw lines 3 1/2 inches in from each side and 4 inches in for the top 13. Cut out the hole for the door.

14. In one of the 7 x 10 section draw lines 2 inches from the top and sides and 2 inches from the bottom line 15 Cut out the Hole for the window.

16 Using your Scrap 8x10 make a 2 inch x 10 inch strip to be the roof of the porch. 17 Using Foil cover one side of both 7 x1 0 squares and your 2 x 10 strip. This will give you a neat shiny roof effect. I covered both sides of my solid 7 x1 0 so my pool would sparkle too.

Step 4: Knitting The side Panels

Before we start knitting anything let me clarify that when i talk about inches i am talking about a stretched inch as you want to stretch the fabric out a bit on the board before you measure so that it will be snug on the boards. There are two sides To each panel and they are knit the same way exept the outside uses the siding pattern and the inside is just plain stockinet stitch. You will Need 2 done in the Siding Pattern and 2 in stockinette. I will describe the outside ( the one with the siding pattern), so that you know when to switch to stockinette. Siding pattern: The pattern is made by knitting 3 rows in stockinet stitch ( k one row p one row k one Row) Then you Purl 3 rows Cast on 50 stitches Knit in the pattern for 3 inches On a right side row Knit 16 stitches and save these on a stitch holder or scrap of yarn cast off 18 stitches and knit the remaining stitches. Continue on these 16 stitches for 3 inches. End with a wrong side row place these stitches on a stitch holder Attach yarn to leftover stitches and knit for 3 inches On a right side row Knit 16 stitches then cast on 18 stitches and knit across the 16 stitches on the holder Work across these 15 stitches in the pattern for 3 inches Now you will only knit in Stockinet stitch At the beginning and ending of each row knit or purl 2 stitches together Continue in this manner until you have 14 stitches left At the beginning and ending of each row knit or purl 2 stitches together twice until you have 1 stitch left and then cast off. I told you it was easy Now you will sew together the bottom and sides of a front and a back together, but do not sew the sides of the roof together. Slip the Side panel cut out into your now envelope shape and then sew up the roof Sew together all four sides in the window.

Step 5: Back Panel

Both the font and the back of the Back panel are knit in one piece you will start and the top of the swimming pool and finish with the top of the roof. With blue yarn. Cast on 50 stitches Work in Garter stitch for 7 inches Switch to Green and knit in stockinet for 10 inches Switch to cream and knit in siding pattern for 10 inches Switch to Silver and knit in Garter stitch for 7 inches.

Now to sew it up: You will need to first sew a line that divides the 10inch section from the 7 inch section

Sew the top together and slide in your 7 and 10 inch foam board panels. Sew up the sides.

Step 6: Front Panel

This is One is a little tricky because of the door opening which is why i saved it for last, but no worries its not that hard. cast on 17 Stitches, Work in siding pattern for six inches. Place these stitches on a stitch holder Cast on 17 Stitches and Work in Siding pattern for six inches. Cast on 16 stitch and add in the 17 stitch from the holder Work on these 50 stitches for 2 1/2 inches Work 2 inches in Stockinet Switch to silver and work 2 inches in Garter stitch Switch to cream and work 1 1/4 in Pattern Switch to silver and knit 2 inches in garter stitch Knit 15 stitches ( put these on a holder) cast off 20 stitches and knit remaining stitches Knit remaining 15 stitches in garter stitch for 4 inches then place on stitch holder Re- attach yarn to 15 stitch on holder and work in Garter stitch for 4 inches. Knit 15 stitches Cast on 20 stitches and knit on 15 stitches from Stitch holder. Work in garter stitch for a remaining 2 inches Switch to cream work in Stockinet stitch for 2 inches Knit 15 stitches ( put these on a holder) cast off 20 stitches and knit remaining stitches Knit remaining 15 stitches in garter stitch for 4 inches then place on stitch holder Re- attach yarn to 15 stitches on holder and work in Garter stitch for 4 inches. Knit 15 stitches Cast on 20 stitches and knit on 15 stitches from Stitch holder. Knit for 4 inches in Stockinet Knit 17 stitches ( put these on a holder) cast off 16 stitches and knit remaining stitches Knit remaining 17 stitches in Stockinet stitch for 6 inches then cast of Re- attach yarn to 17 stitches on holder and work in Stockinet stitch for 6 inches and cast off Just like the back panel you need to sew a line separating the 7 and 10 inch sections You also need to sew a line to separate the porch roof section

Sew the top together Slide in your foam panels Sew up the sides and the window and roof sections

Step 7: Base & 2nd Floor

These are super easy Base: On mine you will see that i did the bottom in the siding pattern that is mostly because i was testing the pattern you can do it however is easiest for you it wont be seen much. Cast on 50 stitches With cream knit 12 inches in Stockinet stitch With brown knit 4 inches in Stockinet With cream knit 10 inches in Stockinet stitch Sew together the ends Slip in your foam and sew up the sides Second Floor Cast on 50 stitches Work in Stockinette stitch for 20 inches Sew together ends Slip in foam Sew up sides.

Step 8: Make the Trim and sew it on the windows

All of the trim is made by knitting 4 stitch sections in garter stitch as long as you need them. You will need. 2- 12 inch sections ( these are the windows) 2-14 inch sections ( these are the slopes of the roof) 4-10 inch sections (These are the top and bottom sections of the roof on the front and back) 2- 15 inch section ( this is the porch roof and door trims) 1 - 16 inch section ( this is for the roof window) You will see in my pictures that i sewed all of my trim on last but it was difficult this way so i suggest doing the windows/ door and porch roof now. I found the best way is to sew the strip in a circle and pin it to the window frame then slide the need from front to back catching both sides of the trim. Go around the whole window frame in this manner, make an knot and weave the end into the frame.

The door and porch are the same just dont sew them in a circle. This is also a good time to make and sew on a door. All you need to do is use some plastic canvas and cut it 6 inches by 2 1/4 and decorate it with yarn and a button then sew it in place.

Step 9: Sew it all together

There is more than one way to skin a cat but here is the order i did it in

1. Sew 2nd floor to one side panel

2. Sew 2nd floor to other side panel

3. Sew sides of front panel to sides of side panels

4. Sew roof of front panel to side roofs

5. Sew Back to Base

6. Sew Base to house

Step 10: Add some ties and a handle

On each side of the roof sew two 12 inch sections of ribbon ( thats 4 total) on the front panel sew on a loop. I actually went back and ended up sewing a loop on both sides it made it sturdier

Step 11: Spice it up with trim.

Use your remaining Trim pieces to slip stitch over the seams and sides of the roof I just sewed through the ribbons but you can sew around them if you prefer.

Step 12: Tie some bows and your done.

Now you will just lift up the back portion and Use the ribbons to tie bows and Tada. You now have an amazing Doll house.

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